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Posts posted by MacGrath

  1. "Yeah, maybe, but don't give up that easily." MacGrath said, looking at the PK who had half of his health left."Maybe I should pay attention on you now." MacGrath said to him rushing towards him smiling.

    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    The PK cut MacGrath on the cheek. "That's nothing." He said, turn towards him and impaled him. "Maybe you should very thought of running away instead of fighting a demon." MacGrath whispered to the Pk'ers ear. The body collapsed to the ground lifeless before shattering into crystals.

    MacGrath 16/17

    Arekkusu 13/15

    PK1 1/6

    PK2 4/6

    PK3 DEAD

    PK4 1/6

  2. MacGrath walked around the field of Floor 6, "Haven't been up here for a while, I almost forgot what it looks like." MacGrath said. He notice something coming towards him. "An NPC?" He thought.

    "I want to challenge you to a duel. If you win, you'll get a prize." The NPC. MacGrath thought for a while while the quest notification popped up asking if he want to accept or not. MacGrath accepted. "All right let's get started." MacGrath said, then something happened that horrified him.

  3. "Well, guessing from how much damage they have taken, I'm guessing level 2 as well." MacGrath said. I guess he can defeat with Madness, but it would be a challenge to him even though he still using a free style fight technique he had always used.

    Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 3 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    "You should be defeat by now." One of the said, rushing over to MacGrath, he does a dodges, going back to back to the PK then cuts him. "You should learn your place." MacGrath said.

    MacGrath 17/17

    Arekkusu 15/15

    PK1 5/6

    PK2 4/6

    PK3 3/6

    PK4 1/6

  4. MacGrath saw Arekkusu attacking one of the PK'ers, "Nice to show up, how have you been? He asked Arekkusu, blocking off the attacks with one hand with the other hand was in his pocket. "4v2 now, I can use the help." MacGrath thought.

    Rolled a 7 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Again, 2 of the attackers missed him, the other two were dealing with Arekkusu. He cut one of them on the body. "You've got to learn how to attack a person without stumbling." He mocked them.

    MacGrath 17/17

    Arekkusu 15/15

    PK1 5/6

    PK2 4/6

    PK3 6/6

    PK4 3/6

  5. MacGrath walked on the path on Floor 3, his head down, "How? Heh, Heh heh, I have to keep it a secret yeah?"He asked himself, it realizing he was walking into an ambush set up by PK's, "You shouldn't be on your own wondering at night here." Ome of them said, there was four of them. "I see, then you should think that if your fighting me, you wouldn't stand a chance." MacGrath said, getting his weapon out, ready to fight.

    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Rolled a 1 on the d12 (craft) dice.

    Rolled a 3 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    One by one they all missed him, as they missed him, he slashed the last one that came after him, "You have to better than that to fight me." He said.

    MacGrath 17/17

    PK1 6/6

    PK2 6/6

    PK3 6/6

    PK4 3/6

  6. "Who am I? You'll see soon enough. And why I dragged you into this quest, well I was about to do the quest myself, but I thought I might get someone to join me on this quest, hence your the first person I picked." MacGrath said with a smile, they stood at the beehive. "Here we are, as far as I know, we might have to kill a mob of bees first before fighting the Queen Bee, what ever happens to me, don't worry about it, what I have will effect my mental stage. I'll show you what I mean when we fight." He continued. "Ready when you are." He finished.

  7. MacGrath face palmed, "Russell, that won't work on me, but it was a nice try." MacGrath said, standing infornt of Russell, "Look, you need to talk to people man, it won't help you unless you talk to some, please, just give us a chance. I'll make sure Cody won't interigate you." MacGrath said to him with a soft smile.

  8. MacGrath lookede down to the ground, "I have... something in me, that's... well, how do I explain this. I have a demon in me,  know as Madness, True Demon of Madness and Insanity. I'll try to not use him as much, but just to let you, I have a dark personality." He said. "But I will fight to get everyone out of here, but I have one thing I need to do before we get out of this game, and that is to kill as certain PK'er who murdered my friends, I need to avaenge their deaths because they saved mine. I'll promise that I'll do what ever it takes to help every single player out there, even if i do die. When ever you guys are ready." He said to them.

  9. MacGrath equiped his sword, with a big grin he looked at everyone "Lets do this, let's show this game that we have the guts to beat the hundred floors,  but we must help each other in the process, no fooling around, we act as a party, nothng more, nothing less." MacGrath said, standing up.

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