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Posts posted by Eatos

  1. Who were the leaders of each division? Eatos smiled, not only could she answer that, hell, she could point out the Rank 1’s for each division also! This was, as an advisor, knowledge she had to know when possible situations arise that require her attention.

    “So we have Atzo, whose the Guild Leader. We have Hydra, whose the head of the information department, but he, well, he isn’t here, but his second is…” She realized she hadn’t properly explains the division leadership roles “So each Division leader has a right-hand, what is called a Rank 1. For the information, Stryder is the Rank 1” She pointed him out, sat to the side of the mass of players.

    “When we have the combat leaders, Vargas and Aoda, for tank and damage respectively. I don’t think they have a Rank 1 yet, we’re still expanding our ranks after all…” She knew that it didn’t sound good, that their divisions were all so small. But, they’d grow, as more people joined the guild.

    “And then there’s the advisiors. I’m the Rank 1, and…” She heard someone walking up to her, and turned around to see Solomon behind her. It still amused her how similar they looked, although their height, eyes and gender did distinguish one from the other. “And Solomon here is our leader..”

  2. This was it, this was the day! Eatos was done having bad days at her forge. Today she was going to make her own damn blade! She wanted a Rapier, a blade that looked beautiful, but was able to protect her in battle. That's what she needed to get further and help others in her guild. They needed her, it was time to step up!


    Daily Attempt 1:

    Materials used: 1 (11 remaining)

    Roll: 81490

    Craft: 10 (Uncommon)


     Name: Lusts' Rapier.

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    Roll ID: 81490

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Rapier
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 ACC

    Description: A thin Rapier with a beautifully crafted handle, and flower stalks dancing up the blade to the tip.


    Success! She lifted up the Rapier, and it was as beautiful as she'd of hoped. The hilt was arched perfectly, and flower stalks roamed up the blade itself to the tip. She smiled as she placed it on herself, this was her weapon...It would protect her, and allow her to go further in this game.

    With her success in mind, she thought back to Mist. That girl had set her up for everything, and wanted to make her a gift to pay her back. If she recalled correctly, the girl used a large two-handed spear as her weapon. With that in mind, she set about making her a weapon she'd be proud of.


    Daily Attempt 1:

    Materials used: 1 (10 remaining)

    Roll: 81494

    Craft: 9 (Common/Vanity)


    Name: Lance of Nature

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    Roll ID: 81494

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Vanity

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A beautifully crafted spear with a metal stock. The tip is carved into a curved tip, and thorns etched from the bottom to the top.


    Well, it didn't have the damage buff she'd wanted to add, however, before her was a spear she was proud off. Maybe she could upgrade it, then give it to the spear-women? Yes....But, that was for another time. The girl yawned and lay herself down near her forge, she was tired. And wanted a nap.

  3. Today's fruits of my labour:


    Name: Lusts' Rapier.

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    Roll ID: 81490

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Rapier
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 ACC

    Description: A thin Rapier with a beautifully crafted handle, and flower stalks dancing up the blade to the tip.

  4. Another day, another chance to make herself her own blade! After two successful orders, one of which was yet to be retrieved, she could finally work on creating her own equipment. She looked at her Iron Rapier, and knew it was the blade style she wanted. So now, all it took, was a firm hand to get what she wanted. She knew what she needed to go, and now, it was just a matter of getting it done. She smiled to herself. One new Rapier, incoming!


    Daily Attempt 1:

    Materials used: 1 (13 remaining)

    Roll:  81327

    Craft: 7 (Bad)


    The Rapier Eatos managed to forge, displeased the smith greatly. Not one was it, combat wise, WORSE than her current Rapier, but it's design was all wrong! It looked disgusting, and, frustrated with herself, the girl discarded the item. No one would purchase it, so it was a waste to store. She took a deep breath, this time, she was going to nail it!


    Daily Attempt 2:

    Materials used: 1 (12 remaining)

    Roll: 81328

    Craft: 7 (Bad)


    The girl let out a frustrated groan. This second Rapier looked just like the first! A complete and utter disaster! Throwing the 2nd blade away also, she lay down on the ground taking deep breaths. Was the only item she could make One-Handed Straight Swords? That's the only item she'd ever had success at!

  5. In a way, she was thankful both Atzo and Spidey were forgiving enough to not hold her barge in against her. She listened to the pair of them talk, although, she didn't answer Spidey when he asked her about what quest, mostly because, she had no idea! She was sorta thankful that Atzo spoke up and suggesting the 'Earning a Living' Quest. She could still remember the time she did hers, and now she had a shop as a Blacksmith!

    She spotted the name motion easily enough, and took several steps forwards Atzo, and sat down near him. She still felt slightly out of place after her rude entrance, but that awkwardness left as she spotted the hound enter the room. Her face lit up at the mere sight of the hound, as it stood to attention, Eatos couldn't not reach out to pet the majestic canine. It was only after she started reaching out did she realize they'd asked her a question, if she wanted to join!

    "O-oh, y-yes, i'd like to help out. I haven't got much planned for today, a-and after how I entered the room, I should make it up to you, the both of you..."

  6. "I-I didn't mean it like that...! I just meant like, you, like so many, are so determined to help others, you don't help yourselves. Not only that, but by helping others, in a way, you're crippling them in another. When you do something for them, it can cause them to become unable to do it themselves"

    She hadn't meant to be rude, but she was going to be honest. If Stryder did something for her, she'd become dependant on him and that could get her killed. If he continued saving her, for example, she'd become reliant on him to do it. And then, the time he isn't there, she'd die. So instead, she'd become entirely self-suffient. But watching Stryder worry about everyone...It amused her, in a sick way. One who attempted to carry everyone else on their back, was sure to crumble under their own responsibility, their own pressure. She had to wonder, how could someone hold the weight of the others when they themselves are crashing.



    Battle 2

    Rock - HP 30/50

  7. Kikas? The name didn't sound sound familiar, however, just because the familiar was a Cerberus, didn't mean it had to have that style of name. She smiled slightly hearing him mention she was excited, something she couldn't deny.

    "It's just, before, I was studying history, mythology was one of my areas of expertise. Greek mythology was one of the ones I absolutely adored, they had so many amazing stories to explain what, at the time, they couldn't comprehend...." She stopped herself from going on about the many stories and her love for history and mythology, after all, despite being close to a Cerberus, it wasn't hers. But, seeing such a beast, re-ignited a flame in her. A flame for a companion, like back home...

    She hesitated slightly at his offer of a drink, and looked up. It was getting dark...and she didn't really like the idea of walking 3-something hours in the dark to get back home.

    "I'd like one yes" She found herself saying "It's starting to get dark though, and, i'd rather not make the walk back to the safe zone when I can't see anything..."

  8. Created item:

    Name: Dunkler Kobra-Biss

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    Roll ID: 81244

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 ACC +1 DMG

    Description: A black polish sword with two cobra tangs near the hilt. And has more of a wavy look to the blade than a standard straight- sword.

  9. Another day, and another smiting attempt. After her failure to produce anything the previous time, she really wanted to be able to be successful this time! Not only did she have the blade that had been ordered from her, but she wanted to make herself a new Rapier. While she did adore the blade, she knew the reality. There was always a need for an upgrade, and she was no fool. When she had to fight, she was going to be prepared. With that in mind, she went about her job!


    Daily Attempt 1:

    Materials used: 1 (15 remaining)

    Roll:  81244

    Craft: 11 (Rare)


    Name: Dunkler Kobra-Biss

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 1

    Roll ID: 81244

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 ACC +1 DMG

    Description: A black polish sword with two cobra tangs near the hilt. And has more of a wavy look to the blade than a standard straight- sword.


    She grinned as she saw the blade take form, the very blade that Kyoto had requested. She had completed her second order, and now placed the blade behind the counter. After all, it wasn't for sale to the public, but to he who ordered it. Pleased with herself, she went about forging yet another blade! But this time, it would be for her!


    Daily Attempt 2:

    Materials used: 1 (14 remaining)

    Roll:  81245

    Craft: 4 (Fail)


    Orrrr not as fate would have it. She could almost laugh at how fate was, no such blade for her today. She sat herself down and sighed. At least she'd had one successful smith!

  10. Eatos was indeed zoned out, and bumped into Atzo. Stumbling back into reality, she fell on her ass on the ground, and looked up. Why had he just stopped without warning? She pouted, dragging herself up right before she spotted it. The familiar that they'd set out to find. A thee-Headed Hound?! She blinked once, then again.

    Cerberus?! Eatos, before being trapped within the game, had been studying history and so she knew her mythology well. A three-headed dog was the animal you met as you invaded Tartarus, Hades' domain. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing. A Cerberus, as she would call it, was bowing its head to Atzo. It was, his familiar now.

    "You've found a Cerberus...The Three-Headed hound of Hades himself, a mythical legendary beast that is to be feared by adventures..." She, as someone who loved her history, loved her mythology. So see a small Cerberus, was something she could never do in the real world.  

  11. It, reminded him of home? She couldn't really critism him for that, after all, she doubted he was the only person who did a quest merely because it reminded them of home. She watched him collapse internally, and externally. He wanted to help others, which was understandable. Each to their own of how they do it. Stryder seemed to want to fight, and seemed to disregard himself as a result.

    She began to wonder if he say himself as merely a martyr, who would die for another. She hoped he didn't, such a death was pointless and wouldn't serve to help them in the slightest. Still, she stared at him, until he asked her what she was staring for. In a moment of panic, she pretended like she had been lining up a punch, a punch that was poorly aimed and did no damage.

    "It's nothing really, I just found it amusing almost, how determined you are to help other people..."



    Battle: 4

    Rock - HP 30/50

  12. After she'd established her shop, Eatos knew that in order to be successful, she needed to have supplies. And unlike the real world, gathering them wouldn't be a financial so having an excess wasn't a problem. With that in mind, and a pickaxe stored in her inventory, she used the portal to the 1st floor, but paused. She wasn't the only one, Stryder had recently set up his own shop hadn't he? She wondered if he also would need supplies? If so, it made more sense for them to go at the same time, plus, as she was selfish, he could protect her incase a mob came at her. Even if she had leveled up a bit, he had leveled up more, plus his nature, made her certain he'd come.

    'Hey Stryder, i'm planning on gathering some stuff for my shop on the 1st floor, wanna come along and grab stuff for your shop also?' she typed out before sending it to him. Then she sat herself down near the portal, and waited. For either a reply, or for him to emerge out of the portal. One or the other. But she was near certain he'd come, it was in his nature to help others after all.

  13. Eatos almost beamed as Airi not only complimented the organization of the guild, but was planning on joining, and joining the same division! While she couldn’t take much individual pride in the origination of the guild as she had joined it, not helped forge it, the rest she could in some manner. After all, she was Rank 1 within the guild, the right hand of the Advisors, and she’d successful recruited someone into the Advisors division! Given she was the ‘new girl’ within the guild, it was nice to prove her worth.

    Eatos opened up her menu, went into the guild section and sent her an invite to join the Emerald Harbingers. Once the girl accepted, and Atzo was informed of her decision to join the Advisors, she would hopefully fit right in. As much as she hated herself for it, she did worry slightly. Standing before her was a girl that was, even she could admit, rather beautiful and there was that glint in her eye, ambition. The worry that entered Eatos’ head was a simple one: Will Airi replace me as the Rank 1 advisor within the guild? She hoped not, after all, she’d helped form the guilds first wave of members. If nothing else, it showed she cared.

    So just accept the invite I sent and you’ll be in” She said to the other girl “Or if you’ve got any questions that I haven’t answered, I’m more than happy to do my best to try answer them”

  14. What profession should he be?! Eatos had no idea, there were so many, why would he ask her. She didn't know Stryder that well, they haven't known each other for that long, not nearly long enough for her to be able to properly assess him. Without being able to assess, how was she, an outsider, meant to be able to help him select a profession.

    "I have no idea" she admitted "You know you better than I do, what do you want to do?" It was his call after all, her advice was sorta pointless unless he made the decision. While he pondered it, she took a swing at the rock, and failed to do anything after coming into contact with it. Pouting and taking several steps back "...Why do you want this skill again, Hell what is the skill you're even going for?" She would admit, her patience was starting to get attacked. Was anything worth this amount of tedious actions? In Stryders eyes, apparently, because he had planned on doing this alone.



    Battle: 3

    Rock - HP 30/50


  15. Atzo's reaction to her outburst, she had mostly expected. For someone self-burdened with sin, they always refuse to allow themselves forgiveness. She'd seen it before, so she'd predicted his reaction almost perfectly, although what he meant by having done something to Solomon did catch her attention and curiosity, after all, he brought it up.

    But the part she'd wanted for, Spidey, wasn't at all what she had expected. Her expectations was for him to get emotional, get up in her face and angry. To have him admit he was wrong, and to have been admitting it before she'd walked into the room, was almost a slap across the face. She's almost laid into him for no reason at all! She took a step back, regret washing over her face.

    "I...I...i'm sorry....I just thought you were...being rude a-and I just wanted to...defend Atzo..." The defeat was clear in her voice as she backed up against the door she'd come through. She was embarrassed, extremely so, and part of her just wanted to bolt from the room! She'd made a complete and utter idiot of herself! For no reason!

  16. Eatos wasn't certain what she'd witnessed, so she stood there enthralled, just staring at Atzo. His sudden movement made her jump slightly, but she nodded her head to him.  Trialing him through the forest, she admittantly spent more time trying to spot animals over actually listening to him talk. She wasn't trying to be rude, it was just, she was very free-of mind and allowed herself to roam mentally.

    In fact, she missed everything that had been spoken to her. And only returned to reality when the bird landed on her shoulder. She moved very slowly, turning her head to it and smiling. She loved animals, and while Canines were her preference, she could appreciate Most animals. Not all, reptiles and creepy-crawlies freaked her out, but other then that, she was ok...mostly.

    "It's so...pretty..." she said, focusing on the bird on her shoulder "So blue..."

  17. After sometime, the girl finally decided to get her work going. She stretched herself out before looking at the order she'd been given. A rare blade, One-Handed Straight Sword with an acc and dmg buff. The design didn't seem anything too elaborate, although the name was something else. She laughed to herself as she got her materials prepared. This blade was almost the exact contrast to the first blade she'd made, but, each to their own. And with that in mind, she began creating the newest blade.


    Daily Attempt 1:

    Materials used: 1 (17 remaining)

    Roll: 81127

    Craft: 4(Fail, lose material)


    The girl tried to hammer in the blade, however, she could only watch as it failed before her every eyes, and shattered. A wave of disappointment washed through her at her failures, before shaking her head. She couldn't let that make her doubt herself, and she prepared to make a second blade. She wasn't going to give up, even if this one failed. She had made the decision to become a Blacksmith, and like hell she'd let anything stop her from helping other people!


    Daily Attempt 2:

    Materials used: 1 (16 remaining)

    Roll: 81128

    Craft: 4 (Fail, lose materials)


    Once again, Eatos could do nothing but watch the ore she was smithing with just shatter as she grabbed it to smith it. She let out a sigh and sat down at her forge. Today was just one of those days huh? She took a deep breath, she'd get there...She'd get better...just in time.

  18. Eatos had been taking a nap around the corner near her forge, but the door opening cause her to get up quickly, fix up her clothes, and walk out front. She mostly recognized the player, and was pretty sure he was part of the guild. But she was also tired and a name didn't come to mind.  She took a look at his request form, and nodded her head.

    "Yeah I'll be able to do that. I might take me a little bit to make it, rare items for a rank 1 like myself aren't the easiest thing in the world, but i'll have it for you eventually"  She smiled at him.




    After silence ate at her conversation with Vargas, she watched from her position on the couch as player and player entered. First was Stryder, ironically, a player she recognized. She didn’t know he had joined the same guild as her, but then again, it did made sense. She knew he wanted to level up and reach the front, and that’s what this guild was offering to foster him for. 

    The next person, however, caused her to pause. They looked, almost like her, but they weren’t. She felt that for moments she was staring at a mirror, and even when she started spotting out the differences between the pair of them, it didn’t help her much as she had almost stood up staring at him. Eventually however, she dragged her away when Atzo started talking. However, despite that, she still threw looks at him. Were they doppelganger of eachother?

    She listened up to Atzo finally starting off the meeting, but kept silent. She still felt like the ‘new girl’ in the ground, and so opted just to stay silent and listen..for now at least. As she did listen, she took a look around at all the different guild items, and more specifically, the fact that Vargas had fox ears! Part of her was begging to walk up and pet them, if only because she absolutely LOVED canine animals...

  20. Eatos nodded her head. It was the division she was apart of, and being the Rank 1, or ‘Right-Hand’ of that division, she was proud, and therefore, more than happy to bring in someone else.

    “So, as an advisor, when a decision is being made, we’re the ones who have to come up with solutions. We have to be impartial and direct the guild down the correct path, keeping players safe while providing them with levels, information and equipment where possible. I’d say we probably get more than a fair say in what the guild does, but we’re just advisors” she said, trying to explain it correctly “Guild members come to us and we help them, it could be a decision that effects everyone, or it might just be a small division-based decision”

    Eatos frowned slightly at the girls last question, and had nothing. She honestly had no idea, it had never come up in discussion before. She smiled an uneasy smile “I’m, well, I’m not too sure about floating if I’m entirely honest with you. Atzo, the one with the hair likes yours, he’d get the final say on something like that”

  21. The sound of nature was nice, honestly if she had been tired, Eatos was certain that she could have fallen asleep, or at the very least, taken a nap. It was calming, and not really something she could do on the 4th floor where she intended to make a home. While she loved the cool weather, there was something very disarming about the breeze that ran over here on the Cliffside.

    Of course, that was slightly interrupted by the prayer. When Atzo said he'd be saying it out loud, she had mentally expected it to be one of the softer silent prayers. Instead, it wasn't. While it could have been louder, it did mute out the sounds of the birds. So, curious, she sat up and watched. However, she did react at the end. That....didn't sound natural, she wasn't sure how to describe it, but it did send a shiver down her spine. Even the birds knew to be careful, so the girl didn't move closer, but tilted her head as she waited for Atzo to, hopefuly, explain what the hell she'd just witnessed.

  22. Within the Atzo’s mansion, hidden in the spare room and buried under the covers, Eatos had been sleeping. Had being the key word. The blacksmith had been visited Atzo and, upon realizing it was late, he’d been nice enough to offer her the spare room to sleep. Given the prospect was that or walk 3-something hours in the dark, it was an easy choice. She’d crashed into the bed minutes later, and fallen asleep.

    But, the girl stood next to the doorframe, and could hear every word being said, and in a way. It hurt her, and she wasn’t even in the same room. A name hadn’t been dropped, but the way they were talking, ripping into Atzo, she felt her anger boil up within her. They were accusing him of being uncaring, of manipulating people to benefit himself. She shook her head, and let out a sigh. Atzo was the man of many faces indeed, but this person who arrived at the house, saw only the face they wanted to see.

    When she’d first met Azto, he’d come off as formal, far too formal for her personal liking. However, despite him calling her ‘Madam’, despite how he always seemed to be addressing a crowd, she’d seen the other face. When he’d asked her to help him find an Familiar, she saw a whole new side to him. And side, that wonderful caring person, was being attacked! Eventually, she couldn’t’ sit by anymore. She opened the door and walked out, wearing her clothes of brown trousers and a plain white shirt, nothing special, but as she exited out the room she had slept in, the study door closed. However, she had seen him and heard the name. Spidey. He was short, shorter than her and he did look the part of a kid, even if he had protested such a word. Kids were the ones that were useless in the start of the game? She rolled her eyes as the notion of it, she doubted he was out of his teens, how was he going to lecture someone else on the definition of a kid? Eventually, she walked up to the study door, knocked on it 4 times in rapid succession, and opened the door herself. Her amber eyes locked onto Spidey, who sat facing Atzo. She’d only heard Spidey at the doorway, and nothing else as the study door had closed.

    “Excuse me, Spidey” She said finally, a calm rage in her voice “I’m sorry to barge in, but, I couldn’t help but hear you being…well, honestly rude. Now, I’ll admit I’m not entirely sure why you and Atzo don’t like each other. But if I heard what I did, you don’t like him because you feel he’s a manipulator who uses everyone around him, breaks them down and, once he’s done, moves on right?” She asked, poking at the heart of, what she felt, was the heart of this emotional outpour “If you’d of told me this a week ago, there’s a chance I’d of believed it. But Azto said it himself, he is the man of many faces. You see one side of him, an old face, and hold it to him now, and hate him for it. You refuse to lower that mask you’ve placed on him to see if he’s changed”

    She shook her head, and glanced over the room at Atzo “When I first met him, I thought he was uptight. I felt that the guild he was offering was simply a means to get status…But, I was wrong. As I talked to the others, I saw that he was doing it to help people. When he asked me to help him find a familiar, I saw yet another side of him. Atzo isn’t just some colouring book where you get to pick what type of person he is, you can’t just see what you want to see in him, without looking at the rest. Humans are more complicated than that”

    “Where you see someone who manipulates and lies, I see someone who cares, someone who is suffering for something they’ve done and have done so much to put it behind them. If he really has sinned, if he really was as bad as you claim he is, then he has worked too damn hard for someone like you to come walking in like you know everything, and throw all his hard work back in his face. If his sin was manipulating people in the past, then yours is holding onto it and letting it poison everything you touch…”

    She finally stopped speaking, finally took a deep breath as she looked at both of them. She knew her approach hadn’t been subtle, she’d barged into the room like a train. But she couldn’t just sit back after what she’d heard at the doorway, after hearing Spidey lay into Azto. He was her guild leader, but it was more then that, he was a human and a friend, and to sit idly by while a friend suffered was unacceptable.  

  23. Eatos followed him as he lead the way, and as he prepared himself to pray, she remained still. She didn't want to offend him and walk away, but neither was she inclined to join him  due to a lack of belief in what he was doing. She was honest with herself, and while Atzo may have believed in it, she did not and would not mock him by pretending to share a belief she didn't.

    So, instead of walking up or away, the girl instead laid down on the ground and stared up at the weather above her head. This floor always seemed to have nice weather, never too warm, even if Eatos did prefer the cool air of the 4th floor. She closed her eyes as the warm air washed over her skin, her body relaxing as she waited to Atzo to do his prayers. And as he would do them, her mind fluttered around and away, thinking about many things. Her real life, outside the walls of this game, but also, where she would go with the new life she'd been given. For she was forced to face the same reality as many, and that was this, the only way they were escaping was clearing the game and that would take sometime.

  24. Eatos smiled at Stryder, and part of her really wondered if he was serious with that offer. She wasn't going to object to it, after all, business is business. She just hoped that he did, if for no other reason than she'd be able to protect him with her wares. That was her role as a blacksmith after all, protecting everyone else with her wares. She took a deep breath and swung at the rock, but this time, fails horribly and actually missed the rock once again. She stumbled, but quickly managed to recover herself. She raised her hand in front of her, flipping her hand back and forth as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

    "...I was certain my eyesight wasn't that bad..." She knew that her eyesight was far from perfect, but even within the game, they shouldn't be failing her this early. They shouldn't have been failing this early, so what was wrong with her?


    ID# 81021

    Battle: 1 (Miss)

    Rock - HP 31/50

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