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Status Updates posted by Sorra

  1. Hoping to get up and running again. Anyone interested in doing a thread or quest? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sorra


      Would you mind helping me with the first Beginners quest? 

    3. Kirbs


      Always willing to help someone in need~

    4. Pinball


      Hi! Welcome back! If you're still around and wanting to do a thread, I'd be down too! uwu 

      Let me know what you wanna do if you wanna uwu 

  2. Anyone care to help a guy out with these beginner quests? 

    1. Reinka


      which one I don't have armor yet but I can help with the first one for gathering with you if you'd like.

      thought it'd make it harder as we both have to gather that amount I believe

    2. Sorra


      Pretty sure if you already completed it, then I'm the only one who has to get the materials, and anything you gather would just go towards the 5. 

    3. Reinka


      if that's what it says we can do it send me a link whenever you're ready ;3

  3. Wanted: Thread Partners. :)

    1. Janslow


      Thread Partner: ACTIVATED


      My character hasn't done anything yet. I need to get it off the ground.

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