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Xander Rush

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Posts posted by Xander Rush

  1. "Seeing as if never done this before, learning the game would be the best thing I can do. So, what's there to learn other than everything can kill me and I can't come back from death?" Xander's brow furrowed as the weight of his half hearted words slowly processed for him. "There's no restarting..just death.." Stryders words weren't sugar coated, not that he expected them to be. He needed this blunt honesty before he hurled himself into his own funeral. 

    "I don't know a damn thing about MMOs.." shaking his head in disbelief. "But from what I do know this game doesn't really rely on any of my actual real world talents and skills. Thank goodness.." he sighed, pointing at the large two handed sword that rested on his back that was nearly the same size as him. "So wielding this shouldn't be too bad." 

  2. Xander watched as the woman worked her magic, despite how doomed he felt her words made him feel at ease."you're probably right but I have this sinking feeling in my gut that I just can't ignore. I'm the youngest of us four yet I take care of them all." Tilting his head and thinking about her words carefully he huffed.

    "Well that's the thing, I never really paid much attention when they played games. All I know is they enjoys "raids" and battle. Whatever that means." Shaking his head he gently fluffed his hair and chuckled. Remembering his grumbling in the very beginning about the rather constricting clothing the game slapped on him. "No not at all, I prefer tighter clothes." Walking out of the alley and shielding his eyes from the sun he turned to her and smiled. "how hard is it to find a little cute red head? But you're right. Let's find something more suiting..for the both of us." 

  3. Xander watched as the woman seemed to grow more comfortable, if he had to guess he struck a nerve. She too was scared. She wasn't some fearsome war maiden. She was a normal girl stuck in a world not made for her, or him. Watching the woman make her way to the trash to sit she Xander followed but kept a comfortable distance, leaning on a wall near by and feeling his throat grow tight as she spoke of her father, someone who was dear to her who is probably missing her greatly. "I'm sorry you two are apart. I'm sure he misses you." Sighing and closing his eyes Xander remembered his like band of misfits and grinned. "Well there's three of them. Danny plays drums, he's heavily into MMOs and makes us tour places where there's going to be releases and stuff. Wes plays bass. He's also a huge nerd. John sings also and takes care of sound. He's a jack of all trades, and mostly plays video games casually so I can't imagine him fairing too well here. But if I'm not with them then that means we are all separated. That's not good.. we haven't been apart in years, we went to school together and everything." Shaking his head Xander gave a worried sigh. "I'm glad your father is safe. And I'm sure you'll make it out just fine.." 

  4. Xander turned to the woman and listened to her speak, he felt his shoulders relax their stiffened stance he hadn't realized he was holding. Volcanic being in a similar boat as him was a relief, he had doubted there was others like him. "America huh? You guys eat the strangest things." He grinned, trying to lighten the mood from the old wounds they were opening up, no. This wasn't right. It had been ages since he was even able to address his life outside of sao, it was like some unspoken rule; players refused to talk about their past. Maybe out of fear but none the less it was strange. He glanced at Volcanic and knew she too needed this release, whether she welcomed his prodding or not he wanted her to know that he would listen if she needed him to.

    "That band you mentioned earlier, Psyren. That's my band. I'm that Xander Rush, I play guitar and sing" Xander tried his best to hold back the tears he didn't realize he had for his friends. Sure he missed them but until now he dared not think about to what degree. "..and...I miss them very much. I'm afraid they are stuck here too, my friends..I don't remember much from the night I was put in here, but I know we were all joking around and I'm not sure if it was just I who took this plunge or them as well..they are really good at MMOs, but I'm afraid they are too wreckless for a death game.." 

    Xander tried his best not to meet her eyes until the watering cleared from his. But he felt that if he opened up, maybe so would she if she needed to. Holding all of that in and finally saying out loud took a lot of the burden away, it was shared now. 

  5. Xander gave a chuckle and relaxed his stance, coming close to Volcanc and smiling warmly. "You wouldn't offend me, I don't mind this game one bit and you guessing wrong just flatters me!" He winked and tousled his hair softly before walking out of the shadows of the alley and peeking at the people that walked passed them, not actually answering her question. He was confident enough in his own masculinity that even if she thought he was a woman he wouldn't take it to heart. Many women found his features adorable. Shaking his head of the thought me gestured out at the throngs of players passing by. "I'm slightly surprised you aren't out there like most players, I don't know you well Volcanic, but usually players are avoiding people like me who prefers not to fight." Shrugging Xander sighed. "Id quest and fight if I was strong enough, but I'm new to MMOs, drunkenly being tossed in here didn't help either...sorry, I didn't mean to go on about my weird life." He smiled sheepishly.

  6. Xander quickly followed Pinball's attack; closing his eyes tight and thrusting his sword straight forward into the wolves flank, the sound of his sword meeting his side and the confused yelps and snarls rising from the wolf almost made Xander feel bad, he tensed and nearly froze when the eyes of the wolf met his own. Before he could pull his sword out of it's side the wolf was onto him, tackling Xander to th ground as it's gnashing teeth sunk into Xander's arm that he used to gaurd his face and neck, in shock of the wolf's bravery, but acting quickly he kicked the wolf off of him and tried his best to recover, it wasn't too painful but was still scary none the less. "We've almost got him Pinball!" He panted between baited breaths As his mind ran circles. It was fine. He was fine, everything would be okay. 


    BD: 10 (Critical!) +2    

    SwordArt: Straight- (2 Energy)

    1*2(2x1)= 4 Dmg to Wolf          

    MD: 8 (Success) 4 Dmg to Xander Rush

    •Pinball: Hp56/60 En5/6       

    •Xander: Hp16/20 En0/2


    •Wolf: Hp2/6 

  7. Xander's breath caught and he felt weak, watching the wolf ready itself to attack him made him feel clammy, but he stood his ground, if he was could to get hurt he was going to take it with everything he's got and show no fear. Snarling back at the wolf he must have looked manic; a small crimson haired man squaring himself up with a wolf, both having teeth bared prepared for the downfall of one. Watching Pinball try to catch the wolf off gaurd again he striked but missed. He was quickly followed by the snapping jaws of the lone wolf who also missed. In the heat of battle it seemed dangerous but to others it probably looked silly, two players locked in battle with a beast, none actually landing blows but flailing at each other with the full intention of hurting one another. 

    The wolf's eyes darted between the two, not trusting even the slightest of movements, but Xander wasn't about to give in the the bark of the beast. Taking another heavy swing the loud clatter of his sword into the teeth of the wolf wasn't what he quite expected, the wolves eyes met Xander's as if to smugly show off before releasing the sword and swiping a paw at the man in defense, which caused Xander to yank his sword from the jowls of the Wolf just quick enough to miss the painful embrace of talons. 


    BD: 3 (Fail)

    MD: 3 (Fail) 

    Pinball: Hp56/60 En:5/6

    Xander: Hp20/20 En:1/2


    Wolf: Hp12/12

  8. (OOC: okay bare with me now this is the first time I've had to do the roll thing hopefully I read the rules right and didn't screw up too bad.)

    "Well that's a lot cuter of a story than I expected. I'm sure he misses you too.." Xander trailed off, the idea of the world moving on and continuing even though they were trapped in SAO hadn't crossed his mind until now, he wondered if anyone he knew besides his band mates knew he was trapped here. If anyone had told his family. Did it really matter? 

    As Xander and Pinball drew further away from the farm He couldn't help but get excited again, a chill ran down his spine, followed by his heart starting to race as he's ears began to ring and drum loudly with the sounds of his blood flowing. This was it, the moment he had spent an unhealthy amount of time avoiding,For good reason. Xander had never fought seriously in his life, let alone a wild pack of wolves. Though video games gave you power you didn't quite have before he wasn't sure if they were supposed to instill..confidence in what he was doing. But here he was, following someone he just met into a grassy opening where he could hear the patter of light paws, followed by an unmistakable growl and the feeling of sets of eyes watching his every movement. Before he could think the actions happened in such quick succession; Pinball threw a dagger into a nearby bush only to be greeted by a set of teeth to his arm, Xander's eyes grew wide as he quickly attempted to draw the two handed straight sword from his back, without thinking he quickly swung down with all the power in his body only to have the wolf detach from Pinball and rear it's head back, avoiding Xander's sword and snarling at him instead and snapping his teeth in attempt to grab hold of Xander. 

    ---ID: 87516---

    BD: 1 (Critical Failure)

    MB: 4 (Fail) 

    Wolf: Hp:12/12

    Pinball: Hp:56/60 En:6/6

    Xander: Hp:20/20 En:1/2

  9. Xander turned to the teen, he couldn't have been any older than him but then again Xander being small and not extremely tall didn't really make him look 21, or like a man at all. Despite all that he grinned, the teens demeanor was a welcome change of pace, a jokester? Regardless of the type of person he is or was Xander welcomed the much needed company, even if it was just for slaying.."Wolves." He gave a head tilt and accepted the party request as he cleared his throat. "If wolves are a step up from boars, what's above wolves?"  shaking his head he gave a slight nod/ bow to Pinball, accepting his name and beginning his journey with the man, walking along side him and adjusting he heavy sword on his back, having it hilted at his side felt too awkward for someone who doesn't..sword..often. 

    "Well I've got one, why Pinball? If you mind me asking." Xander smirked, small talk was one of his strong points. Both drunken and not. 

  10. Xander leaned back into the bench and rested his arms behind his head, as he looked to the sky, his eyes scanning it for the answers he seeked before closing them as Styder spoke, listening to his words as if they were law. Everyone else just went out and proved themselves, they were either successful or never returned. But no one ever humored Xander and his near silly question. But Stryder was right. Starting slowly and working his way to becoming more adapted to this death game was the way to go, not blindly throwing yourself into the wilderness and hoping for the best like he assumed. 

    "Do you think I'd be strong enough to take care of myself one day? To find my friends..? I'm sure they are here..somewhere.." His eyes snapped open as he searched the sky once more, as if he expected Stryders words to fall from the sky. His desperation was obvious once he realized his friends could be here too, before he just hoped he could sit in the starting city long enough for the game to be over. Making enough friends to entertain him without having to do battle of any sort. But no, the thought of his idiots, though adept at MMOs, being stuck here was a nightmare. He had to find them before trouble did. He turned his head to Styder and gave him a sheepish smile as he gulped the bile that gathered at the back of his throat. This was no longer a place he could hide. He had to do what he feared for the good of his friends. "You're right. I should go on quests. I'll gain a few levels and work from there, then maybe I'll be able to hone my skills and be battle worthy." He removed his arms from behind his head and flexed jokingly, trying to lighten the heavily clouded thoughts he bared, knowing he was as lean as they came it usually got a chuckle out of people. "If not for me.. for my friends.." 

  11. As Xander drew close the other player seemed to grow an ominous air about him, bellowing "you" stating they had been both waiting for Xander to slink out of town and got lost and find them, he stiffened at the players words almost assuming he was in trouble and squeaked "me?!" Before clearing his throws and grumbling once the raven haired teen seemed to break out in hysterics. Smoothing his clothing and hair Xander grinned. "Yah got me, thats good! I'll give you that." He shook his head in near disbelief before following his lead to view the NPC elder with an icon over him. 

    "Wolves?" Xander gulped, not sure how to respond. He could help the two. But this would be the first time he left the city AND took a quest. To top it off he would be hunting? Xander hoped this wouldn't be his demise but he couldn't fight the excitement that grew within him. The same excitement he felt before every show, big or small he always felt that fire within him flicker. "This will be a first for me, but let's do this!" He beemed confidently. As he accepted the elders request and the man before him. "My name is Xander." He said with a grin, hoping that maybe the two could get along. 


  12. Xander gave a gulp and the woman's morbid reply as he started to imagine the wench luring him out and murdering him in cold blood, not even a kiss to ease the pain of death. Then the idea of other players, the same happy, smiling faces that lit up when they met up with their friends, twisted in a snarl as they drained the life from Xander. Shivering from the deep chills that accompanied the thought he whispered. "I never thought of that..maybe it's a good thing I don't leave the city often with others. Maybe if I get stronger I could..maybe.." 

    Blushing from the woman's blunt question he looked himself over then chuckled. It's been a while since he was asked that, not that he ever really minded when he was. Outside on this death game Xander dressed how he pleased, not so much in women's clothing but he enjoyed tighter pants and skimpy shirts, he liked the feeling of the breeze on his skin more than he wanted to admit. Usually his over confidence and Carisma had women overlooking his boyish, if not feminine appearance. But here, where the odds were against him  and the clothing starts sported being..mostly unisex, he didn't really have the time to openly flirt with anyone other than his NPC. Turning to the women and gesturing suggestively at all of him as his large, crimson, round eyes met hers he couldn't help but grin at his own question to come. 

     "Well Volcanic, what do you think?" 

  13. Xander watched curiously as Stryder slid the the ground only to recover and sit beside him, adjusting the face him the man gave a little shudder, more from the thought of this game having others like it, he wouldn't know. Was this really the point of this game? Everyone seemed shocked to be trapped at the time it happened so he assumed no, this wasn't a normal game.

    "well with a feat like that I'd say the title is well earned, and although I've just met you I feel like you live up to your guild's cause." He grinned but shook his head in disbelief. "A valcano? That sounds..really hot." Xander chuckled. "Well now that's reassuring, I just have to..adjust some more and maybe I'll be an adventurer soon enough. No rush though, from the looks of it I'll be here a while..so, how does someone that knows nothing about MMOs become an adventurer?" 

  14. Xander examined the relaxed man before him who didn't really seem to mind his curiosity, "that's quite the title, Stryder. And just wasting time..again.. there's not much to do when you don't adventure." Xander stared idly at his hands as he spoke.

    "How does one actually earn such a title? Surly it isn't from hiding in the beginning city like me." He grinned, always curious about how other players just went out and..did things, despite the danger of it all. This wasn't a world he was adapted to, let alone comfortable enough to throw himself headfirst into battle. He could only imagine how badly it could go for him. "I've never played a game like this, a serious mmo isn't really for me. I was sort of..drunkenly thrown in here by a few of my friends, little did any of us know I would actually get stuck in here, so I've just been hiding out here until I could..figure out what to do." Xander's eyes met the mans and could only hope he wouldn't be off put by Xander's.. openness? He had yet an opportunity to talk to many players so when he got the chance he knew he moment of meeting another breathing human being was fleeting. 

  15. Xander watched the warm breeze come in on the waves of grass that lined the outside of the city. He gave a nervous gulp but pushed forward, knowing he had to leave the city at some point if he wanted to survive past just living. Xander longed to thrive, not just live. The further out he went from the city the smaller it became behind him, a fresh memory at this point he felt renewed and excited for adventure, maybe he could even find his friends? Shaking his mind of the semi sweet thought he scanned the area, squinting at a small home in the distance. 

    "what is that..? Who would live out here." On a mission to answer his own question he made his way to what now was obviously a farm. "Ah, NPCs of course." He tousled his hair and took a deep breath before approaching an older NPC rocking himself on a chair, smiling as if he was expecting Xander, and the other player that stood next to the already expecting man. Both seemed to be waiting for something, hopefully it wasn't him? Looking behind himself then back at the two. "What are we waiting for?" 

  16. Xander smiled and felt warm inside once the woman giggled, this was real, there's no way she wasn't. His smile was more of a release of confusion and maybe a little twinge of hope. His hand idly touseled the back of his hair as he came further from the darkness and closer the the woman.

    "Yeah you're telling me, I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time with what I assumed was a lady friend..turns out she's just a bar wench NPC that's just supposed to be nice to me..and here I thought she was letting me stay in the tavern because she liked me.." realizing he probably said way more than she should have Xander blushed and was taken back by her question, he was sure he blurted his name out when he first saw her but that might have just been nerves. "Uh, still Xander, I hope." He wondered if maybe she was asking for his actual name in which he would probably still reply Xander. It's always been a good enough nickname for him. Straightening out he tilted his head in equal curiosity.

    "What might your name be, m'lady?" 

  17. Xander felt like he had been in the same spot for ages, yet he couldn't bring himself to actually leave. He heard other players speak of the other floors and of their great adventures, but here he was, watching the tavern girl walk back and forth..again. Slamming his fists down he quickly rose and shouted at the NPC, "I can't sit here forever!" before running out into the city, that short burst of energy made him feel a little better about the situation, but he still wasn't pleased, grumbling as he made his way over to some benches before plopping down, his eyes carefully watching the people that walked by, they all seemed so happy pasted the dread that most probably had from finding out this would be their home for quite possibly forever. Most had decent gear and looked like they could fend for themselves, usually in groups they seemed at ease. This was something that came natural to most players.

    Xander gave a desperate sigh as he leaned back onto the bench, his eyes trailed from the seat next to him to the person occupying it. He stiffened and jumped a little. "H-hi! Sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Xander?" He questioned his own name as he watched the player who seemed fairly at ease. 

  18. Xander watched the NPC work, his focused movements and gentle words baffled Xander. "The attention to detail here is amazing... I really hope I'm not the only one who thinks these guys are real.." he reached out, letting the curiosity get the best of him, wanting to touch Zachariah but before he could he felt an odd chill run up his back. His crimson eyes met Zachariah's then scanned the room before him again. What was this feeling..? Was someone watching him? Or was it just his new "friend" he had waited longer than he would have liked here, but he didn't want other players laughing at his sad attempt to do something simple as taking his first quest.  

    "Well Zachy, are yah gonna help me or not? Do I just go it alone or you coming with?" He scoffed as he tried his best to play off the fact that he wasn't completely sure where he was going or how he was going to manage helping his NPC friend. 

    "Would you mind helping me? I need to make potions, this would be a great learning experience for the both of you!" The old man chimed, but Xander stiffened. "The both of us..?" 

  19. Blinking away the sleep from his eyes Xander tried his best to focus on anything but the sun, even in the starting city he could help but feel it beating down on him, it was strange. This..is a game. The not so real sun was causing him real physical discomfort? Odd. Shaking his head of wayward thoughts he followed the occasional stream of "Players" to certain NPCs, not really taking any quests on, until now. Taking a deep breath he made his way to a small shop he overhead a few players buzzing about before, a starter quest that could possibly help him more than hurt him? That was still to be determined. Pressing himself to the door of the shop he peeked in,


    Xander's eyes scanned the room for life, only to find a lone man focused on his work, tending to potions and forrowing his brow occasionally in frustration. The man's eyes slowly lifted to meet Xander's. 

    "Oh good you're here. You must be new. My name is Zachariah and I need your assistance!" 

    A little confused Xander worked his way into the humble shop approaching the man and saddening a little once he realized he, yet again, mistaked an NPC for a living, breathing, human. 

  20. Xander wasn't sure what to do, ever since entering this hell hole he sort of just..wandered; around the starting city and occasionally peeked out at the rest of the world before booking it back to the city, he wasn't confident in this place, hell, he want even sure if his starter gear was on right. But he was at sure of one thing, he missed his buddies. He hadn't been apart from them in years and being here made him awfully lonely. As he wandered the streets he hummed one of his song, a slow song full of melancholy, listening to his voice echo off the warm cobble stone alley his followed his own voice that lured him into the darkness, closing his eyes and feeling at ease for once he took a deep breath and begin to sing the sad song, his voice shook at first, unsure if he could even sing in a place like this, but once he heard himself he sang louder, grinning and enjoying then moment until a voice called for him, breaking the silence that was the rest of the world to him. He froze for a second then turned to face the woman, both equal parts shocked and happy to meet someone other than the NPC he had been entertaining for the past few days thinking she was real. 

    "H-huh?" His eyes grew wide at her worlds and his smile grew as well "yes! I do know them, quite well actually" he chuckled and turned to the woman, slowly making his way to her and nodding, "the name is Xander, it's nice to meet someone that isn't some strange...game robot.." his worlds trailed off actually wondering if she was maybe an NPC? Trying to hide his own confusion he flashed her another winning smile in hopes of befriending someone in this dark world...in a dark alley..

  21. IMG_4220.JPG.386ff8c3783602d0e7a6a809b5ddb719.JPG

    Face Claim: Rider - Fate/Zero

    Username: Xander Rush
    Real name: Iskander Arquette
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 140 lbs

    Xander doesn't remember his actual name. That's not much of a problem though, since he's spent the past few years of his life in the lap of luxury and doesn't really want to remember. Being naturally musically inclined, Xander and his buddies worked their way to the top- of the barrel. Who is he kidding? Tour life was difficult, trying to become rich and famous was part of the plan, but he refused to sell out and become some K-Pop idol. He wanted to be liked for his music, his lyrics. Not how cute he looked in frills. As he dreamed of front lining gigs for wealthy fans, him and his three mates crammed themselves into a small van and rarely showered, learning more of each other than they intended to. As he drooled over the idea of five star meals, his stomach regretted gas station sushi. 

    Growing up was pretty average. He wasn't a great student but not a complete loser. Instead of setting off for college with the money his parents gave him, he decided music was best learned in the field, not a classroom. Usually taking risks he can't afford and won't be able to make up for. His family lived a stable middle class life. He didn't have much to worry about, so he lived a carefree life up until he tried to make a name for himself. 

    Crammed up and ready for their next show, Xander's band, Psyren, set out for their latest adventure after hearing about a special release of some state of the art game. Usually Xander could care less, seeing as that was something his friends were into, not him. He preferred to hone his talents, rather than waste time playing a game, yet here they were, sneaking back stage on a venue they were lucky enough to at the very least front run for. Drunk and a bit stoned, they did what they did best, mingled and flirted until they were allowed to party with the best of them. Was this really all it was hyped up to be? Why did this game become such a hit so fast? So much so that people were throwing concerts just to celebrate its existence. Watching his friends giggle like school girls as they slapped gear onto an inebriated Xander, they instructed him to say, "Link Start!" Xander had no idea what was going to follow. 


    Confidently running head first into things his just how Xander rolls, unless it's something like video games, because then he rolls off a cliff and loses everything and angrily shouts that the makers should really put up barriers to keep players from dying. Beyond that he's a bit of a prankster but tends take himself a little too seriously. He really has high hopes for himself and his closest friends, and for the last three years they are all he's known. Being an unlucky human Xander has a habit of taking risks he can't afford. If anything, life's taught him to enjoy everything and anything, no matter what other people think.


    • Musical - To be in a band you've got to at least have some base skill, Xander's falls under singing and guitar, more so guitar. He spends most of his free time playing when he's not busy partying, or driving the van. He likes to claim that he spends more time playing his guitar than he does sleeping, which to be fair is probably completely true. He wanted his guitar to be known worldwide, or at least throughout his home town. And so he keeps playing, and striving to be the best.
    • Athletic  - When he's not practicing he's always moving, having to lift heavy equipment in and out of a small van has its perks, despite wishing he has a bit more muscle, Xander is as lean as they come. It helps during his concerts because this has given him the stamina to play long gigs, including encores without getting tired, while his mates often complain about how tired they are because they aren't the ones moving the equipment and properly exercising. His athletic and lean body has only worked against him in one area. Upon first meeting Xander, most people aren't sure which gender he is.
    • Care Free - his laid back attitude applies to everything but music. Why rush when you've got the rest of your life to do it? Why do it at all? This mostly applies to video games, as he watches his mates try for world firsts and other big achievements on the first day games come out, while Xander just sits back and tunes his guitar the whole day to make it sound pitch perfect. Let others do as they will, and Xander will do as he does. Doesn't make much of a difference to him as long as nobody gets in his way. He just wants to play his music.


    • Vagabond - Being in a band changes you, usually people seek jobs with more security. But Xander likes traveling all over, seeing everything the world has to offer and not caring what emotional distress he leaves in his wake. No strings, no attachments, nothing to hold him down but his guitar and his gigs. And he can even choose not to show up to those if he doesn't mind not getting paid. Women? Replaceable. Band mates? Might come and go. All Xander needs is his six string and a stage and he's a happy man, anywhere that might be.
    • Addictive Nature - Gambling? Yes. Drinking? Yes. Obsessive need to play guitar constantly? You bet. His own music once acted like a gateway drug to so many other things, until he realized that he could just get those things on their own. If it's something he enjoys, you bet he's going to find a way to keep doing it until the high wears off. And don't think this just applies to drugs. Oh no, you bet if he cared enough about things like video games, sports, and the like, he'd be just as addicted to those things too. Drugs just happen to take less time out of his music.
    • Unlucky - Xander has had so many stage mishaps, not the least of which include a microphone to the face, a cameraman missing his solos, wardrobe malfunctions, not being caught while crowd surfing, and the like. And that's just his stage mishaps! Let's not even get started with general life, where the man would be the first one to fall down a flight of stairs, lose important documents and money, and drop anything he's holding just because the wind was blowing just right. Despite this, he finds ways to keep his head up, but anywhere Xander goes, you know something is going to get him.


    Level: 1
    Hit Points: 20
    Energy: 2
    Two-Handed Straight Sword Base Damage: 5
    Unarmed Base Damage: 1

    Sword Arts Known
    Two-Handed Straight Sword

    Weapon skills

    • Two-Handed Straight Sword - Rank 1: Novice

    SP Available: 5
    SP Used: 5
    Skill Slots Available: 2
    Skill Slots Used: 1


    • Basic Iron Claymore
    • Starter Iron Breast Plate





    Col: 800

    Skill Points: 7

    Used Points: 5

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