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Posts posted by Zuel

  1. Although this was a lot of work the atmosphere made it a very peaceful experience. The cave was dimly lit as the sound of the wild outside echoed lightly through the cave. There were no enemies in the cave which made it a stress free experience. Zuel didn't need to worry about being attacked and he wasn't pressured for time at all since he would keep collecting until he had the five materials needed. He would search the immediate area again and fine another clusters of ore for him to mine. Walking up to the ore cluster Zuel would clenched his mining pic tight as he began to mine away at the cluster. Each strike would break off another piece of rock hoping to find materials inside. As he continued more and more rocks would begin to crumble away until Zuel had completely exhausted the entire cluster. After it crumbled to the ground Zuel was able to see something shinning in the rubble as he bent down to pick it up. It was just another useless one of those rock materials he needed, adding it to his inventory. 


    ID# 104338 results: LD: 14 (Failure)


  2. The cave began to get a bit darker since it was getting later outside but he still had time to finish the quest before his vision would be completely impaired. Deeper in the cave he found a cluster of small veins that were exactly what he was looking for to mine. They were smaller so it wouldn't take that much time to completely mine all together so he decided to get to work. Walking up to the ore cluster Zuel would clenched his mining pic tight as he began to mine away at the cluster. Each strike would break off another piece of rock hoping to find materials inside. As he continued more and more rocks would begin to crumble away until Zuel had completely exhausted the entire cluster. Even though it didn't take that much time to mine there was nothing in the cluster for him to use as materials but he wasn't to deterred since it didn't waste that much time at all. He looked around to see if he could find something similar to quickly mine so he didn't waste any time.


    ID# 104335 results: LD: 13 (Failure) 


  3. Zuel went deeper into the cave and found another ore vein and start mining it once again. Each hit would break off a piece of the vein as sparks would also fly as he made impact with the rock, lighting the area a little more. After a couple hits it would break down the vein going for one final hit hoping to find an ore inside. Zuel used the pick to move the rubble out of the way to check if there was anything inside. However after searching through the rubble he was unable to find anything that could be used as Tier 1 materials. It seemed here it was a bit more difficult to find materials for profession but a broken once told him of a quest where it was much easier to find ore. However Zuel was already here and had some time to kill before handing the quest in completely so he continued down the path to find another vein to mine from.


    ID# 104335 results: LD: 2 (Failure)


  4. With both Minotaurs defeated the doors to the Tomb of King Minos would open as Zuel would go inside. Inside he would find a dim lit room with torches surrounding a pedestal with a beautiful red jewel on it. It must of been the reward for completing the trial as Zuel would inspect the object he would find that it had zero combat stats and was only a cosmetic item. Zuel usually doesn't reveal much emotions but even he was a bit disappointed to learn that it wouldn't be something that could help him become stronger. Finishing the quest he decided to head back out and make his way back through the maze. This time though the maze was just a straight away to the exit since Zuel had already completed the trial and didn't need to go through the maze again. After having a lot of spare time from finishing the quest so quickly he decided to head to a nearby cave to mine for a bit. Finding a vein right away and being to hit it with his pickaxe hoping to find some materials inside. Unfortunately there was nothing inside and had to search elsewhere for another vein. 


    ID# 104332 results: LD: 10 (Failure)


  5. After being flown across the opening the Minotaur looked to Zuel in fear as his devastating cause massive damage to the Minotaur. However Zuel was not finished there as he slowly began to walk toward the Minotaur with a serious look as a few more hits would finish off the beast. The Minotaur would raise to it feet and cry out in anger and rage not wishing to die. He would begin to flail its sword wildly as Zuel approached backing up more and more until the beasts back was against the tomb's wall. With no other option the Minotaur would move forward to Zuel swing its massive sword wildly hoping to land a hit unaware what that would mean for the creature. Zuel would continue to walk ready to attack as well. This was the end for the Minotaur as Zuel allowed it to hit him causing his armor to apply the thorn damage finishing him off but Zuel wasn't going to let it end like that as the Minotaur began to glow Zuel would drive his sword through it slashing the Minotaur and shattering him into pieces before disappearing. The doors to the tomb would open with the death of the second Minotaur.


    Zuel 119/240 HP 21/24 EN (+1 EN)(-1 EN) (-30 HP)

    ID# 104331 results: BD: 7 + 1 = 8 (Hit) (Base Damage 5)

    Thorns: 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 0/45 HP (-23 HP)

    ID# 104331 results: MOB: 6 (Hit) Damage: 30


  6. Zuel usually taking the advantage for strategy would often use the most effective method of dealing with the enemy without taking as much damage as possible. However with such a large health pool now and thorns on his armor it made him much more threatening being at the front lines of battle. The dust began to clear as the Minotaur could only see the silhouette of Zuel's outline through the dust causing him to charge not wanting to lose sight of Zuel. However when he would see Zuel's face he would become incredibly intimidated like his brother before as Zuel would just be slowly walking sword in hand through the clearing dust ready to strike once the Minotaur would come near. Still the Minotaur would continue to charge ready to attack as he drew near. The Minotaur would swing his mighty sword across Zuel's chest for a successful hit dealing massive damage but Zuel didn't move and inch as the Minotaur was stopped dead in its tracks. Zuel eyes would be hidden by his hair before looking up at the Minotaur with his deep set eyes. The Minotaur would take the damage from the Thorns but Zuel wasn't finished there driving his sword right across the chest of the beast causing a critical hit sending the Minotaur flying back.


    Zuel 149/240 HP 21/24 EN (+1 EN)(-1 EN) (-30 HP)

    ID# 104329 results: BD: 10 (+2 Critical Hit) (Base Damage 5) + 2 = 7

    Thorns: 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 15/45 HP (-25 HP)

    ID# 104328 results: MOB: 6 (Hit) Damage: 30


  7. Zuel having already taken down one of these beat before was ready to expect a similar aspect of battle from his Minotaur and after learning of her brothers death the Minotaur would attack in rage charging at Zuel. Zuel would retaliate as well charging at him ready to swing his sword as it trailed behind him. The Minotaur would approach Zuel as he was ready to swing his giant sword at Zuel. Zuel would dodge to the side causing the Minotaur to completely miss Zuel as he would take the chance to swing his blade on the now wide open Minotaur. Zuel would slash at the side of the Minotaurs leg causing it to fall to the ground and slide across as well picking up a lot of dust as he would. The Minotaur would quickly regain it balance trying to frantically fine Zuel location through the dust but couldn't see anything. Zuel would take this opportunity to get behind the Minotaur ready to attack again. The Minotaur would look in fear. "Impossible!"


    Zuel 179/240 HP 21/24 EN (+1 EN)(-1 EN)

    ID# 104328 results: BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (Hit) (Base Damage 5)

    Hoya Minotaur: 40/45 HP (-5 HP)

    ID# 104328 results: MOB: 4 (Miss)


  8. After finishing off the Minotaur Zuel would sheath his sword and enter the maze. There were rumors that maze would change the more you walked through it making it almost impossible to find the tomb but Zuel was careful making sure to search every possible route before making a decision. Once he chose to go down a direction he would memorize the layout in order to determine if the maze had really change or not. Using this method he never had to look at his map because it would have been useless to anyway since it wouldn't show any of the surrounding area because of the changing layout and how the quest was designed. After some time Zuel would see an open clearing having to be the exit of the maze and entrance of the tomb. That has to be it. After entering the clearing the tomb would just be up ahead and as he approached the second of the Hoya Minotaur twins would stand in his way, blocking his path from continuing until he was defeated.


    Zuel 179/240 HP 21/24 EN (+1 EN)

    Hoya Minotaur: 45/45 HP

    Damage: 30


  9. The Minotaur would fall to the ground tumbling over and quickly try to rise to his feet as he looked over to Zuel. His eyes meeting his as Zuel had a look of intent to kill in them as he slowly walked over to the Minotaur since he was wounded and could not run very fast anymore. "Stay back mortal! I will kill you!" The Minotaur would scream in anguish as it forced himself to raise to his feet and charge at Zuel trying to attack him once again with not strategy just pure rage. Zuel didn't move as he continue to walk to the Minotaur his gaze fixated onto him. Zuel would raise his sword up and purposely miss the Minotaur leaving himself wide open for an attack as the Minotaur foolishly attacks Zuel unaware that he had been damaging himself from Zuel's armor. As the thorns damage applied to the Minotaur it would be finished as it would glow bright white before shattering into pieces and the path to the maze would open up for Zuel to be able to travers it.


    Zuel 179/240 HP 20/24 EN (- 30 HP) (+1 EN -2 EN)

    ID# 104323 results: BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss)

    Thorns 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 0/45 HP (-18 HP)

    ID# 104318 results: MOB: 9 (+1 Critical Hit) Base damage 30 + 1 = 31


  10. The Minotaur would begin to become frustrated at the situation. "How do you keep dodging my attacks!?" It would fixate on Zuel with harden eyes ready to strike again. Zuel was calm and composed as the Minotaur stared into his deep set eyes once again fearing him just a but channelling that fear into anger causing the Minotaur to charge at Zuel at full speed once again. Zuel would charge as well sword in hand trailing behind him as he was ready to slash him down once he got in range but who would be success on this attack? This time around Zuel didn't plan on missing as the Minotaur would swing its giant sword forcing him to drop his guard for a split second as Zuel would duck the attack causing the Minotaur to miss completely as he would swing hard at the Minotaurs leg causing another critical hit and the Minotaur to fall over.


    Zuel 210/240 HP 21 EN (+1 EN - EN)

    ID# 104321 results: BD: 9 (+1 Critical Hit) (base 5) + 1 = 6

    Thorns 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 15/45 HP (-6 HP)

    ID# 104319 results: MOB: 5 (Miss)


  11. Zuel would stare the Minotaur down with his deep set eyes causing the Minotaur to back up slightly intimidated by Zuel's resolve and unwavering attacks. "Impressive. Not many would charge a Minotaur head on and survive. You are a very skilled swordsman but it is time for me to take this more seriously." The Minotaur would continue to circle around Zuel instead of charging immediately waiting for an opening. Zuel would wait patiently not trying to have a blind side from the Minotaur. Just out of nowhere the Minotaur would begin to charge dashing side to side in order make it more difficult predict where he would attack. Zuel prepared however for the attack would quickly dodge to the side to avoid the attack as the Minotaur would miss. Zuel would try to attack the Minotaur on the way through but it proved to be just to fast for him after dodging to the side causing him to miss completely resetting the fight.


    Zuel 210/240 HP 21 EN (+1 EN -2 EN)

    ID# 104320 results: BD: 1 + 1 = 2 (Critical miss)

    Thorns 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 21/45 HP 

    ID# 104320 results: MOB: 3 (Miss)


  12. The Minotaur would look at his leg and then back to Zuel giving him a nod. "Not bad warrior but how long will you last." The Minotaur would rub its hoof into the dirty indicating that it was ready to charge once again, but this time Zuel was ready for the assault. Like clockwork the Minotaur would begin to dash to Zuel at full speed trying to cut him down with its giant sword as he would raise his shield protecting himself at the same time. Zuel not deterred would also charge at the Minotaur as well his sword trailing behind as he prepares to swing. On the way through to attack each other again their swords would clash as bother their attacks would be redirected completely cancelling them both causing them miss. Recoiling back into their originally position as the Minotaur would scoff as he would dig his hoof into the ground as he was stationary.


    Zuel 210/240 HP 22 EN (+1 EN -2 EN)

    ID# 104319 results: BD: 3 + 1 = 4 (miss)

    Thorns 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 21/45 HP 

    ID# 104319 results: MOB: 2 (Miss)


  13. Zuel would approach the Minotaur as it wouldn't attack him right away. It was able to speak as it spoke to Zuel. "You who have come to this forrest have two challenges to face. You must defeat me before you can enter the maze and attempt to find the tomb. Then you must fight my brother if you wish to enter the Tomb of King Minos. PREPARE YOURSELF!!!" The Hoya Minotaur would begin to charge at Zuel moving extremely quickly with its horse like legs. He's Fast. Zuel not backing down would also charge at the minotaur attempting to swing his blade to take out his legs. As the two clashed Zuel's blade would cut the Minotaurs leg landing a critical hit, however the Minotaur would also land a solid hit with his massive sword on Zuel as well causing massive damage to him. Zuel would follow through with his attack turning to the Minotaur after readying for the next attack.


    Zuel 210/240 HP 23/24 EN (- 30 HP) (-1 EN)

    ID# 104318 results: BD: 9 (+1 Critical Hit) (base 5) + 1 = 6

    Thorns 18

    Hoya Minotaur: 21/45 HP (-24 HP)

    ID# 104318 results: MOB: 8 (Hit) Base damage 30


  14. Deciding to find a quest with more of a challenge for Zuel to do solo he began to talk to his reliable information brokers. He talks about rumors that deep within the Forest of Wavering Mist, lays in wait a precious pendant inside the stone tomb of King Minos according to rumors. All who trek in the search for this jewel beware the denizens of this forest, the twin level 10 Minotaur's awaiting on opposite entrances of the tomb, and the maze the forest itself creates. Intrigued by the challenge of battle a minotaur Zuel makes his way to the third floor where he would look to his map where the forest was supposed to be. He would reach the edge of the forest where right in front of Zuel eyes a maze would form blocking his path from progressing any further. If Zuel wanted to get to the tomb he was going to have to get to the center of this maze first. Not wanting to turn back now Zuel would enter the maze the forest began to rearrange into an open area as the first of the twin Minotaur would appear before Zuel ready to battle. Zuel would Draw his blade and prepare to fight.


    Zuel 240/240 HP 24/24 EN

    Hoya Minotaur: 45/45 HP

    Damage per Attack: 30


  15. Quest Complete!


    Zuel's Rewards


    Quest Rewards

    <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle. (Awarded to each player)

    3 Skill Points

    Page Completion

    1 Skill Point

    200 Col

    Materials Found

    +2 Tier 1 materials

    Rithe's Rewards


    Quest Rewards

    <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle. (Awarded to each player)

    3 Skill Points

    Page Completion

    1 Skill Point

    200 Col

    Materials Found

    +3 Tier 1 materials


  16. After mining for some time Zuel would look over to his companion seeing her taking a break. He would walk over to her handing her his flask so that she could drink for it as well. "You looked a little thirsty Rithe." Zuel would head back over to the vein that he was mining at, picking up his pickaxe and began mining away at it chipping away the rock to find an ore inside. Sparks began to fly from each hit since the rock was a bit harder than the previous one hoping that it would yield better results than before. The vein would be completely exhausted leaving nothing but rocks as Zuel would toss them aside and out of the way so he wouldn't trip while he looked for another vein to mine. Still plenty around the wide open area but it started to get late and they should be heading back soon. "We should start heading back Rithe." Zuel would look up as the sun began to set making the cave a bit darker.


     ID# 104309 results:

    LD: 13(Failure)


  17. Getting a bit tired from mining he would take a short break going  over to the spring and filling up a flask as he began to drink from it. The spring water tasted fresh even though it had been here in this cave, it must flow from a natural lake or river. After regaining his energy he would head over to another ore vein and start mining it once again. Each hit would break off a piece of the vein as sparks would also fly as he made impact with the rock, lighting the area a little more. After a couple hits it would break down the vein going for one final hit hoping to find an ore inside. However once again he found nothing as he used the pick to move the rubble out of the way to check if there was anything inside. Wiping the sweat off his forehead he would continue to attempt to gather materials by heading to another vein in the area they were in making sure to stay close to Rithe and not wander off to far.


    ID# 104307 results: 

    LD: 9 (Failure)


  18. As they ventured a bit deeper in the gave there was an open area where the ceiling was open allowing light to seep through illuminating the area as flowers moss and mushrooms would grow and to the side was an entire vein of mineable ore. "This looks like a great spot to farm for materials." Zuel would inspect the area as a natural spring was running through the area as well. It was quite a spectacle to behold and very well designed. Zuel would walk up to one of the veins again and begin to mindlessly pick away at the vein to try to find more ore. After mining the rock down it failed to yield any ore but he expected as much as his luck couldn't continue. Zuel would sift through the rubble and scoffs as he tosses one of the rock away as he rose to his feet to look for another vein to mine in the immediate area. 


    ID# 104305 results:

     Loot: 6(Failure)


  19. Once again Zuel would walk up to another vein and begin to pick away at it with his pickaxe causing the vein to break apart as the rubble would fall to the floor. Zuel would take a couple of big swings to break parts of the vein off to find materials. He began to deplete the vein as nothing was showing up as it crumbled away completely. Zuel began to sift through the rubble hoping to find hoping to find a ore. To his surprise he would find another tier 1 material shining in the rubble as he picked it up adding it to his inventory. Zuel was two for two on his searches resting his mining pickaxe on his shoulder as he went to to another vein ready to mine it as he look to see if Rithe was also having some luck like he was. "I am glad you think so. It is good to stock up so we can continue to grow our professions so when we get to higher levels we can use it to our advantage."


     ID# 104286 results: LD: 15 (Success)

    +1 Tier Materials


  20. Searching around the cave, Zuel would pull out his mining pick as he sees a a cluster of veins deeper in the cave. He would approach the vein as he began to mine at the vein chipping away the rock to find materials inside. As he continued to swing at the vein it would crumble the rock away until the entire thing was completely depleted the vein hoping find some ore. After the final hit there would be something shinning in the rubble as Zuel would lean down and collect the ore. He was successful in finding a tier 1 materials as he added it to his inventory as he looked to Rithe to see that she was also successful. "Not bad. Seems like we were both successful in our search." Zuel smile at her before he would continue to look around for another vein to mine. Zuel would focus on the small veins so that he could mine it quickly.


    ID# 104284 results: LD: 16 (Materials Found)

    +1 T1 Materials


  21. Feeling his strength being restored once again by Rithe's first aid skill. "Thanks Rithe lets finish this." Zuel would put himself back into the fray as he readied himself for the oncoming attack as the Wasp Queen would come at Zuel with its stinger. Zuel would rush in as he went for another attack but the stinger would connect with Zuel's armor first causing it to deal the Thorns damage to the Wasp Queen finishing it off causing it to shine bright white before shattering into nothing as their quest logs would become updated, completing the field boss quest as they both would be rewarded "The Matriarch's Stinger." Zuel's sword was in mid swing when the boss would become defeated causing him to stop his attack and sheathing his sword. "I didn't expect to finish it that quickly. This must be the Potion the broker was talking about." He would look to Rithe then seeing a cave in a clearing. "Since we are already out here want to collect some materials for our professions?" He would make his way toward the Cave seeing that the outside of it was void of enemies so it should be safe to explore inside.


  22. Zuel would turn to Rithe as she began to heal his wound from the be. He would give her a light smile. "Thank you Rithe, I am alright." Zuel would turn his attention back to the Wasp Queen as he prepared to attack it again but just as before it moved quickly at Zuel. He would try to dodge the attack but the stinger would cut Zuel's side as it came through dealing massive damage to Zuel. Once again though the Queen had hurt itself because of the Thorn enhancement on Zuel's armor crippling the Queen's health even further. After the Queen would cut through Zuel, he would take the opportunity to slash it from behind swinging his sword at the Wasp Queen's back. Zuel's blade would connect as he would cut through the back of the Queen causing it to fly around erratically in pain as it turn to Zuel once again enraged as it readied to attack him once again.


    [Hate: 0]Rithe: 140/140 HP 14/14 EN

    [Hate: 0]Zuel: 174/200 HP 18/20 EN (+1 EN)(- EN)

    ID# 104278 Results: BD: 5 + 1 = 6 (Hit) DMG: (Base 6)

    Wasp Queen: 8/50 HP - 20 DMG (-6 HP)


  23. Turning to his companion as she rushed over to him Zuel would look at the giant Wasp Queen as it noticed Zuel and Rithe. It began to become very aggressive as it came closer and closer to them. Zuel would draw his blade would get into his battle stance rushing at the Wasp Queen. However taking its large stinger it would rush at Zuel as well proving to be quite fast as it drove its stinger right into Zuel's chest causing a critical hit on him. Although Zuel's new armor had enhancement thorns attached to it causing massive damage back to the Wasp Queen. Zuel now being in range of the enemy decided to retaliate with an attack of his own as he attempt to swing his blade to damage the Queen. However the Queen would pull its stinger out of Zuel's armor with such force it would fly back causing Zuel's attack to miss completely. Not intimidated by the damage he took Zuel would keep his ground in the front of the Wasp Queen so it would focus its attention on him.


    [Hate: 0]Rithe: 140/140 HP 14/14 EN

    [Hate: 0]Zuel: 178/200 HP 18/20 EN (-2 EN)

    ID#104276 Results: BD: 1 (Critical miss)

    Wasp Queen: 32/50 HP - 20 DMG 


  24. Zuel looked up to see Rithe standing before him, taking her hand as he stood up. "Alright then. Lets head to the second floor then." Zuel would walk toward the teleportation platform waiting for Rithe to walk on it to before teleporting them both to the second floor. They would find themselves in Urbus, the main settlement on the floor, but Zuel wasn't interested in sight seeing as he made his way toward the the main gate that would lead them to the lush grassland and mountains of the floor. "The Field boss should be somewhere a little deeper on the floor in a field." Zuel would lead them down the main road before deciding they should branch off the path and go to the location the information broker told him about. Zuel would look at his map every so often showing Rithe as well to get a better understanding of the floor before reaching an area passed the mountain and in front of them would be a wide range of fields. "This must be the place. Lets look for the boss." Zuel would wander around the field looking for the field boss hoping Rithe would have better luck than him.

  25. After defeating the field boss on the first floor Zuel began to try and find information on the second floor field boss. Knowing his away around the Town of Beginnings Zuel began to talk to various information brokers trying to find the information he needed about the boss. Finally he found a broker that heard rumors that there was a hidden respawning boss deep in the fields on second floor.The boss monster was identified as "Wind Wasp Queen" and dropped a powerful Alchemical Potion. Defeating a field boss alone could prove problematic for Zuel so it probably would be wise to ally himself with someone to defeat it. After hearing about the potion that the boss dropped Zuel remember that Rithe was an alchemist and thought she would be interested in the potion, sending her a message about the potion and the field boss. Sending her a message to meet him in the center of the Town of Beginnings near the fountain as he made his way there to wait for Rithe. Zuel would sit down at the edge of the fountain while he waited pulling out his log as he began to make notes of the Wind Wasp Queen's stats to prepare himself for the battle to come. As Dawn approached the sun would barely reach over the building illuminating the town as Zuel continue to wait for Rithe's reply.

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