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Posts posted by Magda

  1. The first thing she noticed after the teleportation successfully transitioned her to the fourth floor was the frigid air that pressed in on her like an unwanted plague. Magda wrapped her arms over her chest as she rubbed her hands along her arms in an attempt to get warm. The blue light that surrounded her faded swiftly as she stepped out into the teleportation plaza of what could only be described as a quaint little snow covered village. Magda let out a low groan as she hopped on her feet as she often did when she sparred with someone back in the real world. Mostly out of habit but also to get her blood flowing to try and fight off some of the chill.


    Her crimson hair billowed up with each step and her eyes held a certain intensity in them as her gaze fell across her immediate surroundings. A light layer of snow covered the street as well as the roof of every small cottage in the area. Her gaze lifted as small flakes of snow landed against her lightly tanned skin only to meld quickly. It always amazed her how this digital body could relay such sensations as heat or in this case the lack thereof. She briefly disentangled one of her arms so she could get a better look at the crumpled up flier. She carefully smoothed the paper out so she could read it. In big print along the top of the flier these words were written: “The Wanderer’s Forge”

    There was a brief list of directions to the place so it wouldn’t be overly difficult to find it at least. Magda cast a meaningful look towards Michiko before she trudged off along the snow covered streets. A slight tremble passed through her body as she muttered, “Brrr… I really hate snow.” Her brow furrowed in frustration as she pondered why he had to choose such a location for a forge. Suddenly she stopped as something finally dawned on her. Madga’s shoulders dropped slightly as her body went still for the first time since her arrival upon the fourth floor… this Wintery wonderland. Where there was a forge there was fire… and where there was fire there was warmth!


    The snow around her feet scattered everywhere as she pushed off into a dead sprint directly towards where she thought Mack’s forge would be. She had no doubt that Michiko would keep up and the town was a safe zone so she didn't see any reason to be the "over protective older sister." While she might have gotten lost once or twice along the way but when she finally found the brown tent her pace only quickened. That's when she burst through the entrance of the tent and into the area. Upon entering she narrowly missed the three tables laden with weapons, shields, and armor as she spun around on her heel. Only to push off and dash for the forge. Granted she had to skid to as top once things got a little too hot and backtrack to a comfortable distance. Her hands were held out as her eyelids drooped while the glorious heat flowed over her like a mid-summer’s breeze. “ Ahhhh ." That was the sound of pure satisfaction.

    A moment later she seemed to recall where she was and ever so slowly her head tilted and her gaze sought out the familiar form of Mack. “Well hello dear brother,” her voice belied just how heated she was but her distraught nature was quickly outweighed by the fact she was just happy to see him with his eyes opened again. Even if it wasn’t his true body. The disgruntled expression she bore slowly softened as a smile played at the edges of her lips.

  2. aa73b094-c8ab-45f9-bb3e-f9675a71635c.jpg

    Username: Magda
    Real name: Glenda Mack
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Height: 6'5"

    About: History/personality
    While her stature was reminiscent of her twin brother her personality was something else entirely. Where he was anti-social by nature Glenda wasn't by any means. She did share of similarities beyond their remarkably red hair and large stature. She was loyal almost to a fault when her family was involved. She spent most of her life looking out for them in one fashion or another. However, often it wasn't anything overly overt since Mack took the lead in protecting their younger sister. So instead she simply enjoyed her life through school and after she moved away for college. Though she quickly flunked out as she discovered academics just wasn't her forte. Unlike her siblings she never really got into the whole gaming experience. Instead she focused almost exclusively in her career as a fighter. After all she was way better with her fists than her head. When Stephen enlisted in the Army she was left in charge of protecting their younger sibling. Though before she really got the opportunity as Michiko was either traveling about or was in college.

    Her heart was heavy when she learned of her brother's fate and quickly tracked down Michiko in hopes of acting like the older sister she was meant to be. Only to find her under the same spell as her brother within the NerveGear. After some research on the matter she eventually acquired her own gear and a copy of SAO in order to log in, in hopes of finding a way of waking them up even if she had to use her own body as a test subject. When she first delved into that world she had no idea what she was in fort. At first she nearly entered in her real name, but she remembered reading somewhere on how that was usually frowned upon. With nothing coming to mind she simply took a portion of her first and last name and came up with Magda.

    Loyal: Growing up with a brother right from birth had a way of instilling a sense of camaraderie. A trait that Glenda continued to foster throughout her life. She was fiercely loyal to her family and would jump into any situation without a second thought if it meant she had their back. The odds simply didn't matter to her.

    Protective: The fact that she was loyal to her family had a way of putting her in situations of making a choice. Either she could sit idly by and watch as they were in trouble or step in and do something about it. And Glenda was nothing if not proactive. She was quick to fight for her siblings against any perceived threat.

    Straight forward: Glenda has a tendency to be both honest and open without reservation. Her straight forward nature can be both a blessing and a curse since some people just don't know how to handle someone without reservations.

    Confident: Due to her lifestyle as a professional fighter Glenda gained a rather unshakable sense of self esteem. When she approached a problem or opponent she didn't think of how she could fail she thought of how she would overcome that challenge.

    Brash: Due to her straight forward nature she can often come off as rather pigheaded and rude when she has her more brutally honest moments. Which can happen quite often.

    Over-Confident: Being confident can be a large boon in life. However, too much of a good thing can always be harmful to a person. For Glenda that was her unwavering confidence in herself. It often saw her charging into a situation without knowing all the details with her fists swinging. No challenge was too large for her.

    Inexperienced: Unlike her siblings Glenda never got into online gaming. She tried her hand at console gaming of course but after she flunked out of college her attention went more towards her career than what she viewed as a hobby. Due to this lack of experience she's often frustrated when she can't figure out how things work within SAO. However, she masks that frustration with confidence.

    Profession: Fisherman - Rank 2 [Custom Fishing Rod: +1 CD] (4 Crafts a Day)


    Exp: 82 / 160

    Skills (33 / 35 SP)


    » Heavy Armor [Rank 1] (5/13)

    »Concentration Skill [Rank 0]
    » Howl [Maxed] (10)
    » Block [Rank 2] (13/33)

    Weapon skills:
    » One-Handed Hammer [Rank 1] (5/13)

    » Basic War-hammer, 10 bread, 15 water, vanity clothes
    » Matriarch's Stinger
    »Greater Elixer(x2), Greater Health Potion(x2), Guardian's Tonic (Link)

    • Titanium Hide (Heavy Armor[Rare], +9 Mit, +9 Regen): A set of titanium armor that has been dyed white and trimmed in red, the color scheme chosen because the wearer is a member of the Knights of the Blood Oath. It includes a breastplate, greaves, and boots.
    • Titanium Hide Upgrade (Heavy Armor[Perfect], +18 Mit, +9 Regen): A set of titanium armor that has been dyed white and trimmed in red, the color scheme chosen because the wearer is a member of the Knights of the Blood Oath. It includes a breastplate, greaves, and boots. [Equipped] Link
    • Pride of the Blood Oath (Tower Shield[Perfect], +9 Mit, +14 Thorns):  A sturdy titanium tower shield with its face covered in pure white alabaster with a crimson cross worked onto the shield's face in a line of rubies. [Equipped] 
    • Blood Rage (1H Warhammer[Rare], +1 Dmg, +1 Acc): A sturdy clawed warhammer that's been dyed such a deep shade of red that it's almost black.
    • Blood Rage [Upgrade] (1H Warhammer[Perfect], +2 Dmg, +1 Acc): A sturdy clawed warhammer that's been dyed such a deep shade of red that it's almost black. [Equipped]

    » Materials: 36 T1

    » Col: 3422

    Floor 1-10 (10 Complete Threads)


    » [PP-F4] Family Reunion - In Progress
    » [PP-F1] A Late Christmas - Complete
    » [PP-F1] The New Contender Has Gone Fishing?! [Mack] <<Earning A Living>> - Complete
    » [PP-F9] Testing one's mettle <<The iron guardian>> [Tag Along] -Complete
    » [PP-F2] Three Of Them?! <<Long Live the Queen>> (Michiko, Magda) - In Progress
    » [PP-F4]  Hot Springs Party - Complete
    » [PP-F2] Queen Beedrill (Mack and Samriel) - Complete
    » [PP-F2] Spelunking Expedition - In Progress
    » [PP-F7] The Amazon and the Dragoon [Lawfer & Opal] - Complete
    » [PP-F6] Beyond the Waterfall <<Dungeon Dive>> [KoTB] - Complete
    » [SP-F6]  <<The Gemini>> Another Sister?! - Complete
    » [PP-F2] Learning to Farm [Grave] - In Progress
    » [SP-F1] Lost and Found: Part 1 - In Progress
    » [PP-F1] A Dirge for Azide, A Hero of Aincrad [KoTB and Company] - Complete
    » [PP-F7] Armored Up - Grandmaster Thread - Complete
    » [PP-F1] Runnin' Low on Smokes [Ronin] - In Progress
    » [PP-F10] The Banshee's Curse <<Wail of the Banshee>> - In Progress [Uncertain]
    » [PP-F7] Temple Secrets [KoTB- Opal, Calrex, Greg Baxen] - In Progress
    » [PP-F6] Welcome to the Jungle [KoTB- Opal, Lawfer +1 Other] - In Progress [Uncertain]
    » [PP-F4] Gossip Girls [Opal, Jevi, Snow] - Incomplete
    » [PP-F5] Shadow Puppet <<Feeding the Enemy>> - Incomplete
    » [PP-F3] <<Feeding the Enemy>> To Catch A Fox [Magda and Lawfer] - In Progress
    » [Event - F2] Nerius The Evil Treant - Complete
    » [PP-F9] Scorched Earth <<Guardian of Fire>> - In Progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)
    » Mack: Twin Brother
    » Michiko: Younger sister

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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