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Posts posted by Rae_Amalia_Rose

  1. The blush on her cheeks lowered a little bit but some of it stayed as she began to calm down. "I-It's nice to meet you too, Lee Song-Fang." She said with a respectful bow of her head aswell. After her bow of introduction she looked back up at the man. "W-We should probably stand back up before we get walked over or something." Rae then said noticing they were still on the ground. She then looked around and noticed a bench right next to them and stood up, walking over to the bench and sitting down, crossing her right leg over her left and placing her hands in her lap. "Well you gonna come and sit?" She then asked.

  2. Rae heard the girl tell her it wasn't her fault. "B-but it was, I wasn't paying attention either." Rae said the blush still on her face. There was an awkward silence between the two until the other girl ended up complimenting Rae on her eyes and Rae's cheeks began to burn bright. "Th-thank you, I-I like your's too, and your hair, Your blonde hair and those hazel eyes are a perfect match for eachother." Rae said not even thinking of what she was saying until after the words came out of her mouth. And then Ray's cheeks turned even brighter in blush, to the point Rae hid her face behind her hands. "I'm really sorry for being awkward." Rae then apologized.

  3. Rae heard a voice come from infront of her and looked forward, noticing a man who had just taken a spot on the ground infront of her, his hands in his lap. Rae's cheeks began to glow with blush from embarrassment. D-did he just see me trip over nothing? Nnnngggg what should I say? Rae thought to herself a bit worried about making matters even more embarrassing for her. "I-I'm sorry for interrupting your day by tripping infront of you." Rae the apologized "M-my name is Rae Rose." Rae then introduced herself.

  4. Rae heard Kroshma say that he hardly knew himself, and that he was such a low level that he couldn't go out in the fields alone or he'd get killed. After that Rae's facial expression changed to a more saddened one as she looked down slightly. "I know the feeling, Can't really go out and explore without having someone there by your side." Rae said a bit quietly. But then she took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly and went back to smiling. "But on the best of things, Exploring alone can be boring so maybe it's a good thing that we have to travel with partners at our levels. I just became level two not too long ago." Rae then mentioned with a smile. "And what level are you?" Rae then asked.

  5. Rae looked up at the sky, watching the sun move through the sky. She made a sigh and smiled. "So nice out." She said to herself and took a deep breath and exhaled. After that she began walking through the streets of this vibrant game. She looked around at all the different faces, not paying too much attention to where she was going, and that's when it happened. Rae ended up running strait into another girl. his girl was just an inch taller than Rae was and had blonde hair and hazel like eyes. Blush of embarrassment began to form on Rae's cheeks and she immediately bowed in apology. "Sorry for running into you." Rae said before standing strait again.

  6. "Well it's nice to meet you Kroshma." Rae said with a smile. Rae wasn't too used to having to look down to talk to people since people were usually either her size or taller, but she wasn't going to mention anything about his size either. Or atleast, not right now since it didn't really bother her. She then heard him ask what she was looking for. "I ummm.... Just window shopping for the moment. I don't exactly know what I should be buying at my level." Rae told him. She then began to wonder. "What would you recommend?" She then asked curiously. 

  7. A smile formed on Rae's face when Ronin said that they may be able to work something out. "Okay." Ray nodded with a smile as she brought her hands from behind her back and stopped rocking on her heels. She then heard him say if she's serious about being his apprentice then he'd need to see what she could do. "I'm as serious as one can be." rae told him with a smile. "I'm up for any challenge you throw my way." She then told him. She then heard him mention that they should head out and search for materials. "U-Umm... The only way I can gather materials at the moment is PVMobs." Rae then told him. "But if that is your requirement then let's do this." She then said. I just hope I don't die in the process. She then thought to herself.

  8. Rae watched as he flicked his cigarette into the breeze and it burst. She then followed him inside of his shack where she almost tripped but caught herself. After that she heard Ronin tell her to mind her step. "You don't say." She said. "Working here might kill me. Do you know just how clumsy I am?" Rae then asked and then sighed. "But hey, a job is a job, right?" She then asked a smile returning to her face as she thought of the best of things.

    She then heard him begin to explain that she had to get her hands on materials and then bring them back to work on. "Sounds hard, but also not hard, all at the same time." She told him. She then began to look at his finish projects. "Well hey, atleast they're better than basic gear. Pretty sure a nube player would come in and spend coin on this stuff to replace his or her basic things." Rae then told him still being positive about it. "Man you just got to learn to work with what you got, you might not have a beautifully decorated shop, and you might not be the best smith around, but you are you, put a little bit of yourself in your works and it'll all fall into place." Rae then told him with a smile. "Are you looking for an apprentice of the sort?" Rae asked curiously as she placed her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her heels awaiting an answer.

  9. Rae heard him mention that each job had a little bit of 'hunting and gathering' in it and took note of that. "That's also nice to know." She then stated. Rae watched as he took another drag of his cigarette, and Rae being a non smoker began to become a little curious. "They smell bad, but do they taste bad?" She then asked curiously. She heard him ask if she'd like a look inside of his shack since she was interested in smithing. "Yeah, sure, I'd be delighted." She said smiling. "Lead the way." She then stated.

  10. Rae smiled as Ronin said that he remembered her from the blacksmith's tent. She then made a nod, yup that's me." She then said. She then heard him compliment on her name and she kept her smile. "I like your name too Ronin. It's nice to meet you." She then stated. She then noticed him take a look at her paper and mention that there were plenty of jobs. "Well that's good to know." She then said. She heard him mention his shack and look over his shoulder to see it. "Welllll..... It's better than nothing, right?" Rae said looking at the bright side of things. She then turned her gaze back to Ronin as he asked what profession she'd be interested in. "Well...... I was thinking either Hunter-Gatherer or Smithing myself." She stated with a smile.

  11. "Oh, hey, rude much?" Rae said as she stood back up and dusted herself off. "No I'm not some clown." She then stated. She then turned her gaze back to the man infront of her after dusting herself off and studied him for a moment. "You shouldn't be talking, You're not dressed the par either." She then stated and crossed her arms. After a few more moments of studying him she sighed and made a friendly bow. "My name is Rae Rose." She stated as she made her bow. After that she stood back up strait. "And may I ask who the man who I ran into's name?" She then asked curiously.

  12. Rae Rose was walking around the city of Aincrad window shopping at all the shops, looking for something that she could possibly buy. Wonder what I should get, Something that I'd need. Rae thought to herself as she looked around. She continued to walk around for a few more minutes until she ended up tripping over air again, but this time instead of falling strait down on her face she began to stumble forward until she ran into someone, and then she fell on her face. "Ouch." She said as she sat up and rubbed her face. She then looked up at who she ran into. "G-Gomen." She then apologized.

  13. Rae Rose walked down the streets with an add in her hand talking about jobs. Well, I guess I should find something to do in this game instead of just walking around and being a nube. Rae thought to herself. What am I talking about? I am a nube, I have no idea what I am doing. She then thought to herself before she caught a wiff of cigarette smoke, which surprisingly didn't bother her too much, even though she didn't smoke herself. wait, haven't I ran into a guy that smokes before? Rae thought to herself and looked up from the add and looked around till she noticed who she was looking for.

    "Oh hey." Rae said as she walked up to the man smoking. "I actually never introduced myself before. You offered to smoke with me but I never really got the chance to." She then said with a small friendly smile. "Oh hey, I found this application talking about jobs, you know any place I should look?" rae then asked the man. She then remembered that she still didn't introduce herself. "Oh god where are my manners? My name is Rae Amalia Rose." Rae then said with a respectful bow.

  14. Rae Rose was walking through the town when she spotted a shop. She remembered that she had just made 700 col today, 500 of it given to her as a gift and smiled. "Well I shouldn't let the Col go to waist, I should find something." Rae thought to herself. She went to turn a corner and ended up tripping on air, right infront of a stranger who was admiring his sword. Rae laid there for a few seconds before sitting up and sighing. "Damn me and my clumsiness." Rae pouted to herself.

  15. As Ray stood at the top of the hill she heard yet another voice coming from down the hill. W-What did he call us? L-love birds? Rae thought to herself as he cheeks began to grow with blush and her body stiffen. "N-No no, Not like that, We don't even know eachother." Rae then stated to the other boy. "I-I'm just a new player, looking fore friends and possibly some help getting used to the game and the areas within it." Rae said a bit nervous and getting a little shy. "I-I-I'm Rae, Rae Amalia Rose." Rae then introduced herself with a little bow of respect.

    Rae also noticed another boy sitting under a tree, just chilling there with no care in the world. "Hey, C-Come converse too." Rae shouted so he could hear her calling for him. She then looked at the others.

  16. Rae, Piratically a new player who had just hit level 2 today and was still confused of how things worked, Was walking up a hill, trying to get used to this floor so she knew where everything was. Her Naginata was strapped Diagonally across her back so she didn't have to worry about carrying it everywhere she went. Though she's still pretty much an easy pick since she still has no armor.


    As Rae was walking up the hill she noticed a boy and a Jaguar at the top and began to run up the mountain to see them. "Hey." She shouted and waved with a friendly smile as she made her way up the mountain. But then she began to slow her pace and brought her hands down to her side. Wait, why did I just do that? What if thinks of me as an enemy? Or worse, pvp bait?" Rae then thought to herself and then stopped mid way to the boy and jaguar.

  17. OOC: That's alright. Pretty sure we'll rp again.

    Rae was caught off guard when Ventus began to talk to himself. "What?" Rae asked curiously. "Who do you have to keep out of this?" She then asked but before she could expect an answer Ventus said he had to go and went off running. "W-Wait." Rae said pushing her arm out in an attempt to grab him but failed. She looked confused as to why he was running away from her. She heard him shout sorry and brought her hand back down to her side. "It's okay." Rae said silently to herself as she felt a little down that she had just lost a possible friend.

  18. Rae was caught off guard when when Mack tosses the Naginata in her direction. But thankfully she caught it. She looked at it for a moment, Swung it a few times to test it, and the held it close to her, in her arms. "Thank you." She then Thanked Mack with a smile. The Naginata was exactly what she was needing and looking for. "So you say it's name is Tsunami? Such an appropriator name for a pole arm that can both slash and stab." Rae said smiling. She felt a little more safe holding this weapon in her arms and bowed in thanks. "Thank you once again." She then thanked him.

    As she stood back up strait she heard him tell her that she shouldn't need to worry about a shield but think on if she'd want heavy armor. Heavy armor would make me less vulnerable to blows, but it will also make me slower, and with this thing I'd want something a little inbetween. Rae thought to herself. "I-Instead of heavy armor do you have somewhat of a medium armor like chainmail?" Rae then asked him.

  19. Rae heard Ventus apologize out of the random. "For what?" She asked and then looked around noticing the same store he saw and began blushing herself. She then quickly turned her attention back to Ventus. "Oh no no, It's alright." She told him. She then heard him say that she should probably buy a vanity item first that way she didn't look like easy "prey" so to say. And then watched as he bowed down in apology in what he said. "Gosh." She said gently forcing Ventus to stand up strait. "Don't apologize for calling me that. That's pretty much what I am right now, And though the truth may sting a little, you shouldn't apologize for pointing it out." Rae then told him.

  20. Rae looked at the sack that has just been offered to her and kindly took it from him. "Thank you." She thanked him with a smile and a small bow of appreciation. "That's very generous of you." She then said. "And I'm sorry that I scare you. I try not to be so scary." She then apologized with another bow of apology. "Another thing, I'm not sure what I should buy. I'm thinking something to do with Armor seeing I don't have any." Rae then stated and looked around for a black smith or an armor kiosk. 

  21. Rae Rose smiled when Ventus thanked her for telling him it was okay. She then gently removed her hands from his cheeks. "Yeah, the market sounds fine. It'd be good to know where it is once I have the currency for it. By the way, what is the Currency called in this game?" Rae went and asked a nube question. "And so I look like this girl who scared you alot? Well, I don't think I look too scary. Do I really look that scary?" Rae then asked curiously.

  22. "Did you like this girl? And I somewhat look like this girl so you can't help but blush when you look at me or something? Because by the way you're explaining things that's what I'm getting." Rae rose mention, a bit of blush still on her cheeks. She noticed him look away and sighed and she had to walk back in front of him. She then stood up infront of him, grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look at her. "Listen to me, Looking me in the eyes is not a bad thing, You shouldn't apologize for looking me in the eyes, or stuttering, or making un intentional comments. Because you are fine okay." Rae told him with a smile on her face.

  23. Once Ventus made a comment on Rae glasses she adjusted her glasses and blinked a few times. "Oh, I see." Rae said as she continued to look up at Ventus. She noticed that he was blushing alot at her whenever she'd talk and point things out. Which made her blush. "Why do you blush so much?" Rae asked curiously. "Do you like me or something?" Rae asked, half jokingly, half curiously as she played with her hair a little bit.


    (Sorry it's short, please forgive me.)

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