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About Kyot0

  • Birthday 03/13/1996

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    Solo Player

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  1. Kyoto listen to Ren. What he was saying is true. "Yeah. I feel like in the situation we're in, people with common goals would be better. We all have that one goal of saving everyone trapped in here. I don't see it as us showing our ego but the one's that are wanting to be saviors if thousands of people." Kyoto smiled as he listen to Ren talking to Larbrook. The fact the big fellow even gave an answer was a shock to the both of them. "Is that all you have to say? There has to be more to your story than that." At least that's what he thinks. The game could have him program t
  2. Thread Summery Kyoto Receives: 2,158 EXP (4,137/10*2*0.7) + (Quest [500]) + (Recruitment Drive [1,079]) 500 Col(1 page [0] + Quest [500]) Unlock <<Survival>> Extra Skill Euled Receives: 1,579 EXP (4,137/10*1*0.7) + ( Quest [500]) + (Recruitment Drive [789]) 900 Col (1 page [400] + Quest [500]) Unlock <<Survival>> Extra Skill NOTE: Each player receives x2 EXP due to the ongoing Recruitment Drive bonus
  3. Kyoto looked over at Euled as he talks about his future plans. The nice thing is the two boys are still fairly young to the point they're able to get back into school and finish it. But he's not wrong about the fact that they were trapped inside a death game. There's nothing they can really do about that. But it does give them a major setback when they do come back to the world. With no time to waste the three boys reached the old abandon cave and the first thing Euled did was start looking for the chest. Kyoto smiled as he would wait for the old man to come up here and tell them where it
  4. Kyoto chuckled after hearing Euled. As boring as it was. it was nice to sit here and think about the future. What is Kyoto planning on doing in the game. What is going to happen when they finally get out of the game. Things that probably cross a lot of people's minds. After gathering his stuff, Kyoto looked a the old man and giving the sign that everyone's ready to head out. With that the old man guided the boys towards the old cave. "Hey Euled. What's your plans when we finally get out of this death game?" It was a little personal but everyone has different plans. "I was p
  5. Kyoto smirks a little after hearing Euled's response. "Unfortunately not all quest are like this. Some are more relaxing and other's are more chaotic." Kyoto response was more tiring more than anything. But no to long after that the old man speaks up. "I think I remembered where the chest is at." The old man paused. "There's an abandon cave not to far from here that I buried it at. This shelter used to be quite popular back in the days. Tons of people come here to seek shelter from the sandstorm. But I guess now it's not used much anymore." The old man gives off a
  6. Kyoto looking up into the sky sees the sun disappearing and the terrain getting dark. Kyoto looked around seeing that there's a small shelter out in the distance. Pointing in that direction Kyoto shouted at the two to follow him. "Come quick this way. Try not to leave the old man behind." After all the old man isn't able to move as fast as the two younger boys. Walking towards the shelter the sand started to pick up and getting into the faces of the two boys and the old man. It was only a matter of time that the sand storm would pick up and make it harder to see. With no he
  7. Kyoto looks at Euled. It was clear he had his mind decided on what he wanted to do. It was a matter of when was he going to charge in. "I'll let you take care of them I'm going to hang back here to protect the old man" Even though there was a handful of bandits there's usually a few that like the hand off to the side to try and ambush whoever comes through here. With that though Kyoto unsheathe his sword as 2 more bandits pulled up from behind. "Ha, I knew that there were more. No way in the world they were going to have 4 bandits defend a route like this." Kyoto praised th
  8. Kyoto listen to Euled about his profession. It seems like he's wanting to be a tank which is nice. Everyone always needs a tank in there group so that's always a positive if someone finds out that's what he's going for. "Well let's see here. If you're wanting to do blacksmith you'll still have to find material to get started with. Which is alright it's quite easy to gather material. Heck even right now if you're wanting to look for material you can. Just have to look around. Although we're in a desert so I'm not sure how much you're going to find out here." With the conversation come
  9. Kyoto listen to the boy as they left the settlement. Euled comment about his fist bump. Kyoto looked at the boy. "Sorry about that. I guess I got to into the quest to realize that you were offering one." That also being said. Kyoto isn't use to being the leader of a party so he forgot to invite Euled to a party. Though thinking about it he opens menu and invited Euled to a party. "I guess I'm being forgetful as well." He smiled. Listening to Euled talk about his ego made Kyoto notice that he was serious about everything he said. There again there's nothing wrong about being
  10. "Excellent, I like the attitude you have going on there." With that Kyoto would take the lead walking toward the desert waiting for the instructions form the old man onto where the chest might be. "So what made you think you're going to be one of the greatest in this game? Everyone here has there own pros and cons and saying something like that can get you into trouble." Not like Kyoto has much to say. For the longest time he was solo. Didn't think about asking for help until he notice all his friends he gain over the time of being stuck in this death game left or disappeared.
  11. Kyoto smiled as the young brown haired boy explained about grinding for EXP. One thing's for sure quest is one way into doing it. But finding the right quest is the hard part considering once you get to the higher floors the harder the quest get. "Glad to hear you're on bored. Somewhere around this settlement is the quest. Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure where it is." Kyoto grab the rest of his gear and waved to the boy to follow him. Walking out of the pub toward the central part of town, Kyoto looked around to see if he might spot an NPC that would be offering quest. But instead an
  12. Kyoto smirk as he hears a new player going around and asking other players if he can join them for a quest. The sad thing is most of them aren't here for quest. They're here to just relax or are here to talk about strategies for other quest. The thing is though. There was a quest here in the 5th floor Kyoto never did. And the nice thing is, Kyoto doesn't think there's any combat to it. Or if there is probably won't be strong enough to beat him. It might be a perfect opportunity for the new guy to experience what it's like outside of the first floor. "Hey you. You're looking for a quest to
  13. After the recent adventures with Freyd, Kyoto would find himself on the 5th floor just relaxing before heading to his next journey with a guy Freyd recommended. Kyoto wasn't sure what to expect from this guy but from what Freyd mention he was a pretty cool guy. While sitting in a pub in the populated settlement of Fortaleza. Kyoto looked around to see barely anyone around. It was a shock since there's always people around no matter what floor you're on. Some people like to come to these other floors just to have scenery change. Other's come here to train. Kyoto was here just to relax befo
  14. Watching Ren looked shocked about what Larbrook said about him fighting with his eyes close was something he's never seen before. Most people normally play it off like they did nothing wrong and that what they did was intentional. Ren pulled off the 'I'm not sure what happen and I'm not afraid to admit that.' kind of vibe. Which is always good. Listening to Ren's response was an interesting one and there's nothing wrong with his decision. Although as they started to head to the next destination, Ren changed his response. He seem uncertain what he should do. In Kyoto's case though he was
  15. Kyoto chuckled a little after watching Ren defeat the beast. His response to the plan would be valid. "Well that was surprisingly easy. Sad thing is there's much more to do before we finish." Kyoto gets up and dust off the dirt off of him. "So you guys ready to continue?" Kyoto was little eager to get things going as he gather his attention to Ren and the big guy. Waiting to see what is planned, Kyoto ready himself as he continue to catch up to Ren. Kyoto never was a leader and you'll never see him upfront of anything. He never volunteer to take charge or anything he o
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