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Posts posted by Magda

  1. Her heart raced as she leaned back and cursed. "I'll never get used to that!" It wasn't the first time she'd been scared by the sudden appearance of a grey window in her line of sight and it probably wouldn't be the last time. Once more the fiery redhead let out a series of low curses before her gaze settled anywhere near that menu. When she finally looked at it though her expression went blank and became extremely difficult to read. "A quest," she muttered under her breath. Magda suddenly fell back flat on her back. Her eyes focused on the green expanse of the canopy that rested high above her. "It was just a quest." This time her voice was more audible and possessed a bit more life in it. At first she felt relief wash through her like a torrent when she'd realized that the look alike that she'd killed was in fact not another player. She wasn't a murderer because that thing was no different than one of Queen Bee she'd killed alongside her brother. Slowly her eyes closed though as that relief was subdued by the remnants of the grief that plagued her only a few moments ago.

  2. "Wait what?" Magda took a step forward. Even when she closed her eyes it was like the image of her clone was seared into them so she couldn't seem to escape that gruesome image. Who was that? Why did she look like her? These questions and many more plagued the redhead's mind as she stumbled to the right and leaned heavily against a tree. Magda visibly shook as she stood there. For a long while she remained silent. She'd killed plenty of the Mobs in this place but to have killed one that looked so real and not to mention it had her face. Her mind had finally registered that it must have been some form of Mob. There wasn't anyway for another player to take on her appearance was there? She just couldn't believe that it was a player. Her hammer slipped form her grasp and she lifted her empty hand up towards her face as she looked at it. She almost expected it to be stained with blood. Like any fight she'd ever taken part of she simply acted and allowed her adrenaline carry her. She didn't stop to think that Gemini might have been another player. She just didn't know how to process it. It was then that a small grey window popped up n front of her and made her fall back on her rump.

  3. Her eyes narrowed as she read through the message her dear brother had sent her. She was to go up to the fourth floor and go to his forge to get the equipment he'd made for her. She let out a low sigh and seriously considered sending him a message back just asking if he could bring the stuff to her but she opted not to do that. Once she'd relayed the message to Michiko she stepped onto the teleport pad and in a loud and clear voice said, "Teleport.. Snowfrost." The transition from one floor to the next always left her a little dizzy so she stumbled forward a few steps before she regained her balance. At least this time she knew exactly where she was meant to go. The tall redhead took off in a dead sprint through the town and towards the large tent that housed all the tools and forge that Mack required to carry out his craft. Blacksmithing really suited the big oaf due to his stature, and she mused that it probably suited her too. She might have gone for it but ultimately decided to become a fisherman after she'd been lured in with the rumor of a legendary fish monster that had never been caught before.

    When she finally burst through the tent's opening the woman had her hands tucked under her arms and jogged closer to the forge in order to push the chill that had invaded her body cast and cast it out. She clearly didn't look amused but she was getting outfitted. Gear meant she would be able to finally leave a safe zone so she just grinned and bared it. At least for a little longer. "You called?" Her tone was soft but loud enough for Mack to hear it. She made sure of that.

  4. Magda started to say something in return for Samriel’s statement but the more she thought about it the wider her grin grew. Would she brag if she had all of that stuff? “Mmm. Probably not, I would sooner boast over my own prowess than what gear I have.” She offered her Shield Sister a shrug of her shoulders but it was clear that she was amused over it all. She wasn’t really aware that to get a unique item you had to put your life on the line against a very dangerous floor boss. Regardless as she swam out she noticed that Mack seemed to garner Samriel’s attention which only made her grin grow all the wider for it. She’d leave Samriel be for now and alone with her brother. The guy was quick to say that he could in fact swim. It was just that he sought to relax first, but his tone quickly changed as his statement was slightly flirtatious and was only enhanced by the wink. “Is that so?” Magda kicked back into the water on her back as she waded out further. Her eyes never left the man as she offered him a slight smile. “Then you won't have any trouble keeping up right,” she asked him. Right as she started to turn around she gave him a quick wink before she turned over completely and started to swim out further.

    While she turned she got a brief glimpse of Mack's gaze locked a bit lower than where Samriel's eyes were and she grinned. She would have stopped when she heard Mack's warning he called out and she could only assume that it was directed towards the guy that she coaxed out to go swimming. A pike? Really? She wanted to laugh at that but figured if that scared the guy away then he really wouldn't be able to keep up with her. She cast one last look over her shoulder to see if he followed or not. Once she hit the center of the hot spring she'd stop and simply wade there.

  5. I like the way you think,” Magda said with a laugh. “Pixels of our enemies,” she mused. She continued to listen idly while the two talked about the specifics of today’s schedule and the more the was silent the more the considered what Mack had said earlier. Even when Mack’s gauntlets illuminated their surroundings in a dim light she didn’t say anything, but suddenly she stopped and her brow furrowed. “Wait… fourth floor… ‘snow’ beast.” Her words flowed out in a low tone that was barely audible but she stressed the O in snow for several several seconds. When Magda turned to face Mack it was a slow and deliberate motion. There wasn't any way she wanted to go back to that frigid place. She planned to debate the wisdom of pressing towards the fourth floor for today, or perhaps even try to reason with him to skip it altogether.  However, he’d started to talk about quest limits and such. The only thing she quickly added in was the word “Hammer,” when he mentioned sword arm.

    She idly pondered what would be so challenging about whacking a couple giant bats with her hammer but she wasn’t one to decline a fight. He made mentioned of the NPC child again that would appear once the bats had been vanquished. “Sounds easy enough,” she boasted in her typical confident tone. Then the bat came and swooped down upon Samriel. Magda's hammer was in her hand as she moved forward intent to intercept it, but was just too slow in reacting to it. Now that she knew Samriel was of sturdier stock Magda didn't quite lose it in her attempt to protect her ally. Instead she simply moved in as a crimson light flowed off of her weapon. The hammer was held low fully intent to bring it up and slam it into the side of the bat's head.

    With a quick shout the tall redhead closed the distance between her and the bat in short order. Her hammer rose and landed a solid blow against the side of its head only to be quickly followed up with an equally devastating blow. A wide grin spread across Magda's face as she watched its HP Gauge lower. "Over here you overgrown rodent."

    BD: 10 (+2 Dmg)
    CD: 5 (Regen +9 HP and >=6)

    Mack: 157/157 (38/38)
    Magda: 20/20 (3/5) [HATE: 2]
    Samriel: 15/16 (4/4)

    Giant Bat: 33/50 (Hit with Upper Swing (3+2)(2x1)=10)

  6. Magda smiled when Xion revealed that Mack wasn’t quite his type.  She silently mused that her brother was just too manly based on what he said. Well that’s how she interpreted it anyway. She walked along quietly while they spoke, but when Xion addressed her again she turned and looked. “Well of course I will be and consider me your rival tank,” she said with playful nudge of her elbow.  As for killing this boss,” she commented while she brought her hammer off of her shoulder and brought it to bear. “Let’s do this!” She grew quiet again when Mack started to give him some tips not looking like a girl but his voice trailed off when what she could only guess was the “boss” spawned off ahead of them. Of course her brother charged it first shortly after it spawned. However, not before he took the time to remind her that she’d die a quick death at its hands.

    After he’d unleashed a devastating assault that all but killed the thing he announced that it was time to come out and play. A wide grin spread across her face as she readied her hammer but failed to react before Xion had rushed in and she offered him a bemused look. “Gah I was too slow,” she muttered as she rushed in behind him. The boss was left ripe for the picking by his attack to its knee and Xion even announced that fact with a grin. His grin was met with a grin of her own as she ran in. Her hammer was held low and it started to emit a crimson light. Her hammer scrapped across the ground and her shield arm was raised in case this thing decided to attack. The instant she was within range her hammer swept up and slammed into the side of her opponent's head. She wasn't done though. Even as the Iron Guardian started to fall her hammer was carried around over her head so she could sweep it around for another attack. It slammed into the Iron Guardian's head a second time. She felt the sting of its Thorns but it wasn't long before her health replenished itself. She truly loved the gear Mack had made her and it brought a genuine smile to her face.

    The Iron Guardian continued to fall as its body fell apart and showered the area with blue shards of data. She wasn't happy she was only able to finish it off but she still felt rather exhilarated at having been given the chance to participate.


    ID:54012; LD: 9
    BD: (5 +1)=6

    Mack: 132/137 (5/33) [HATE: 3] 
    Magda: 20/20 (3/5) [Upper Swing](-4 thorns +9 regen[12 CD]) [HATE: 1]
    Xion: 68/72 (15/18) [HATE: 1] 

    Iron Guardian: /225 [Upper Swing: 3(2x1)=6 DMG] [Stunned]

  7. Magda grinned when Samriel asked if they could eat sooner. The redhead walked forward and clapped her hand against Samriel’s shoulder and leaned in close and whispered. “Don’t worry I have some bread stashed away if you need something to eat.” When she leaned away she spoke in a boisterous tone. “Adversity is the cornerstone that builds character and strength! Going a while without food won’t kill us.” Upon hearing Samriel’s question about the upgrade to bats Magda’s gaze shifted over to Mack. The response Mack gave only caused her grin to grow wider. The prospect of going through two more quests definitely thrilled her. There wasn’t a single doubt about that.  Silently she marveled over the chance to fight something again, and the mention of a Snow Beast definitely got her blood pumping. The sound of her grip tightening against the wrap along the haft of her hammer was just barely audible.

    Idly she wondered if she’d get to fight it as they continued along their way until they eventually came upon the mouth of a cave. Mack's gesture to let them go first didn't make Magda hesitate for even an instant. She walked right into the cave with her hammer resting against her right shoulder. She didn't travel too far ahead though as she did enjoy being able to see where she was going. "Alright let's do this."

  8. The Gemini's hammer started to radiate a crimson light which caused Magda's eyes to grow wide. "Crap," she muttered as her opponent rushed in and unleashed a Sword Art. Whether by a twist of fate or just skill that blossomed late Magda's shield arm rose and intercepted both strikes aimed at the side of her head. "Ha," she quickly shouted and thrust her hammer out and slammed it into her opponent's stomach. The Gemini reeled back as its eyes opened. It was a surreal experience for Magda as she watched her own body fall away and shatter into shards of data. The last traces of Gemini faded from existence. The final shard landed on Magda's arm and she had just enough time to watch it before it too faded. This wasn't nearly as fun as she thought it would be. Watching herself die dampened her mood and left her standing there wondering what had just happened. Did this make her a murderer? At the moment she still didn't know that was just a NPC.


    ID: 53985; LD: 9 [Concentration Skill]

    Magda (Mit: 18, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Regen: 9[CD:  (+9HP)]; Thorns: 14)
    HP: 20/20 [20 - (-18)]
    EP: 4/5 [5-1]
    BD: 6(5+1) [Hit; 3 Dmg]

    Enemy (Dmg: 2)
    HP: /20 [3-3]
    EP: 3/5 [5-2] [Upper Swing]
    MD: 3 [Miss]


  9. The two women circled each other as they kept a watchful eye for an opening. It was Gemini that made the first move. Her crimson hair flowed in the wind as she rushed forward and brought her hammer down in a short arc. It impacted against Magda's shield hard which sent a jarring sensation down her arm but didn't cause any damage. In fact her health hadn't dropped below full during the entire fight. She'd have to make sure she thanked Mack for it later. She stepped forward and brought her hammer around low but her foot snagged a root and caused the head of her hammer to hit the ground. The Gemini started cackling at that which made Magda leer at her opponent. "You won't be laughing for long." Gemini only grinned in response.



    Magda (Mit: 18, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Regen: 9[CD: 9 (+9HP)]; Thorns: 14)
    HP: 20/20 [20 - (-18) + 9]
    EP: 4/5 [5-1]
    BD: 2(1+1) [Crit Miss]

    Enemy (Dmg: 2)
    HP: 3/20 [3]
    EP: 4/5 [5-1]
    MD: 3 [Miss]


  10. Both women grinned at each other as they charged forward. Magda's hammer swept in but was knocked aside by the Gemini's shield. "Bah," she shouted and the momentary distraction prevented her from reacting in time as her opponent's hammer slammed into her right side. A curse slipped passed her lips and the Gemini smiled. When the Thorns enchantment kicked in though that smile quickly vanished along with the bulk of her opponent's HP gauge. "Not so confident now are you," Magda taunted. The expression on the Gemini's face contorted as anger flowed through her and she readied her hammer for another attack. "Careful or you just might kill yourself," Magda mused.



    Magda (Mit: 18, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Regen: 9[CD: 12 (+9HP)]; Thorns: 14)
    HP: 20/20 [20 - (2-18) + 9]
    EP: 4/5 [5-1]
    BD: 4(3+1) [Miss]

    Enemy (Dmg: 2)
    HP: 3/20 [17-14]
    EP: 5/5
    MD: 7 [Hit: 2 Dmg] <<Thorns Activate>>


  11. The woman's laughter started soft and melodic like a gentle breeze. However, it soon increased in pitch an intensity until she started to cackle. Her cloak was pulled from her body and cast aside and the sight that Magda beheld caused her eyes to grow wide. A name appeared over the woman's head that identified her as the Gemini. Magda lifted her hammer and pointed it at the woman. "Hey you look a lot," she started to say but she was cut off as Gemini finished her sentence. "Just like me." The woman charged forward and she looked identical to Magda right down to the grin that graced her face. Even her equipment looked the same. The hammer hit against Magda's shield. Her health started to drop but it immediately refilled as her armor's enchantment was activated. "Why you," Magda shouted as she slammed her hammer against the Gemini's side. She quickly winced though as she realized that her armor was the same so it likely had Thorns on it. When the damage never hit though Magda's eyes opened. Gemini had a twisted grin on her face as she started to circle around Magda. "Oh this might prove to be fun."



    ID: 53970

    Magda (Mit: 18, Dmg: 3, Acc: 1, Regen: 9[CD: 8 (+9HP)]; Thorns: 14)
    HP: 20/20 [20 - (4-18) + 9]
    EP: 4/5 [5-1]
    BD: 7(6+1)

    Enemy (Dmg: 2)
    HP: 17/20 [20-3]
    EP: 5/5
    MD: 10 [+2 Dmg]


  12. She didn't make it very far before she was encountered with a rather strange sight. A cloaked figure stepped out onto the path she'd been following. Its dark cloak's hood had been pulled forward so the person's face was shrouded beneath shadows. The strange thing was that there wasn't any name above its head. She stared at it for a few moments before the figure spoke and its voice was strikingly feminine. "Greetings fellow adventurer. Perhaps I could interest you in a duel?" The figure took a few steps to close the distance before she spoke again upon seeing the skeptical look on Magda's face. "Only for fun I assure you. No risk of personal injury or loss of items." The figure sent around a request for the duel. Magda frowned as she stared at it. The only reason she hesitated was that Mack had gone through great lengths to encourage her to stay safe and be smart about what she does while they were stuck in SAO. Eventually her interest outweighed her concerns and she quickly accepted the duel and quickly readied her gear. The woman suddenly started to laugh as a small countdown window appeared. Magda could only blink as she asked, "What's so funny?"


    HP: 20, EP: 5; Mit: 18, Thorns: 14, Regen: 9, Dmg: 1, Acc: 1


  13. Magda quickly glanced back over her shoulder before she set off. She wanted to make sure Mack hadn't come tearing through the floors in his hunt for her. Once she was confident he wasn't hot on her heels she left the village and walked towards one of the large columns that circled it. It looked ancient and had long since started to decay to the passage of time. Tentatively she reached out a hand and was a little concerned the column would collapse to even a subtle amount of force being applied to it. It felt rough beneath her touch. It never ceased to amaze her how everything here was susceptible to her senses just like things were back in the real world. A great deal of care had gone into creating this place. In its own way Aincrad was just like a piece of art. With one last look she pulled away from the column and moved passed it out into the vast jungle that spread out from Amazon like a vast sea of leaves. That what she figured it must look like from above anyway. The tense canopy above didn't allow for much light to be filtered through.

  14. No rest for the wicked or so the saying went. Mack was already intent on heading to their next destination to keep them on the path of hitting level ten by day's end. The head of her hammer rested against the ground with her hands resting upon the bottom of the hammer's haft to support her weight. The last traces of the ferocity she'd demonstrated earlier when she thought Samriel had been in danger faded from her expression. It was quickly replaced with the very grin that so often graced her features. "You can judge how productive your day was by how tired you when its over," she said with a quick shrug of her shoulders. The hammer was taken in hand only to be rested back against her right shoulder. Her shield remained secured to her left arm just in case. She wasn't a stranger to hard work and she planned to put everything she had into this. What else was she going to do with her time here? She was faced with two choices each day she woke here in Aincrad. She could either train or fish and she wasn't in the mood to fish just yet. The prospect of eating well when they returned though was enough incentive to plow through this day. Other than pushing her limits she also enjoyed eating. Since the harder she worked the more she ate. When Mack started to walk Magda looked at Samriel and smiled. Her eyes closed and she let out a soft chuckle. "Shall we?"

  15. Rather than playing it safe and staying on the first floor Magda had chosen to skip it entirely and head right on up for the second. When she stumbled out into the teleport plaza she arrived in the city of Urbus. The sprawling city that stretched out within a crater and it looked like something right out of dark fantasy novel. Magda had a huge grin on her face as she moved around the plaza and took in all the sights. It wasn't often that she managed to get out on her own and now that she was she could actually take her time and see what this town had to offer. Lately she'd taken to wearing the armor her brother had made for her everywhere she went. Armor that was fashioned to mark her as a member of the guild Mack had dragged her into joining. Her shield and hammer were both in an "at ready" status, ready to be equipped at a moment's notice. No matter where she went she always drew attention to herself. If it wasn't her height it was the air of excitement that seemed to roll off her everywhere she went. She flitted from one shop to the next and that grin never left her face. Eventually though she did start to grow bored of just sight seeing and soon she found herself at the gate that would lead her out into the mountainous terrain that was home to no telling what manner of beasties. She was simply thrilled as she went to take her first step outside.

    ( @Grave )


    Equipped: Titanium Hide, Pride of the Blood Oath, Blood Rage


  16. "Oh?" Her eyes widened as she looked between Xion and Mack. That was an interesting revelation. Xion had feelings towards Mack? The sad part was it seemed like Xion's feelings weren't returned by her brother. "Then maybe I should tell you more about him sometime," she offered with a grin. Her brother started to speak but he didn't garner her attention until he asked if he was being paid for "babysitting" them. "What?" She stared at him for a few moments to make sure he was being serious. Of course he was being serious. Magda sighed as she patted Xion on the back. "Of course you'll be able to fight on that level one day. We both will." She offered her fellow tank a wide grin before she looked back at Mack and frowned. "Well if you really want to get paid for this I can pay you in old soggy boots. I've certainly caught enough of them to stock Michiko's closet ten times over." With her hammer resting back against her right shoulder she looked around. "So what's next?" 

  17. Name: Vita Yuppie
    Profession: Fisherman
    Rank: (1) Young Fisher
    ID: 53758
    Roll:  LD: 16 [Small Fish]; CD: 8 [Uncommon]
    Item Type: Small Fish
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Vitamins: +1 LD for a thread
    Description: A small unimposing fish with grey scales with a hint of green.

  18. Madga stood on the pier of the lake she'd spent nearly the passed week at in her quest to capture and subdue the legendary fish. The fish that, according to what people said, could actually walk on land. A giant walking fish... she was not only excited to see this first hand but she wanted to be the one to kill the legendary fish. Her line was cast out and on the first try she brought back a relatively small fish. With a slight nod she added it to her inventory and cast her line out once more in hopes of being able to subdue that legend. What she brought back though was the one item that she had a bulk of in her shop, another soggy boot. Her head lowered with a sigh and she added the thing to her inventory. "So many boots."

    Day Six (3/28)

    1. ID: 53758, LD: 16 [Small Fish]; CD: 8 [Uncommon Quality]; +3 Exp Vita Yuppie
    2. ID: 53759; LD: 10 [Soggy Boot]; +1 Exp
  19. "Today," she muttered as she stood on the pier. For several moments she stared out at the water before her line was finally cast out. Long before she reeled in her first catch she had a sneaking suspicion of what it was. Once it broke through to the surface her eyes narrowed when she saw the boot on the end of her line. "Maybe I really should just closed own shop and sell boots," she mused. Her line was cast out again. This time it sat there for quite some time before she started to reel it in. What she got though nearly made her gag until she tossed it the dead and rotting fish back into the water. "Ugh."

    Day Five (3/27)

    1. ID: 53498; LD: 3 [Soggy Boot]; +1 Exp
    2. ID: 53499; LD: 13 [Dead, Rotting Fish]; +1 Exp
  20. (OOC: Whoops. I read that as combat die >_> My mistake there, and I wasn't aware on the -1 Acc for using a shield. I'll accommodate for that from here on out. Thank you for pointing that out Mack, otherwise I might have gotten in trouble. Luckily I rolled two nat crits so I would have hit regardless.)

    Magda's eyes widened when Samriel's attempt to hit the Queen "Bee" didn't prove quite as effective as she hoped. Her hammer missed its mark and that left her Shield Sister entirely too close to the Queen. Now at that moment it didn't occur to Magda that she had all the hate on this thing. The only thing that registered was that her ally had missed her attack and for all she knew was about to be attacked. All of the excitement drained from Magda's face in an instant. Her lips peeled back to reveal her teeth as her eyes lit up with a heated ferocity that she only exhibited when she fought to protect rather than for the sheer fun of it. The grass at her feet broke free from the ground as she pushed off her left foot had and raced forward in an attempt to intercept the Queen before it had a chance to react. While she managed to close the distance it was futile as the Queen "Bee" was solely focused on Magda and not Samriel.

    With a tight grip on her hammer she swung her arm put parallel to the ground and brought the hammer down in a tight arc. The clawed head slammed into the side of the Mob's head and sent its HP gauge plummeting by a good fraction. The Queen was not caught unaware though. It's stinger shot out and slammed into Magda's exposed ribs and sent her reeling back from the impact. By the same token the Queen effectively countered the attack but by doing so depleted the rest of his health as it struck the redhead. Meanwhile Magda's HP gauge dropped another small fraction only to suddenly refill without warning. The fiery redhead's shoulders heaved as she breathed heavily. Her eyes narrowed as the Queen "Bee" fluttered its wings one last time before its body broke down into shards of data. They did it. They vanquished the Queen and won the day. Though it was in no small part to the armor her brother had so carefully and wisely crafted. A fact that seemed lost upon Magda as she focused on regaining her composure.

    Magda (ID#53368)
    : 11-{12-18}+9=12 EP: 0+1-1= Mitigation: 18, Regen: 9[CD:9], Thorns: 14, Dmg: 3, Acc: (1-1) Hate: 6
    BD:  11 {10+1=}; = 3+2=5 Damage

    Queen Bee
    HP: 18-5-14= Damage: 12
    MD: 7 {Takes 14 Damage from Thorns and dies}
    Magda > Bee > Samriel

  21. Spoiler

    An NPC with no name appears before you when you are adventuring. He challenges you to a friendly duel and promises magnificent rewards if you win. However, once you begin the duel, you realize that it is a duel to the death! His name appears and he is revealed to be the Gemini, and then he transforms into you. He has the same HP and skills as you. If you win the duel and kill the Gemini, you gain the skill of <<Concentration>> if you roll a 1-17 on your loot die at the end of the battle. This adds a +1 to the attack it is used for, but has a 5 turn cooldown period. If you roll and 18-20, you can the <<Disguise>> skill. It temporarily transforms you into the other enemy, giving you a +1 on your combat die and them a -1 on their next action. It only during your and his turn, and can only be used once every twelve turns.

    Good luck Players!



    -RP must be at least [2]  (21 or more posts)
    -This RP is SP only
    -Must defeat Gemini

    Gemini Information:

    The Gemini has all your skill levels and your HP, but uses a vanity version of your equipment without the enhancements (though skill bonuses still apply). The Gemini uses sword arts too, so their base will be multiplied using your mid tier weapon rank multiplied. Use this table for an exact amount to use.

    Your Weapon rank Gemini Damage Multiplier
    0 1
    1 1
    2 2
    3 3
    4 4
    5 5


    1. You will be gifted with the extra skill <<Concentration>> if your final post completing the battle has a loot die roll of 1-17, or <<Disguise>> if your loot die roll is 18-20.
    2. You will gain 3 Skill Points

    This RP is SP only
    Recommended Level: 6

    "Now this is more like," she exclaimed excitedly. Not only was the jungle on this floor warm but the village here was practically made for the one often referred to as the amazon. The fact that the town was named Amazon and was full of nothing but women was just more icing on the cake. Her grin spread ear to ear as she looked around at the various wooden structures and tents that comprised the town. Giant old stone columns encircled the small town like a protective barrier. Magda bounced in place as she looked around. "That settles it! I've found my favorite floor!" A few of the NPCs looked her way as they passed but she paid them little to no attention as she immediately run towards the village's exit. She was adorned in the very armor her brother had crafted for her. From neck all the way down to her feet her body was clad in titanium armor stained white. The trim was a similar shade of red as her hair. The large tower shield strapped to her left arm looked smaller than it should have considering her stature. Like her armor it was made form titanium and had been stained white. The shield was bordered in red and a cross fashioned from an allotment of rubies separated the white field into four. She was finally free to move about on her own. Well the truth was she sort of sneaked her way to freedom the first time her brother's attention drifted elsewhere.

  22. Briefly her attention was drawn away from her conversation with Samriel by the sound of Ratatosk going off on her brother about there being girls here. Briefly her expression shifted as she wondered if he thought this would be nothing but a party of guys out here which immediately made her think he just batted for the other team. She dismissed the situation with a shrug of her shoulders. A brief look at Mack showed that he was still with what the woman who she could only imagine was his girlfriend. Then some sort of fire bird dragon thing flew up into the air and wrote a message that asked how everyone was doing today. Magda chuckled and clapped her hands at the display. Then something strange happened and while she didn’t hear what was said Mack suddenly seemed to get cold feet as he quickly ducked behind the Commander who the Vice Commander had been engaging in conversation before this little situation brewed. “What happened over there,” she muttered under her breath.

    She was pondering if she should go and see what had happened but then another redhead appeared with a very revealing swimsuit. Magda decided to just ignore everything else after that. She realized that she must seem was rude for ignoring Samriel who was right next to her. “Ain’t that the truth,” she said in response to the statement on saving Col. Seeking to simply relax the tall redhead leaned back in the water and spun herself similar to how the blonde next to her did. The statement she made about Mack just wanting to see his girlfriend in a bikini her eyes fell upon that woman in glasses again “Maybe, though he hasn’t made any mention of a girlfriend to me.” From the looks of it just relaxing wasn’t going to be easy when the bear cub went under the water. Magda let out a small sighs as she started to paddle over towards where it went under. Her attempt to go and save the familiar was apparently in vain when it surfaced again and tucked itself between the two women. Magda just shook her head and leaned back once more only to rifle her fingers through the cub’s wet fur. Briefly her gaze shifted over towards Mack. Samriel’s words rang true as it looked like he was genuinely in trouble but he hadn’t asked for her help and to step in now would just wound his pride. Now if someone took a swing at him well... that would be an entirely different story.

    A concerned look flashed over the redhead’s face as Samriel suddenly stopped talking and started to approach the shoreline with a sigh. She briefly spoke with a man trying to show him the wisdom of waiting to sell an item when there wasn’t any alcohol in his system. Magda mused over how kind that was for her to do that though the way the orange player reacted showed that he didn’t seem to care for the concern she showed. A frown settled over her features as she stood up and started to walk through the water with a sight purpose behind her step. “Silly girl,” she muttered under her breath. Was that how this guy treated someone who only seemed to want to save him from making a deal while he was drunk? Her usually happy go-lucky expression had all but vanished. The expression she adorned then was one she used to take on when someone had tried to bully one of her siblings. It was one that Mack would likely recognize with nothing more than a glance. As she started to reach shallower waters her shoulders breached the surface and soon the rest of her body followed with each step she took. Since her brother had thrown her in before she could remove her clothes she just went with it rather than trying to switch them out. Due to that her teal tunic and black skirt were soaked and clung to her body more than she would have cared for. At this point though that fact barely registered.

    What do we have here," she asked as she got close enough. "It's been a while since I've seen a regular rich playboy in action,” she said as she attempted to reach out and wrap an her arm around Samriel’s shoulder. “Let's go, Chewie seems like better company anyway.” Magda flashed Ssendom a quick grin before she tried to encourage Samriel to follow her back out into the water. “No matter what you say, playboys are always so flippant with their money. Especially when they want to brag about all of their toys.” She would have just tried to drag Samriel away then and there if it wasn't for the fact that the confrontation between Mack, his possible girlfriend,and the Vice Commander had reached some form of climax. It ended with the Vice Commander excusing herself from the party and while she didn't hear everything that was said she immediately pinned the blame upon the burly shoulders of her big oaf of a brother. She gave him a meaningful look as if to say she intended to share words with him later. Just as she went to return her focus on the oh so warm waters her gaze stopped upon Grave. The shirtless man simply sat on the edge of the shoreline as if he had nothing else to do. "Can you swim." That's all she said when she turned around again. The only gesture he received was a brief nod of her head towards the spot where she originally floated around and relaxed. If he chose to follow or not remained to be seen. So long as nobody tried to stop her Magda would simply kick off and start swimming out towards the center of the hot spring.

  23. There was a smile on her face throughout most of the time she spent in the central plaza directing the other players to where they needed to go. That is until the player who was nearly two feet shorter than her walked up and demanded answers from her. At first she didn't respond. She stood there and stared at him. Her smile slowly turned sour and she was just about to speak her mind before another player walked up. This one showed a considerably more tact that the other. She gave him a brief nod to confirm that she was indeed Magda but rather than answer his question where the kid who made a demand rather than ask she gestured Warg to lean in closer. So long as he didn't take any exception she leaned in and whispered close to his ear. "Stand on the teleport pad and say Teleport Snowfrost. Head through the town and keep going until you find a tent. That's where you need to go. Don't feet the bear. Don't leave the safezone." Unless the man made her say it from a distance she took special care to make sure the rude one didn't overhear. She then stepped back and smiled at Warg before she looked at Kroshma and her smile withered. With a slight nod of her head she gestured towards Warg and simply said, "Follow him."

    @Warg @Kroshma_Tokran

  24. It was the start of another day. The weather was beautiful and the skies clear. I walked down to the pier with that old fishing rod in my hand. The waters were still as I looked out across them and the surface was only disturbed by my line as I cast it out. Several minutes pass before I felt something tug on my line so I quickly started to reel it back in. My expectations were high but all I was rewarded with was another soggy boot. I grumble and say, "Well at this rate I will at least have the largest selection of footwear in all of Aincrad." I cast my line out once more and wait with baited breath. My line moves again but I wait. I don't reel it in just yet. It goes taught again but still I wait. On the third pull I start reeling that sucker in and... I end up with another boot that matches the first one. I let out a hearty laugh. "I guess I could sell boots alongside the fish."

    Day Four (3/26)

    1. ID: 53247; LD: 9 [Soggy Boot] +1 Exp
    2. ID: 53248; LD: 2 [Soggy Boot] +1 Exp
  25. The two most renowned tanks were Tristan of the Azure Brigade and their very own oh so elusive Commander Heathcliff? All that told her was she could rise up to become one of a small group of tanks. Opal went on to account on a woman she’d seen fighting during her first floor raid who wore three pieces of equipment rather than with a weapon. That was a rather intriguing thought. The more she thought about the more her brow furrowed. The Vice Commander only saw this woman during her first floor raid? That begged the question of why? What happened to this woman? Now Magda was rather straightforward and often spoke her mind but even she had her limits. Usually there was only one reason why a fighter stopped fighting. Either they were dead or they just simply couldn’t fight any more and in this world where injuries weren’t permanent that mean only one answer that truly fit.

    The mention of the three skills she’d need perked Magda back up and the mention of weapon skills at times being mixed in with a tank core but those who do aren’t true tanks slowed her pace. “I had hoped to use my hammer to either stun or paralyze the opponent but I suppose since I would be working with a group that task could be left to someone else,” she said offhandedly. “If you think that’s a bad decision I wouldn’t mind changing my plans. I do want to become a true tank.” When Opal talked about support players it made Magda think of her Shield Sister, Samriel. She smiled as she thought about that young blonde who put all of her skill points in first aid while she made sure to listen to what the Vice Commander had to say. Apparently Mitigation was the main focus of a tank which caused her to nod slightly.

    She pondered over this while the other two discussed the weather. While she walked Magda grossed her eyes drifted down to focus on the ground in front of her. She was only drawn from her thoughts when Lawfer stepped closer and revealed that he couldn’t mess with Mack like that since she as his sister. Magda couldn’t deny that logic. “Yeah you’re right. He’d probably tear your arms off and beat you with them.” She let out a soft chuckle along with a slight shake of her head. Opal chose to scout ahead once more and Magda simply stared when she just up and vanished again. Now that was pretty impressive. When Lawfer suggested that they should move on Magda followed. She’d started to drift back into her thoughts when she suddenly realized that Lawfer had stepped within her reach and asked a question. “Huh,” she said initially almost like she was in a daze. “Oh. Everyone has been great so far.”

    She smiled as she thought about the few members she’d actually gotten to meet since her arrival. “So back to this tank business. Since my job would just to be to take a hit. I guess focusing only on Mitigation, Regen, and Thorns would be ideal?” She turned to look Lawfer in the eyes to see what his reaction to her question would be.

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