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Nikki Styx

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Posts posted by Nikki Styx

  1. It was strange to wander the streets of a new city, But Nikki was happy to do so after having spent the first odd month or so stuck around floor 1. Today was an exciting adventure for her, visit floor 2 and explore it. She had been looking foreword to this for sometime, but had never had the time or resources to actually make the trip, but now here she was and it was everything she had hoped for. There seemed to be more life here. More adventurers trying to get through the game, real people trying to live real lives. It was sad to say that many of the people on the lower floor had given up and simply become part of the town, but this place was so different.

    She continued to walk along a bit further, making sure to keep her hood drawn high. She had managed to draw some unwanted attention from some fanboys earlier and she wished to avoid them from now on. Her half cloak had recently been dyed a dark blue color to match her overall theme, or at least the theme she had chosen for herself. She had also updated her clothing for this particular trip, having bought herself a new outfit to replace the old one she had worn since the beginning of the game. Now se wore a black dress with with a dark blue underlining and a white lacing along the bottom of the front. The front itself was very short coming barely halfway down her thigh, while the back drapped down almost to her feet. She also wore blue leggings and sleeves to match the blue trim. Nikki had topped it all off with a simple pair of black shoes and gloves. All in all the outfit was easy to move in and gave her her own unique style.

    Nearby she noticed a crafting station, one very similar to the one she had met her new guild mates at. Suddenly Nikki's thoughts drifted back to one individual she had met then. He had been the person actually crafting at the time, They called him Nine. He hadn't said to much, but the impression she had was that he was someone who she may have known, though from where she couldn't remember. Such a thing was always possible in a massive online world like this, though it did seem highly unlikely. She continued to think on this for a moment, not fully aware that she had actually stopped moving all together while she stared at the work bench.

    It was weird but Nikki had a sudden wonder as to what Nine was up to right now.

  2. Yeah... Well sort of. I mean instead of a dancer getting craft Mats from a profession thread they would get renown. It could use literally the same method for getting mats, just call it renown instead.... or even call it mats... but essentially use that system to apply for those performers

  3. So I guess that means Im a stripper... lol

    I was thinking that x could be a set amount and then you get the percentage that you roll off of it for yer crowd.

    X=Renown x Level

    Using myself as an example

    If I managed 10 renown off my professions thread given my current level the formula would be..


    Then if I were actually to go do my thing in a thread and rolled a 5 I would make 40% of 60.... so 24 Col

  4. I suppose stripping would be an option.... jk XD

    No the only reason I chose performer is for the higher level of agility that goes with it.

    Possibly instead of crafting materials for performers, maybe they get renown points that contribute to the amount of Col they make?

    For example lets say Nikki does her "Dance" for a crowd. The post would give her a craft roll. That roll is then applied to how many people are interested in what she is doing, and subsequently how much money she makes.

    1 - No one is interested and she makes no money

    2-4 - 20% of the crowd likes it and she makes X col

    5-6 - 40% of the crowd likes it and she makes X col

    7-8 - 60% of the crowd likes it and she makes X col

    9-11 -80% of the crowd likes it and she makes X col

    12 - 100% of the crowd likes it and she makes X col

    X can be determined by something else

  5. So as an example.

    Performer crafts a lute.

    Performer rolls a 10 on lute crafting.

    Now Lute might be able to inspire nearby allies when played within certain radiuses? Or grant the user some other ability?

    Im not sure if that's what you were getting at. If so its a neat Idea.

  6. The other girls had introduced themselves as Akua and swift. Nikki took a few moments to look them over, and generally assess them as best she could. Akua appeared to be considerably younger than swift, While it was nice to see young females interested in games, it was sad that now she would be stuck here. Swift appeared to be about Nikki's age and size, and during the fight had displayed a decent amount of prowess with a blade. Daeron had also introduced himself, but she already knew about him having been in his party. She wondered for a moment if he would think himself lucky to be alone in the woods with a gaggle of girls.

    Nikki took one more look around as if expecting another player to jump out of the woods, but none were present. "Alright... Im Nikki. Nikki Styx." She spoke coolly with an air of confidence. AS she spoke she flipped a few strands of her blue hair back over her shoulder. She took a second to pass her spear off to her shield hand and took a few steps towards the women with with her hand outstretched. As she got closer she noticed that Swift was fairly attractive, as well as was Akua, if not just a little young."So what brings you both out here alone?"

    After interacting with the women Nikki turned back and returned to Daeron's side. It was the move that made the most sense as she was in a party with him. She also felt as though she owed him a debt for saving her from those attacks with his warnings, so if things went bad she would protect him till the end.

  7. Nikki got back onto her feet a little slowly. She still had lots of health left, but she just felt an overwhelming feeling of defeat. Perhaps it was time for her to return early today, right after she killed this boar. She tapped on her body gently shaking free the dirt n dust that had dirtied her clothes after the last hit. She was amazed at how filthy she had become, and upon thinking of it she had hit the ground a few times already. she let out a sigh as she raised her spear and shield again. Now it was her turn to attack.

    It was almost like an explosion of energy that anyone watching her wouldn't have been able to predict happening. One moment she was standing still, and then without warning she was charging the boar with her spear held high. Luckily the animal had not gotten too far away from her and the gap closed quickly. In a moment she was upon it and she took the opportunity to attack now before it could prepare. With a small shout Nikki leapt into the air towards the boar.

    Rolling Dice

    1 Attack Fail Critical, Take 2 Damage

    2-5 Attack success, 1 Hit Combo, 2 Damage

    6-9 Attack success, 3 Hit Combo, 6 Damage

    10 Attack success Critical, 5 Hit Combo, 10 points of Damage plus Critical 10 Points of Damage

    Dice Roll = 7

    The attack was a success as three of the intended strikes landed on the boar. It let out a squeal as the system calculated 6 damage to add to the animals health bar. Moments later the bar disappeared and the boar along with it. As always Nikki got her loot notification, but she was not so interested in that right now. She let out another sigh as she turned to head back to the road. "Today is definitely not my day" her words were tired and sore, much like she was feeling at this point. It took her a couple minutes to get back to the road, and once there she opened her inventory, and pulled out her half a sandwich that she had been saving. There was no time better than right now to eat something. It only took her an hour to get back to the starting city.

  8. Nikki continued to back up, pulling the animal a little further from its herd. She had no intention of being ambushed like this again. It had been her mistake that had allowed it to happen, and she would not repeat it again. After a few more steps the boar stopped and pawed the ground with its hoof. This meant it was going to charge again, so like before Nikki crouched down preparing to defend against her opponents attack. She need to keep calm and focus now, Up until this point she had been letting her confidence and her own feelings get the better of her. All she had to do was keep focused and this boar would be no problem. She took in a deep breath and released it as the boar charged again.

    Rolling Dice

    1-3 Block Failed, Take 1 Damage

    4-7 Block Succeeded, No Damage, No Retaliation, Battle Heal 2 Damage

    8-9 Block Succeeded, Retaliation, 2 Damage

    10 Block Succeeded, Critical Retaliation, 4 Damage

    Dice Roll = 2

    The boar smashed into her shield again, this time Nikki felt her own guard break as she fell back onto the ground. The boar had run clean through her and she had been powerless to stop it. She could feel her own frustration welling up inside her with her failed attempt, but she had to keep control. If she lost it now she would make a mistake and that could be fatal. Instead all she had to d was dust off, pick up, and attack the animal herself. Nothing fancy, just get it done. She was also strongly considering going back to the city after this as today was not a good day at all.

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