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Everything posted by Piyo

  1. Who wants to pway with Piyo-chan!

  2. Piyo-chan is booooreeed! Who wants to pway with Piyo-chan?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Helios


      " He's mostly harmless. "

      That's a lie.

    3. XWuZHeAR


      Well X could use some diversity in the people he meets why not?

    4. Piyo
  3. Who wants to do a thread with Piyo-chan!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Piyo


      Who? Who-ray? Piyo-chan doesn't understand these big words 

    3. Shirien


      In short, you want to get armor from a quest or just do whatever on any floor?

    4. Raideus
  4. Moe is love!

    Moe is life!

    1. Shirien


      Indisputable facts of life!

    2. Avilon


      O.O *needs more*


    3. Ratatosk


      Menma is best loli

  5. Piyo

    Piyo's Journal

    Profile Username: Piyo Real name: Haruhi Yamaguchi Age: ?? (For RP purposes) Gender: Female Height: 4'7 About: History/personality Haruhi grew up in what is probably one of the most sheltered environments on the planet, meaning that she didn't know a wide range of topics. For example, she has no clue what human anatomy is. You could call it ignorance, or idiotic parenting, but I call it genius. Being raised like this meant she'd keep her childish mind, which later resulted in her becoming optimistic, a tinkerer-at-heart, and most of all, cute. One thing is uncertain about h
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