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Posts posted by Ryo

  1. Ryo clapped his hands together once happily. "Well, I eagerly await to make you the best food you'll ever have. Say you a chocolate, or vanilla kind of girl? Oh, maybe strawberry." Ryo said, thinking of valentines day deserts. "Oh! You should bring this mystery girl of your over, I can make desserts for the both of you. We can make a day of it." Ryo said. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno. I read that the familiar quest is really, grindy. Like, more grindy then normal." Ryo said, not wanting to do it without the proper skills or build, or items. "I'll get around to it though."

    "So, fun fact. I can't AoE." Ryo said, coming back from his attack on the Venom Snapper. "My skill list literally has only single target skills." Ryo said, holding his katana at the ready again.




    ID: 94897 BD: 8 (80dmg dealt to Venom Snapper)

    [H:3] 3 l 3l 3l 3 Hestia: 750/750  62/72 | 3 DMG | EVA -1 | ACC 1 | MIT 104 | Thorns: 28 l  Bleed: 24 l Regen: 10 HP after being hit for 3 turns l Recovery +2 ENG on CD:6+   l 2x paralyze  Howl-10 ENG

    [H:1] Ryo | DMG 9 | 3 DMG | EVA 2 | ACC 0 | MIT 7 |
    HP: 460/460
    EN: 38/46

    Wolf:   HP: 40/40   DMG: 25

    Wolf:   HP: 40/40   DMG: 25

    Wolf:   HP: 40/40   DMG: 25

    Venom Snapper: HP: 70/150 l DMG: 35 l EVA: 1




  2. Ryo was nuddged awake, his eyes slowly opening. Had he fallen asleep here? He looked over to his left from where the nudge came from and noticed that Teion had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He stared for a few moments, not sure if he was still dreaming. Ryo used his free hand to move a strand of violet hair from Teions face. She looked so, wonderful. Ryo softly smiled as he rested his head back against the brick.

    Why had she come out? It wasn't because she was worried about it was it? Either way, just because there had been no monsters yet, didn't mean that there wasn't any. Ruo nudged Teion, and when she refused to move he sighed out in frustration. He slowly turned around and picked up the woman in his arms, cradling her as he carried her back to her bed.

    As he liked her down, he noticed the damn spots on the bed, where she had been crying. Ryos face scrunched up, at the thought of it. He pulled the blanket up over Teion, and sat on the same bed. And when his eyelids grew to heavy, his body refused his mental commands. No, don't lie down beside her. There's a bed over there for you. Ryos body moved on it's own. As he lied down beside the violet haired woman, and fell asleep again.

  3. Ryo lied down, trying to go to sleep. His feelings wouldn't allow him, however, as he just lied there uncomfortably rolling on the mattress. How'd he let himself get into this situation? He sighed and sat up. He wanted to apologize, but it wouldn't help the situation. He removed himself from the bed and stepped outside of the room, meaning for it only to be a minute. It was, roomier outside in the large hallway than in the room. No fresh air, but he could at least think aloud. "Dammit. Why'd I had to go and say that? I pushed it too far." He said, pacing his steps echoing in the empty hall. "I mean, she already hates you enough. Why not add more fuel to that fire?" He said, his pacing increasing. "I know I care, and she knows that you care. But there was a line I crossed, and now I'm not sure I even stand a chance in hell anymore." Ryo said, leaning himself up against the wall. Ryo slid down the wall, his head feeling the unevenness of the brick. He inhaled deeply, held his breath for a moment, and released it. And there he fell asleep. 

  4. Ryo sighed, picking up the stick and reapplying moss to it again. "C'mon. We need light for further ahead, or you're gonna get more anxious then I've already made you." Ryo said, handing Teion the makeshift torch yet again. Thier combined steps echoed in the hollow chambers that ran beneath the ground. Minutes of silence turned into silence, and neither one still said nothing. Teion still most likely shocked about what Ryo had said, and Ryo ashamed of what he had said. There was a difference between him, and Aereth. There was. There had to be. Ryo didn't kill those players, it was those bandits that did. All they had to do was shut up and listen. Cries for help tormented Ryo's mind, for the first time in a long, long time. He just wanted it to stop. His occasional nightmares, the screams, the flashbacks, all of it. He was different than those men. Those who murdered for gain. He peeked behind him to see if Teion was following him. God, she must hate him so much right now. "I." Ryo began, unsure of what to say. "No." He said, shaking his head.

    More minutes pass. He'd have a better idea of what to say if Teion spoke more, but she stood and followed silently like an emotionless doll. But Teion wasn't that, she was more much much more. The walkway continued for several more minutes before coming to a turn. At this fork, the pair could continue forward or turn to their right. To the right was a door. RYo equipped his katana and placed a ready hand on its handle awaiting for any monster to jump out at attacking them. But none came.

    Inside the room was a rest station of sorts. Two beds, some fruits, and magazines. "We could probably take a breather here. "We've been walking for who knows how long." Ryo said, claiming on to the beds, allowing his feet to rest. Across from him would be Teions bed, where she could sit or lie down.

  5. Ryo's teeth clenched. "There's a difference!" He nearly shouted. "There's a line, a line I never crossed. I lied, I cheated, I betrayed, and I hate everything about myself because of it. Can Aereth say that he dislikes all of the killings? All of that bloodshed?" Ryo counter asked. "I've seen that kind of person before. I've heard all the stories before, listed around by the psychopaths and sociopaths alike at the proverbial lunch table." Ryo said, still walking. He placed a hand on his chest. "I'm a good person. I kill only in self-defense. Yeah, four times to players half your level." he said, marking an example. He continued. "I kill to protect the ones I love. I murder to sate this lust I have. I kill because it's the only thing I'm good at." Ryo said, still listing all of the examples. A murder was murder, no matter the need no matter the situation. It was, wrong. "What does he do? Hmm? They all do something, some little quirk." He said, shooting his gaze over his shoulder.

    "He keeps track? That's a common one among them all. Does he do it mentally, 'never forgetting their faces'? Or does he mark himself or his weapon of choice?" Ryo asked, his walking slowing down nearing a stop. "What else does he do?" He asked, thinking of other things. "Has he done the 'bring trouble' yet?" Ryo asked. "Couple of thugs show up, wanting you for whatever reasons? Then he shows up out of the blue, a wonderful white knight. Men he knew perhaps? I've seen this trick before.You see, this thug this one time liked this girl he met, and to make her 'fall in love' with him, he hired a few guys to go 'rough' her up. They were just to scare her, make her fear for her life. And when hope was lost, he would hop in, and drive them away. 'Saving' her life." Ryo said, recalling the tale vaguely. "Of course when he did show up, he couldn't afford the promise of thugs and bandits to be completely secret, oh no. He killed them. All of them. To keep the secret that he paid for them to be there. Sure, he's out of a bit of col, but now he's got a permanent source of tail on the side." Ryo nearly spat out. "And it's that kind of people I'm trying to fight against. Those kinds of people who would throw away life for monetary gain. For Col. For sex. For nothing." Ryo stood still, staring at Teion, forgetting that he needed to breathe after all of it.

    "I'm." Ryo began, breaking eye contact with Teion. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of. Let's just get out of here. The sooner we can, the sooner I can leave your life." Ryo said, running a hand through his hair.

  6. Ryo double checked the address on his map with the address he got from a passerby. Telreyna's shop. A small red-headed woman ran out of the shop, dashing past Ryo in the process. Ryo smiled, thinking the girl was cute and then walked inside. Ryo noticed the blonde worker behind the counter. Ryo gave a small wave to the woman as he entered. "Hello~" He said as he approached the counter. "I take it you're, Telrenya. Owner of this fine establishment?" He asked, rhetorically. "I'm needing something cute, I mean made!" he said, catching himself and blushing in the process. "It doesn't have to be extravagant, just lucky." He said, telling the woman what he would like. "Oh, and here's this if it'll help," Ryo said offering an Essence of Steel to the woman. "I think that helps unless it's a perfect." He said, chuckling.


     Name: Ryo
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: [leave blank]
    Roll: [leave blank]
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: (any)
    Enhancements: +LD (all)
    Description: anything really


  7. Ryo took his time going down the ladder. Not because it was just slippery and unsafe, but also because. Ryo's head turned up, looking at his partner in all of this, and her ass as it descended the ladder just as slowly. Ryo enjoyed his view as the two descended. Each cheek bouncing as Teions thighs moved her down the ladder. Ryo had to shake his head every now again, and double check himself to make sure he kept moving, or else risk getting run over by Teion. Ryo sighed aloud as his feet hit a wet and marshy floor.

    Moss clung the to ceiling and gave off a slight yellow glow as it pulsated to brightly lit to dim. He grabbed a small stick from his inventory and a bit of the goopy moss and applied it to the stick. After creating a makeshift torch he handed it to Teion, as he pulled up his menu. "So, how did you meet Aereth. Literally, the most violent person in Aincrad." Ryo asked. "I wouldn't be asking if it was literally any other man. But, last I checked he's claimed at least 10. Maybe even more so since then." Ryo said, not liking the idea that the woman he loved was seeing Aereth.

  8. Ryo rubbed the back of his neck. Again, Hestia was probably right. But, would Teion even like chocolate? Not every girl loved chocolate, hell he didn't like chocolate all that much. It was bitter, and in some cases too bitter. Maybe fudge would be good as a dessert item, or maybe a shake or float? And the issue with the whole 'be yourself' thing was that he didn't know who he was. Before he became this guy, he was working with a bad group of people. He lied, kidnapped, and betrayed people, for no reason other than for his own personal gain. And it was only a matter of time before that group came looking for him. "Maybe she would like some sweets. Say, maybe sometime in the future you could be my taste tester for me? I wanna make sure I get everything right." Ryo said, excited to cook again. 

  9. Ryo had seen the grate and had thought about stating it aloud. But, this raised an opportunity. Looking at Teion's outfit, she had several straps and form-fitting pants. While Ryo's face was pressed onto the floor, he figured out a plan. He shot back up and asked Teion to take a look, under the guise of it being dark and unable to see. He moved beside Teion and stood behind her as she crouched down. Ryo's eyes wandered as Teion went to the ground. Bent over at the perfect angle, Teion's butt was presented in the perfect way. No skirt, or over shirt to hide anything. His view was short as Teion sat back up. Ryo quickly swallowed, his face turning bright red. "I know, but it may be our only way out of here." Ryo said. Ryo watched as Teion pulled out her battle ax, and gulped in suspense. Teion crouched back over, trying to hook her ax on the grate. Teion's butt again was on display, but even better than before. Legs slightly spread, her hips wriggling as she moved. Ryo had to look away for a second to compose himself as he heard the grating pop off of its base.

    "Alright. Now let's get this sink out of the way." He said, grabbing a corner of the sink. With Teion's help, they were able to easily move the sink out of the way. Removing the grate Ryo could spy another ladder. "Aha~" He said delightfully. "This has to be an emergency exit of some kind. In case the previous owner needed it." He said. "I'll go down first. You follow. And if it's too dark, just know that I'm here. Just like last time, okay?" Ryo said, his face still warm from the view he got earlier. He then began his descent down the ladder.

  10. Ryo ran his hands through his hair. "Ahhh, [censored]! No, I didn't even ask if she has a boyfriend!" He said out loud, frustrated. He then listened in as Hestia failed to give him any useful advice. "Dammit, what good is all that common sense gonna do me?" He said, pouting. But Hestia at least had a point. Teion was, different. Not different in a way that was bad, just different overall. Normal means wouldn't work on her, he'd have to come up with a different form of approach. Not like, he had a form of approach that had worked before. He sighed out in defeat. "I don't know. I'll just have to default to that whole 'be yourself' thing." he said, waving his hand in a circle. Ryo opened his own Antidote and chugged it after Hestia did hers. Better safe than sorry, he thought to himself.

  11. Ryo laughed, then felt his face blush. "Damn. That was a pretty good one." He said grabbing his collar and stretching it out some. he did think about joining his guild. He had heard about them, and it was either them or the Celestials. He thought about it some more until Clarence gave his answer. "Cranberries?" Ryo said smirking. "You should've asked some more questions. Because the answer was..." Ryo began, pausing for dramatic effect. "Pumpkins!" He said laughing. "Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving thing. It can grow red, instead of orange. And they're seasonally, and are typically grown in America." Ryo said, showing off his knowledge of the food item. "But cranberries works also. Hmm." He said, rubbing his chin. But the point stands, I win." He looked up from his drink up at Spencer. "So, what do I win?" He said, giving him a coy wink.

  12. Ryo kicked a table leg, the table shuddering slightly under the force of it, but his foot felt the pain of it. If it was the real world, Ryo would've most likely would've have broken a toe or two. He grumbled, trying to think of a way out of the situation that they were now in, but nothing came to mind. They both probably could move the bed, but they both couldn't fit on the ladder at the same time. The angle and force needed to just topple the bed by opening the trap door were beyond what either one could do alone. He needed to think, find an escape, something. Panic began to set in, followed by dread and depression. "I'm sorry." Ryo said, sliding down on the wall opposite Teion. He couldn't figure a way out, and he couldn't be sure that the room wasn't soundproofed in any way. So when rescue finally arrived he wasn't sure they could just call for help from below. Ryo tried to think clearly, but the damn sink constantly filling up, was starting to grate on him. Wait, a second, grate. Where was that water going? He flipped over to his hands and knees and crawled over to the sink looking under it. "Dammit, I can't see anything, Teion could you? I think there might be an exit there." He said, standing up.

  13. Ryo could feel the awkward tension in the air as the two spoke. They seemed to get along so that was good. "Sorry about not asking you ahead of time Spence, but I kinda thought that I could get my two closest friends together for an evening or two," Ryo said, explaining his plan. "Kinda got excited." He said, chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck. Perhaps, he should've planned a bit more ahead of time instead of just springing plans onto people. He chuckled nervously. "Alright. Shall we then?" Ryo said, trying to take the initiative of the party and get the show rolling. He hoped that his friends would get along well enough. He really liked Teion, enough to profess his love to her. And he really enjoyed Spencer's company. 

    He stepped outside, was harassed by the NPC, and initiated the quest. And took his first steps out into the desert.

    (gotta roll that CD from now on)

  14. Ryo reached up grabbing a small square that held someone's image trapped. He flipped it over and noticed the fine writing. "Same handwriting as our poisoned note from before," Ryo said, noticing the fine handwriting. "So, Strangelove is our culprit after all. Not like, I had any doubts." Ryo said, looking at the picture. "Hey, is this? Me?" He said looking at the picture again. It was him, stepping outside his house on floor eleven. He tossed the picture aside. "This is some next level of creepy..." Ryo said looking at other pictures. He recognized some of them, but only in passing, like bumping into someone at the mall. Ryo jumped when the trap door above slammed shut. "[censored]!" He exclaimed check his pulse. "It, probably just fell shut, ill get it." He said, stepping by Teion and climbing the ladder, he heard something moving upstairs. "There's someone up there!" He yelled down in a whisper to Teion. Ryo began to climb faster his hands gripping the rungs of the ladder effortlessly. He could hear something heavy being moved across the floor, screeching against the wooden floorboards. Someone was trying to barricade them into the basement. Ryo hurried as fast as he could, his hands stinging from how fast he had to move. When he reached the top he slammed his shoulder up against the trap door, wanting it to be thrown upward. It bounced slightly but slammed back shut almost immediately slamming back into Ryo throwing him back down. Ryo's grip held firm on the ladder, preventing him from falling completely. But there was no way that he could get that trap door open again now. "Dammit! Hey!" He said, pressing up against the trap door, unable to budge it. "Dammit!" He cursed again, sliding back down the ladder to Teion. He didn't say anything, just pacing in the tiny room.

  15. Ryo nodded, thanking Teion for respecting his wish about his past with Piera. She would know the truth, but not now. She deserved the truth, but his selfish need of wanting to be loved by Teion kept him from opening his mouth and telling her the truth. Ryos eyes widened. "Aereth. The Aereth? As in, the man who has been single handely responseable for at most 10 player deaths Aereth? You know he's got his name up on the monument board? It's like a high score with him." Ryo said, unhappy about the new situation. Of course it was Aereth leave it to him to fall in love with the girlfriend of the most bloodthirtsy man in Aincrad.

    He dropped the conversation, more in favour of what Teion had found. "What's that there?" He asked, looking at the trap door. Ryo ignored  hia surroundings as hestares down the hole. Nothing. Nothing but darkness and the sound of water lapping. "Wait here, I'll check it out. It could be an exit." Ryo bravely said as he gripped the wrought iron ladder and made his way down.

    At the bottom there was something, he couldnt make out. He took a step forward his face touching something. He gasped ,an took a step back. A red light had blinded him and had now lit up the room.around him we're small tables with water continuously filling and overflowing. Pictures lined the wall, of other players. "Teion, you gotta see this." Ryo said, investigating the room further.

  16. Ryo laughed as Ryo undressed saying that it was hot in the room. "You think it's hot? Trying having a solid black skin tight latex suit on underneath foam padding. I'm sweating in places you don't even know." He said counter flirting as he tallied up all those questions. "Oh I know it's not, but it's making the game more fun. What was that just now? Three questions?" He said laughing. "But yes, it is used in a seasonal desert. And I did because no one was talking. I'm assuming that they're all still greieving, but you can't grieve forever. And for the time being, I'll pass on any invites. Don't want to give the impression that I Left for another. Ain't that kinda guy." He said to Spencer. 

  17. At first, the name washed over Ryo with a blank stare. But then, all too soon the realization hit him. "P-Piera?" he said, so quietly that he doubted that Teion could here. He felt himself get ill, then dizzy. His stomach entered knots and wouldn't untie itself. He clutched his stomach, and his pore began to sweat uncontrollably. What does he say in this situation? What would he say? What was he supposed to say? He tried to think of something. He knew that Piera was fine, and didn't recognize him, thank [censored] for that, and didn't say anything. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down. But he had to say something soon or else Teion would grow suspicious. "Uhm, she. She sounds cool?" He said running another hand through his hair. Dammit, that sounded so convincing, didn't it? [censored]. Ryo took a deep breath in through his nose and letting it out through his mouth. "I mean. She and I have a bit of a complicated thing. Ran into her at the Halloween party and it got kinda, weird. I don't wanna talk about it, if that's okay." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't dare tell Teion the truth. He would in time, but now was not that time. "Say, anything new from that bountiful Beau of yours?" Ryo said, desperately trying to change the subject at hand. He stood up and grabbed the second curtain from the wall, and began tearing it into strips.

  18. Ryo let his feet hang, and swing off the end of the bed. Teion herself repositioned, what else was someone supposed to do with nothing else to do. Ryo looked around at the materials in the room. Another half of curtain hung in front of the mural, some broken planks from a dismantled bookcase littered the floor, and of course, the potions that were still on the shelf. "Well, I'm glad that you at least found someone." Ryo's eyebrows cocked at the idea of that. "Oh, a girl you wanted to meet in real life someday? She had to have been really special for you to get that kind of impression. Who was she?" Ryo asked. He was curious as to who it could be, she had to have been someone close or special to Teion for her to go out of her way to go and meet her in real life.

  19. Ryo shook his hand. "No, it's fine. It's better to let him know that you're fine rather than keeping him in the dark. I mean, he's not one of the crazy ones that need to know what you're doing all the time, or trying to control what you do right? I had a girlfriend like that once. She tried to bug my computer at home to see if I was messaging girls online without her knowing." Ryo said chuckling remembering her insanity. She then asked if he had known anyone from the real world who had joined SAO. Ryo leaned back, his hands on the bed. "No, and I feel if I did know someone from the real world things would've gone differently. Being alone made things so difficult." He said somberly. He shook his head, not wanting to think about his past anymore. "What about you? Anyone special, that friend who got you that job?" Ryo asked.

  20. Ryo laughed. "A cat person huh? I think I remember you telling me about this actually." He said, putting a finger to his chin in thought. "Yeah, when we went out to the Fields of Crossing. Saw that wonderful view." He said, remembering that moment fondly. "And about schooling, it's nothing. You can be plenty happy with that cat of yours, a good book or two, and a job that makes you feel dead inside." Ryo said, joking. She then apologized for what had happened with his parents. He didn't know if it was her condolences or sympathy. But it didn't matter. "Don't be. What's happened has happened, and there's nothing any of us can do to change it. just like my history, and just like yours." Ryo said thinking. Frankly, he half expected Teions notification window to appear again as she received a message. The only person he would've to bother talking to was in the room with him. "So, how's mystery man?" Ryo asked, meaning the person that Teion had been messaging all day.

  21. Ryo rubbed the back of his head. "Well, when you put it that way." He said, chuckling. "But be careful though, don't want you going around thinking that you're always right. Might make you poisonous." He said joking with the woman. And again, she reiterated that he was overthinking things and that they'd be fine. But that kind of attitude could get people killed. Overconfidence is what killed Lowenthal, and countless other people. "Still. We mustn't be too careless. Better safe than sorry." He said, following the woman out of the pub. He stopped for a second, surprised about her next question. "Uh who, Teion? Yeah no. No ground made just yet. But I am working on it." He said, giving himself hope. "I mean, she's so hard to get a read on. She doesn't do much but she's gotta do something that entertains her. Right?" Ryo scratched his head as he continued walking. "What do girls like? You're one, could you give me a hint?" He said, cupping his hands together as is he was praying.

  22. Again the see-through board appeared in front of Teion, and another message was made and sent. It had to have been that guy see's seeing. Ryo's brow furrowed at the thought of it. He could sense Teion's disliking of small talk when Ryo asked if she had any questions for him, or about him. She asked him if he cooked in real life. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Actually, I do. Well, did." He said walking over to Teion to grab the now empty plate. "I cooked at home, and I was gonna go to school for it. But mom got sick, and I couldn't afford school anymore. Mostly because I didn't know that mom was sick and dad stole what money I had." He said, sitting down on the bed using it as a makeshift chair. "But mom had died long before I had started to send money to dad for help. Turns out dad was out of work and needed money to keep his addictions in order. So what wonderful timing that mom died and that I had money to just give him huh?" He said, frustrated at himself for falling for his fathers lies. "But yeah. I cook somewhat decently I think." Ryo said, smiling at Teion. "So that raises the question. What do you do in the real world? Don't tell me that you're stuck as someone's secretary. You're far too pretty to be stuck behind a desk." Ryo said, half joking.

  23. Ryo followed the woman as they walked, he looked at her weapon of choice. An oversized scythe that looked far more mechanical then it needed. Perhaps, it had some hidden function that he missed. Such as transforming, or simply changing the way she held it and her attack style changing with it. He shrugged his shoulders, not really caring. As long as she could use it there as no point as to wonder how she did. They were allies in the quest after all. "So, Miss Kaya-" Ryo began as he was interrupted by her saying that she found the cave and ran off for it. Ryo sighed, removing his hands from his pockets. "Alright, alright. I'm coming." He said, making his way there. The cave wasn't much, but it looked like it was either deep or it turned immediately in. Ryo couldn't see much in there and now regret not having accuracy boosting items on him. "Looks like it's dark, so accuracy is gonna drop. Unless you got night vision." He said, doubting that she did.

    Ryo's Stats


    HP: 460
    EN: 46
    Dmg: 9
    Acc: -1 (debuffed from darkness)
    Eva: 2
    Mit: 7
    Battle healing: Heals 8 hp at the start of each of my own turns.


  24. Ryo chuckled., "Don't worry bud. Everyone has those kinda nights" He said, giving his friend's shoulder a reassuring pat. "And if there's anything I could do to help, just let me know." He said, smiling at the man. Ryo removed his arm from Spencer as he turned around to respond to Teion who had managed to sneak up on him. "Hey, Teion. You doing alright? Oh hey." He said, turning around. "Spencer, Teion. Teion, Spencer." Ryo said, introducing the two. "I met him at the Halloween party. We got along and we went for a drink afterward." He said, giving some backstory to how they met. "And I met Teion at the Fireworks Festival. And failed at winning her a prize." He said, thinking to himself. "Man, I meet a lot of people at parties." He said, chuckling. "So Teion, I was asking Spencer if he wanted to go on a quest or something. I know The Traveler is nearby here, and I asked if Spencer wanted to tag along. If that's cool with you Tei." He asked last minute.

  25. Ryo shrugged his shoulders. "No idea, what that question has to do with anything," Ryo said. "But it counts." He said, teasing his partner across the table. "And your answers are gonna come in order." He said, clearing his throat. "Yes, it's seasonal. It fits with several holidays. And yes, I did." He said, confirming the questions. Damn, Spencer was better at the game then he thought. He'd have to come up with some way to try and trick Spencer. But, he was having fun and that's what mattered. Ryo opened his menu, looking at his messages. He stared at the party invite he gave Teion. He sighed sadly as he closed his menu. No message, nothing. He wondered if Teion was alright. He was sure she was fine, she was a tough woman after all and she didn't need him harassing her all the time.

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