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Xander Rush

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Posts posted by Xander Rush

  1. Loading up into the Van they took count of all their belongings, the instruments they needed for the night were all accounted for, along with their tech. They were ready. Wes hopped into the front seat and Xander piled in the back with Danny, who seemed to be a little lost in the sight of the city. "So, the usual sushi yes?" John suggested, knowing that usually got a green light form everyone else They all nodded their head in agreement, Xander loved sushi, not really knowing what it all was. He just knew it tasted good and was displayed in a cute manor and that's all that mattered to him. His crimson eyes scanned the city as the van road smoothly on the busy roads, the Air amongst the friends was nearly sparking with excitement that they couldn't contain anymore. This was it, their biggest gig yet and possibly the start of their fame. 

  2. Blinking the steam from his eyes Xander quickly began to towel off his body then using it to put up his hair as he wakes out of the bathroom, bare as the day he was born, in search of his duffle, pawing through it he selected his attire for the night; grey skinnies with a black loose cropped top, flowy and showing off his midsection, he tied a red plaid flannel at his waist just in case he needed more than just the crop top. He wasn't sure where they would be singing, inside or outside, all he knew was it was a fancy place, so he had to look like he put in a little bit of effort without selling out his signature confusing attire. Staring at himself in the mirror he still felt odd in this sort of clothing. But it would have to do. Looking up at the guys who seemed distracted in their own he shouted. "Are we going to eat?" Grinning excitedly once he realized it had nearly been a day since he had something in his stomach. 

  3. Waking again but this time to a gentle shake Xander groaned, although he felt a lot better he couldn't help but want to sleep more. "Iskander, wake up. It's 8 pm, our show is at 10:45 we gotta be there by ten." Xander could feel jolts of excitement running through his body. It was time. This was it, the moment they had been waiting for, so close. Sitting up Xander stretched out, enjoying the feeling of his muscles quivering before heading off to shower, the others already up and dressed he waved before closing the door behind him and welcoming the hot steam of the shower to him as he dropped his clothing to the floor. Xander looked at the foggy outline of himself in the mirror before clearing it to see himself, his hair was a mess, and his arm covered in dried blood, but at least he looked rested. His arm still did hurt though. Shaking his head he stepped into the warm water and began his bathing rituals. 

  4. walking into the open door that Volcanic held for his Xander scanned the room, it seemed sleek, but still set in the same fashion as most of the game; many mannequins dawning sleek outfits with..capes? Leather straps and lots of pockets? Weird. The more he looked the more normal it got, it seemed to have regular clothing, soft cotton shirts in all styles, tunics, hentleys, tank tops and camisoles, passed that in the very back was Lacey lingerie that most shops seemed to have towards the back. Turning back to Volcanic he grinned. "So, i need a cape" he chuckled, not realizing how badly he really wanted one until he saw them in person, not just silk capes but half capes that rested upon ones shoulder, giving them an air of power, some lined with rivets of gold or lines of leather Zanders eyes practically glowed seeing some fashioned with fur from lions manes. He wanted to look the part of this world. He armor. He could get something nice that could be worn to accompany his armor that he gained throughout the game right? "So, was this as bad as you thought it would be?" Xander motioned to the blushed Volcanic.

  5. Jolting up at the sound of a shrill alarm Xander quickly scanned his surroundings. the source of the sound, a small alarm clock on the shared nightstand between two beds. It read 8 A.M. "No thanks" Xander hissed before smacking it off the table and curling back up into the warm spot he left in the Snow White cotton sheets. Who sets an alarm for 8 am anyways? Monsters that's who. Why would anyone want to be up at such a time, there was no good reason for it, you could get just as much done later in the day, done with he odd thoughts Xander began to drift off again. The the bed swallowing him into slumber was oddly relaxing, soft, sheets engulfing the man and cradling him, the warmth of his own body exuding into the cool sheets left for such an even temperature, the AC kicked on and filled the room with icy winds that furthered the comfortable feeling that blanketed Xander. Despite the pounding headache he was at ease. Today would be a good day, maybe their best day yet. 

  6. Wes and John both shook their heads, knowing all too well this sounded like something Xander would do. "Well let's get going then, shall we?" John gestured for the two to climb into the van. "Let's get going while it's still early in the night.. before I fall asleep behind this wheel.." he whispers more to himself, seated and ready to go they took off, not wanting to linger any longer than they had to with stolen goods. 

    Xander woke from his slumber, not remembering much but hating the bright light that invaded his lids, occasionally breaking through and shining bright pink from behind his lids, slowly he opened them and grumbled as he realized they were the lights of the hotels entrance, fancier than he thought it would be he glanced only briefly before closing his eyes again. And hoping to catch more sleep. 

    "Hey! Hey get up Iskander! We made it to Tokyo, it's really late though. Let's get you in bed." Before Xander could protest he felt himself become weightless for a second, not having the energy to struggle he looked up at his captor, his eyes slowly blinked, only to blush when they met Danny's. What a stupid kid, carrying Xander around as if he was a child, or some weak woman who couldn't handle her booze. He was embarrassed, but didn't have the energy to fight past making an unsettling gurgle at the back of his throat. Danny held Xander tight, through other guests and curious workers who watched on as he carried poor little Xander throughout the massive hotel, all the way to their room. "Sleep well Iskander.." he whispered as he laid he man in his bed. 

  7. "You think stars know they're dead?" Xander shouted out into the sky, stumbling around, holding the sloshing canisters tightly to his chest. "Hey stars..you died eons ago!" Giggling he looked Danny straight in the eyes. "Do you think I'm already dead to the stars?" He squinted up at the stars. 

    Danny shook his head, this man could never handle his spirits, and if there was anything Xander loved it was the very think he couldn't handle. The further they walked the more the road narrowed, finally reaching the van Danny made a desperate run towards it, noticing both Wes and John sitting ontop of it, watching the stars just like Xander had all night, looking to it for comfort. "We are back!!" Danny shouted, followed by Xander's groan before he fell face first into the ground. 

    "What happened to him..?" Wes looked down, confused by the sight he lifted Xander off the ground and into the passenger seat, covering him with the blanket he brought with him. 

    "Well we didn't have any money on us so he used his womanly charms and stole some for us and also sake and is now so inebriated he passed out. Also he hurt himself at the gas station and has a huge gash on his arm. So, looked like he's going to spend all tomorrow resting until the show, good thing we don't go on until 10:45 tomorrow night." Danny sighed as he poured the liquid gold into their van. 

  8. Xander made his way to the nearby shop with Volcanic in tow of course. Smiling wide with new found vigor, whether it be from having someone real to hang or with or just the idea of having a little slice of the outside world with such things as "shopping". Stopping short of the door he looked up at the stores signage, the words were written in neat calligraphy, nice and sharp. Looking back the the flustered Volcanic he tilted his head in confusion. "I mean, I would expect it to have a bit of everything. I like tighter clothes so if they don't have things we like I'm sure a tailor could help us out." Grinning playfully he tried his best to play off the fact that his place probably did specialize in small clothes..this could be a problem when it came to "What Gender is Xander?" game. Shaking his head Xander smiled. "That's sounds sweet, I prefer more modern things from here, living in Kyoto I've seen a lot of people that still hold to the old traditional attire and rules. But the new wave of youngsters from all of Japan try to keep ourselves fashionable. We do what the heart wants, some call us wreckless but I like to call it..carefree." 

  9. Quickly running off to meet his band mate Xander crashed into him as he leaped over the bush beyond the dumpster, landing on the boy who blushed in confusion. "H-hi Iskan-" Xander quickly climbed off him and handed him the spirits. "Look what I got!" He grinned triumphantly. 

    "You're hurt.." Danny stammered as the blood soaked gauze began to weigh on Xander's arm. "It's just a scratch." He grumbled as he began to ravenously down the bitter drink. It wasn't strong but Xander was a lightweight. It was enough. Throwing the now empty bottle to ththe wind he lifted two of the four canisters, wobbling along with Danny all the way back. "Are you going to be alright.." Danny stammered, his eyes moving from Xander's to his wound, then back to the now flushed cheeks of the man before him, who still toted the pink ribbons in his bright red hair. Shaking his head he tried his best to ignore the beginning of the drunk rambling that ensued. 

  10. Xander gave a small nod before standing up, That was his que get out while he still could. wobbling slightly for added pity points as he clutched his arm tightly. "Let me help you ma'am, don't move to much that will just make it worse.." tenderly grasping Xander's arm he poured alcohol onto it to cleanse the wound, causing Xander to growl in the most un- lady like of ways as the man quickly wrapped the wound. "There..there it's okay..just sit down here and rest and when I get out I'll take you where you need to go..what was your name?" Xander held his footing before reaching for a bottle of cheap sake, Taking his pick of what was left unbroken he began opening it and taking a deep swig and waking off to the door. "Xander..Rush." He grinned and nodded as he walked off with his newly acquired spirits and a very confused boy in his wake. 

  11. Xander opened the door with ease, the little bell above it chimed to alert the cashier who seemed to be reading less than tasteful manga. Before he could look up from his book Xander was leaned against the desk, smiling and looking curiously at the man, who looked younger than Danny.. "Hello, my car broke down a few miles back and I was wondering if you had a map? Or if you can tell me how far away I am from Tokyo?" The boy became red in the cheeks, pushing his manga behind the desk and clearing his throat, deepening his voice just for Xander. "Uh, hi..yeah you're about an hour away still..I can give you a ride after my shift?" The boy looked over Xander, whether it be with curiosity or scrutiny Xander easily fooled the best of them. His soft skin and wide eyes coupled with his slim physique and odd attire made it hard to distinguish what he was with clothes on. "Grade A shota material" his band mates usually teased, though Xander wasn't a young boy. Or into people older than him. But here he was trying to steal gas from some poor kid who fell right into his trap. Occasionally his eyes watched the monitor behind the man as he turned him away from the door, he could see Danny grabbing the canisters and making his way for the door, just as he pushed the door Xander bumped into a shelf full of glass bottles. "I'm so sorry! He shouted and flailed, holding his arm tight from the cut he accidentally obtained. The stinging sensation felt deep, when he moved his hand the large gash began to overflow with the same deep crimson that matched his eyes and hair. He looked up in confusion at the worker and let his eyes water. "That really hurt..my clothes snagged on that wire.." the small whines coming from Xander sealed the deal as the employee frantically searched for a first aid kit, Xander's eyes watched Danny from the door a he sat crumpled in "agony" the boy did it, he filled the tanks and quickly hid them behind a large garbage can on the side of the road back to where they had come from. Waiting for Xander patiently he nodded, hoping to get a nod back that things were okay. 

  12. Rounding through the darkness they made their way to a small gas satiation, Xander pressing the canister against a pump and balancing it on his knee as he searched his pocket for his wallet. "Oh no.  I must have left my wallet.. Danny? Do you have yours?" Danny felt his pockets and pulled out a few bucks, enough to get them a few gallons of gas. "Uh..thanks." Xander examined the pump, it was old, the kind the cashier has to stop on his own or else they would over flow. Lifting the canister to the machine he watched as it filled with the iridescent black sludge but quickly emptied onto the ground beside Xander, causing him to jump in surprise. "The can has a hole in it Danny!" He shouted angrily. "We need another" he pointed at the store, where through the window a rack of them could be seen. "We also need a lot more gas than we just lost.." he sighed and shook his head. "Do you have a plan?" Danny asked him, knowing with Xander on the job they weren't returning empty handed. 

    "Go to the bathroom. When you come out grab four cans and fill them at the pump. I'll stall." He pulled out a soft, pink, satin ribbon from his pocket and tied it around his neck tightly, along with a smaller bow at the end of his braid. Before rushing into the store and straight for the counter. 

  13. "Don't be so mad at them, they were just excited that's all. We all are..right Xander..?" Danny whined while carefully staying behind the road rails to keep them semi safe from cars of the far and few between traffic that the night brough on. "I'm still excited, trust me, we just have really bad luck..or at least I do.." he sighed. He's eyes watching the sky more than the road, its vastness and their being lost in the middle of no where with the worst of lighting made the sky seem even greater. Galaxies could be seen than he had never seen before. "I guess it's not all that bad.." from there the two began to sing to each other, more for practice than anything else, it helped pass the time. "How much further do you think it is from a gas station? I really have to pee.." Danny whined. "Not far..there's more lights and I can see some streets forming close by, we seemed to have hit a small city. Thank god.." Xander sighed. 

  14. Waking up to a bumpy ride Xander growled, "can you be more gentle?" looking around he noticed how dark it had gotten, looking at his phone quickly as it blinded him in the dark. "It's 10 pm already? How close are we? He jumped up, looking around in the dark as the van seemed to lurch to a stop. "Oh..oh no" John whispered desperately. "Oh no what?" Xander growled. "We've been driving for around 4 hours now and I think we might have put too little gas, I didn't fill it up because I assumed Wes had a little to spare." John tapped the man behind him who stirred from his slumber. "Are we there yet?" He mumbled before embracing the unexpecting Danny who quickly jolted up. "What happened?"

    "Dingus didn't put enough gas and now I guess I have to wonder the wilderness until I find a station." Xander growled before hopping out and grabbing the bright red fuel canister they kept for moments like these. "Did you see any gas stations close by?" Xander shouted desperately up to john. 

    "Nope, but there's one 3 miles away.." they all groaned as Danny jumped out to join Xander, stretching his tall figure out of the small van as the other two pushed the van off the road and into a safe open area. "We'll be back" Xander grumbled as he begin to walk off, knowing his pup would follow.  

  15. Wes grumbled as he sulked off to the van. "you look like a girl" he whispered before slamming the door behind him. "Ready?" Xander smiled warmly at Danny, seeing that the kid finally put on his shoes and had his sticks held close to his chest. "I am, the boys already have your baby in the van, all snuggled up nicely beneath my drums in her case." Xander purred happily. "Ephyra?" His beloved 60's jazzmaster that played like a dream. He was glad he could trust the boys with her, she was worth more than he'd like to admit half the time. At ease for their upcoming adventure Xander walked to the door, opening it and letting Danny out and locking the door for safety. "What could go wrong?" Xander thought to himself before jumping from the ledge above the van, landing neatly on top of it before sleekly hurling himself into the passenger side seat. "Told you not to sit there Wes, you would have been a dead man." Wes grumbled from the back seat as john started the van, Xander closed his eyes as the cool air from the ac blew into his hair and sent chills down his spine. "Why aren't you driving Wes?" Xander looked back at the man who seemed to be munching jerky. "I don't do long rides, they make me dizzy" he said, not looking up from his hand held gaming system. "Fair enough.. to Tokyo it is then!" With that he fell asleep moments later. 

  16. Xander growled as the boy quickly sniffed his clothes and pulled on a "clean" shirt and pants, nearly falling over in the process. "Are the guys even ready? We have to leave as soon as we can, so we can have a bit of fun before business." Danny sighed, happy that Xander was taking all this in stride. "Yeah they were ready before they left and should be here soon. They were grabbing snacks and chargers. But their instruments and clothes are already in the van." A loud honk followed by keys jingling at the door was right on time. The sound of Wes shouting down the hall before running up to Xander's room and jumping on the bed. "You said yes?" Xander snapped. "You leave me no choice, you know baby face is my weakness." He nooded towards Danny. "We know" Wes said with a crooked smile, his bright green eyes sparkled with excitement. He pushed his mousy brown hair from his eyes and held a heroic stance. "I had a friend who beta tested this game. He said it's amazing." Xander rolled his eyes. "A friend or you read an article, you seem to confuse the two a lot." 

  17. Danny sported a smug grin. "Are you bringing a girl?" Xander shook out his hair and gingerly added mattifying pomade to it to keep it nice and fluffy before braiding back the longer bits at the end. "Depends if I can find any at the show, but yes, always." Danny shook his head. "You can open with the ones that make them think you're talking about them. Then..John has been working on a song just for the game. For me and Wes of course. It's out of our usual but I think we could try it on the way and if you don't like it we can scrap it for something quicker. It needs your touch." Danny began to wonder around the room, picking up his own clothes off the ground and shoving them into his backpack. 

    "I don't know why you don't use the shelf and rod I left you free in the closet." Xander shook his head as he fumbled through his clean small clothes drawer to keep Danny from losing his mind. The kid was far embarrassed by the sight of Xander nude. Once partially dressed he put on the tightest of skinnies he could find, black as night with holes on the knees and rips at the hips he slid into them like a dream. Fumbling through his shirts that hung neatly above him he yanked off a few to fold into his duffle before pulling on a heather gray cropped, sleeveless hoodie, most men wouldn't dare wear such a thing unless they were playing sports. Far too many feared wearing such things. Masculinity was such a frail thing. Pulling it over his head Xander sported it willingly, not minding the breeze on his lean body a bit.

    "wear pink shoes and a bit of ribbon round your neck and in your hair and you'll have men swooning " Danny joked. 

  18. Realizing he was singing a bit loud Xander stopped and started to wash himself, humming happily "waking up, I feel such a sense that my life has succumbed to realize it's a cross between where feel I am in my life, and where I really am~" Rising off his hair and scrubbing his face he purred happily as the water trickled down his body before shutting it off and toweling off his hair, then body. Wrapping the towel on his hair before coming out of the shower, clutching his shampoo and conditioner, along with other shower things to dump into the duffle he was taking with him.

    Danny stared up at the ceiling blankly, knowing Xander as always would return without shame. "I really wish you wouldn't do that. We get it. You're better than us." 

    Xander looked at Danny confused and assumed he spoked of his singing. "So what are we opening with? And no, I'm not wearing the dress." Danny perked up ready to fire off his list. 

  19. Stripping of his small clothes he carefully undid the braid in his hair and combed through it, his hair was getting long. Sighing and turning on the warm water he looked up into it and let it run down his body, warming him to his core and relaxing his tense muscles. He hummed one of his songs, the sadest of melodies filled the open air to release the stress he had built up from the brief encounter. He wasn't the oldest of the bunch, that honor went to john who was 25 years young. But he certainly felt like he was when he had to tell the boys that dreaming got you no where, just talent and training. He lightly strummed and picked at the air as he sung, the memorized chords to each of their songs ingrained into his brain, he danced around lightly as his singing grew louder. 

    "How far back can you remember?did the ice stop your heart? Oh wait, that was me~" 

  20. You're really trying me. I wish you'd stop. You know how far Tokyo is from Kyoto? 6 hours. You know how far we have to take all our equipment on a whim? We don't have insurance. If something happens that's it we start from rock bottom again and have to sell our apartment. It's a difficult drive, there's a lot of tolls. Do we have enough to cover them? No. And why do I have to wear a dress just to get us into something? Why can't you wear the dress? And I swear to god if you say it's because I'm the prettiest I'm going to smash you into my nightstand again so help me-" Xander was cut off by Danny's flailing

    "just listen to me Xander. We took out a loan. We can do this. The combined amount of money all of us will make, just for opening for some big name stars will have us set pretty good. You like taking risks until it comes to money. Why is that? This is what this job is all about. Even more so if we do amazing..they will have us come back to make double the amount..."

    Xander couldn't help but be all sorts of angry from what was going on. But cash was king. He quickly rose from bed and pulled out a duffle bag from his night stand, throwing it on the bed next to Danny before storming off to shower. When he slammed the door shut a loud cheer from the boy followed as he shook his head. "He gives me no choice.."

  21. Xander watched as the boys chest rose rapidly from baited breath. This kid really was a piece of work. Usually Xander handled all of the business end of Psyren, their band. But lately Daniel was stealing the game, and landing more than Xander ever had. "No." Xander stated simply before laying back down and shutting his eyes tight. 

    What?! What do you mean no? I kissed so many butts just to get us this far! For you to say no? What kind of a game do you think this is? Tokyo isn't even that far! We can make it, Wes' Van is really new and nice. It's the nicest thing we have next to your guitar if we don't count your apartment. We can make it. If we leave now. We will even have some time to mingle, you love mingling! You can get you a girl to watch our show and everything! Iskand-" 

    I said no, Daniel. Xander growled. 

  22. Blinking the sleep from his crimson eyes Xander watched as Danny sat himself on his bed, turning to him and waiting like a puppy for Xander's attention. Looking around the room he realized it was only him and Danny, looking up at the half naked, raven haired boy he realized they both probably overslept, Danny's futon across the room was still unmade. Or maybe he was just waiting for Xander to wake up? Who knows. Finally meeting the boys piercing blue eyes he scoffed. "Don't look at me like that Danny it weirds me out." The boy tilted his head in confusion, causing Xander to sigh and sit up, now rubbing the sleep from his eyes then tousling his hair, lightly braiding the longer loose hairs and tossing it behind him before addressing the boy again. "What was it you woke me up for?" 

    Danny's eyes seemed to light up with excitement as only his could. "Well the guys went to go fuel up the Van and get some stuff for preparation but, we are going to Tokyo!!! We landed a gig playing at a midnight release for Sword Art Online! The massive MMO Wes and I have been fawning over! We actually did it! There's going to be a lot of K-pop going on but I figure if you just wear that one outfit everyone likes you in that we will make a lot more than we have in the past! We can completely change the game! This is our chance! And the winners get to take home Nerve Gear! For their whole band! We could never afford that since everything we have goes into equipment upkeep and food..and your apartment! With the money alone we would make off that gig we can get you a bigger apartment, with rooms for all of us!" He exclaimed excitedly. 

  23. "Hey? Xander get up! It's like...4 Pm. Like seriously dude you slept all day. I'm not even sure if you're alive, but if you are, you owe me like..10 bucks?"

    Xander swatted at the open air, hoping to hit his intended target; soft semi ringlets atop a big fat head, swollen with ego more so than actually being physically deformed, but he could still be a jerk and say it is cant he? Once he felt his target he pulled hard and pushed the victims face into the desk next to his bed, hearing muffled laughes and grunting from the struggling against his hand from the unexpected attack the victims hands flailed about wildly, swatting Xander occasionally. "I'm up now" he groaned while opening his eyes, watching as his friend Danny squirmed. "Quit it you're being a jerk again. I'm serious I was just trying to wake you up. I have important news!" Xander released the man and stared up at him. His chiseled jaw line, and built, albeit hairy, body was something women swooned over. It was hard to believe he was only 19. "That kid got all the good genes." Xander thought as he wished to smack him into the desk again, just for good measure. 

  24. Xander tossed and turned, groaning as the shelf beneath him creaked and the glasses above him clinked. The same, chipper greeting came from the woman running the bar. "Hiya!! Welcome to my tavern! Where the drink is stronger than the men or it's on us!" What a fitting slogan for an NPC shop in the town of beginnings.  he peeked up at her as she served her customers, her slender frame filled out at the bust, all was covered with a beautiful muted, frilly outfit. Her chestnut brown hair pulled up in pigtails tied with ribbons. It was no wonder Xander fell so easily, well that was until he realized she was an NPC. Turning back over to face the darkness of the shelving he slept on his eyes could barely stay open, he buried his face in his shirt and started to dream again, dreaming of anything but here. 

  25. Xander scooted close to the woman as she went through her map, looking at shops and such he couldn't help but notice despite being a game she very much smelled like a girl. Did he smell too? Was it..bad? Or was he making this up because naturally everyone assumes women smell nice. Reading her map carefully he shouted in surprise "I didn't even know we got maps!!!!" Looking at his menu and quickly seeing the obvious map text. "Oh..wait..I'm broke.." he looked over all his stats carefully in confusion. Quickly putting it away he confused to peer over at hers from beside her, pointing at one specific shop close by just titled "dainty things"

    "what about this one? I bet they have soft material! I don't really know what you like to wear outside of the game but soft and silky is right up my alley" he laughed and looked up at her with his big crimson eyes. "So, shall we get going? I wonder if they would take an IOU, since I have yet to quest, maybe I can take a quest from them and they can pay me in clothes?!" 

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