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Posts posted by Invious

  1. Invious had shook her head when he had said a friend would love to visit her shop, she had said after a giggle "Thank you, but ill pass from having any visitors right now. I'd like to stay a little private for now. I am just trying to get my life back together. Is all." they had eventually made their way back to the main settlement then had said out that he was glad to help and she would be returning back to her shop. Invious had nodded her head and said out to him "Thank you for helping me, and yes I will be heading back to my store as there is no where else I need to be or should go. So I appreciate your help." she had sent a friend request to Jomei and turned around not saying anything else from there. She had faced away from Jomei at all times and took off her mask and placed it into her inventory as she had let out a few tears as she had stepped through the teleporter to floor 8 where she would head back to her store.

    Thread Complete - 

    Invious - 4 SP, 1x Matriarch's Stinger

    Jomei - 1 SP, 400 Col

  2. Invi had snapped back into reality when he had held out his arm handing her the quest reward. Invi shook her head keeping her hand on her mask as she felt like it had almost flew off, and said to him looking up to him "T-thank you, I don't know if it would be of much use to me, however I still appreciate it." she said with a shy smile taking the potion into her hands and into her inventory. Invi had nodded in response to Jomei saying to get back to Urbus Invi had said out "Lead the way." she had smiled and followed behind Jomei. Eventually he had spoke out noticing that she had continuously said that she took her time in her shop, he then asked what kind of shop she owns, Invi had said out "Oh I just make clothing, right now I haven't fully gotten the job, I have been mostly just been designing vanity clothing. Nothing too special. Some even like being able to get Vanity clothing, it makes for good business."


  3. Judging from Tel's tone when she had replied to her, she was a little upset, and a little anxious. Invi had looked over and her smile had shifted to a grin as she had responded with that she doesn't act like she is doing nothing, however she had got what she had meant. Then had said that it might be more selfish than anything Telrenya had looked forward and said "Well, it just seems you are over thinking things when it comes to training yourself. To me no one had to resort to hiding themselves to train in secret. However, I suppose people can be different. My reasons for hiding behind this mask may seem selfish, however..." she had looked down and shook her head "Ah its nothing, how long ago did you start hiding yourself from reality? Its hard to hide yourself for any reason at all. And as a person I respect you highly because of it." she said out to her with a smile, looking towards her again.


  4. Invious had chuckled a bit after hearing her response to her question and or statement, Invi had placed the tips of her fingers together and she had said to them "Well, what do you tell them when they ask you what you are doing. Don't you think they would eventually get concerned if you continuously tell them "Not Much" or "I haven't really been doing anything"?" she looked forward and up into the sky "You can train and not keep it a secret, however the result remains the same. However, the only thing you add by doing this is a element of what I will use lightly "surprise" and concern upon your fellow guild mates. They want you to grow stronger, however if you display your skills unmasked things become fishy." she looked back to Tel and said "Wouldn't you think?" she gave her a smile giving her full opinions on the matter. 


  5. Invious had kept her distance away from Jomei and the boss, she could only think about bad things that could happen between Jomei and the Wasp Queen, she had look extremely devastating and terrifying, she didn't think it would be possible for one person to take this thing down in one hit. She had watched with a bit of concern as the boss moved forward along with Jomei, however Jomei swiftly attacked the boss and reduced its HP to nothing. Invi's eyes widened behind her mask as she then felt a spike of jealousy at that point. Not only was this man handsome, but he was absolutely stunning when it came to combat making it seem like there wasn't anything he couldn't do. Invi was completely speechless, she didn't know what to say at all, she was absolutely baffled for words she was just well... for a lack of a better term, in love with this man. She had felt bad though, was it wrong to fall in love with someone in a relationship?


  6. Invious had stood there thinking for a good minute, she was wondering why she is even doing something like this if it was so hard to get a simple item such as a boar tusk. Sure, it was random whether or not she would get a boar tusk, but you would think that it wouldn't be this difficult to get all the tusk's she needs. Eventually she had over heard Shield offering her something, she had looked down looking at the item and then looked back up to Shield, before she could really say anything he had said out one more thing even saying that he would need them back. She looked down and didn't think much of it, if she needed to return them then theres no harm in borrowing them she had just said out to him "T-thank you, just remind me to return them back to you because I might forget." she took the earrings and equipped them to her ears, in the real world she loved to wear earrings however she liked big ones. However these wouldn't hurt.

    Equipped Finder's Keeper @Shield

  7. Invious had kept her distance away from Jomei and the wasp's as he had fought them, she had watched him from behind and she had kept being nothing but impressed at his level of skill. Even though she would want to be at his level of skill someday, she figured to just stay in her shop and just grow in levels to basically get the materials she would need. She had sighed, her life here wasn't going to be exciting as one would think or as she would had hoped, however if it meant that one day she would be able to get out of this world. In a sense, she was being smart just being in a store most of the time. Eventually Jomei had finished off the last wasp, however he had turned back to face Invious with a smirk, then looked forward to the boss which had showed itself and said that it was basically next. Invi had continued to keep her distance away from Jomei if not taking a step back first.


  8. Invi looking back to the man after her strike and the mobs attempt to attack he had seen that he had gotten a material, her eyes behind her masks had gotten a little more mad as she looked back forward in a bit of anger "Well, I am glad that someone here is getting things that they need here." she thought to herself before gaining a bit of a tighter grip on her rapier as she moved forward to the Boar Pup, the Boar Pup and moved its legs a bit as if it was going to move, however it was just too late and she moved forward stabbing it through its body dealing a critical hit doing absolutely overkill on the poor pup. The Boar Pup had exploded into crystals that had disappeared into the air. However her results had gotten nothing, she stood there gripping onto her rapier as tight as she can as behind her mask she was getting extremely frustrated.


    ID: 92762 - BD: 9 [Crit!]
    ID: 92793 - LD: 4 [Kill me!]
    Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [2+1=3*1=3]
    Invious: 42/60 - 4/6
    Boar Pup: -2/5 - DMG: 3
    Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

  9. Invious had said after taking a deep breath looking back to him "Yeah, I am aware, however I don't have the funds and I certainly didn't qualify for one of those beginner packages strangely. So I am stuck with Vanity Items until then." she had looked forward, however she had noticed that her energy bar had gotten back up to full, she had looked back to Shield and said "T-thank you. I appreciate it." she had looked back forward and used a sword art upon the Boar Pup nearly killing it, she could come close into killing it, however she couldn't actually kill it. With a grin she did her best in dodging the Boar Pups attack which she did. Her HP was looking a little low, however she was still alive and kicking. She had moved her Rapier to her side as she had paid close attention to the Boar Pup's movements, she wanted to finish this poor thing off.


    ID: 92695 Invalid
    ID: 92696 - BD: 8 [Hit!]
    ID: 92697 Invalid
    ID: 92696 - MD: 2 [Miss!]
    Sword Art Used: Rip Ravine [2*2=4]
    Invious: 42/60 - 4/6
    Boar Pup: 1/5 - DMG: 3
    Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

  10. Invious had felt as though Jomei was a little mad at her when she had said that she didn't really trust in her combat skills, like she said earlier she was looking for someone that would pretty much carry her through this quest to get some easy SP... however now shes feeling pretty bad about it. However looking forward to his attacks, he was attacking swiftly and pretty dang accurately, her eyes behind the mask had opened a bit in seeing this. She could only strive to make it to a level like that, however a part of her knows that she would end up back in her store rather than actually getting to that level. However the idea of being in a store all day and for the rest of her life here doesn't seem to be one huge bad idea. I meanm she could help everyone else that was suicidal enough to fight in the floor bosses, and she could eventually make it out of the game without needing to do much.


  11. Invi had nodded her head when she had replied with that she had liked to wear it, with a chuckle she had said out to her "That's on you, I just figured you'd want to be a little more free." she offered her a smile before looking forward. Eventually they had walked forward, and Tel had played a song, Invious had wondered why she was playing that music, however she remembered familiar call was a thing making it easier to find a familiar. Eventually Tel had began to speak out and she had basically said that she didn't want any of her friends knowing that she was leveling up, Invi had waited for her to finish and said to her "But... why? If you didn't want to trouble them or anything you could have just leveled normally being yourself. You don'y have to trouble yourself and hiding behind a mask for that sort of reason Tel."


  12. Invious had let out another giggle as she had cried out, she had raised a hand up to her mouth to essentially stopping from letting a laugh come out of her mouth. Eventually her posture had gotten a little poor and she had talked out very vague. She did confirm it wasn't for anything bad which had put a sigh of relief in Invi's heart and mind, and she'll try to explain it as they walked. Invious had bowed and said to her "I would love to walk and talk with you Tel. Also you don't need to wear the mask, I am sure we're not going to find anyone deep in the forest." she had said with a calm and warming voice trying to make Telrenya feel as comfortable as she possibly could. She didn't want her to feel any unease from this, in fact she wanted to know to gain more respect for the woman, because to hide yourself away from many people is actually very respectable to Invi's eyes.


  13. "Really?" she had said with a bit of a giggle, she knew that he simply was pointing out that he didn't want anyone dying, however it still kind of bugged her that he was pointing it out when its clear to her. He had said out to her that he was just looking out for her best interest, however Invious had shook her head and said "You must be mistaken, to me I don't care about combat. I simply wish to grow stronger that way I can to support other people especially when it comes to my profession. To be honest I don't have a care in the world with joining the front lines, however I rather care about getting the things everyone else needs." eventually time had progressed and there was some bees, Jomei had looked back to Invious and told her to take care of the one on the right she said with a fair bit of concern "I-i really can't Jomei. I don't trust my own strength at the moment."


  14. Invi had let out a small chuckle as she had exclaimed out, she clearly was pretty nervous. However she had then asked out how did she knew her username. She had let out a small chuckle, she knew a detail she needed to leave behind to answer her, however she looked at her mask and said to her "Remember? We did the first lesson together." she did a twirl showing off her clothing and she faced her "Sure we never came around to finishing the last three, simply I just had other things to tend to. Like my store for example." she looked over to the trees and said "However, I put more of a focus on my store simply for a few reasons. A couple I wish to not talk about however, one I can tell you is simply I don't wish to die alone. And I worry progression will trick me into killing myself in a way." she turned back to Telrenya and said "Why are you disguised Tel? Taking on a new name thats not your own?"


  15. Invious didn't dare to enter the wilderness on her own normally, however today she was just going to stay on the trail and stay light on her feet just in case if something were to come up to her, however in the middle of her exploration she had seen a blonde haired player with a regal outfit upon further inspection this had looked exactly like Telrenya from her store and not only her store but the first lesson as she had remembered, however this player had switched outfits to what she knew as "Erin". In a bit of a shock Invi had stood there calculating what to do, however, she knew she didn't want to let this go by. She had calmly walked up behind her and gave her a few taps on the shoulder "Hey there, you uh didn't want to find someplace any more private..." she took a moment to pause and exclaim out to her "...Telrenya." she had let out a small giggle afterwards.


  16. Invious had looked back to when Shield had been saying some words, however so far she had been extremely mad due to how long and tedious this was taking. She had said out "I guess, its been more than rough if you ask me." However she had looked over to a Boar Pup that had been trying to engage combat with her. Shaking her head she had kept a tight grip upon her rapier, however before she could honestly get the initiative and attack first the boar pup's eyes had glowed a deep red as it had tried to attack her, sure very sloppily but it still caught her off guard as it quickly attacked. Invious had tried to attack back, however the Boar Pup was just too quick for her and jumped out of the way of her attack, Invious had let out some of a growl as she was quickly getting annoyed.


    ID: 92598 - BD: 3 [Miss!]
    ID: 92599 - MD: 2 [Miss!]
    Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt
    Invious: 42/60 - 2/6
    Boar Pup: 5/5 - DMG: 3
    Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

  17. Invious had let out a small chuckle as he has said that he had been on edge, she had placed a hand on her mouth before moving it back to her other hand saying out "That's fine Jomei, we do live in quite the stressful world don't we?" she looked towards him then back on the trail that was in front of them. Eventually she had heard Jomei speaking out, the boss she was looking for was named "Wind Wasp Queen" a boss thats not too tough, however, it may be possible that it might have some minions first. Invious had shrugged and said "If that's what we need to do, then its what we need to do." she had said with a smile. However Jomei had turned to her and mainly pointed out the clothing she had been wearing, once again Invious had brought a hand up to her mouth and said "Didn't know you judged based off if people don't wear Armor, I simply want to grow levels right now to get myself out of my store, so far its just been me and my store the past few months heck maybe years. Forgot how much time has passed her to be honest with you."


  18. Invious had looked back a bit to Shield to see that he was merely standing around what seemed to be looking for Materials, Invious shook her head a bit, surely he was protecting her with a fair eye. She had looked back to the Boar Pup in which had been hitting her pretty hard, he had hit Invi once more dealing more damage, she looked up to her HP bar and it was looking rather small as she was close on losing a full third of her HP. She had looked forward gripping her rapier tigher as she had simply stabbed the boar through its head, it had finally died and exploded into crystals, Invi had sighed as that took too long and she was taking too much damage from that boar pup, however at least she had gotten a tusk this time around from it, so it made her a little happy.


    ID: 92552 - BD: 7 [Hit!] - MD: 8 [Hit!]
    ID: 92553 - LD: 12
    Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [Damage: 2*1=2]
    Invious: 42/60 - 3/6
    Boar Pup: -1/5 - DMG: 3
    Loot: 1 Boar Tusk

  19. Invi had let out a giggle when he had sighed loudly after saying about hitting on women in secret, Invi had looked to him after and said "Can't take a joke Jomei?", eventually Jomei had said out talking about quests and how he had completed most of the quests on the lower floors, and he offered to help her with a boss to get some easy SP, Invi had politely bowed in front of Jomei and said to him "I would appreciate your help, thank you Jomei." Eventually they had began to walk however Jomei had said to not flatter herself, she had looked up to him and said "Twas only a joke, beneath this mask is someone who'd never get a relationship anyways." she looked back forward and with a somewhat sad tone she had said out to him "Thank you for your assistance again, I appreciate it." she had kept her palms together as they had walked down the path calmly and stayed rather silent for a while.


  20. The battle raged on, Invious had looked around as she had tried to fight this boar pup, seeing more and more boar pup's around them being spawn, but never past a certain amount. Thankfully they were aggro'd onto her or shield, it would had been a pretty bad time if they had to fight numerous ones at a time. Invi had looked back forward to the boar pup that was nearly dead in front of her, she needed to get three boar tusks, she doesn't fully know how hard that could be, however hopefully it doesnt take too long or too tedious for Invi to handle. She had moved forward to try to fight the boar pup that was in front of her, however her attack was simply just too sloppy, the boar had struck back with a crit and pushed Invi back a bit, Invi looking forward wasn't happy to say the least.


    ID: 92463 - BD: 2 [Miss!] - MD: 10 [Crit!]
    Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt
    Invious: 45/60 - 3/6
    Boar Pup: 1/5 - DMG: 3

  21. "Easy for you to say." Invi had said back with a growl when he had said to stay sharp, she didn't offer more than a nod when he had replied with him calling out that he should be able to keep any extra's off from her and stating she was fine. She shook her head slightly, hopefully he was there to truly help her not just watch her die. Invi had tried to get up however the boar pup had hit her back down, Invi slightly moving her mask as it had moved a bit and she had tightly gripped her rapier and hit the boar pup away with her with a sword art dealing almost its entire HP bar of damage. She had gotten rather upset with its attack it nearly moved her mask. However she had taken a deep breath, she wasn't going to let this sort of thing affect her like this, it was only minor, however if it fully came off she would had gotten extremely mad.


    ID: 92366 - BD: 8 [Hit!] - MD: 8 [Hit!]
    Sword Art Used: Rip Ravine [2*2=4]
    Invious: 48/60 - 4/6
    Boar Pup: 1/5 - DMG: 3

  22. Invious had listened to Shield as he went on, she basically looked down and thought to herself, he wasn't wrong. It's better to have the best strategy you could have, however she just found dealing no damage what so ever to be somewhat dangerous or not such a great idea to do, however tis to be different she supposed. Eventually Shield had passed her some energy back into her system, she had looked to Shield and said to him with a bow "Thank you however I still had some left over energy from the last battle. However I still appreciate it." However it didn't take much time to see another boar in the distance, Invi had grinned and got her rapier ready to strike it, however upon trying to hit it, it just lead to her opening a weak point where the boar pup had struck her. She fell to the ground "Tsk." she had let out.


    ID: 92364 - BD: 3 [Miss!] - MD: 7 [Hit!]
    Sword Art Used: Failed Attempt
    Invious: 51/60 - 4/6
    Boar Pup: 5/5 - DMG: 3

  23. Invious had gotten a little frustrated, about the boar's assault, however it must be because Invious isn't that experienced with fighting in this game in the first place, in fact... this might be her first time, however, shes already impressed with herself to deal a good chunk of damage towards the Boar Pup. She had looked back to Shield as the Boar Pup struck her, however he seemed like he was more in thought than she had imagined, however she wasn't going to be beaten at this point. She had stabbed the boar with a basic attack to kill it, however she was unsuccessful in getting one of the tusk's needed for the quest objective. "Better luck next time." she had said out calmly as the boar pup was defeated and got nothing in return. "Do you think you are immortal or am I missing something here Shield?" she had asked calmly wanting to clear up any tension or confusion.


    ID: 92361 - BD: 7 [Hit!] - MD: 8 [Hit!]
    ID: 92362 - LD: 9 [Not Found.]
    Sword Art Used: Basic Attack [2*1=2]
    Invious: 54/60 - 4/6
    Boar Pup: -1/5 - DMG: 3

  24. "I can understand that, myself ill be doing some of the quests to grow in levels, what I am going to do afterwards is beyond me. However right now I am just looking for things to do." she said with a smile. They had continued walking with a bit of silence, however Invi's mind is absolutely quiet, not a thought in her head, nothing but enjoying the time outside her store as she can get it. Eventually she had spoken out to fill the silence stating how solo could be dangerous however shes not going to be over her head, Invious had given her a smile and said "I suppose you are taking it smart Erin, its nice to see people taking their time learning about things instead of moving in guns blazing into the unknown, that's at least how I have seen some customers disappear anyways." she had replied with a somewhat disappointed tone, however she picked back up and keep her head up on the road back to the main settlement.


  25. "Hm?" Invi had let out a small hum when Erin had said out her name appearing that she was going to ask her something, eventually she had said out asking why she even was out in the desert in the first place, her and "doc" were out trying to take out the same boss which had gotten them together, Invi had chuckled a bit and said "I'm just looking to get out of my store is all, I've been in there all day everyday not really having much action or exploration in my life. Just wanted to go outside and taste the air I haven't been in before. Trying to make myself feel more alive I suppose." she had said then exchanging a look to Erin, she had offered a smile and said "Why are you out yourself fighting a boss Telrenya? Trying to catch up in levels? Trying to find yourself somewhere?" she asked calmly with interest.


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