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Posts posted by Rae_Amalia_Rose

  1. Rae didn't take his question the wrong wa up until he apologized and then her cheeks lit up red. "You know, I wasn't thinking that way until you apologized. You set yourself up for that one." Rae told him and took a deep breath and exhaled as he blush went away. "I guess you lead, take me anywhere, I literally don't know where to go to see anything." Rae told him. "Yes, I'm just that much of a noob. I'm sorry." Rae said as she made another apologizing bow, this time for being such a noob.

    After the bow Rae stood back up strait and looked up at the boy. "Why do you stutter so much? Also, Why are you so nervous around me?" Rae asked curiously as she looked up at him.

  2. Rae's eyes widened and her cheeks brightened with blush as his comment about no holding hands came out of his mouth. She then heard him explain himself and calmed down a little, her eyes going back to it's normal features, but the blush remaining on her face as she listened to him apologize for looking at her. "You act like that'd offend me. I mean, after all it's not your fault you have to look at me like this. This is all I've got." Rae explained. She then took his hand and shook it. "My name's Rae Amalia Rose, nice to meet you Ventus." Rae said smiling and then gently letting go of his hand.

  3. "N-Nothing really wrong per say. But it's more of, I just started not to long ago and don't know what or where I'm supposed to be going or doing. And I was wondering if you wouldn't mind being a tour guide for a little bit and help me?" Rae asked, bringing her hands up to her chest and making prayer hands with a look of her hoping he'd say yes to helping her. She didn't want to go off and find another person so if he did end up saying no she was either more than likely going to pester him into helping her or follow him like a little lost puppy.

  4. Rae fell with the boy as he fell from her grabbing a hold of his shirt sleeve. After the two fell she got up as the boy got up. She noticed him bow aswell. "N-No, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention." Rae said as she bowed again. She watched as he began to walk away and began to think. Wait, I do need someone's help, And so far it's only him and the Blacksmith Mack that I have even conversed with. Even if it was just brief. I'd feel more comfortable with him helping that some other stranger. Rae thought to herself as she whipped around and ran to catch up to the boy before stepping infront of him, stopping him in his tracks.

  5. OOC: Setting is Aincrad, the starting city.


    Rae Rose was walking through the huge city as she had just started this game not too long ago. The pale white skinned, Dark red haired, Bright red and Bright green heterocromatic eyed girl; Who was dressed in little clothing and wearing rounded glasses looked around the city. She was shorter than most of the other players as she only stood at the height of 5'3" tall. Where do I go now? Rae thought to herself as she began to walk around the city for something that could possibly be an objective or someone who could possibly help her get used to the place, or help her at all.

    About 30 minutes of walking around Rae ended up not paying attention to where she was going as the sight of the huge city mesmerized her, and she ended up running right into a much taller, Blonde haired, Green eyed, Caucasian boy. Running into him made Rae stumble and flailed her arms to re catch her balance until she grabbed a hold of the boy's sleeve to keep herself from falling to the ground. After she did that she looked up at the boy and gently let go of her shirt sleeve. "S-Sorry." Rae saidand made a small bow of apology.

  6. OOC: @Mack None taken, As I get it's just rping.


    Rae looked around as she watched another person walk into the tent and up to the blacksmith. She looked at the blacksmith but just as she did he had thrown a cloak over to her and it landed on her, covering her from the top of her head downwards. She took a few seconds to get it from off her head and into her hands where she stretched it out to get a better look at it. After she did that though she had heard the blacksmith tell her to put it on so she wrapped it around her. After that she walked up to the blacksmith and made a small smile. "Hello there Mack." Rae Rose said with a small bow. "My name is Rae Amalia Rose." Rae introduced herself. She listened to him explain that he was equipping low leveled characters for free. "W-Well if you don't mind, I could use a better Two Handed Assault Spear. Something that's help me survive when being attacked, yet allow me to attack with a good force and impact aswell?" Rae asked curiously.


    After that she looked over at Ronin which had just gotten praise from the blacksmith and made a smile to him aswell, and also made a small bow towards him, trying to be friendly to the guy who was just given praise, yet still being a bit shy towards him since she didn't exactly know what he would do to her. But there was a scent coming from Ronin that she could not mistaken. "Cigarettes are death you know." Rae said in a soft voice to Ronin. "I'm not judging you, I know how bad addiction is and how hard it is to quit. I'm just saying. Addiction equals death." She then stated.

  7. OOC: Mack invited me since this was his rp, so please don't yell at me.


    Rae Rose was walking through town when she noticed a guy running out of a tent screaming. "Well then." She said with a smile on her face. She watched as the boy ran off, out of sight, then she turned her gaze over to the tent and looked at it for a few moments. I wonder what could be inside there that could have scared that boy so much? Rae thought to herself before walking towards the tent. She stood outside of the tent for a few more seconds, took a deep breath, and then walked inside.

    As Rae entered the tent she could see alot of people. She kept her mouth shut for the time being, being a little shy to the newer people. She never understood why she'd get shy seeing new people, she's actually very good at meeting and handling new people. It's just the fact that if she hasn't spoken to them yet then she doesn't know what they might do. "U-Ummm...... W-What is this place?" Rae asked in her soft, ear candy like voice to anybody who was listening.

  8. Profile
    Rae Amalia Rose

    Rae Amalia Rose

    18 Years Old

    110 lbs

    5'3" tall


    (It wasn't letting me drag the file so I posted the picture here, please forgive me is it's not allowed.)


    Rae Rose is a sweet, loving, and caring girl. Always has been since she was young. It's not hard for her to make friends wherever she goes but she's not good at having alot of friends, just a very few friends everywhere she goes, though making a few friends is good enough for her. She's never actually experienced falling in love, maybe because she never slowed down and spent time trying to find the one for her. She's a flirt though. And a little bit of the shy type.

    Rae Rose had just gotten half way through college whenever she had heard about the gaming world of SAO. She was going through college for IT and computer Programming so when she heard about the nerve gear it sparked an interest in her and immediately wanted to try it out.


    Loving: Rae Rose is a very loving girl towards her friends. She treats her friends with care and compassion. She's always there when a friend is in need and always keeps a keen eye out for them.

    Calm: Rae is quite the calm girl. She's able to keep her cool in stressing situations and stay calm under pressure, most of the time. If she ends up breaking then it must have been an extreme amount of pressure, or something that really gets to her.

    Helpful: Rae Rose is a helpful girl, she'll try to help people along her way to whoever needs help as she passes by. She'll try to help people even if she doesn't know what to do, She's just that kind of person.

    Adventurous: Rae Rose has always been up for a little adventure. She love to check out new places and meet new people. And maybe make new friends along the way. If she hears a possibility for a new adventure then she'll take it.


    Over Protective: Rae Rose is one of those very protective people towards her friends. Even though she makes very little of them, she'll do whatever she can in her power to help protect them. Even give her own life away.

    Adventurous: Rae's adventurous personality is both a virtue and a flaw. Because not only is she up for the adventure, but sometimes she'll take the adventure even if she knows it'll have a bad ending. It's just the kind of person she is.

    Flirtatious: Rae's flirtation personality isn't that big of a flaw, but it still falls under there for the reason that some people might take her flirting the wrong way. Or that she'll flirt with someone at the wrong time. Making it somewhat of a flaw.

    Shy: Rae Rose isn't too much of the shy girl, but she's not one to up and talk to a random stranger unless she's spoke to first, or unless absolutely necessarily. She's not the hide away kind of shy girl, but she can get quite silent when nervous. Her shyness isn't too bad but it is noticable as a flaw.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





    Weapon skills:
    » Two handed assault spear-Rank1 (5 SP invested)

    »Tsunami(Naginata)-Equipped, Diabolic Esper(Heavy Armor Chestplate), Basic Two Handed Assault Spear, Basic Clothing-Equipped

    Stored Gear: 10 bread, 10 water


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