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Posts posted by Itzal

  1. Now that the subject had changed, Itzal could feel his body's tenseness unwinding.  It wasn't normally this bad but Kooh seemed to be an expert at this sort of thing.  He agreed with Kooh in the sense that it was the total opposite of monster infested.  The entire time he moved through the forest scouting, and even now he hadn't spotted one mob.  He noticed that Verus was completely oblivious towards the girls teasing.  He decided he'd rather be shy than be completely ignorant.  Deciding to ignore Adhae's comment, he heard Kooh's question and was surprised, and impressed, at her bluntness.  She didn't sugar cover, sneak it in the conversation slowly, or try persuading them.  She just up and asked.  He liked that.  He smiled as he turned to look at her again.

    "Join us eh?"  He observed her a second time.  Yeah she was pretty, but he wasn't really focused on that.  Despite Verus' comment about being a 'shorty' she seemed to be a little above average height.  Itzal seemed to be the only short one.  He was fine with that though.  Her weapons still drew his curiosity.  That plus the fact that she seemed to be a good climber too made him start thinking over multiple tactics and strategies with her involved.  She could be a good ally.  Itzal shrugged.

    "I don't see why not."  He smiled and glanced at his two comrades.  "Anyone object?"

  2. Itzal lowered his shoulders.  So Adhae didn't understand either.  He was the only one in the group who knew.  He wondered if he should tell them all, but he doubted they'd believe him.  They'd probably think he was crazy.  His spirits were lifted a little when he noticed Verus' look of awe on his face.  After he greeted the girl, he saw her smirk and the pink on his face grew more reddish.  This was getting a bit uncomfortable for Itzal.  He was NEVER good with girls who didn't act tough like Adhae.  And now, in the game, where he should feel safe and secure he felt the total opposite.  When she asked a question to the group he decided to let Verus or Adhae answer, afraid he was going to stutter at any moment.

  3. Itzal shook his head when he heard Verus.  He couldn't believe the guy.  When Adhae called at them he was reminded to talk to her about the meaning of 'stealth'.  He leapt to the ground and sighed as he approached the new girl.  He couldn't believe how things were starting off for him.  A hasty tank and a dim-witted speedster.  What now?

    "Miss," he began "That's Verus.  I don't know much about him yet but I do know he doesn't tend to think much.  More talk than anything."  He nodded to Adhae.  "That's Adhae.  She's a tank, and a pretty good one might I add, though she seemed to miss the intention of scouting."  He placed a hand behind his back and bowed ever so slightly, as he usually did when greeting with respect.  "I'm Itzal, and," he hesitated, his face turning slightly pink.  "no I just had a glimpse of you before deciding to greet you."  Now he noticed her choice of weapons and realized he had never encountered it before.  He wondered how one would fight against such a weapon.  "And you are?"

  4. Itzal cringed when Adhae's yell echoed through the forest.  What was the point of scouting if you were just going to let the whole world know you were there?  He decided to talk to her about it later and instead turned to see the girl stirring.  He decided to make a move to greet the girl.  He didn't want her thinking she was in danger, or if she was shy, to just run off.  He made his way silently through the branches but hesitated right before he emerged.  He never was good at meeting girls by himself.  Then again, he had to face his fear at some point.  He took a deep breath and climbed down to her level, careful to make a little, but no too much noise, so as to inform her of his approach.  When she looked up at him he grinned apologetically.

    "Sorry to wake you.  I was scouting the forest when I spotted you."  He cocked his head.  "Sleep in trees often?"

  5. Itzal grinned when he saw the forest.  The trees were close together, creating a dense and dark scene.  In real life he would climb trees in the forest to escape the bullies from school, and hand to jump from tree to tree whenever they threw stuff at him.  That along with the hope of being a stealthy unite in the future gave him hope that there were areas like these.  He quickened his pace and patted Verus' back.

    "I'm gonna scout ahead," he told him and rushed up to the first tree, climbing it with surprising speed.  It was Itzal's turn to try impressing the others he thought.  When he reached the solid branches, he leapt to the next tree, then once he got a good idea of the sturdiness, he worked on his footwork and soon was able to jump from tree to tree with little or no sound.  He knew that unless he worked on his stealth skill he'd be found easily by a player of course, but that would come in time.  He kept his eyes peeled for anything out in the forest.

    Id# 62261

    Ld (that's the die I use when searching correct?):  11

    Kooh:  11 stealth (10 base +1 object concealment)

    Itzal hesitated when he spotted something.  It wasn't on the ground, and it didn't look like a mob.  He jumped a few trees and saw a girl sleeping in a tree.  He realized how dangerous this action was.  Not only could a monster attack her, but pkers would find this as the perfect opportunity.  He made his way back until he saw his two friends within range and called out.

    "Hey guys you better see this!"

    <Ps if I screwed up the search technique or if what I wrote is too over the top please message me and I'll fix it asap>

  6. Itzal was burning with anger.  Anger of missing for the first time.  Yet it did not consume him.  He learned how to handle anger long ago.  He channeled it.  Poured it into his blade as his sword art activated.  He charged and raised his sword high in the air and struck down at the mob.


    Id# 62255

    Bd: 9


    Used skill:  vertical strike -1 energy 2/3

    Boar:  0/0


    Itzal's surging anger, the sword art, and his arm's calm control and sense of direction cut the beast from the upper left eye down to it's right hip, causing it to cry out in pain and dissolve into glowing sparkles.  Itzal panted for a moment, his physical body a bit drained.  He stood up straight and turned to the others.


  7. Itzal dashed toward the monster a little before Verus.  He had circled around hoping to strike it from the side while it faced Adhae.  When the position was perfect, he charged.  He was getting ready to use his sword skill (which always gave him an adrenaline rush) he saw Verus attack the mob and quickly stopped the skill.  This sudden intervention set him off balance and he missed the monster by an inch.


    Id# 62252

    BD 3


    He stumbled but rolled to his feet, making sure his footing was secure.

    "Dang it Verus!" he screamed.  "Watch what your doing!"

  8. Itzal didn't know what to make of her naming her armor Luster.  He assumed it was for comical purposes but he decided to continue with caution just in case.  She was definitely strong, which was required of a tank in most games.  He didn't understand most of what she said as she explained how the shopping went, but it didn't matter.  These two were already ahead of him a good ways.  But he would learn.  He would train.  And he intended to improve faster than either of them.  When he was strong enough he wouldn't stop training.  When he was strong enough to go solo he didn't intend to just leave them, but he did intend on do some solo grinding training during some night hours.  He refused to be weak.  He refused to be a target.  He nodded toward Adhae's ax.

    "You go for the ax eh?  What technique do you use?  Berserk style?  Hit-and-run?  Or more like evade the attack and return with a counter-attack?"  Most people hated him for this, but tactics and strategy was what he enjoyed most about games.  And an immersive video game had the largest amount of options.  One of the many reasons he got involved.

  9. The gesture Verus made had made Itzal feel more like a prize than anything else.  Nonetheless he looked at the girl.  He still didn't know her name, but he knew that names didn't matter unless it meant something to the player, like his own username meaning shadow.  Personally, he didn't know why people chose colors that stood out.  The less attention he brought to himself the better he thought.  Then he corrected himself.  She was the tank, she was suppose to draw attention while they attacked from the shadows.  It was a good strategy he realized, but common.  Maybe when he develops stealth skills they could make a few adjustments.  He He held out his hand in a friendly gesture to the girl.

    "Nice to meet you," he said.  He made sure he appeared friendly, but truth was he had a strong grip.  He liked to think that his appearance revealed his caring nature while his surprising strength, speed and reactions reflected his will to survive.

  10. Itzal looked at the girl leaning against the wall.  Over all she was pretty, but then again, he thought, everyone had beauty in some way.  Whether it be in physical appearance, technique or style, or personality.  Her outfit was obviously not the basic cloth clothes.  This gave Itzal the impression that she was a higher player than either of them.  He also wasn't sure what to make of a girl taking all the hits while he and Verus got the easy pickings.  He wasn't sexist or anything, he just felt wrong taking advantage of someone.  The way she held herself told him she was a bit irritated, but at the same time she seemed ready to talk about how wonderful the day was.  Cheerful yet irritated.  A fast player who didn't suspect pvp in this game whatsoever.  He shook his head.  This was one strange group he thought to himself.  He took a deep breath and put on a smile.  Talking to girls was never his forte, but he wasn't a complete moron at it either.  He walked confidently as they approached and smiled kindly to her.  He didn't say anything, feeling as if Verus should make the introductions.

  11. Itzal heard Verus and opened one eye before stretching and rising to his feet.  He noticed how Verus held himself with a new sense of confidence.  Or was it arrogance, or maybe pride?  Whatever it was, Itzal knew that too much of anything was bad.  That's why he sheathed his blade rather than keep it out.  He felt invincible those first few kills, but he knew that if he hadn't sheathed his blade he probably would attack another mob with more eagerness and passion.  Emotions clouded his judgement in combat.  He knew emotions were needed, but unless you master your control over them you must be emotionless during combat.  Fights require your full attention and concentration.

    "You sure you want me with you guys?" Itzal asked.  "I'd probably just get in your way."

  12. Itzal waited for him to respond but he made no movement.  Itzal waited but there was still no response.  Itzal assumed that he was deep in thought.  What he could possibly be thinking at a time like this that he can't hear someone right beside him.  Either way he turned away and looked at the view.  Even in the real world he would find a quiet place like this and just enjoy the view.  He sat down in the grass, leaning back with his arms supporting him, and closed his eyes.  He felt at peace as the gentle breeze blew over him.  It was times like this he tended to forget what was going on around him.  Normally he'd push people to getting stuff done but he understood the sanctuary the mind gave, to be able to think and work over issues, problems and ideas without fear of others judgement.  The thought resurfaced some concerns of his, but he waved them aside and smiled, sighing contently.

  13. After taking out a few more mobs Itzal sheathed his blade, panting a little from all the physical movement.  The game was a little bit realistic in that sense.  Funny how the game was almost identical to real life besides all of the skills, arts and monsters.  It was even able to match adrenaline rushes perfectly.  In this game he truly could feel and wield power.  He turned to Verus with a grin.

    "That wasn't too hard."  He stretched his limbs put his hands on his sides.  "So what next?  You gonna lead me to more or are we taking a break?"

  14. Itzal looked curiously at Verus.  He didn't seem to be the kind of person who would fight with others.  Then again, he should know better than to judge anyone by appearance.  He of all people should know that.  He also seemed content with the poor quality food.  Itzal wondered if that was from having it so much or just pure contentment.  He also wondered if that's where he'd end up.  Itzal was focused on growing stronger but perhaps indulging on a few pleasures such as food and song might be good for him.  It wasn't healthy to linger on dark thoughts, even if those thoughts kept him protected.

    "What was the fight about?" he asked, curious to know his story more.  "And who's your partner?"  He never had a partner, let alone a friend.  Now he saw a chance to gain two possible allies, friends if he was lucky.  Then again, luck didn't seem to be on his side.  He had to rely on pure skill and talent lately.

  15. Itzal shook his head and began opening his menu.

    "Thanks for the offer, but you've already done so much.  I have some bread from the beginner's pack, so I can handle myself in that sense."  He grinned.  "Thanks for the offer though."  Itzal sat down and began eating his bread.  It Didn't have any flavor and it dried his throat a little with each bite.  Sensing he would need it soon, he went ahead and pulled out the water.  Itzal missed his mom's macaroni and cheese.  It was addictive.  He was always told to eat it last.  He could eat anything without worrying about the pasta, but as soon as he had some, he'd devour half the container in no time.  He also missed pizza of course.  Anyone who didn't like pizza was either crazy or stupid.  He looked at his bread and realized that he wouldn't have time to seek out good food in this game.  He'd have to spend all his time and effort increasing his power.  He decided to take his mind off of his lack of good food.

    "So, is this how you started?" he asked.  "I mean, having to have someone help you out the first few steps?"

  16. Itzal started from the sight of his friend being attacked, than remembered how he was a higher level and told himself not to worry.  The thought of his friend in danger however put him on edge.  He charged the wolf, charging his sword art, and leapt into the air yelling, causing the wolf to let go and turn to where he was, and slashed down at the wolf.

    Id# 62030

    BD:  6

    Verus:  17/20

    Itzal:  8/8  <- 1 energy:  1/2 energy

    Wolf:  0/4< -2

    His sword glowed dark red, and soon the glow and pixels of blood became so uniform that it was difficult to tell which was which.  As he landed he did not turn to his fallen foe whom he could hear shattering behind him.  Itzal looked worriedly at his new friend.

    "You alright?" he asked.

  17. Not waiting to be told so, Itzal ran silently towards the wolf, drawing his sword in a flash and holding it in front of him.

    Id# 62014

    BD:  9

    Verus:  20/20

    Itzal:  8/8

    Wolf:  1/4 (-3)

    The wolf never heard or saw him coming.  Itzal decided to try something new this time and leapt over the wolf.  As he jumped, he jabbed his sword down, stabbing through it's skull and heard it cry out in pain.  A critical hit he assumed, and rolled when he hit the ground, on his feet with his sword in a defensive position.  He couldn't help but grin.  An action like that gave him an adrenaline rush.  He'd never felt such a feeling before and he loved it.  But he knew he couldn't get too into it or he would lose his focus.  After all, he just aggravated the wolf.

  18. Determined to hit it this time Itzal was already preparing his attack.

    Id:  61989

    BD:  6

    Verus:  20/20

    Itzal: 8/8

    Boar:  0/4 (-1)

    Itzal charged and swung his sword with all his strength in a powerful pierce with his left hand.  He almost missed due to his still practicing with his off hand, but it was enough.  The blade cut along it's backside, close to where it's spine would be.  He sheathed his sword even as he heard it dissipate.  He was pathetic that time and he didn't intend to repeat it.  Be aware of your surroundings, he always thought.  Well now was the time to practice it.

    "Right," he said.  "Where's the next one?"


  19. Itzal was already charging while Verus called, his sword poised for a jab.  The boar noticed him and turned.  


    Id# 61927

    BD: 3

    MD: 8

    Boar hp<4 no change

    Itzal hp<8 - 3<5

    Itzal was about to strike when the sun shined in his eyes, reflecting off of his sword and blinding him.  This effect caused him to step on a loose rock, falling to his knees as the boar charged him.  It didn't hit him head on, but it's tusk did hit his arm, causing Itzal's first hp drop.  It really did feel like the tusk tore through his arm.  He tumbled at first, but quickly rolled to his feet just as soon as he'd fallen.  Itzal mentally chastised himself for forgetting the sun's position and allowing that mistake to happen.  He wouldn't allow it again.  He rose a hand to prevent Verus from interfering.

    "No!" he called.  "I still have enough hp for one more shot!  Give me this!"  Verus couldn't see it because he was behind Itzal, but if he could he'd see that Itzal's eyes were burning with hatred.  Hatred from having been harmed, humiliated, and above all, this happened from a stupid weak pig.

  20. Itzal nodded.  He was eager for the ability to fight mobs without having to depend on others, but he couldn't rush himself.  'I mean' he thought to himself.  'It would be nice if I had a friend or two who wouldn't mind fighting along side me.  As long as I can call for their help when I really need it.'  He smiled and nodded.

    "Yeah I could use your help a little more.  So how are we going to do this?  I don't want to be a tank, taking all the hits, but neither do I want to sit back throwing all the easy hits while someone else takes all the risks."  Caution over anything else is something he learned in the real world.  Something he decided however, was that in this world nobody would cover for him.  For years his friend would step between bullies and him, enduring the beating before they finally turned to Itzal.  He still got a good beating but his friend was beyond harmed.  Itzal refused to let someone else endure pain, or worse die, for him in this game.

  21. Itzal didn't know if he knew about his interest in music or if he just so happened to think of lute at that moment.  Either way it made him a bit uncomfortable and was glad when he changed the subject.  The way Verus talked about his rapier and armor skills made him wonder.  Rapier and light armor.  No thoughts of any other skills.  Itzal wondered if all this man wanted was speed.  If so, why did he seek it?  Itzal wanted his skills to become untouchable.  Striking from the shadows ensured the element of surprise, and the ability to gather intel without fear.  The search skill was mainly to ensure he himself was not snuck up upon.  He would not be hunted by anyone anymore.  No bully.  No pranksters.  And never a pker.  Itzal nodded when Verus gazed at a boar in the distance.  Itzal checked to ensure it had no comrades before nodding back to him.

    "I'm doing this myself this time right?"

  22. Itzal thought for a moment.  He thought Verus was partially right.  Fishing and cooking, things like that would definitely be sub skills.  But things like sneaking, blacksmithing.  Those were primary too.  Armor and swords were important, but Itzal thought that the major skills were what made classes like knights, thieves, craftsmen and, in most other games, mages.  As for this game combat skills were all that mattered.  Even so, Itzal loved playing music.  It was a hobby of his in real life and he'd like to learn to play the lute if the game had it.  He wouldn't tell anyone of course.  It would be a secret pleasure of his.  Nobody had to know.  Particularly someone he'd just met.

    "I guess if I was to pick other skills it would be sneak and search," he said.  "Maybe weapon throwing at some point.  How would you recommend I progress with that?"

  23. To this Itzal stared blankly.  His friend hadn't really covered this ground.  He sheathed his sword and turned to Verus who was grinning.  Obviously he was familiar to how Itzal was feeling right now.  

    "I actually haven't heard of sub-skills.  Could you clarify?"  (I know it's short but I'm running out of time)

  24. Itzal walked over to Verus.  He had just killed his first mob and felt the amazing sensation of using a sword skill for the first time.  His friend told him about sword skills so he knew that a horizontal sword skill, one that could strike multiple targets in a sweeping blow, was now available to him.  Of course he wasn't going to focus on that for now.  He lifted the sword again, swinging once or twice through the air as he measured it's weight.  He never really pulled it out until now and he realized how easy it was for him to adjust.  Curious, he threw the sword to his left hand and caught it a little clumsily.  Although his arms were equal in strength, he never really used his left hand before.  He decided that if his right arm was immobilized it would be good to be able to use his left arm whenever, so he'd better start practicing with it.  As he swing the blade around, trying to teach his left arm what his right already knew, he looked at Verus.

    "Are you always going to come in at the last second or are you waiting till I reach a certain level?"

  25. Leveled up!  +1 skill point.

    "Yeah I leveled up," he said.  Somehow it felt weird.  He was used to most video games requiring more than one kill on a low level mob to level up.  Not that he was complaining of course.  His friend had told him how sword arts were used, but this was the first time he used one.  It was incredible.  Exhilarating.  He really did feel part of the game and the sword was a literal extension of his arm.  It was perfect.  He looked at Verus and smiled.

    "And yeah, I could take on a few more."

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