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Posts posted by Saphira

  1. Saphira looked at the person, and as he was near enough he asked her, if he could help her. For a short moment Saphira could just look at the young man. After a few seconds she began to talk. - Uhmm...H-Hey there - she said shy - I don´t really know if you could help me. I am searching for the owner of the alchemie shop, I hope I could learn something about potions from him to improve my alchemie skills... - she said still shy, then she asked - But maby, if you know where he could be, you could help me searching for him? - . Short she looked at the shop, then she looked back at the man. He was bigger than Saphira, maby 10 centimeter. - He looks scary - she thought disquiet - I wonder how old he is...Older than me, thats for sure. Ohh man, I wish Mister CrawCraw were by my side...But as she talked to me he sounded a little bit shy...maby he just looks scary. - with this hope she looked again at him.



    OOC: I say sorry, if my english is bad. And my character is now level 4...I know the one thing says level 1, but in the first hidden contense is my current level.

  2. As Saphira reached the small village, Hei told her what the two of them have to do. While talking about some living plants the have to kill he took out his spear and pointed at the forest. After Hei ended talkin, Saphira said - Nice to see you too. - and took also out her weapon and looked at the forest. It was dark forest, with dark trees which had a big treetop who nearly let no light through to the ground. The whole forest looked scary. She followed Hei as he walked to the forest. - This forest lookes like the kind of fores, if you enter them you will never see the light again. - She said and looked into the forest. - Do you know how strong these plants are? It´s not like I am scared, it´s just, that I want to know how often I have to hit them. - She asked Hei and followed him into the forest.

  3. As Saphira heard, that ther was an amateur Alchemist who opened a shop at the third floor she made a decision to visit him - Maby he could tell me something that could help me as an Alchemist - . In the town of beginning she asked some NPC´s about the third floor. They all told her, that the third floor has many forests and that the mobs there are stronger than These at the second floor. Saphira stood in front of the portal and looked at her equipment - Armour? Check. Fearless wings? Check. Frost dagger? Check. Cloak- you do nothin unless good looking...but check. This will be my fist time that I use the portal, I hope this won´t be my last time - Then she walked into the portal.
    As she opened her eyes again, she stood in a town. First she thought, that she was still in the town of beginning, but this town looks different. searching for an NPC she looked around and as she found a young NPC girl she asked her about an alchemie store who opened for a few days, named C.P.S.M . - Yeah. I know the shop. Walk down the street. When she reached a little marketplace, turn left, then the second right, then you will see an intersection, turn right again. Then you can see the shop. - - Thank you. - she said and staerted walking. After some time she reached the street with the alchemie shop. In front the shop Saphira stopped and looked up to the logo of the shop - finally I found it - she said happy. As Saphira heared steps coming down the street she turned around.

  4. After Saphira had put the shroom in her inventory, she walked around the moist earth looking for another shroom, but she didn´t found one. Then Saphira walked awya from the moist place, again deeper in to the forest. She looked at the dark trees, at some of them grew mushrooms, but no one of these shrooms was an >>Black Prince<< shroom. On her way through the forest, she stopped at every moist place whom she saw, but she didn´t found a shroom. As she found again a trunk, she sat down and looked around. - Every place looks the same, dark earth, dark trees, no light - she thought with a sigh - This is an annoying quest, but otherwise I want to cnow how to brew potions - . With these thoughts she stand up and started walking again. After a few meters Saphira saw a hedge - this looks promesing - she thought and walked to the hedge. As she looked under it she found one of the searched >>Black Prince<< shrooms.


    ID# 88395
    Loot: 16 + 1 -> found 1 shroom -> found 3/5


  5. Saphira put the shroom in her inventoy and looked around. As she looked up, she saw the treetops - That why the shroom was growing here, even if the sun shines, her light would never reach him, this treetops are really big - . Saphira walked back in the forest. On her way she stopped at some dark places and looked there for the shrooms, but she couldn´t find one. - Come on CrawCraw, help me searching the other shrooms, there are just four left - she said to her plushi while walking. After some time she found a moist place with an very old looking tree - Maby ther is a >>Black Prince<< mushroom - she thought happy. As she walked around the moist place, she took care where she walked. As she reached the tree she looked at his roots, and at first sight she saw the shroom. - We did good work, CrawCraw, ther are just three shrooms left, I hope Jade Eye also has luck by finding them. - .


    ID# 88382
    Loot: 19 + 1 -> found 1 >>Black Prince<< mushroom, 2/5 found


  6. Saphira was wandering around in the town of beginning as she got a message from Hei who wrote, If she want to learn how to fight she should come to a small village in the east near the forest with her fighting gear. She closed her menu and looked down on herself - Armour, check. Frost dagger, check. Fearless wings che- no, not check. - Saphira opened her menu again and took the fearless wings on - Now I have wings on my arms and at my back - she thought smiling and closed the menu. She walked through the town to the east gate. She looked to the forest - Behind the forest must be the village - with this thoughts she start walking to the village. After ten minutes she reached the forest and started to walk around it. On her way she looked at the landscape, at one side grew the forest, at the other side was the meadow. - It´s a cloudy day again - she thought as she looked up to the sky - I should hurry up, I don´t want to let Hei wait to long - with this she started walking faster and soon she reached the small village near the forest.

  7. As Jade Eye said, that he had found one of the >>Black Prince<< mushrooms, she went to him to have a look at the shroom. - He really looks bad. I wonder which potion you could make out of it. - interested she looked again at the shroom in his hand - Maby I also should search in the darker part of the forest. - She took a last look at the mushroom then she walked deeber in to the forest. On her way she looked at every trunk and at every tree root, but she didn´t found some of the mushrooms. As she decided to search in the other direction, she turned around, and while turning around she stumbled over a root and tumbled. - Damn it! I do this much to often. - she said irritated. As she looked up and tries to get up she saw on clearing a trunk. But the most important Thing at the trunk was the mushroom, who grew on top of the trunk. As Saphira came closer, she saw, that the mushroom was on of the >>Black Prince<< shrooms. Saphira reached the clearing and culled the shroom - Now I have one shroom too - she thought with a smile.


    ID# 88372
    Loot: 13 + 1 -> found 1 >>Black Prince<< mushroom, 1/5 found


  8. As they reached the forest, Jade Eye began to search for the mushrooms. Then Saphira begun search for the mushrooms. She walked inside the forest, looking at the ground. After some time she found a trunk - Maby there are some mushrooms. - she thought and walked to the trunk. As she reached it she looked inside, but ther was nothing. Around the trunk she looked under the plants, trying to find some shrooms, but no matter how hard she tries to finde some mushrooms there, she didn`t found one. - I should search on another place for the >Black Prince< mushrooms - she thought with new energy - No matter how often I will search at the same spot, if there are no mushrooms, there are mushrooms. But this is a big forest, also ther is enough square for mushrooms to grow. -
    With Mister CrawCraw in her arms she turn around and looked into the forest.


    ID# 88328
    Loot: 6+1 -> found nothing


  9. As Jade Eye walked out the store, Saphira followed him. Outside the shop Jade Eye began to equip himeself and told Saphira, that if she had something what would her help to search, she should equip it. After Jade Eye said this Saphira opened her menu, put her cloak inside and took her black armour and Mister CrawCraw, a plushi which helps her by searching things. After she put Mister CrawCraw out her inventory she stroked his head. Saphira looked to Jade Eye, who had already equipped himself. With Mister CrawCraw in her arms Saphira came closer and said with a smile - Yeah, it´s black stuff again. -
    Together the two walked to the east gate. On their way Saphira asked Jade Eye, if he want to search some materials on their way to the forest. Also she said, that it maby could help them to find the mushrooms faster and easier. But if he don´t wan´t to search, the two could straight go to the forest. Waiting for his answere she looked at him.

  10. As Hei told her to stay where she is, Saphira became nervous, as Hei then walked in the forest she took her dagger out and tried to stay calm. After a few minutes Saphira heard something to come nearer. Holding the dagger in her hand and looking into the forest she stand there. After a short moment she saw Hei coming out of the forest. As Hei told her that he haden´t found an enemy she was relieved. Then he told her that he had found a treasure chest and asked her if she wanna take a look on it and open it. Curious Saphira looked at Hei - Sure! - she said with a bright smile. Hei showed her the place where he had found the chest. In front of the chest Saphira kneel down and took a look on the chest. It was a big brown chest without a lock. Saphira opened the chest and looked inside. Inside the chest Saphira found two strange looking potions, 75 col and some materials. After she had took her materials she closed the chest and stand up. As she turned around and looked at Hei she smiled.


    ID# 88281
    Loot: 8 ; Craft: 9  -> found 75 col, 3 mats, 2x  <<unidentified rare pation>>


  11. The two of them stopped in front of an old building with a sign over the door with the label of the shop, >Zackariah´s Potions<. After a short break Saphira walked to the door, opened it and entered the room behind the door. Inside the store it was gloomy and the air was filled with the smell of strange plants and berrys. On the walls stood shelves full with ingrediens for potions like strange looking mushrooms and plants. As Saphira looked around, searching for the owner of the store, she found him behind the counter where he stand and investigated a plant. Over the man hovered the name >Zackariah<, Saphira walked towards to him, Zackariah looked up. - What can I do for you young lady? - he asked.
    - Uhhm...we heared that you have a quest for starter like us, we would like to solve the quest to gather some experience. - Saphira said a little bit shy. - Yeah. Also this is a good timing. I wanted to brew some potions but I haven´t all the ingredients I Need. I want you to bring me my last ingredient as exchange I will show you how to brew potions. The things you will have to search are ten mushrooms named >Black Prince< they only grow in the forest at the first tier. If you walk out the east gate you will reach the forest in two hours. -

    After Zackariah told them all these things, Saphira acceptet the quest and turned around to Jade Eye - wanna start to solve the quest? - she asked him.

  12. - Yaeh. I think we schould really hurry up, I dont want to be outside the town at night. - Saphira said with a little shudder - And what I`ve found? Something like a fox skull without the mandible, I dont know if it would be usefull. - after she said this to Hei, Saphira starts walking. - I wonder how much time we need to reach the mountains, finding all the needed black beauty flowers and walk back to the town. Also I wonder how much time we have left. - Saphira thought and looked up to the sky. The sun was still on high enough - It looks like we have early afternoon. Hei is right if we dont hurry up we will have a problem with the night - she took a look on her side and looked at Hei. Saphira smiled and and looked again to the horizon. - I think we will still need two hours to reach the mountains - Saphira said with a sigh.

  13. Saphira followed Hei with her eyes as he walked to a tree and took something out the tree - maby he had found a nest - Saphira thought. She looked up to the sky and the horizon, her sight slid over the meadow to the mountains - so far away - she thought with a sigh - We should start walking faster -
    Saphira stretched and began to walk, still cuddling Mister CrawCraw. While walking she looked around - I dont want to lose that much of time, but while walking I can still look around, maby I find something. - she thought and took a look on her environment. A few meters in front of her she saw something. Saphira start walking faster. Soon she reached the strange looking thing, she kneeled down, shoved the grass away and took the objekt. Saphira took a closer look on it and a shiver run through her, as she turned the objekt around. It was a half skull, the mandible who would made it to a full skull, was missing. - It was a good choice to take you out of the inventory - Saphira said with a smile to her plush raven - The skull must be from some kind of animal - she thought - It remindes me at a little fox skull. I think I should take it, maby I can need it some day. - Saphira opened her inventory.
    After that she stand up and looked to Hei.  


    ID# 88209
    Loot: 19 + 1 -> found 1 T1 mat


  14. Saphira looked at Jade Eye´s axe and shield, - the shield looks nice, with all these ornaments it remindes me at something...a viking shield? It looks really cool. - 
    - Walking and talking sounds great, but I dont know where this guy is. Uhhm...Things I want to know about you...maby I just should start by myself. Beforehand, I want to say sorry if I ask you to much questions, I am a curious person and I want to know the people around me, so just say it, if I ask to much. - ashamed Saphira looked to the ground, then she upliftet her head again and looked straight into Jade Eye´s face. - but for now I have just a few questions - she said with a nervous smile - Why haven´t you ask a player with some fighting experience to do the quest with you? And when do we start? -

    Whaiting for his answere and ready to leave the place she looked at him.

  15. As Saphira saw, that Hei had found something, she also begun to look around, - Black beauty, black beauty, where are you? Come on black beauty, where are you? - with a little smile on her face and the look to the ground she walked over the meadow. - I hope I will finde something too - Saphira thought while walking - I think I should equip me with Mister CrawCraw, maby I will found something with him by my side -. For a short moment she looked up again, searching she looked around, as she saw Hei a few meter in front of her she start running to him to cetch up. Two meter behinde Hei, Saphira stumbled over a stone and tumbled - Ouch! - - Not again! - she thought embarrassed. After a short moment Saphira begun to pull oneself together and stand up - I´m okay - she said, then she opened her menu and begun to equp herself. She put her cloak inside and her leather armour outside, also she took Mister CrawCraw, her raven plushi who has one single white feather on his head, as she took him out of her inventory she begun to cuddle him.


    ID# 88202
    Loot: 13 -> found nothing


  16. - So his name is Jade Eye, Jade, the name of a gem, just like my name. - Saphira smiled and after a short moment of thinking Saphira answered Jade Eye - I would really like to join you, but like you said, I am a noob too, I don´t know if I could help you...but otherwise...I really need a level up - she smiled nervous - Also I use an other weapon than you. -
    Saphira opened her menu and took the frost dagger out and showed it Jade Eye - I am a dagger fighter, and just like you, I have no fighting experience here. - still nervous she looked at Jade Eye - What could I say nor? Maby I should tell him, that I am not that good in talking withe other people, and that I ask many questions if I want to know something...Arrgh! I think I should first tell him my name, over other things I could think later! -

    - Before I forget it, my name is Saphira. - with a smile on her face she looked at Jade Eye, - and I really want to join you, but first I want to know something about you, nothin special, I just want to know the people who are in my vicinity. -

  17. Saphira blinked suprised as the boy talked to her - At one point he is right, I really wear much black stuff...I could ask myself why I actually wear that much of black stuff. - then she take a closer look at the boy - He looks a little bit like a starter. Maby he is actually a starter and someone gave hime some equipment, I mean, I am a starter, but I think I doesen´t look that much like a starter with all these equipment. - Saphira thought.
    - Well...why I wear all that black stuff? Because I like that color and it suits to my eyes. - - Ohh man, I don´t want to know how this sounds to him. - - And I´m not a goth....I am actually don´t know what this is, but thats another theme - she said with a nervous smile - and sorry if I disturbed you, I was just wandering around. But why are you here, so alone? Are you a starter too? - curious again she looked at him, waiting for his answer.

  18. Saphira walked through the town of beginnings, without a real goal. It was more a wandering through the town and a window shopping. - ther are so many things - she thought while looking through a window of a tailor shop - It look´s really interesting. - after a few minutes of looking she walked again the street down.
    - These streets...it remindes me at my home. - a sad smile on her face she wandered through another street - I wonder, will I ever have the ability to go back? If so, ther will be no big difference between here and there. -
    She looked up to the sky, it was a cloudy day and Saphira couldn´t see the sun. While walking a breeze came up and let her hair and cloak flutter. She looked at her cloak - like raven wings. - she smiles. She took a deep breath, stretched her arms and start running. At the end of the street she tries to slow down, stumbling she came to a marketplace with a fountain. With a smile on her face she looked aroun. For a short moment she thought she would be alone, but ther was another person, sitting on the fountain, curious she looked at the person through her green eyes - huh? Whos that? He looks like a starter, just like me. -

    Saphira came a few steps closer.

  19. Saphira thought over Hei`s proposal - I don´t really need something, but if he is asking something like this, maby he need some stuff? If that´s the case I should ask him. -
    She looked at Hei and began talking - I think i don´t need something, but if you need something I will whait for you in front of the gat. - she said and smiled - If you should need something, take your time. - after she said that she walk through the gate and looked to the horizen. - the mountains, the goal our journey. - Saphira closed her eyes for a short time. after she opened them again she start thinking over her guild sign - If it should also be visible while fighting a T-Shirt isn´t a good choice. Something like a scarf would be a better choice, or some scarf similar. I think something like pirates often wear, this triangular cloth around the neck, would look also good. Also it would be visible in a fight. -

    She smiled again.

  20. While the two walk through the town Saphira start thinking over the things Hei told her - so it is up to me, what type of clothe will be the emerald green one, I think something like a scarf would be cool or maby something like a emerald green top or T-Shirt. I think it would look good in all my black and brown clothes. I should ask Hei, if it would be okay.- she thought and looked up to the sky. - it`s so blue. and there are just a few little white clouds. it looks all so peaceful.-

    saphira saw to her side and looked at Hei - I am happy that I met him, he really tries to help me to get stronger. I don`t want to disappoint him! - she looked forward and after a few minutes she began to talk,

    - Uhhm...maby it is a little bit to early to ask, but do you think it will be possible, that I could get something like a emerald green top or T-Shirt as symbol for the guild? -

    A little bit shy Saphira looked at Hei, whaiting for his answer.

  21. As Hei said that to Saphira, she emtied her cup of tea and stand up. Saphira stretches her arms and looked to Hei. He was full equipped and ready to go - It feels, like it`s staring at me - Saphira thought shuddering while she looked at Hei`s necklace. - This emerald green leather coat, is this a sign from the guild? It is emerald green and the guild has an > emerald < in his name. - she said - Will I also got something in emerald green? If yes, will it be also a coat, or something else? - she asked curious - Oh, sorry, maby I ask to many questions at a single blow - she said nervous smiling - If I ask you to much, just say it. The fact is that this is the first time for me, that I am in a guild, and normal I don`t talk that much with other people. There were only a few people I was close to, my mother, some kids in the street and a woman who found me on the street and gave me a roof over my head. - Saphira was still smiling nervous.

    - I will wait in front of the shop - slowly she turned around and walked to the door. She opened the door and stepped out. Outside the tailor shop Saphira took a deep breath.

  22. - All the things you told me about the guild sound very nice, I think it wouldn`t be that difficult for me to find a place in that guild. I also think it would help me a lot to be in a guild, I could learn to fight and, if it is okay, I could start as an alchemist in the guild, I could brew potions if someone need some - said Saphira happily - and yes, you are right, I also want to know something about you too. As I met you, I thought I wouldn`t see you again after the quest, but now you helped me, you gave me armour and a weapon, you want to help me at the quest, and I know nothin about you unless your name, your tailor shop and the guild where you are a member. I want to know somethin about the peoples in my entourage. -

    Saphira took a sip of her tea, waited a moment and added - I hope it sounds not that much demanding - she took again a sip of tea and looked at her hands, waiting for his answere.

  23. Careful Saphira took the ice dagger and looked at him. - It is a beautiful weapon - she thought reverent - and the proposal to join the Emerald Harbingers sounds good, but I don`t know if I can trust them. I know Hei is a good person, he tries to help me, but I don`t know such things about his guild, maby I should ask him about this - Saphira looked up from the dagger and began to talk.

    - I would really like to join your guild, but first, if it is possible, I want to know some things about the guild. As example, how are the people in the guild? What would be my task when I join them? And ...I want to know more about you, I only know about you, that you are a very kind person. - she said carefully - Uhhm...and thanks for that dagger, it is a beautiful weapon. - she looked again to Hei, still olding the dagger in her hands, waiting for an answere.

  24. Saphira take a seat and listened to Hei. Hei told her, that he had found a master alchemist who could teach her, but first we have to finde some rare plants in the mountains. Hei also said, that there are wolfs, and that it could be a chance for me to train my warrior skills. Saphira take a nip on her cup of tea and nibbled on her cookie while she deliberated about Hei`s suggestion - I could really need training, as a starter I am not really good at fighting and maby I should practise with that armour - .

    - I guess it is a good idea, I really could need the training. Also I could practise to fight with that armour - she looked on her black armour and ate up the last bite of her cookie - when begins our adventure? And, if you know it, where in the mountains grow the <<black beauty>> plants? If we know this it could be easier to find them. - .

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