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Status Updates posted by Kekoa

  1. Anybody wanna quest with me? :)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Rain


      Sorry... playing some League while waiting for classes. xD

      was *

    3. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      Im just sitting here at work, reading my book and takin calls. No worries mate.

    4. Kekoa


      Just got inside from helping my mother in the garden. Sorry about the wait, guys

  2. Hey everybody, I'm new to the site. Kekoa just got approved! Looking forward to partying with some of you :)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Aster


      Aster is a little reclusive, but I'd be happy to party with you~!

    3. Kekoa


      I read that Asteria is looking to be a healer! Kekoa was really appreciate some advice from someone in a supportive class, since that's what he wants to do as well!

    4. Aster


      Yeeep! If you want to jump into an easy quest, or just do a social thread, I'm up for it! PM me if you'd like to start one :)

  3. I have loot failed about 7/9 times now and I am definitely salty about it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Takao
    3. Rain


      Yo that's some expensive ass salt. ~11 Euros?! bruh..

    4. Kekoa


      i don't need any more salt i have enough

  4. I've been a little inactive for the past week. Kekoa's back and ready to tackle some lame ass quests, yeah!

  5. Sorry I haven't been very active. I think Kekoa is going to take on the dream quest thingy.

  6. Would anyone like to party up with Kekoa to tackle some first floor difficulties? Warning: he's a little fluffball of happiness.

    1. Jazmyne


      You should PM me 8)

    2. Nikodemus_Blackwood


      I'm up for some questing

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