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Posts posted by Zuel

  1. Zuel would go over what the quest requirements would be in order to complete the quest and what would be rewarded to him if he were to take the time to complete it as well. The thing that appealed him the most was the fact that he could open a shop after learning the blacksmithing skill. With blacksmithing Zuel would be able to craft powerful weapons and armor depending on how high his skill was. Being able to craft his own gear would be the best way to continuously progress through the floors without feeling under geared or to weak to progress because of gear even though his skill in the game was greatly improving. Mmorpgs are usually based on your gear if you want to do well in the later part of the games so it was important to keep up as you progressed through and Zuel realized this hoping that choosing blacksmith can do that as well as opening a shop in order to make some Col and assist other players. Zuel would approach the blacksmithing NPC in order to accept the quest <<Earning a living>>.

  2. Zuel would wandering around the market finding all the blacksmiths hammering away creating all different type of armor and weapons. It was actually pretty impressive the kind of things that could be created with the right materials and high enough blacksmithing level. Zuel wonder if it was possible to make custom blades before looking at other people shots seeing unique armor sets as well as weapons that had different stats on them. They were all a bit pricy for him seeing as he just started and didn't have much Col just yet. Just as he was looking he noticed some armor that caught his eye. It was similar to an military uniform and reminded him of when he was in the military. It was a bit difficult for him to see but it made him the man who he was today and wouldn't have it any other way. After browsing for a bit he would enter the place where the NPC that would give the blacksmithing quest would be waiting for adventures to accept and begin. He went over the information about blacksmithing once more before making his final decision.

  3. After spending the night in the inn Zuel decided this would be his day off where he would kind of just explore the town of beginnings and the area to relax for a bit before going back on his grind to level up more. He didn't want to overwork himself so that he would be to tired to perform in an important battle but he had just finish four quest in a row and didn't want to accept another one right away so he decided to check out the market. There he found many shops that were by other players as well as NPCs. It seemed that learning a profession was not only beneficial for yourself but also for other around you if you wished to sell to them or gift them to other players. Zuel remembered what he wanted to do! He wanted to learn to become a blacksmith. Thinking about all the different things he would have to do first he decided to head over to the blacksmithing area so that he could learn a bit more as well as pick up the quest to become a blacksmith. 

  4. After resting for awhile, Pete would let out a noise in excitement. "Its done! Come look come look!" Zuel would get up and walk over to see what Pete wanted to show him. He saw an amazing well cooked meal made with the swordfish that they had work so hard to defeat. "As promised here is the dish you wanted. I took the liberties of wrapping it up for you so you can eat it when ever you like." Zuel would put it into his inventory before thanking the fisherman. He would wait a bit expecting there to be another quest to pop up or need to deliver something to someone else but nothing. It seems this was the end of chain quest so it gave him all the necessary skills he needed to continue his journey to the next floor and all the quests it had to offer. After saying goodbye to the fisherman Zuel decided to head back to the town of beginnings so he could take a break for a while he had been doing quest after quest since he entered this death game and realized it was also important to take a break and rest after all that work. After getting back he would retire to an inn for the night and begin to review everything he had learned up until this point and still scoured the beginners guide for anything he may have missed that could help him out in the future.

  5. Zuel would watch as he would begin to cook the fish right in front of him. Pete would add some ingredients into a plate before looking over to Zuel. "Depending on what ingredients I use the fish will have a different effect, which kind of ingredients would you like?" Zuel would look the possible quest rewards as each had a different effect just like Pete said. One would give him a better hit chance while the other would restore his energy. Zuel would weigh the options a bit before deciding it would probably more effect to have the extra energy just incase he would come across a much more powerful enemy and needed to use multiple sword skills to defeat. "Lets go with the Carbohydrates than." Pete would begin to put in the different ingredients needed for the dish. "An excellent choice my friends! It will tkae a little bit to complete feel free to wait around while I slow cook the fish." Zuel would rest a bit on a nearby tree.

  6. Although Zuel had finished off the Swordfish, it did not disappear like before allowing Zuel to get back to the boat and finally reel it onto the boat. He would lift it out of the watch and lay it on the boat almost taking up all of it. Pete would come over to Zuel and inspect the swordfish as he would happily look over to him. "Splendid! Amazing! I have never seen anyone fight like that you were incredible! I finally have this swordfish after all these years!" He would take and oar and begin to steer the ship back to the dock. "My cottage is just up ahead come come let me reward you for a job well done!" Zuel would nod as he would carry the fish all the way to the back to the cottage where he had a fire going outside the house. "Just place it down right there. First thing is first." Pete would cut the stinger off as a trophy of their victory here. "Now its time to cook it!" Would prepare some ingredients as he would put the giant fish over the fire with Zuel's help.

  7. The waters would begin to become very unsettling as a storm began to form in the immediate area of the lake. Causing the boat to sway wildly back and forth forcing Pete to fall over on the boat and Zuel to stumble to keep his balance. However this was not going to stop the Swordfish in anyway if anything it only gave it an advantage in this situation. It began to rapidly swim through the water toward the boat to try to attack Zuel once again. Zuel managed to find his balance as he waited for the swordfish to get into range. Zuel would leap into the air tired of just waiting for the fish to get close enough to decide the attacks. Not ready for the attack at all the swordfish was unable to dodge as Zuel would force his sword through the top of the swordfish head finishing it off once and for all.


    Round 11

    ID: 104042

    BD: 7 +1 = 8 (Hit)

    MD: 9 (hit)

         Zuel: 78/120 I 7/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-1 HP)

     One Handed Straight Sword attack: (5 base)  (-1 EN)

         Swordfish: 0/35 (-5)

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) 


  8. As Zuel suspected it was going to be tough to land the final blow on the enemy. He was going to have to rethink his strategy if he was going to have any success. Before he had time to think the swordfish would quickly come for him once again. The fisherman pete would cower in fear hiding the best he could as he let Zuel handle the giants fish. Zuel tried to balance himself as the fish came at the boat at full force charging in Zuel's path. Zuel attempted to hit it once again as it leaped at him but it was in vain once again as the sword fish would clip Zuel again but it was only a scratch. It was becoming a bit repetitive but it was difficult to land a hit with it moving around so quickly like that. Zuel however had a strategy for the next time it would attack. Hopefully it would be enough to end this battle once and for all. It was impossible to tell where the swordfish would attack unless he was able to manipulate the fish.


    Round 10

    ID: 104045

    BD: 2 + 1 = 3 (Miss)

    MD: 9 (hit)

         Zuel: 76/120 I 4/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-2 EN) (-1 HP)

         Swordfish: 4/35 

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) 


  9. As the swordfish continuously flailed around shaking the boat Zuel would stand to find his balance as he knew it was only a matter of time for it to desperately try to attack Zuel again. He just need to land one more hit in order to finish it off but it was harder to predict its movements since it was so close to the verge of death by Zuel's previous attacks. Getting himself into his stance one again he was focus on balancing himself as the swordfish would come for the boat once again. The swordfish would come flying through the air higher than it had been before cause Zuel to look up and just as he did he was blinded a bit by the sun that was high above the giants fish. Zuel would try to swing as the boat swayed again causing him to miss completely as the swordfish would come through slashing Zuel with its powerful stinger. It would land back into the water as it continued it relentless assault on Zuel.


    Round 9


    BD: 1 + 1 = 2 ( Critical Miss)

    MD: 10 (hit)

         Zuel: 77/120 I 5/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-2 EN) (-1 HP)

         Swordfish: 4/35 

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) 


  10. The Swordfish was seriously injured as it became to be a bit sluggish not able to submerge itself any further. However it seemed it being at low health cause the swordfish to be enraged as it flailed wildly through the water causing water to splash everywhere and rocking the boat back and forth making it harder for Zuel balance himself completely as it attempted to attack again. It would jump in and our of the water like a dolphin to try to close the gap to the boat. Zuel would try to catch his balance as the Swordfish drew near ready to attack. The giants fish would leap out of the air at Zuel as he would quickly dodge the attack by rolling to the other side of the small boat while simultaneously trying to slash it on the way through however his attack would miss since he was too off balance from the boat rapidly swaying back and forth. It was going to be tough to land a successful hit if it was going to continue to cause so much waves to form.


    Round 8

    ID: 104043

    BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss)

    MD: 4 (Miss)

         Zuel: 78/120 I 6/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-2 EN)

         Swordfish: 4/35 


  11. The battle would continue as the Swordfish would once again circle the boat but not attack for a bit as it was beginning to learn that attack head on was only putting itself in range of Zuel's attack. Not letting the Swordfish have it was Zuel began to pull on the line forcing the Swordfish closer and closer to the boat. The swordfish would begin to struggle but not able to stop Zuel from pulling it in it had no choice but to attack once again as it began to swim quickly toward the boat but instead of flying up it was trying to ram its body into while stabbing Zuel's at the same time. Zuel prepared for its attack trying to stop it from ramming. Zuel with no choice would stab his sword at full force into the top of the swordfish as it stinger would pierce Zuel's side simultaneously. Zuel's attack would stop the swordfish from damage the point for took some damage himself but was well worth it for he was able to land a powerful hit again the Fish.


    Round 7

    ID: 104042

    BD: 9 (+1 Critical Hit)

    MD: 9 (hit)

         Zuel: 78/120 I 7/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-1 HP)

     One Handed Straight Sword attack: (5 base) + 1 = 6 (-1 EN)

         Swordfish: 4/35 (-6)

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) 


  12. Once again Zuel found himself in the same countless situation where he would have to wait as the Swordfish to attack. Zuel was unsure of how the water combat worked in this game so it was a bit risky to try to attack it in the water where dodging wouldn't be possible. The swordfish would begin to sway back and forth in the water preparing to get closer and closer to the boat again. Zuel prepared himself again watching carefully for when the swordfish would attack again. It was take to take advantage once again to try land a hit on the swordfish. As it flew into the air again Zuel would sidestep the attack and slash his sword through the side of the swordfish causing a red slash to appear on the side of its body. It would flip on its back it slammed into the water as Zuel put it off balance so it couldn't dive properly into the water. Zuel felt his attacks working when he is able to predict where the Swordfish would attack from. The line that the fisherman hooked onto the giants fish was really useful to know it location .


    Round 6

    ID: 104041

    BD: 7 + 1 = 8 (Hit)

    MD: 3 (Miss)

         Zuel: 79/120 I 7/12 EN  (+1 EN) 

     One Handed Straight Sword attack: (5 base) (-1 EN)

         Swordfish: 10/35 (-5)


  13. The Swordfish began to swim a bit quicker and diving underneath the watch to try to hide it location from Zuel, however since it was still on the line he just needed to follow it in order to tell its location. But now it was much harder to tell when it would attack since it was submerged in the water. The line would begin to pull the boat as the Swordfish was on the move and moving fast. Zuel and Pete would hold on as it would pull them around the lake as it tried to free itself from the line however the fisherman's fishing skill was to high for it break it. Seeing as it could break free from the line it would stop pulling them as it would focus on attack them once again. It began to charge underneath at quick speed prepared to attack them once again. The swordfish proved to be too quick as it would flew out of the water cutting Zuel's arm as his attack missed the fish. Zuel would hold his arm where he was cut however the damage was no where near as powerful as the first as he suspected. The Swordfish would dive in the water once again to try to conceal its movements once again.


    Round 5

    ID: 104040

    BD: 3 + 1 = 4  (miss)

    MD: 8 (Hit)

         Zuel: 78/120 HP I 6/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-2 EN) (-1 HP)

         Swordfish: 20/35 

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) 


  14. Zuel would get to his feet, not letting the critical damage he took cause him to falter. If he was going to defeat the Swordfish he was going to have to take advantage when it would attack him if he wanted to retaliate with an attack of his own. Taking advantage of its powerful attack the Swordfish would waste no time in attempting to attack again since the it was still secured on the line. Zuel would begin to watch its movements carefully not trying to take another attack like the last one. It began to charge to the boat once again as before it leaped into the air. Completely ready for the attack this time Zuel would duck using the protection of the boat to make it impossible for the Swordfish to hit Zuel as he lifted his sword to cut the Swordfish's belly as it flew over the boat. Zuel would quickly stand to his feet and watch as the Swordfish would land in the water circling the boat. Although not as powerful as a sword skill his attack definitely did some damage to the giants fish. The swordfish would prepared for another attack.


    Round 4

    ID: 104039

    BD: 8 (Hit)

    MD: 1 (Critical miss)

         Zuel: 79/120 I 7/12 EN  (+1 EN) 

     One Handed Straight Sword attack: (5 base) (-1 EN)

         Swordfish: 15/35 (-5)


  15. Zuel was amazing by how much damage he was able to produce with a sword skill. Cutting a large portion of the swordfish's health bar with just a single attack. The sword fish was prepared to attack again after reaching the full length of the line it was hooked on it turned back around and headed straight for the boat once more. However it would weave a bit to make it a bit more difficult for Zuel to determine which way it planned to attack. The swordfish readied it sword like stinger to once again make an attempt to attack Zuel as he would get into his stance to try to retaliate the attack. However this time the Swordfish would catch Zuel off guard leaping into the air piercing Zuel's side as it flew across the boat causing massive damage to Zuel and cancelling his attack completely. Zuel would fall to a knee holding the side that was skewered from the swordfish's attack as it almost did half of his health in damage. Even in pain Zuel would keep an eye on the Swordfish seeing that it would loss a buff that it previously had. Zuel wondered if it was the same as the Cave Guardian that would do 10 time the damage on the first hit like before. However without the safeguard ability like for that fight Zuel had nothing to protect himself this time around.


    Round 3

    ID: 104038

    BD: 1 (Critical miss)

    MD: 9 (Hit)

         Zuel: 79/120 HP I 7/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-2 EN) (-41 HP)

         Swordfish: 20/35 

    Dmg: 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits) (first sucessful hit)


  16. Zuel would watch as Rithe would land another attack against the Variant causing it to become paralyzed once again. Although they were slowly lowering the health of the boss Zuel knew it would take a long time to finish off the boss without using a sword skill. "Thanks, I am going to restore my energy a bit so I can deal more damage with a sword skill." If Zuel would try to attack now he would only waste more energy so he decided to out range the Variant and do nothing for a bit to by some time so that he could recover. The defense of the Variant was just to high for them to deal decent amount of damage so this was going to have to be their strategy for now. Zuel would take a knee digging his sword into the ground as he held on to it, keeping a careful watch of the Nepent Variant and Rithe. "Just be careful not to take to much damage from the tendrils while I recover." He would look to his energy bar.

    Zuel takes no action.


    [3 hate]Rithe: 20/20 HP 0/2 EN 

    [1 hate] Zuel: 120/120 HP 1/12 EN (+1 EN)

     Nepent Variant: 12/15 HP (5 MIT)(10 base damage)(Ignores MIT on a natural MD roll of 10) 


  17. Zuel would continue to formulate a strategy to land another attack. Rithe would begin to make her move as she into range to attack but wasn't able to move any close to land a successful hit. Those tendrils also were a valuable tool for defense as well as dangerous. "If we want to get through we are going to have to do something about those tendrils." Zuel would attempt to get through and aim for the tendrils instead of the body of the Nepent Variant. He would dodge some of them as he got close trying to launch an attack against them. He would swing his sword attempting to cut the tendril but the Nepent Variant would retract them once again at the last second. "Its fast." It seemed that the beast was protective of hits tendrils since they were it main source of attacking. Zuel would retreat back to Rithe's side. It seemed this battle was going to take a bit longer than he expected, wasting his energy on the weaker ones may have been a hasty decision. He would watch carefully as he continued to think of what to do next.

    Zuel: ID#104000 Results: BD: 2 + 1 = 3 (miss)


    [1 hate]Rithe: 20/20 HP 1/2 EN 

    [1 hate] Zuel: 120/120 HP 0/12 EN (+1 EN) (-1 EN)

     Nepent Variant: 13/15 HP (5 MIT)(10 base damage)(Ignores MIT on a natural MD roll of 10) 


  18. Zuel began to plan out his next corse of action before he would watch in amazement as Rithe would spring into battle, attacking the Nepent Variant. Her dagger able to clip the Variant dealing damage to it. Just as she hit a tendril would be attacking her at full force that would be a direct hit. Zuel would begin to rush to her but wasn't going to make it. Just as it was about to hit the Nepent Variant would omit a small shock of electricity from its body stoping the attack it was paralyzed. Zuel would stop as he would inspect the debuff on the monster determining it must of been the effect of Rithe's attack that caused the Variant to be paralyzed. Zuel would smirk as he took this opportunity to launch an attack himself. Zuel would leap into the air once he got into range of the Nepent and slash his sword through it. Its natural armor made the damage minimal but still effect as a slash mark appeared on the Variant. He would look over to her. To make sure she was alright before focusing his attention back to the field boss. "We aren't doing much damage to it but if we hit it together we can take it down easily, especially if you can paralyze it a couple more times." Zuel would stand in front of Rithe again hoping to force its attention to him. 

    Zuel: ID#103998 Results: BD: 6 + 1 = 7 (Hit)


    [1 hate]Rithe: 20/20 HP 1/2 EN (-1 EN)

    [1 hate] Zuel: 120/120 HP 0/12 EN (+1 EN) (-1 EN)

     Nepent Variant: 13/15 HP (5 MIT)(10 base damage)(Ignores MIT on a natural MD roll of 10) (-1)


  19. Zuel would be panting lightly as his energy returned to him slowly after waiting a bit behind the tree. Before he knew it Rithe would take hold of his arm, as her palm began to glow completely healing the scrape. He looked at her and noticed the worry look on her as she healed him not sure why. He would instinctively reach out his hand and pat her on the head to calm her down a bit. "Thank you, but you don't have to look so worry Rithe. It didn't deal that much damage to me." He manage to muster a light smile before she began to point back into the open part of the wooded area. The Nepent Variant had spawned from the defeat of the lesser ones. They had to attempt to kill it if they wanted a Chance at the quest item from it. "I am going to go in first again and draw its attention. I'm counting on you to support me while I try to take it out." After looking to her for conformation he would charge in once again as the Nepent Variant would set its attention to Zuel. He would get in range of the Variant as he attempt to attack it head on with his sword. As he drew closer the Variant would retaliate immediately by launching an attack of its out sending his vines out to hit Zuel. He would dodge out of the way causing its attack to completely miss him as he would swing to try to clip the Variant's vine as it retracted them but he would miss. He would jump back to reposition himself to rethink his next corse of action.

    Zuel: ID#103994 Results: BD: 2 + 1 = 3 (miss)


    Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN 

    Zuel: 120/120 HP 0/12 EN (+1 EN)(-2 EN)

    Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP (5 MIT)(10 base damage)(Ignores MIT on a natural MD roll of 10)


  20. As Zuel and Rithe enter further into the open area 2 Nepents would spawn as Zuel approached, two more would spawn when Rithe got closer as well. Zuel would get in front of her as the two initial Nepents would engage the two right away. Nepents #1 would extend its vine, rapidly flailing around aiming for Rithe but her safe distance made it so the vine couldn't reach her completely and miss, Zuel would quickly jump forward drawing the attention of the Nepent #2 as it would whip its vine at him immediately as he did. Zuel would try to dodge the attack but would get clipped by the sharp leaf attached to the vine doing minimal damage to him. Now in position of all Four Nepent Zuel was prepared to test out his area of effect sword skill which attacks all enemies around him and not giving the chance for the other two Nepent to attack. Zuel would hold his blade behind him as it began to glow to activate the sword skill, "Vertical Square."  Just as the his sword would glow its brightest Zuel would launch the attack. Four strikes are made in the air in the shape of a square, and then a square of energy bursts around Zuel hitting all four Nepent in the vicinity. Zuel positioning made it impossible for any of the Nepent to dodge the attack instantly killing all them causing them to glow white before shattering into white sparkles and disappearing. Hitting every target completely drained Zuel of his energy knowing that with that Nepent Variant would spawn immediately after. Zuel quickly rushed to Rithe taking her hand and pulling her behind a tree to regroup before it could spot them. 


    ID: 103994

    BD: 8 + 1 = 9 (Hit)

    MOB: 4 (Miss) (targeting Zuel)

    Rithe: 20/20 HP 2/2 EN 

    Zuel: 119/120 HP 0/12 EN (-4 EN) (- 8 EN)

    Vertical Square (5 base) x 4 = 20

    Nepent #1: 0/7 HP  (-20)

    Nepent #2: 0/7 HP  (-20)

    Nepent #3: 0/7 HP (-20)

    Nepent #4: 0/7 HP (-20)


  21. Zuel continue to lead them to the area where the Nepents are supposed to spawn. The wooded area was dark where you would be able to see anything if it wasn't for the light breaking through the leaves of the trees in the vicinity. Zuel would look over his shoulder every now and again at Rithe. "You know you don't have to walk behind me the whole time." Wondering if maybe she was afraid of him or something. It was obvious to him that she hadn't fought before, however he was confident enough in his skills to protect her. They had left at a good time for it wouldn't get dark for quite some time leaving them enough time to complete the quest in time. Up ahead there was a clearing that opened to a large open area surrounded by woods. "This must be the place." As soon as Zuel would set foot in the area a Nepent would spawn, however it was not quite hostile yet, giving them time to get into position. He would look over his shoulder at her. "Ready?"

  22. Zuel would give her a light smile in return before listen to her as he was quite interested in the idea of her healing him. Zuel would not be able to see he stats since she joined his party seeing that as he predicted she was just level one. Now that they were in a party there was a bit more elements to consider that he had not had to deal with before. He would nod in agreement  "I think it would work best if you let me deal with the enemies as I build some hate on them and you support me from behind, dealing damage when necessary." He would walk over to the board to inspect the quest a bit more. "Since there is two of us now we have to defeat twice the amount of Nepents in order to summon the Nepent Variant." He would bring up his character stats to inspect himself. "Since I only have 12 EN it would be best for us to save our sword skills for the boss to take it down through its MIT." Since Zuel was the party leader once he would accept the quest from the noticeboard a message would automatically be sent to Rithe to inform her that the quest was accept. "Alright lets head to the wooded area and start the quest." Zuel would begin to walk toward the direction of the gate that would lead them closest to their destination, wanting her to follow. 

  23. Zuel would continue to watch the flustered girl as he waited for a response. He thought this might be a good opportunity to possibly learn about partying in SAO and didn't want to reject her request just because he wanted to try a more difficult quest. Finally the girl would speak to him as Zuel would become a bit surprise by fact she was trying to complete the same quest that he was just ready to take. "Secret Medicine of the Forest?" He would take step closer to her to inspect her further to get a better sense of her gear. "Thats quite the coincidence. That is the exact same quest that I came here to accept." Zuel would think to himself for a bit about the pros and cons of accepting her request. Regardless of her level having an extra person would make the quest much easier and the quest wasn't to difficult to begin with so it makes the most sense to party with her. He would focus his gaze back to her. "Alright then. I will help you" He would extend his hand out to her. "My name is Zuel it is a pleasure to meet you." Just as he introduced himself a confirmation window would appear before her to accept his invitation to join his party.

  24. Zuel carefully watch the swordfish as it continued to swim around the boat wondering what action it might take next. It was most likely that the swordfish would charge again since it was still caught on the line in order to tip the boat over. That is where Zuel will be ready to attack. He thought this might be a good opportunity to use a sword skill. He had never used one before now waiting on a powerful enemy to test it on since it wasted a decent amount of energy but he felt a bit more comfortable with the energy pool he has now. As predicted the swordfish would charge the boat again as Zuel would wait patiently as it approached. He didn't want to scare it off like he did last time with a hasty attack. The fisherman Pete cowered as it charged noticing Zuel wasn't moving so he prepared for impact. Just as the giant swordfish was about to reach the boat Zuel would hold his sword as if it was sheathed. Right as the swordfish was about to strike he would use his "Snake Bite" sword skill. Zuel would quickly strike the target with three brisk angled slashes dealing massive damage to the swordfish and forcing it to retreat instead of attacking. 


    Round 2

    ID: 103977

    BD: 8 (Hit)

    MD: 1 (Critical miss)

         Zuel: 120/120 I 8/12 EN  (+1 EN) (-3 EN)

    Snake Bite (5 base) x 3 = 15

         Swordfish: 20/35 (-15)

    (My bad on the "Link to Post" All the new post I do will be linked that way.)

  25. After having already dealt with most of the beginner quest Zuel thought it might be a good idea to find a quest where he can test out his new sword skills. Up until this point he had only been relying on his basic attacks and wanted to find something a bit more challenging. Having some decent equipment for the early levels he felt he was prepared to take on more difficult quests. Zuel began to search through the manual and noticed an interesting guide about field bosses that would spawn after defeating a certain amount of enemies on any given floor. There was even a quest tied to it as well that can be taken from the noticeboard. While he was reading he happened to bump into a girl that was also lost in her menu that would rush off after apologizing before he can say anything to her. After making it to the center of the town he saw the noticeboard surrounded by a crowd of players accepting and completing quest and approached. There on the board he would see the quest he was looking for <<Secret Medicine Of The Forest>>.

    He began to review the details of the quest, but was interrupted by the same girl as before once again as she backed up into him. He would look down at her as he paused for a moment not sure what she was thinking and why she had the flustered look on her face. Ready to shrug it off and focus back on reviewing the quest details she spoke to him asking for help. Zuel would look back at her curiously leaning a bit forward to get closer to her. He was a bit surprised that someone would approach him asking for help. Maybe it was because he was older than most of the other players he thought. Not entirely sure he began to inspect her a bit and could tell that she was probably level 1. "What can I help you with?" His voice was a little deep but not in a frightening way. He noticed her face was a bit red, wondering if she was sick or something. 

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