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Posts posted by Marianne

  1. " O-oh! it's the quest village! i think it was in the same area that we're in right now..." I checked my map, and sure enough, we were only a short walk from the town...

    ....quest town, Floor 1...

    "..hmm... it should be somewhere nearby... Ah! the Alchemist's shop~!" I had spotted the small alchemists shack, and I began to walk towards the building, holding the tiny red  quest item flower in my hand, beckoning for Itzal to follow me into the shop. "have you ever been on this side of the map? It's a beautiful town, and alot of people enjoy it here too... but the Npc's that live here were getting sick and disappearing... and this quest is the only way that they have been getting medicine to the entire village..." I held the door open for Itzal, beckoning for him to follow me.


  2. I snickered at his response " Na, Naa... You know... that's what skill modifiers are for though.. for a tank, I guess that those are vital to the success of any tank I guess..." I sat down, and I tried to absorb the Information that I had just received about the player in front of me... I sighed, and I looked at the flower that had been dropped by the Variant mob. "It's so pretty... I always thought it was cool that the game has an auto-focus feature... It makes it so much fun to look at the tiny flowers on the map, and enjoy the detail that the feature gives out... Things like this just make me happy that we got trapped inside a realistic world, y'know? I really wanted to get out... but it looks so impossibly far away... " I looked up at the sunlight dappling through the trees, and I smiled brightly " C'mon! let's go to town!" I grabbed his wrist and I started dragging dragging him to the exit...

  3. ".... I see... I hope you survive to see them again in the real world, Itzal... I used to live in america too... me, my mother, and my father all moved to japan to help relieve the thousands of homeless in tokyo... when they were murdered by a serial killer... I found out who he was about three years ago... when it showed up in the news that he had been slain, and little viola got arrested for Murder... " I sat back on the ground, and I looked at him with an Interested gaze... "Na, Naa... I never thought that I would run into another survivor of a murder spree... at least you still have someone to go back to... I don't have any living relatives, and If I did, they wouldn't associate themselves with me or my parents... Rich snobs that think they own the planet, and mock anyone who is less fortunate, and looked down on my parents for their noble intentions, If I ever met one of them... I would run as far as I could in the opposite direction, and I would smack away their hand if they tried to touch me." I stood up, and I held up the battle axe in my hand, and I swung it as hard as I could into the tree next to me, and  I fell silent, when I realized that I had completely forgotten about the quest!! "Oh! By the way Itzal... did you happen to get the quest item by any chance? I hope I don't have to ask you to help me take out four more of these things..." I eagerly awaited his response...

  4. I sat down, and as I silently struggled to calm myself down, I began to explain what had come over me. "I....... I had a bad accident a while ago in the real world... My adoptive family was barred from being able to see me again... and then I was forbidden from seeing my little sister... I only get triggered by the color red, in a few certain... conditions... such as a red cursor, or... the little red flower... the one that was in my sisters hair... anything that.. seems trivial or stupid... it bothers me sometimes..." I fell silent as he talked, and when he mentioned that he had met someone with a username involving 'Tricolor' I felt a deep sadness begin to swell in my heart, and I looked down at the ground, tears still welling up in my eyes after he mentioned that he was holding a weapon that she had made for him... then he offered to show her to me, and a new place to stay... " ... I see... that sword was made by her then... We always followed a pattern when we played video games together... She was a healer, blacksmith combo, and I was a Tank, Alchemist combination... I never thought that she was gonna be playing this game... I really appreciate the offer... I hope I don't hold you back..." I stood up, and I hastily bowed in his direction... when I realized that he didn't have a Japanese accent either... "... Are you originally from japan... Itzal?" I stood there watching him with an Interested look on my face...

  5. I looked up, and I winced when he mentioned that I had a memory flash. "... It was a terrible thing to even try to think about..." I sighed, and took my glasses, placing them back on my face, and I looked at his face, his barely visible face, and I finished what I had been about to say. ".... I wish that it was possible to go back in time to make amends for what I did... and the grief I probably caused my family... It just isn't possible to fix what you do in the past, I guess... The thing that triggered me? ... It was the red cursor... and the red flower on the monster's head... It reminded me so much of the flower that my adoptive little sister always kept in her hair..." I looked down at the ground, tears beginning to well up in my eyes, and I sniffled, feeling the emotions that I was trying so hard to hide. "I... I actually have a favor to ask of you... If... If you ever run into someone that has a screen name with the word Tricolor in it... please let me know... I heard from my family that she was going to play SAO..." I sat there, tears still spilling down my face...

  6. (+1 energy in combat)

    I rushed forward, and I attempted to hit the monster, sadly failing, albeit both of us missed each other. "Crap, ah... okay..? I gotta do better than this!" I ran back again, and I fell face-first on the ground, my glasses sliding towards the tree on the other side of the field. " Crap, not the glasses..." I stood up and picked up the glasses, dusting off my useless armor, and standing straight, battle axe in hand. "And these monsters are supposed to be easy. I hate it when things like this happen... I... gotta..." my eyes focused on the cursor, it was still a bloody red color... 


    Mira in the Hospital.jpg

    So I can't see her again?! Ever??

    It wasn't Decided by us. Talk to a lawyer when you're 21 Kid.

    I gotta... I have to see her again... I have to see my little sister!!

    Sedate her before she causes any problems. She's probably still unstable after nearly dying by the hand of the same person who killed her parents...



    I fell over, still hyperventilating, still freaking out. I had barely registered that I was screaming, but I managed to stop screaming, remembering that the other player, Itzal, was still standing next to me... "... Viola... I'm sorry...  Please... don't leave me while i'm here... Please..." I stood back up, and hobbled over to Itzal, still shaking...

    Dice roll #: 69135

    BD: 5

    MD: 5

    Mira: 20/20 hp, 0/2 energy

    LNV: 2/15 hp


  7. I flinched when I noticed his sword caused the bleeding effect. "... Aah... Bleeding effect... Why is their blood GREEN?!" I watched them explode into a cloud of polygons that evaporated almost immediately... I noticed another monster, this time it was the <<Little Nepent Variant>> Mob, the monster that I had been waiting for. "It's here... I'm coming at you!" I prepared <<Hack>> once again, and I managed to hit it both times, and It barely missed me with it's attack. "Alright, your turn Itzal!" I turned around, and dashed back towards him, holding my axe at the ready in case he ended up missing his attack...

    Roll ID#: 69130

    BD: 7

    MD: 4

    <<Little Nepent Variant>>

    10/15 Hp


    20/20 Hp, 0/2 energy

  8. (+3 Energy)

    I started coughing, and I sat down with a thump. "..Na, naa... that... that was amazing... I... I really didn't expect to hit that monster for all of it's health... Haa... And now I feel like jelly..." I stayed seated, and I looked him when he mentioned we should find the real one first... "... You have to kill Little Nepents until the Variant spawns in, and then that would mean the Item the quest requires has to be dropped too... I think that this might be kinda annoying for you, but the mob only spawns in when you kill at least two of them for each player, and if you don't get the item the first time you kill it, you have to repeat it..." I sighed, and stood back up, a rustling sound coming from the bush... It was three more Little Nepents... and they all seemed to be looking at Itzal. "Ah... i-it looks like they're targeting you... I feel bad asking this, but can you get rid of them?"

    <<Little Nepents Stats>>

    7 health each

  9. I listened to his explanation... and I smiled weakly. ".... I see... I guess it could be considered a tamed mob... but I almost never see players with a tamed mob..." I approached the other side of the tree, and I peered around it, seeing the <<Little Nepent>> watching me "... erm..... aw crap, how should I..." I was still nervous, and I picked up one of my braids, and I began to chew on it. "... I never exactly wanted to fight any monsters... but I saw a quest that required you to slay a few <<Little Nepents>> and to try to find the Variant of them... I think they have a red bulb on their head...?... But I can't fight them alone... two hits and those things would kill me easily... and every time I try to go after one... It runs at me, and I just run away screaming... It's so embarrassing..." I looked at Itzal, a sad look on my face. "I still have things I want to do here... both in this world, and in the real one too... I have to see her again... even if I only see her for a few minutes..." I put my braid down, and turned towards the <<Little Nepent>>, Preparing myself to charge it. I ran forward, preparing the skill <<Hack>>, and I swiped at it fast, somehow dodging it's attacks, and I landed on the other side of it, I looked at it's health bar, and I cheered when I saw I brought it all the way down to Zero. "... I... I did It..?!"


    Dice ID #: 69114

    BD: 10

    MD: 2

    Mira: 20/20 Hp, 0/2 Energy

    Little Nepent: 0/7 Hp Dead


  10. I heard a rustling sound, and I noticed a cloaked figure walking towards me, greeting me with an "Are you Okay?". I stood up, and was about to reply... when I noticed that he had a large mob with him... a wolf. "... I guess i'm okay...? ... Are you... a bad guy?" I didn't lower my battle axe, and my expression was filled with worry. " ... Uhmm... I... I have a favor to ask... C-can you help me beat a few monsters...? ... If you don't want to... I guess I could try again... If I wasn't scared of the monsters targeting Cursors... I don't like those cursors..." I was staring at my feet, an embarrassed blush developing on my face. "... My... My name is Mira...  Wh-What's yours?"


  11. <<Town of Beginnings>>

    <<3rd Person>>

    The sky was a brilliant Azure blue, and there were small birds fluttering around the sky, making calls and soaring higher and higher up. In the forest on the 1st floor, there is a girl with red hair, and she was running from a green monster, named <<Little Nepent>> and she looked terrified for her life. This is Mira, the online character of Marianne Tobirama.

    <<1st Person>>

    'Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. CRAP!' I was currently hiding from a quest monster, named <<Little Nepent>> and at the sight of the monster's Targeting cursor turning red... I had nearly been sick, and I ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could, and hid behind the nearest tree I could find, and I started coughing violently. " Aah... God please don't let that thing find me..." I looked around the tree, and I noticed that the monster no longer had a red Cursor, and that it had turned back to orange. "Holy... Ah... Thank god, it stopped chasing me... I have to get used to those cursors turning red... Like ASAP." I felt the terror diminish only a little bit, so I stayed on guard, Battle Axe at the ready.


  12. Note: Editing, Pls Ignore me~

    Username: Mira
    Real name: Sarabeth Marianne "Mira" Cambridge
    Age: 20->22
    Gender: Female
    Height: 6' 9"

    ~About: History/personality~

    ~Mira's Past~
    Marianne Sarabeth Cambridge

    Real-life Appearance



    Kindhearted: Mira is a sweet person, and always has a soft spot for moments of joy and friendship, normally going well out of her way to help anyone who is in need. If someone is attacked by a mob or Player-Killer, and is severely hurt, she will do her best to protect that person to the best of her ability. Her passion for saving others has nearly gotten her killed on more than one occasion.

    Level-Headed: Mira is a calm person, so when a situation comes up that everyone begins to panic, she manages to stay calm. In SAO, she is always coming up with a plan for nearly everything she does, taking her skills, and trying to come up with plans for anything and everything that she does. If she is unable to plan ahead, she stays back, and analyzes the situation so she can come up with a reasonable solution.

    Brilliant Strategist:  Mira is an expert in deduction and strategy, and often employs her strategy making skills in her combat style in order to adapt quickly. During the all too brief training that she had to work as a white-hat hacker,



    Paranoid: Mira has a strong paranoiac reaction to the color red, albeit only with the bleeding effect, and red-player/mob targeting cursors. When she sees either of the two objects, she typically flees from the area, normally to a safe zone, or to a high area (I.e. a tree or rooftop that is accessible). If the player is able to find her after she flees, she will take a reasonable explanation for the bleeding effect, but for the players with a red cursor, she will flee again.

    Reclusive: Mira tends to hide away from people that she hasn't met before, or even those that she has met! She's fairly reclusive, and rarely talks to anyone outside of internet communication

    Blunt: Mira has a rather cynical point of view when it comes to sensitive and hard-to-discuss topics, and doesn't hide it whatsoever when talking to others that she knows. Mira has gotten into fights before over it, and this was one of the reasons that she had gotten into one that sent her to the hospital. Hopefully, she'll become the type of person t




    Light Armor

    no Ranks


    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Armor Equipment.


    Weapon skills

    Two-Handed Battle Axe (5 Sp)

    1 rank


    The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed cleaving type weapons. (Example: Hatchet, Hand Axe)


    VV Click below for sword arts VV


    Rank 1

    • [x2] Whirlwind (2 Energy) - A single sweeping attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.
    • [x2 AoE] Smash (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - An uppercut aimed at opponents head to send them reeling.

    Rank 2

    • [x3 AoE] Lumberjack (3 Energy +2 per target hit) - Three wide sweeping strokes aimed at multiple targets.
    • [x3] Ultimate Breaker (3 Energy) - A pair of uppercuts that finish with a vertical slam to the target's head.

    Rank 3

    • [x5] Torque Wave (5 Energy) - A sweeping strike that tears into the opponent.
    • [x6] Crimson Blood (6 Energy) - Three sweeping spinning slices keeping the same momentum.
    • [x6 AoE] Trample Act (6 Energy +2 per target hit) - An attack that starts with a shoulder barge, then does two large sweeping attacks.

    Rank 4

    • [x7] Crescent Avalanche (7 Energy) - An advanced mixture of slices, hilt stabs and thrusts at an opponent.
    • [x8 AoE] Ordinal Cleave (8 Energy +2 per target hit) - A flurry of eight vicious slashes that hits and targets multiple enemies.

    Rank 5

    • [x9] Dynamic Violence (8 Energy) - An attack of three slices, which is finished by a shock wave created by the power of an empty swing.
    • [x14 AoE] Explode Catapult (14 Energy +2 per target hit) - Two powerful sweeping strokes in alternating directions that concludes with slamming the ax into the ground.
    • [x13] Screw Dimension (12 Energy) - Does one slice with the ax, which then releases in a burst of energy, doing the damage again.


    »None at the moment

    Relationships (optional)
    >>None for now



    Starter package chosen

    Set A "Basic Package":

    • Weapon of choice, of Uncommon or lower quality.
    • Armor of choice, of Uncommon or lower quality
    • (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    • 2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials
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