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Posts posted by MacGrath

  1. Hello everyone, my name is Josh, the mind behind MacGrath, I'm not all interesting but when it comes to rpg games or, well any other games really, I'll play them, yes I do go to school. I have some disabilities, but I don't want to talk about that right now. I enjoy music, especially Linkin Park, Evermore, Gorillaz, Queen, just to name a few. I do live in tassie, haven't been outside of Australia and next year I'll be trying to do a certificate 1 on computer. Just something I want to achieve in life. That's all from me basically. Rp with you guys soon.

  2. "Hello, I was wondering if can make gloves or have any gloves on offer, if you haven't, can you make some for me, I don't really mind what quality it is and do the mind if it has enchantments on it as well, here is the materials I got from looting a pk'er, unless you have any on sale?" He asked him, he didn't know ow if he was saying goes the right things and his face was red. "Sorry, I get a little nervous asking people at times." He said, trying to smile.

  3. MacGrath stood up, getting people's attention, "Hello, my name is MacGrath, I just got into this guild, I left one guild to come this guild, I had a feeling that this guild will better for me, that might sound crazy and, well, yeah. There's nothing really great about me, other than insanity that I have in fights, but that's about it, I think. So yeah, nice to meet you all." MacGrath said, sitting down and taking a sip from his drink.

  4. "Yeah well, when you two left, I was worried what he will do to you, the way he was and all that, could've helped you sooner." MacGrath said to her, "Anyway, that's over now, what have you been doing lately?" He asked her, changing the subject so he doesn't over think so much that he with stare into deep space.

  5. After getting kick by some guy who hit him and L, MacGrath got up, "I see, maybe I shouldn't restraint my full power then." He said, his blue eyes went black and red cat eyed form, his whole body was in black flames, two swords covered in black flames appeared, "Hello mortal creatures, it is I, Madness, the TRUE DEMON OF MADNESS AND INSANITY!!!" He shouted, his laugh, scaring some of the players. "Let's see how well you handle my true power." He said. Grabbed L's Head, rushed over to the player (Alkor) and grabbed his face and slammed them down to the ground with immortal force. He walked up to the hill. "This is hill is mine now." He said, making an insane laugh again.

  6. MacGrath sat down again, "What is going on? Why do I have... I can't think right now" MacGrath thought, his head is all over the place. "Listen, I dont know whats going on right now, but there is one thing you should know. I trust you, I'm helping as much as I can, just give me a chance. I wont do any evil, I'm not like that. I'm in a good guild, if you want, you can join in, I'll put in a good word." He said to him.

  7. "Okay, lets get going then." He said with a smile, "I hope I don't have to use my health to get stronger to take down the enemies." He thought. The sound of tresure seemed to be in his head a few times as they went into the dungeons. Of course a lot of things seemed to be into his mind right now, he nearly ran into a wall. "Ow" He said, rubbing his head.

  8. MacGrath walked around for a few mintues, then he spotted some players who just finished fighting, "Looks like they are right for now, but still, what if..." His mind was racing with thoughts that he completly lost track on what he was doing. The he decided to walk up to them. "Everything right here?" He asked them.

  9. (Sorry I havent replied, I'm at school at the moment.)


    MacGrath looked at her with a smile, "I would like to hear song please. Any song you like." He said to her, he didnt really mind what song he wanted to hear, he payed 200 col for the song Mari was going to play, "This is something i can get used to." He thought.



    - 200 col

  10. MacGrath looked at his col on what he had left, "Plently." He thought, he walked up to the counter an ordered Chicken soup with rice, ham and carrots and what Mari ordered, "Your welcome." He said with a smile. After he payed for the food and sat down to the nearest table, "You can call me what ever you like, but the thing is, the way he was treating you, I had to do something." He said. Looking at his food.

  11. MacGrath walked around town for a bit, he kept singing some songs over his head, but couldn't remember the lyrics. He came across a building which was under construction, but was open. MacGrath walked in. The place looks lovely, and warm too, he made his way over to where he saw Mari, who was the owner of the business. "Hey Mari, how are you?" He asked her.

  12. "Yeah, sorry about that, I'm alright, just got into the guild." MacGrath said to the man.

    "Floor four huh, it seems nice here, I wonder if people complain its cold here, I actually don't feel the cold what so ever, so basically I could stay here and don't get bothered by the cold." MacGrath thought. This is something he can get use to, a floor that's snowing, in a guild that he will really like.

  13. MacGrath found a restaurant, at least he should eat something before getting g out and about, he was about to walk through the door, but instead let the girl with the pink go through first, "After you." He said to her, they both went up to the counter, "How about I pay for yours and mine, you can order something and I'll pay for it." He said to her with a smile.

  14. MacGrath got the message, and as usual, MacGrath was lost in Floor 4, but his luck was with him to his left was the Tavern, he walked up to the leader, "Thank you for accepting me" he said with a smile, "and sorry if it was short noticed." He finished, he sat down across from Yuji, taking a sip of the of the hot chocolate from his cup where he was sitting. "Konnichi wa Yuji-san, how are you?" He said, of course MacGrath took a lesson in Japanese, it was his thing he likes to do when MacGrath was alone.

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