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Posts posted by Slayer

  1. "Will you teach me?" Cynthia asked almost breathlessly. The orange player looked shocked for about half a second, then he started laughing. And the laugh wasn't a cold. It was still unnerving. "Oh Little Red. You surprised me. Oh I do like you." He wiped away a crocodile tear and looked down at her. "You want to learn how to use that over sized serving knife Little Red? If you do then get up and follow me. You've got a lot to learn." The orange player turned and began to walk away from the motionless red head. Cynthia quickly stood up, strapped her blade to back, and followed the pale haired man. She tried not to rush but she couldn't help it. She wanted to learn from this man, this killer. "So if you're going to teach me, what shall I call you?" Cynthia called after the tall, white haired orange player. 

  2. The orange player stood up and sheathed his sword, "So Little Red. What are you going to do now?" As he said those words he raised up his arms, leaving himself completely open to attack. Cynthia shakily got up from the ground. She didn't know how to react. This player had been attacked by her, easily stopped her, then had been in a position to end her very existence but now he was standing up waiting for her to attack him. Cynthia didn't, couldn't understand this player. He was paradoxical. Frankly, he was terrifying. 

    Cynthia sat there on the ground, her mouth slightly open, breathing heavily. This man was a killer. The orange cursor notified that. And he was strong. Incredibly strong and incredibly skilled. On a spur of the moment decision, Cynthia unequipped her saber and equipped her odachi. She held the blade in both hands almost offering it to him.

  3. The orange player began to circle around the shorter girl, inspecting and dissecting her. He stopped in front of her and his thin lipped smile grew into a toothy smile. "So Little Red, what is a low level player so inexperienced and..." He leaned in closer to her- and just as he did Cyn stepped back and stabbed at him with her saber. 

    In a flash the man's hands were out of his pockets and his sword was unsheathed. He parried her strike effortlessly. Steel rang and the man grinned even wider. He then shoved back on her saber with his sword. Cynthia stumbled backwards with the force of his push and fell. When she looked up the orange player's katana was right at her throat. "Oh, Little Red. You shouldn't have done that." He placed the edge of the blade against her throat and knelt down by her, his face an inch from her's, and whispered. "But I liked your effort. That resolve." 

  4. Cyn strode through the crowd that gummed up the entrance to the Town of Beginnings. She pushed past other players, not caring about however she pushed out of her way or even stopping to hear their cries of indignation and annoyance. The red head just kept walking, her trench coat and long red hair flapping behind her. Then she bumped into a man about her height with blonde hair and scruff. The man stumbled, then caught himself. He stared at Cynthia then reached out and grabbed her arm with an annoyed, "Hey! why don't you apolo..." the player stumbled over his words then fell silent as Cynthia fixed him with a cold stare. Her eyes flickered dangerously, seeming to shine with an internal blood lust. "Let. Go." Cynthia said the only tell betraying her anger was the slight tremor in her voice. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the hilt of her sword. The player quickly let go and gave a shaky apology before scurrying off. Cynthia turned on her heel, her hair whipping around, and kept walking. She didn't even notice when she shoved past a dark haired player nearly half a foot taller than her.  


  5. After completing the old alchemist’s task he sent her on another to deliver a package to a blacksmith in the same city. Cynthia roughly grabbed the package and quickly made her way to the smith’s shop. The faster I can do these beginner quests the faster I can get out of this city and start doing real quests. Cynthia followed the smell of smoke and the sound of clanging metal to the smithy and quickly dropped off the package. She then waited as he blathered in about needing materials to forge more weapons and armor and how it would be so kind if she could collect them for him. The red head simply stared at the old Smith her eyes only flashing slightly at the mention that the materials were Boar tusks and she would have to loot them from their corpses. Cynthia grinned terribly and then headed on her way, her left hand already on the handle of her saber. This should be a little more fun then the last quest, Cynthia thought to herself as she stride out of the town of beginnings her scarlet hair trailing behind her. 


  6. Cynthia glared at the other player, her sword still up in a defensive position. The man was still clapping his hands a slanted smile on his face. "Aren't you just a ruthless little thing, Little Red?" The orange player cocked his head as he looked at Cynthia. Unconsciously, the red head took a step away from the man. His sleepy looking yellow eyes held a sick curiosity in them. Long silvery white hair framed chiseled face with high cheekbones. He had a slender frame and wore a high collared black jacket with a white collared shirt beneath. The orange player stood up from his rock- he must have been a foot taller than Cynthia- and made his way over to Cynthia, hands deep in this pockets. He moved like a predator, like some sort of great cat. A lion or panther. He had a curved sword not unlike Cynthia's own Vallen. 

  7. Deciding to change up the pace of the battle- and hopefully finish the boar off faster- Cynthia rushed forward. She had just enough energy for one more sword art so she activated it. White energy coated her blade and seemed to hum. Cynthia grinned coldly and before the boar could try to gore her she sank the blade hilt deep into its face. The monster gave one last squeal of pain before it shattering into thousands of red and black particles. Cynthia smirked and sheathed her saber. She got a jingle and a notification opened showing her what loot she got. Cyn swiped the message away; she would see what see got later. Just as she did so she heard clapping behind her. Cyn quickly spun around, holding her saber up in defense. Sitting not far away on a stone, clapping slowly was another player, cloaked in black with pure white hair. His cursor was orange.


    Combat: Rage Blow

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 0/6- DMG: 3- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1 Action: ID# 106979- BD: 10+1= 11- hit: 3+2*2= 10 dmg

    Wild Boar- Hp: 0/30- DMG: 6 Action: ID# 106979- MD: 3-2=1- miss


    ID# 106982- LD: 9+1= 10, CD: 2- Result: 90 Col & 1 Mat


  8. Cynthia rushed forward, activating her sword art as she went. Her simple saber glowed with a white light that blurred the edges of the blade. Cynthia struck out with her saber, slashing it across the boar. The monster squealed in pain and was thrown backwards. Cynthia grinned. This fight was about to be over soon. A couple more hits and the boar would be dead and then Cynthia could leave to do more important things. The boar slowly got back up, grunted- more in pain then rage- and then charged the red haired player again. All Cynthia could do was smirk, her eyes shining terribly. These things never learn. She sidestepped the monster, its charge was so uneven and off kilter because of all the damage she had inflicted on it. The boar came to a slow stop nearly toppling at the end and then turned back around to face Cynthia. She smiled widely. the fight was almost over now. 


    Combat: Rage Blow

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 1/6- DMG: 3- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1 Action: ID# 106972- BD: 8+1= 9- hit: 3*2= 6 dmg

    Wild Boar- Hp: 10/30- DMG: 6 Action: 4-2= 2- miss


  9. Cynthia lay into the boar stabbing her saber into its exposed flank, yanking it back out, and then slashing it across its back again. The force of the two blows threw the boar backwards, making it stumble and fall. Cynthia grinned as she saw the gaping wounds in the boar, bleeding red particles. The strike had down massive damage to the boar, much more than she had been doing with her odachi. Now the boar was at about half hp and was giving off clouds of red shimmering red code. The boar stumbled to its hooves, bellowed in pain and rage, and then charged Cynthia again. Cynthia grinned wider and her eyes glinted. "Yes, come here to die." The monsters in this game were so stupid, always trying and trying even when they were heading straight into death's grasp. Cynthia easily evaded the boar and then moved in to attack the monster again. It was time to finish this fight, and then go train and get stronger. 


    Combat: Rage Blow

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 2/6- DMG: 3- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1 Action: ID# 106966- BD: 10+1=11- crit: 3+2*2= 10

    Wild Boar- Hp: 16/30- DMG: 6 Action: ID# 106966- MD: 3-2= 1- miss


  10. Cynthia stood up, calmly but rigidly walked over to her discarded sheath, sheathed Vallen, and then unequipped it. She pulled out her simple steel saber and drew it. The saber wasn't as flashy or as strong as her odachi but it was as, comparatively, a lot easier to use then it. Hoepfully she would be able to dispatch of the boar quickly with the saber and then go searching for someone to teach her how to use her odachi. Cyn grimaced at the thought of having to ask someone else for help but it would have to be done, especially if she wanted to be stronger. Cynthia turned back to the boar and brought up her curved sword. "You're dead meat." The boar bellowed and charged at the scarlet haired player. Cyn scowled and jumped aside before the large and angry pig could hit her. She easily evaded the monster and brought up her sword for a return strike, especially now that the beast was overextended and exposed. 


    Post Action: Switching weapons: Equipping Steel Saber

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 3/6- DMG: 3- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

    Wild Boar- Hp: 26/30- DMG: 6 Action: ID# 106962- MD: 2-3= 1- miss


  11. Cyn stumbles away having just been dealt a massive blow. She presses her hand to her head but as normal it doesn’t come away bloody. “Damn that thing hits hard.” Cyn curses some more. She may be a little over her head in this fight. Damn plant man. Cynthia reached around in her belt pouch and pulled out one of those potions she had gotten from the old man. She disengaged from the combat hoping the miss man would leave her alone, popped off the cork and drained the health potion. Cynthia felt the potion’s effect almost immediately. As soon as the cool liquid hit the red head’s tongue she felt her wounds begin to knit themselves back up and she saw her health bar slowly climb up to near full. Cynthia licked her lips, tossed the empty vial away, and readied herself to jump back into the fray. No sentient plant is going to kill me. 


    Post Action- Uncommon Health Potion consumed 

    +40 Hp

    Slayer- Hp: 55/60- EN: 2/6- DMG: 3- EVA: 2


  12. Cyn watch out of the corner of her eye as the elf made a weak attempt to skewer Kioshi and then fled. The heavily armored man easily evaded the sneak attack but that threw off his attack. Cyntiha turned her attention back to the moss man. Her eyes burned with a sick hunger as she saw it struggling to get back to its feet. The red head took one long stride and then built up speed as she rushed the creature. Her saber flashed out, slashing across the thing's throat. It didn't do much damage but it was still plenty enough to distract and annoy the plant creature. Hopefully it was enough to give Kioshi a chance to skewer the thing with his great sword. With that many more levels, Kioshi did a whole lot more damage than Cyn, especially when she wasn't using her odachi in this fight. Mostly because she didn't really know how to use the massive thing.


    Combat- Rage Blow

     ID# 105438- BD:5 + 1 = 6- hit

    3 * 2 = 6 damage 

    Slayer: Hp: 60/60- EN: 1/6- DMG: 3- ACC: 1- EVA: 2

    Kioshi: HP 214/220 -- Energy: 16/22

    Moss Man: HP 51/110


  13. As the duo entered the fog, Cyn spotted the humanoid shape fleeing through the fog just as Kioshi does. Both give chase but while Kioshi stops Cynthia keeps charging the elf, only dodging out of the way as the moss man drops down to protect the elf. Cyn's eyes light up at the plant man and Kioshi's small altercation which leaves them both reeling. Cyn rushes towards the monster, lithe and agile, pulling out her saber as she does. She leaves the odachi strapped to her back. While the moss man presses its hand into its wound, Cyn deftly comes up behind it,tosses up her saber and quickly switches to a hammer grip, then slashes the thing across the hamstring. The blow severs many of its vine and root like muscles and the thing drops to the ground immobilized. "Hit it again old man while its down!" Cyn yells to Kioshi as the red haired woman grins wickedly and prepares to strike again.


    Combat- Fell Crescent 

    D# 105432- BD: 6 + 1 = 7-hit

    3 * 1 = 3 damage

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 2/6- DMG: 3- ACC: 1- EVA: 2

    Kioshi: HP 214/220 -- DMG 9 -- MIT 39 -- Energy: 17/22

    Moss Man: HP 57/110 -- DMG 45 -- MIT 0 -- Hate: 1 to Kioshi, 1 to Slayer

    - Stunned from Fell Crescent 


  14. Cyn stood up, her burning gaze focused on the boar again. She charged it and swung her odachi in a wide arch trying to at all clip the beast. But the boar evaded her once again. The missed swing and the weight of the weapon spun Cyn and pulled her to the side. It took all of her strength not to fall and drop the blade but still Cyn stumbled. She let out a breath of hot and angry air. She was going to kill this boar even if she had to tear it apart with her own hands. Cynthia stood up just to see the boar barreling down at her. Cynthia quickly evaded the monster but stumbled and fell. Cynthia punched the ground. She was done with this. She needed a teacher or something so she could learn how to use this weapon. She wouldn’t be useless any longer. 



    ID# 105401- BD: 3 + 1 = 4- miss

    MD: 5 - 2 = 3- miss

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 2/6- DMG: 2- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

     Wild Boar- Hp: 26/30- DMG: 6


  15. Cyn gritted her teeth and charged at the boar, trying not to stumble because of the unnatural weight and length of her blade. She tried to run him through with the long blade but Cyn just couldn't control the weapon the way she wanted to and the boar easily, and infuriatingly, stepped aside. Cyn spunon her heel trying to quickly turn around but the sword slowed her down again. She saw the boar rushing her, its tusks pointed at her back, out the corner of her eyes. Cyn's face darkened as she scowled. The red head's leg muscles tensed and then flexed as she expertly- though somewhat slower than she normally could move- executed a back flip over the boar. Cyn's landing wasn't so graceful though. With the sword it was awkward and uncomfortable. She didn't stick the landing and dropped to her knees. Cynthia's eyes now burned with rage fueled hate. This weapon was exquisite and perfect, so it was Cyn that was weak right now. That would have to change. 



    ID# 105304- BD: 1- miss

    MD: 2- miss

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 3/6- DMG: 2- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

     Wild Boar- Hp: 26/30- DMG: 6


  16. “Strength in numbers,” Cyn grinned, her eyes flashing brightly, full of energy. “And I won’t let anything slip up. Your nasty little secret is safe with me.” Cynthia’s grin widened and she chuckled a little. She nodded at his next statement. She wouldn’t kill anyone yet. That would draw too much unwanted attention. She needed to be much stronger- much, much stronger- before she went player hunting. At Thief’s question Cyn smile turned sour but she pulled out the simple steel saber, “I’d like a much better weapon. This one is too short and I can’t put enough power behind the swings. I have ordered a custom weapon that will be much more to my liking.” She sheathed her saber and turned back to Thief, “But experience is experience,” Cyn smiles again, prepared and energized but patiently waiting for Thief’s move, “Let’s go hunting.” Cyn’s eyes gleam with anticipation and a kind of sick excitement. 


  17. “Kioshi, huh?” Cyn keeps walking alongside and the pair of them soon find themselves outside in the wilderness of floor three. The third floor was covered in sweeping plains dotted with thickets and copses of trees. Cynthia kept moving, walking along side Kioshi heading towards where the dark elf was supposed to be.The old man was very silent but that didn't bother her at all. Cyn didn't mind talking if the old guy didn't want to talk so they would walk in silence. I wonder what this quest reward will be and if it will be any real challenge. Besides I need to train and gain experience quickly. Cynthia broke out of her reverie as the pair of them entered into a forest. But it wasn't just any forest. Apparently this was the Forest of Wavering Mists. And a misty forest it was. The stuff just wove in and out of the dark pine trees, and just exuded from the forest. "So the dark elf is in here somewhere?" 


  18. Cynthia gripped her saber handle as she entered into the blacksmith’s open forge area. Lyle Tealeaf, an NPC blacksmith, hammered away on a piece of red hot meta. Sparks flew as the metal was bent and forced into shape. Cyn strode towards the burly man. “I have a package for you,” she nearly had to shout over the clangor of the hammering. The blacksmith stopped, wiped the sweat from his brow, and looked at Cyn. The man continued working but he shouted over the din, “Aye little lass. Zachariah was sending me some more materials.” He picked up the chunk of metal with some tongs and doused it in a trough of water. The water hissed and steam billowed. Lyle pulled the piece from the water and set it aside. He removed his gloves and turned to Cynthia, “I’ll take the package.” Cyn handed him the package, “thank you lass.” The big man set the package aside and began to start work again. 

    “Lass I’d you want to help more, I need some special materials- boar tusks- for a request. I’ll reward you for three.” Cynthia nodded her long scarlet hair shaking, and then turned to leave. 


  19. Cyn quickly followed the silent and gruff looking man plated in his heavy armor and carrying his massive two handed sword. She came up along side the man and turned to him, “Metal man, what is your name?” Cyn stared at the man as they walked along towards the gates of the town. Cyn didn’t really know too much detail about this quest. She knew it was collecting rarer materials except unlike normal material gathering these materials were in the hands of some elf. Cyn turned back to the man, probably cutting off Kioshi’s response, and asked, “Do you know much of this quest?” Again the scarlet haired girl waited in silence as she waited for the man’s answer her hair trailing behind and her trench coat flapping in the breeze. Cyn had a small grin of anticipation on her face as she waited. This quest was bringing her closer to power and greatness. 


  20. The boar came around for another pass, charging with its tusks aimed for Cyn's abdomen. Cyn easily evaded the boar's wild attack but when she tried to counter attack with her odachi she felt like she was trying to pull a bucket through water. The blade was so heavy and unwieldy, and Cynthia didn't know had to properly put enough force into the attacks. The boar barreled past and then Cynthia's odachi slammed into the ground behind it, throwing up chunks of grass and dirt. Cynthia hefted and pulled the sword out of the hillside. Then turned back to the boar she still needed to kill. It was hardly actually even damage and didn't look tired at all while Cyn's arms had began to burn. "Stupid game," Cyn muttered as she struggled to bring Vallen into a upright position. This fight was probably going to be long and drawn out, and the game mechanics weren't helping at all. Apparently, she needed a skill to use certain weapons properly.



    ID# 105286- BD: 1- miss

    MD: 5 - 3 = 2- miss

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 4/6- DMG: 2- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

     Wild Boar- Hp: 26/30- DMG: 6


  21. Cyn stumbled slightly as she tried to bring the odachi back around for a second swing. The weapon was much harder to wield and Cyn felt like she was not hitting as hard as she could. It was like the weapon was resisting her. Still Cyn was able to struggle out an attack with all brute force, grit, and strength. She speared the boar with her odachi, the force of the blow turning it aside. Still the strike did not seem as damaging as Cyn felt the massive weapon should be doing. 

    Cyn frowned and yanked the blade out of the stuck pig. The boar squealed and tried to gore her with its razor sharp tusks. Cyn quickly evaded the reckless attack but still the long sword weighed heavy in her hands. She felt slower than she normally felt. She might need to actually learn how to use this weapon. 



    ID# 105285- BD: 8 + 1 = 9- hit

    2 damage

    MD: 1 - 2 = miss

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 5/6- DMG: 2- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

     Wild Boar- Hp: 26/30- DMG: 6


  22. “That armor looks clunky,” Cyn spoke out as she entered the overhang of Griswold’s blacksmith shop. Cynthia stands loosely, her long scarlet hair hanging down to her waist in ponytail. She is cloaked in a lightweight but sturdy trench coat and wears lightweight leathers. A massive-massive meaning long more than broad- odachi is strapped to her back wrapped in white linen strips and a simple steel saber hangs at her waist. She turns from Kioshi to Griswold, “I heard you are looking for extra materials. Materials that are harder to get.” She shifted forward, her had gripped her saber hilt, and her hard eyes stared coldly, “I’ll get them for you.” The red head turned to the armored man, her hair whipping around with her, “You want to come with? I’m very agile and deft but having a armored tub can like you would be a benefit.” Cyn’s hard stare focused on Kioshi, as the scarlet haired girl waited for the warrior’s answer.  


  23. Cynthia ventured outside of the safe zone onto the plains and hills that dominated the first floor. She carried her sheathed odachi- it was too big to strap to her waist and too unwieldy to draw from the back- as she hunted for something to test it on. Something to kill. Cyn spotted a wild boar milling about on the next hill over so she trudged over to it. The odachi really was awkward to carry. Cyn drew it from its sheath hearing the cold steel hiss- Cyn loved that sword and how beautiful her blade looked- and tossed aside the sheath. She gripped the sword's long handle with both hands and charged the boar. Cyn swung her sword it a high downward cut and caught the beast by surprise. The blade slashed across the monster's flank causing it to cry out and then spun towards her. The boar tried to ram Cynthia with its tusks but she deftly moved aside. She side stepped the swinging tusks.



    ID# 105279- BD: 8- hit

    2 damage

    MD: 5 - 2 eva = 3- miss

    Slayer- Hp: 60/60- EN: 5/6- DMG: 2- EVA: 2- ACC: 1- LD: 1

    Wild Boar- Hp: 28/30- DMG: 6


  24. Now that Cynthia had finally gotten her new sword- an odachi- and now she wanted to test it out. The weapon had been expertly made by Macradon and Cyn considered it a masterpiece. Vallen, Cynthia's odachi, was a massive weapon with a curved, single edged blade a little longer than three and a half feet in length. The blade was black, except the for the sharpened edge, and was adorned with etchings of lotus blossoms. The handle- or tsuka- was quite long and just as black as the blade with white lotus blossoms along it as well. The entire weapon was five feet long, only a few inches shorter than herself but Cyn was strong enough to use it. At least she hoped she was. As Cynthia hefted the blade it felt a bit unwieldy but she had resolved to use it. So Cyn walked out of the Town of Beginnings, her new trench coat flapping behind her, to got test out her new sword. Cyn couldn't help but grin.

    Stats, Skills, and Gear


    Hp: 60

    Energy: 6

    Damage: 2

    Evasion: 2

    Accuracy: 1

    Loot Die: 1


    1H Curved Sword- Novice


    Steel Saber (uncommon)(1H curved sword)(1 damage)

    Vallen (perfect)(Katana)(1 damage, 1 accuracy, one bleed)

    Military Trenchcoat (perfect)(Light Armor)(2 evasion, 1 Loot Die)


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