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Nikki Styx

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Posts posted by Nikki Styx

  1. Nikki couldn't help but get the feeling something was wrong. Normally she had been very good at identifying problems other players may be having, Not that there were a lot, But Nine seemed to be having some sort of difficulty. She couldn't see his face, though she could hear his breathing. Usually when another player did some feat of skill or agility like leaping onto a roof they would breath faster, which she thought was silly considering, that they weren't actually breathing in the game. Instead his breaths were deep and drawn out, like he was trying to keep his head on, or was really lost in thought. He had wanted to do some leveling, and Nikki wondered if he would be OK to do so alone. If anything she could keep him company, and make sure he was alright.

    "Ya know I was just heading out to do the same thing." She lied with a cheery smile. "I guess I might as well tag along considering I dont rightly know the way."

  2. Nikki let out a sigh as Nine stopped. She hadnt wanted to chase him all around today, but sadly had nothing better to do herself. She caught up quickly, stopping at his side and smiling in as nice a way as she could. "You really are agile" She praised while taking a quick look around. The view from up here was much better than she had anticipated. The small chase had pushed the thoughts of who he might be from her mind, so rather than ask about that she found a more suitable question. "What are your plans today? Anything I can help with?" She desperatly wanted to provide assistance and not be thought of as a freeloader in the guild.

  3. I agree with you shard. It was a heart breaking episode, and showed very much how Asuna and Kirito, really were at the point of just wanting to be normal and raise a family. Watching Yui get taken away pulled a few tears from my eyes.

    On a side note... The Fatal Sythe got pwned bad... Yui was all like *BANHAMMER AWAY*

  4. Nikki watched as the other players joined up into the party, It was amazing how fast this kind of thing happened. In other MMO's she had been in it was usually a huge hassle to join an existing party, perhaps the fact that they were all here in a game of death made it easier. Regardless Nikki smiled at the new party members. It was at that moment that Nikki noticed another two females closing in. One had been very close, clearly hiding behind a tree, the other came out of nowhere and spoiled the other cover. "Jeez... The woods are full today" Nikki whispered under breath, for no one to hear. Right away she noticed one of the new players had blue hair like her own, though it seemed a few shades lighter.

  5. She hesitated a moment before pulling down her hood revealing her long blue hair and shaking Axels hand. She pulled up her inventory window and activated her shield, A moment later it spawned on her arm. It was in a serious state of damage, and looking at its own item stamina bar one could see it was nearly destroyed. "I need to borrow the skills of yer guild smith. I cant continue much further with this low level shield, and desperatly need a new one." She was aware of how pathetic it sounded to be asking for help, most people went and bought new things from the NPC's, but she needed something stronger than a baseline shield, She needed something forged.

    "I can pay... I dont have much, but you can have it all. I can kill things for you too."

  6. Suddenly as if out of nowhere Nine emerged from a nearby shop. Nikki was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the very person she had been thinking of, but smiled none the less. "Speak of the devil..." she thought pleasantly to herself. He had lept up onto a nearby roof, a feat of difficulty for most player. She was lucky however having had her Acrobatics skill would allow her to follow him. She took a couple of quick dash's to build up momentum, and then she bounced from wall, to awning, to veranda, to roof. In her eyes it was much more stylish to get a few quick leaps as a pose to one solid bound.

    She had wanted to see what her guild mate was up too today, see if she could help him with anything. That's what people were supposed to do, help each other. She made to follow him, catching sight of his name and stopped for a second. It was his name that seemed familiar, she had seen a gamer tag like that once or twice before. "Nine.. wait up a sec." she called after him.

  7. Nikki smiled as the boar pixelated and shattered. It had been defeated with no casualties, not that she would have let that happen anyways. She began walking towards the pair before she got a friends request. It seemed that Macradon, as his friend request ID'd him as was in a hurry to get back. While it was a shame he was leaving Nikki knew better than to stop people so she simply called out after him. "My Name is Nikki... see you around Mac"

    She now turned to look at the other girl. "Perhaps we should head back to town. May I buy you a drink?"

  8. Nikki could see the boars health dropping. Between the two of them it would be defeated in no time. For a second she contemplated helping them with the kill, but decided against it. At her level she would just end up killing it in one strike and end up taking all the xp and loot. Instead she decided it was best to keep a close eye on the situation and jump in if they needed help. She held her spear and shield tightly ready to go at a moments notice.

    A smile crossed her lips as she watched the woman activate her sword skills. She was going to be ok after all Nikki thought pleasantly. "C'mon guys, you got this..."She called out to them.

  9. Nikki was dumbfound as the girl took another attempt at the boar. At least this time she was activating her abilities, doing it properly as it were. Perhaps they had gotten through to her? maybe the point had come across? Nikki shook her head as she turned to watch everything unfold. The male was using his own abilities very well, though she was unsure if he could beet her in a fight. This was just a silly thing Nikki had started doing in recent weeks, trying figure out who could beat her or not. It helped her trust people to say the least. She made a mental note to friend him after all was done as he seemed to be a very like minded person. Nikki watched now, pulling her spear from her inventory as she waited to see what would happen.

  10. Nikki stayed close to the girl, making sure that she made no further attempts to get herself killed. She held her shield up incase another MoB appeared somewhere, but kept a lot of focus on the male player. He seemed competent in his skill, and confident as well. This was good, it meant She could keep an eye on the girl better. "Alright... Be careful" She shouted back to his statement of trust me. Normally she wouldn't have, but that was in other games, games that didn't kill you. This was different and she would have to learn to trust people to stay alive.

    "What are you doing?... these things will kill you" Nikki half shouted at the girl, trying to get her to understand. This was dangerous and if she wasn't careful she would be dead. Nikki was unsure how to make this point stick.

  11. Nikki looked up to see the girl approach the boar in the same foolhardy manner. This time though another player interfered, parrying her strike and then attacking the boar himself. In doing so he had managed to pull agro and save the woman from another attack. Nikki smiled at the thought of another player actually helping too, it was proof that not everyone here was a all for themselves.

    She had no time to dwell on this though as the male had issued an order. "What about you?" She shouted back as she made a grab for the girl to pull her away.

  12. Nikki had been out looking for some night mobs. She had heard that the creatures of Aincrad were different at night, if not just a tad more dangerous. A she walked to through the field she noticed a player in the distance burst into pixels and fade away. "damnit" she thought to herself, if only she had been closer, or known someone needed help then maybe she could have done something. Not far away she noticed another player.

    The other player had raised her sword to challenge a boar. Normally a single boar was not much of a challenge to players, even a new player could beat one. But this girls stance was off, was she not even taking this seriously? The boar had charged and Nikki's heart jumped into her throat, the girl would be killed if she wasn't careful.

    Nikki charged foreword raising her shield as she did. Luckily she had been able to use sprint and managed to get to the other player before the boar. She turned sharply just as the boar got within range and smashed into it with her shield, stopping its attack. It bounced off the shield and backed up preparing to charge again.

    "What the hell are you doing!?!? Prepare yerself to fight" She yelled over her shoulder to the other girl.

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