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Posts posted by Matoyasu

  1. Place Holder


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 7:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID:  113777
    BD: 8 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 6 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Loot Roll ID: 113779
    LD: 11+1=12 (Boar Pup Tusk Obtained)
    ((OOC: Just realized that I had to roll for the loot separately from the attack roll. I apologize.))

    ID: 113778
    BD: 5 (N/A)
    MD: 1 (Boar Pup Completely Misses)

    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  2. It would take more time than Matoyasu would have preferred, but he would eventually find the time to get himself up off of the ground before the Boar Pups could manage to get another hit in on him. If things were to keep going on like this, it would likely lead to the position that he had been in earlier, and quite honestly, he couldn't afford that. With that thought in mind, Matoyasu would continue to try and put an end to these things. It just.. wouldn't go the way that he had wanted. Just like every other time that he had gone as far as to fight these things, Matoyasu would hold his dagger close to him, preparing to strike the boar pups whenever they would get close enough. All that he had to do now was wait for them to come to him this time.. At least, that had been the plan.

    Once again, the boar pups would begin to approach Matoyasu, anger within their glowing red eyes. They would each attempt to rush him and deal some damage to him, but only one of them would succeed. The moment that the second boar pup had managed to get a hit out on him, Matoyasu would allow for himself to take a further step back. This would allow for him to dodge the second boar pups attack, whilst still taking the hit from the second one. It wasn't enough to keep him from getting hurt entirely, but it was enough to save himself a couple of HP.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 6:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID:  113758
    BD: 4 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 7 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113759
    BD: 8 (N/A)
    MD: 2 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 42/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 2/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  3. Yet again, Matoyasu would find himself being caught in the middle of an unfortunate situation. There wasn't really much that he could do with the predicament that he had been within at the moment, but perhaps he could try and find a way out of it? In an attempt to try and rectify the situation, Matoyasu would begin to first try and slow his roll. At least, in the most literal sense that is. Like he had done previously, Matoyasu would place his dagger into the ground as he had been rolling. What he had been going for was to slow his momentum, but the way that he had gone about it had been entirely wrong. The technique had been enough for him to slightly stagger his movement, but he would continue to roll even than.

    Following the course of bad luck that was hopefully not going to be taking a strong hold of him, the boar pups would than begin to take their move for the time being. Just like before, they had wanted to bring things to an end with Matoyasu. They had planned on lowering his HP until the point that his life would simply cease. They would go about this by once more rushing towards the poor sod, ramming their horns directly into his rolling body, and continuing the unfortunate situation that he had found himself in.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 5:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID:  113733
    BD: 2 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 7 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113734
    BD: 1 (N/A)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 44/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 2/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  4. After having found himself on the ground, Matoyasu would begin to try and think about where he had gone wrong with this last time. Every time that he had tried to get up, one of the boars would manage to rush him and knock him right back down. It happened nearly ever single time that he had attempted as much. However, when it came down to two of them, one of them would tend to hit him and the other would tend to miss. Could he really chance simply not getting up, in hopes of not getting hit this time? If he was wrong, he could be hit twice as much. Hoping for the best, Matoyasu would stay on the ground and try his best not to immediately sit up out of fear. Only time would tell if that would work..

    And it almost did! Just like in his previous scuffle, the third boar would rush towards him and than leap above him, hoping to ram into him if he were to sit up! However, the second boar pup had been smarter than that. It wasn't about to leave something like that to chance. As such, the second boar pup would remain low to the ground, whilst charging directly towards Matoyasu's side. In doing so, it would ram directly into him, causing him to roll to the side with the hit. He was extremely lucky that pain wasn't simulated as it should have been in this world. He would have found himself in a world of hurt by now otherwise. Both from the previous fight and from this one.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 4:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID:  113731
    BD: 2 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 10 (Boar Hits)

    ID: 113732
    BD: 2 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 3 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 48/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 2/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  5. Yet again, Matoyasu would find themselves in a rather complicated situation. It was true that he had managed to bring down one of the boar pups, far quicker than before even, but now he had to worry about two boar pups that seemed to be rather spot on with their teamwork. If they had found a way to work together against him, it was likely going to end up going downhill for him. He couldn't allow for that to happen. With that thought in mind, Matoyasu would begin to think about Kirbs whilst trying to keep an eye on the pups in front of him. Even if she doesn't know me all that well, she would be upset if anything as serious as death were to happen to me, right..? I can't afford to let her down. The fact that I just don't want to die is simply a bonus.. Let's do this.

    Matoyasu would than begin to nod to himself before returning his full attention to the boar pups before him. Each pup had decided to take the same plan, but in a slightly different manner. The second boar would begin to rush around to the left side of Matoyasu whilst the third boar would begin to rush around to the right side. From what he could tell, it was likely that they were going to manage to hit him, with the speed that they had shown. However, if he had managed to get in enough speed of his own, perhaps he could strike against one of them as well? He wasn't entirely sure that his attempt would work, but there was no going against it now. If he wanted to survive, than he was going to need to fight. As such, when the second boar had closed in on him, Matoyasu would bring his dagger down upon it, causing the blade to be dragged along the creatures backside, via its own momentum. That wasn't enough to stop the boar pup though, so it would still manage to ram into Matoyasu. The fact that the other boar pup had managed to do this as well had been enough to completely offset Matoyasu's balance. There was no stopping it at this point. All that he could do was take the hit and fall to the ground.


     Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 3:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID:  113729
    BD: 6 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113730
    BD: 2 (N/A)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 50/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 2/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  6. Once Matoyasu would manage to secure his balance, he would begin to survey the field once more. He had to keep an eye on the three boar pups. That much was for sure. After all, if things ended up going as poorly as they had last time, he was most certainly going to either have to give up trying to fight or was going to end up dead. Hopefully he wasn't going to need to figure out what either of those things were going to be like. Okay.. Where are you..?

    Shortly after surveying the field, Matoyasu would begin to catch a glance of the first boar pup that he had managed to attack. It was evident which one had been attacked previously because it had that long slash mark on its side. I'm sorry about this.. With that serene look of not caring anymore on his face, Matoyasu would begin to weave his way across the field once more, attempting to end the life of the initial boar pup that he had seen. Once he would manage to close the distance between himself and the boar pup, he would slash his iron dagger towards the creature yet again. In doing so, he would bring death upon the boar pup, causing it to burst into various pixels. Of course, it wouldn't take long for the other two boar pups to attack him. Each of the boar pups would manage to get in under his defenses, whilst he had been worrying about the first boar pup. They would each manage to drive their tusks into Matoyasu, causing him to stagger backwards, almost falling down onto his backside. After having this happen to him so many times though, he had begun to pick up ways to keep himself from falling like that. This was the only thing to keep him standing at the end of their attacks.


     Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 2:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 1

    ID:  113726
    BD: 7 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 4 (Boar Pup Misses)
    LD: 14+1=15 (Boar Pup Tusk Dropped)

    ID:  113727
    BD: 6 (N/A)
    MD: 9 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID:  113728
    BD: 5 (N/A)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 54/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 (0 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  7. Seeing as how he had still been missing two of the boar pup tusks, Matoyasu would begin to approach the other group of boar pups that he had seen. He didn't like the thought of having to fight three of them on his own again, but he had managed to survive that last round, even with how badly he had been getting his ass kicked. The fact that he had also downed those potions was most certainly going to assist him with this matter. It was enough to leave him feeling at least a little more comfortable with the situation.

    He didn't plan on doing things like he had last time. Instead of getting his ass handed to him, he was going to try and utilize the knowledge that he had acquired from his previous fight. It was likely that these three were going to fight in a similar manner to the ones that he had just dealt with, so it was likely that they would attempt to fight him through means of charging at him. With that thought in mind, Matoyasu would attempt to at least get a surprise hit on them first. Keep them off of their game a bit. He would attempt to do as much by drawing his dagger and running directly towards the first boar pup that he would see. Immediately, he would begin to drag his dagger along the side of the creature, leaving a bright red gash along the point in which he had managed to injure it. It wasn't long before the second boar pup would begin to rush towards him, landing a hit on him and causing him to lose his balance a bit, but thankfully he would be able to maintain it this time. As for the third boar pup in the group? It would attempt to hit him, but it's attack would go wide and it would miss entirely.


     Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 3 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 1:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 1

    ID:  113723
    BD: 8 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 2 (Boar Pup Misses)

    ID:  113724
    BD: 8 (N/A)
    MD: 6 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID:  113725
    BD: 10 (N/A)
    MD: 3 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 58/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 2/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 (0 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  8. Now that the fight between the three boars had come to an end, Matoyasu would find himself simply sitting there on the ground. It was known to him that he didn't have the required materials to return to Lyle just yet. In fact, he was going to need to retrieve two more boar pup tusks if he was going to end up finishing this quest. That thought normally would have upset him, but at this moment, it was just a fact of life. With a tired sigh, Matoyasu would begin to raise himself up from the ground, whilst picking up one of the pebbles that had been nearby. From there, he would simply begin to scan around the area with his Search skill. 

    Two more. That's all I need. Than I can leave this place.

    Interestingly enough, this fight in and of itself had managed to give Matoyasu the resolve that he was going to need to simply get off of this floor. He didn't want to have the memories of getting his ass handed to him by some of the most basic creatures that this game had to offer. If he was going to replace them, he was going to need to do so with a true fear. That of which could only be attained on the higher floors.

    It wouldn't take long before Matoyasu would catch another one of the groups of boar pups that had been herded together. In an attempt to try and end this as quickly as he could, he would begin to prepare himself for the next fight. After opening his menu, Matoyasu would begin to retrieve a tier one health potion of uncommon quality and the tier one damage potion that Zackariah had gave to him. It looks like I'm going to have to use these materials, shortly after receiving them from you Zackariah.. Sorry about that. Matoyasu would than proceed to drink both of these potions.


    Battle Ready Items After Potion Use: (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP); 4 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP; 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)



    It would seem as though Matoyasu had finally gotten fed up with the beating that he had been taking. Earlier on in this match against the bull pups, he had completely lost himself to his anger. This time however.. it was different. He had reached the point of being so mad about it that he had simply stopped being mad all together. It would seem as though the storm that had been raging inside of him had simply.. ceased. His eyes would begin to close for a moment and he would simply take in everything that had happened up unto this point. He didn't want any of this, but there was nothing that he could do about it at this point, other than simply accept it. As such, that is what he would do.

    When he would go to open his eyes, Matoyasu would notice that the boar pup had already been approaching him. A killer intent, more serious than before, could be seen within this creatures eyes. And to be honest, Matoyasu had completely understood it. However, he wasn't going to allow for himself to act like that anymore. Not if he could help it. As such, he would simply wait for the boar pup to close the distance between the two of them. That was exactly what would go on to happen as the boar pup would ram directly into Matoyasu, causing damage to that of his health. In this moment though, Matoyasu would reach out with one of his arms and would than grab hold of one of the boar pups tusks. Whilst holding the creature in place, he would use his other hand to raise his blade upwards before driving it down directly into the back of the boar pups head. Tears would continue to stroll down his cheeks as the creature would burst into various pixels. However, unlike the tears from before, these were tears of pain, not anger. He didn't want to kill these creatures. It was more so that he had simply accepted the circumstances that he had been in. He needed to end it. 


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 11:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 3

    ID:  113721
    BD: 7 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)
    LD: 3+1=4 (No Drop)

    Matoyasu: 36/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 0/5 (N/A Hate)


  10. I can't believe that this keeps happening. What is wrong with me?!

    No matter how much Matoyasu had tried to fight against what had been happening, he just didn't seem to be quick enough. He had seriously pissed off the boar pup. It didn't even seem like it was a pup at this point! But than again, what did he know? This was his first time in any sort of combat. He should have brought someone along with him, like Kirbs had suggested. Honestly, she would have been able to help him clear this quest with ease. It was unfortunate that he didn't think to bring her along, but there was nothing that he could do about it now.

    And of course, just like he normally manages to do, Matoyasu would find himself thinking about something else entirely when he should be focused on the matter in front of him. He had been so focused on what he should have done, that he wasn't thinking about what he needed to do at this moment. That is why the follow up attack from the boar had been rather unexpected to him. Whilst trying to sit back up, the boar pup from before would begin to rush towards him yet again. Just as Matoyasu had been raising his head from the ground, the boar pup would headbutt him directly, giving him no time to even attempt to defend himself. 


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 10:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 3

    ID:  113720
    BD: 1 (Matoyasu Completely Misses)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 38/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 1/5 (2 Hate)


  11. Although the game had been designed to make it so that the players wouldn't actually feel the pain equivalent to most actions, the thought of falling on his face had been enough to trick Matoyasu's brain into thinking that he had managed to hurt himself. That is why it would take a moment before he would realize that he wasn't actually in pain. Well, nothing more than a slight stinging sensation around his nose. 

    What the hell just happened..? 

    In the time that it had taken Matoyasu to realize what had actually happened to him, his mind would begin to drift off to how he was going to be able to beat this little boar pup. If that creature had harbored feelings that had been stronger than those that he had experienced earlier, than this was going to be even more of a struggle. Especially if the creature continues to proceed at the speed in which it just had. 

    Regardless, it wouldn't matter what Matoyasu had been thinking about. He may have been focused on figuring out what had just happened to him, but the boar pup had been thinking about what it was going to do to him next. After quickly rounding itself back around from the path in which it had just ran through, the boar pup would begin to rush towards Matoyasu yet again. This time however, Matoyasu had been just a bit quicker. It wasn't enough, but it was quicker nonetheless. Before Matoyasu could manage to raise his blade against the boar pup, it would ram directly into his chest, causing him to roll backwards and end up on his backside, coughing violently once more.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 9:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 3

    ID: 113917
    BD: 5 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 40/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 1/5 (2 Hate)


  12. It was unfortunate, but the clash that the two had just experienced hadn't been enough to finish off the boar pup. The little fella was certainly a fighter and most certainly didn't want to go down that quickly. This point would be further proved when the two would turn to face one another again. The look that had been within the boar pups eyes had been even more intense than it had been before. As though some kind of spirit had invigorated it somehow. Matoyasu had known this look all to well though.. because this was the look that he had on his own face not too long ago. This creature had wanted to bring things to an end and wasn't planning on giving up.

    Before Matoyasu would even have a chance to prepare his dagger for another direct attack, the boar pup would be charging at him once more. It didn't seem to want to play around anymore, now that it's life had been on the line. At a speed that Matoyasu hadn't been expecting, the creature would begin to close the distance between the two of them, soon running headfirst into Matoyasu's left leg. The force from this attack had been enough to cause Matoyasu to completely flip forward, falling down directly onto his face.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 8:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 3

    ID: 113718
    BD: 4 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 8 (Boar Hits)

    Matoyasu: 42/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 1/5 (2 Hate)


  13. This has to come to an end soon. I can't afford to be out here for too long. Not if this is what three boar pups are capable of doing to me.. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to go out of my way to finish this bastard off!

    Wanting to put an end to this, Matoyasu would turn his attention back towards the third and only remaining bull pup from the initial group. It was clear that this boar had wanted to put an end to this as well, given the fact that it had witnessed the death of its companions by Matoyasu's hands. As such, the boar pup would begin to paw at the ground, preparing to rush towards Matoyasu. It had even gone as far as to let off some kind of war-cry like squeal. From there, it's glowing red eyes would begin to narrow and it would begin to push off of the ground, rushing directly towards Matoyasu.

    Matoyasu would begin to perform a similar act as the boar had begun to rush towards him. His eyes would begin to narrow and his grip on his iron dagger would begin to grow tighter. From there, he would begin to shout out with passion as he would begin to rush towards the boar pup. The two would begin to close in on one another and the boar pup would choose to stay on the ground this time instead of leaping into the air. In truth, Matoyasu had expected for the creature to leap into the air again, but he wasn't going to allow for this moment to pass him by. As such, once he had found himself within a relatively close distance, Matoyasu would slide on the ground whilst dragging his dagger along the side of the boar pup. The cut had managed to go in deep and was enough to cause the boar pups attack to miss entirely. Things were going to be coming to an end sooner rather than later.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 7:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 3

    ID: 113717
    BD: 10 (Matoyasu Hits Critical +2)
    MD: 5 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 44/60 | 5/6 EN | (-0 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 1/5 (2 Hate)


  14. I don't want to be here. I don't want to do this. I didn't want any of this and now I'm stuck here..! I should have just stuck with remaining on my own in the Town of Beginnings.. Kirbs was right. It's too dangerous to be doing things like this on my own..

    The tears would continue to stream down past Matoyasu's cheeks as he drives his dagger into the ground, stopping himself from being rolled further into the plains. He couldn't afford to roll into another one of the hoards of boar pups. If that were to happen, than it was no secret that five boar pups would be too much for him to handle on his own. I have to put an end to this as soon as possible.. Matoyasu would than begin to weakly push himself up from the ground. His movements had been staggered and he was having a hard time remaining sane at the moment, but he wasn't going to let this be the end of him. In an attempt to try and put an end to at least one of the boar pups, Matoyasu would begin to stagger his way on over towards the second boar pup. As it had begun to close in on him, he would attempt to faint the creature by dashing one way and than spinning about on his other foot so that he could slip his way into the other direction. Thankfully, this technique had managed to work, allowing for Matoyasu to drive his dagger into the side of the second boar, causing the creature to burst into a dozen pixels before fading away.

    After having killed the second boar pup, a minimized notification box would begin to appear at the top left of his vision. A quick glance towards the notification would notify him that he had received one of the boar pup tusks. It was a good thing that he had managed to acquire on of the three that he had needed, but not so good that he had realized that his first kill had been practically worthless. It was unfortunate but that's just how it was sometimes. Thankfully, the fact that he had acquired one of the boar pup tusks had managed to calm his nerves a bit, causing his anger to begin to fade away. It had still remained, but it wasn't as serious as it had been before. This calming of the nerves had been enough to allow for Matoyasu to focus a bit more. That focus, in turn, would allow for him to dodge around the third boars attack.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 6:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID: 113715
    BD: 6 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 5 (Boar Misses)
    LD: 17+1= 18 (Boar Pup Tusk Received)

    ID: 113716
    BD: 6 (N/A)
    MD: 5 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 44/60 | 5/6 EN | (-0 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  15. The moment that Kirbs would wink at him, Matoyasu would have to avert his gaze. It wasn't something that he had been used to, either in the real world or in this one. As such, a light pink tinge could be seen forming upon his cheeks, but it would quickly begin to fade away. His mind had to focus on the task at hand, or he would never be able to stop thinking about what had just happened.

    Upon Kirbs giving her verbal consent, Matoyasu would begin to nod a bit. From there, he would press the green button on the lower right section of the menu. In doing so, a friend request would be sent on over to Kirbs. The fact that he had managed to secure a friend was something that he had been quite proud of. Not having anyone to really get along with out here, for the past couple of years, had put a bit of a strain on him. By this point, he had even been considering just hanging out with the NPC's so that he would have company. This would hopefully turn things around for him though. "Awesome! Thanks Kirbs. I look forward to seeing where our future shall lead.. Y'know, as friends and stuff."

    Matoyasu would than begin to nod once more before turning his attention back towards a topic that had been previously mentioned. A few of them actually. "You might not think of yourself as an ass kicker, but I'm sure that you and Scarfy are quite effective out of the field together. After all, isn't that what a familiar tends to do? Assist its companion?" Honestly not sure if he had even been correct, Matoyasu would begin to shrug. He would likely find the truth to that statement in time. "Speaking of which.. Do you and Scarfy happen to be in a guild? I only ask since you seem to know about them and stuff."


  16. The longer that this situation would go on, the more emotions that Matoyasu could feel welling up within himself. He didn't want to kill these things to start, but now he was being pushed to the feeling of wanting to end it, but not as quickly. It was unfortunate that he had been feeling this way, and he truly didn't want to keep feeling this way. It would be far better for him to remain stable, even whilst finding himself in such a situation. The only question at this point was if he would be able to do it. Tears would begin to stream down his cheeks as he continues to watch the boar pups. Naturally, they had been attempting to try and get themselves back to a proper fighting form. Given enough time, they would likely be coming back at him with full force. For now though, they would simply begin to simply paw at the ground, whilst revving themselves up for the next attack. Why did it have to come to this..? I refuse to go down like this! But.. I didn't want this from the start..

    This entire ordeal had been tearing him in two, so when the boar pups would begin to rush after him, he would find himself at somewhat of a disadvantage. If only to try and secure his own life, Matoyasu would slash his dagger in the direction of the second boar. It was a clumsy slash though, and far too early to make any sort of difference. The boar pups would quickly take advantage of this by both ramming into him once more, causing him to roll backwards. Things just weren't going his way. If they kept up this way, he was likely going to need to use one of the potions that he had received from Zackariah. All that he could do was hope that it didn't come down to that.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 5:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID: 113702
    BD: 4 (Matoyasu Misses)
    MD: 6 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113703
    BD: 10 (N/A)
    MD: 8 (Board Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 44/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 1/5 (2 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  17. Goddammit! How did these boar pups manage to even cause this much damage to me?! The very thought had infuriated him. He couldn't believe that he was getting his ass handed to him by a couple of boar pups. Not even the Frenzy Boars, but their children. It was almost too much for him to handle. With a little more damage, they will have pushed him down to his halfway health marker. He hadn't even managed to get his HP this low before, so the fact that it had gotten this low over something as trivial as this had causing him great irritation. That anger that had welled up within him.. It was what would cause him to begin to grow fed up with everything that had been going on. In this moment, Matoyasu would finally let go of all of that built up stress and anger. Not just from being trapped in Sword Art Online, but from not having any true love or support in the real world. He just kind of.. snapped. 

    His eyes would begin to twitch as he crawls on over towards his iron dagger. It was within his reach, but he was going to need to work a little harder to get to it at this point. Just keep.. going.. Inch by inch, Matoyasu would begin to push himself harder. He needed to get to his dagger. He couldn't just sit here and take the beating from these pups. His death would be recorded on the Monument of Life.. and it would truly be an embarrassing one. One that was almost as bad as the death that he would have received.

    Just than, the second Boar Pup would rush Matoyasu once more. It had managed to do exactly as the third boar pup had done previously. It would rush Matoyasu and would ram its tusks into his stomach, causing him to begin to cough violently. It isn't real. It isn't real. It's only a game. A game that we can win. We can't die to this boar. I can't die here.. In the end of it all, he just wasn't having it. Having pushed for that last inch that he had needed, Matoyasu would reach out and grab the iron dagger. Once it had been within his grasp, he would bring the tip of the blade into the back of the second boar pups skull. It hadn't gone in deep enough to kill the creature, but it had been enough to severely wound it, causing it to back off afterwards.. As for the third boar pup? It would attempt to rush Matoyasu like it had previously done, but would end up running into the second boar that had been fleeing from Matoyasu.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 4:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID: 113700
    BD: 10 (Matoyasu Hits Critical +2)
    MD: 9 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113701
    BD: 10 (N/A)
    MD: 3 (Boar Pup Misses)

    Matoyasu: 48/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 1/5 (2 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  18. This was not how Matoyasu had envisioned his day going. Although he liked Zackariah, meeting him has done nothing but send Matoyasu spiraling downward closer to his own demise. He never should have come out here. It all just led to a bunch of nonsense anyways. At least, that's how he had felt about the entire ordeal at the moment. He couldn't believe that he had been knocked down onto his ass, not once, but twice, by these Boar Pups. It was truly embarrassing. Thankfully no one had been around to see it at the moment. He would never be able to live it down if they had.

    Things would only continue to get worse as Matoyasu would attempt to get back up off of the ground. By knocking Matoyasu off of his feet and temporarily disabling him, the Boar Pups had managed to get Matoyasu to inadvertently let go of his iron dagger. It had ended up finding itself over in a patch of grass nearby, but it wasn't close enough for him to get to immediately. Knowing as much, Matoyasu would begin to push himself up off of the ground, only to rush on over towards his dagger. The second boar pup had attempted to rush him at this point, which had led to Matoyasu trying to kick the damned thing. Naturally, he would find himself falling down onto the ground and face first. He had managed to entirely miss the boar, but thankfully, that had also caused for the boar pup to miss him. That didn't mean anything for the other boar pup though. The third boar pup had continued to attempt to rush Matoyasu, figuring that it had a better target with Matoyasu on the ground. It was correct in that's assumption and would end up driving its tusks directly into Matoyasu's stomach, causing him to cough up simulated blood.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 3:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 2

    ID: 113698
    BD: 3 (Matoyasu Missed)
    MD: 5 (Boar Pup Missed)

    ID: 113699
    BD: 4 (N/A)
    MD: 9 (Boar Pup Hits)

    Matoyasu: 50/60 | 5/6 EN | (-2 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 (0 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  19. Picking himself up off the ground, a wave of anger would begin to wash over Matoyasu. It wasn't like he wanted to kill the boar pups! He needed to if he was going to get this quest over with and find a way to survive! This sense of anger had been enough to cause Matoyasu to want to play a bit more seriously now, if he was going to need to do this. He still plans on killing them as quickly as he can, for a sense of being humane, but now he didn't have doubts about killing the creatures before him. They were NPC's that needed to be killed for their materials. He shouldn't think otherwise. Grinding his teeth together, Matoyasu would begin to charge towards the first boar once more. As he had done so, the boar would charge back at him, butting his arm with its twin tusks, causing some of Matoyasu's HP to drain away. The Boar Pup wasn't strong enough to cause him to be pushed back though, now that he had a sense of balance, and Matoyasu was going to use this to his advantage. He would begin to apply more pressure to his blade whilst pouring his passion into his attack, hoping to overpower the Boar Pup. From there, his dagger would be driven downward into the Boar Pups skull, killing the creature instantly and causing it to burst into pixels.

    A slightly crazed look would begin to overcome him as he would turn to face the other two boars. He knew that it was true. No matter how much he wanted to not believe it, there was no way that he just couldn't believe it. This game was life and death. Even if he couldn't feel the pain now, the pain of death would be all too real. He couldn't afford to lose. Knowing this, Matoyasu would begin to charge towards the other to Boar Pups. The second Boar Pup had been the closest when its companion had been killed, and it wasn't about to have any of Matoyasu's [censored]. Once again, Matoyasu would find himself charging towards one of the boar pups and one of the boar pups charging at him. Unlike the last time however, this boar pup would leap from the ground and crash into Matoyasu with all of its strength, throwing him down to the ground once more. Unfortunately for the third boar, it had attempted to perform the same technique as the second boar, but only a fraction too late. This would lead to the third boar flying over Matoyasu entirely.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 2:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 1

    ID: 113695
    BD: 10 (Matoyasu Hits Critical +2)
    MD: 10 (Boar Pup Hits)
    LD: 4+1=5 (No Drop)

    ID: 113696
    BD: 8 (N/A)
    MD: 8 (Boar Pup Hits)

    ID: 113697 (Accidentally clicked roll before I could input the purpose)
    BD: 1
    MD: 4

    Matoyasu: 52/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 0/5 (N/A Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 (0 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  20. In an attempt to break this to an end as quickly as possible, Matoyasu would begin to charge towards one of the Boar Pups, his dagger drawn and ready to deal some damage. He really didn't want to have to do this, but at the moment, it didn't really seem like he had much of a choice. As such, the events that would follow would be both a surprise and unsurprising to him, all at once. As he would begin to close in on one of the boar pups, Matoyasu would attempt to drive his dagger into the back of one of their skulls. It was one of the quickest ways that he could think of killing them, and given the fact that he didn't want to do this from the start, it seemed like the most humane way to go about it. Quick and painless.. At least, that was the plan.

    Things don't always work out for Matoyasu the way that they should. Sure he had some luck when it came down to having to track down materials! But when it came to combat..? Well, this was new to him entirely. He hadn't learned anything about combat in real life or in this game, so it was most certainly difficult for him. As such, when he had gone to drive his iron dagger into the back of one of the boar pups, he wouldn't be expecting its reactionary speed. Almost immediately, the creature would begin to dash away from Matoyasu. It almost managed to get away even! But it just wasn't quick enough. Instead of killing the poor Boar Pup, all that Matoyasu would manage to do was slash across the creatures eye. The close proximity between the two had even been enough for the boar pup to quickly jut its tusks forward, jabbing Matoyasu's forearm and causing him discomfort.

    Clearly enraged by the events that had been occurring to their companion, the other two boars would begin to rush in and attempt to stop Matoyasu. The second boar pup had begun to charge towards Matoyasu at a speed that he wasn't quite expecting. Thankfully, he had managed to dodge the tusks of the boar pup before it had managed to cause any real damage. Of course, there had been another rather unexpected event. Whilst Matoyasu had been backing out of the way of the second boar pup, the first boar pup had come charging in just behind the second one. This one, however, had managed to get in underneath Matoyasu's defenses, soon driving the tip of its tusks into Matoyasu's side and causing him to fall to the ground.


    Matoyasu's stats:

    • Level 3
    • 60 HP
    • 6 Energy
    • 2 DMG
    • 1 MIT

    Boar Pup's stats (Each):

    • HP
    • 3 DMG

    Round 1:

    Matoyasu attacks Boar 1

    ID: 113690
    BD: 6 (Matoyasu Hits)
    MD: 6 (Boar Hits)

    ID: 113693
    BD: 5 (N/A)
    MD: 5 (Boar Misses)

    ID: 113694
    BD: 10 (N/A)
    MD: 7 (Boar Hits)

    Matoyasu: 56/60 | 5/6 EN | (-4 HP) (-1 EN)
    Boar Pup 1: 3/5 (1 Hate)
    Boar Pup 2: 5/5 (0 Hate)
    Boar Pup 3: 5/5 (0 Hate)


  21. Seeing as how there hadn't been any Boar Pups in the immediate vicinity, Matoyasu had decided to head further out into the plains to try and get a good look for them. From where he had stood, out towards where the forested region had begun, there wasn't exactly any to be seen. This would lead to Matoyasu wanting to try and explore the other sides of the walled area, that had encircled the Town of Beginnings. It was likely that they just weren't in sight. Of course, this would eventually lead to him actually finding a couple of them. There were groups of them out in the field, but they had each been spread out into groups of three. That was certainly going to prove as beneficial to him, for the time being. It would likely cut back on the amount of time that he would have to spend on doing this.

    Hoping to try and get this over with quickly, Matoyasu would begin to approach one of the closer groups to him. They had been out in the western plains of the Town of Beginnings, so it was unlikely that anyone would really be able to help him if he had somehow found himself in any trouble. That is, unless a player had just happened to walk on by when that was going down. That was entirely unlikely though. The fact that these guys had been kind of cute as well was also making it difficult for him. So now he had to worry about the fear and his guilt. Could he really kill one of these things? These blue furred, glowing red eyed things? Unfortunately, it would seem as though he was going to have to. Worse case scenario, he could always rely on the potions that he had stashed on his person.

  22. It wasn't long after he had opened up his map that he would come to find the quickest route out of the area. It would take a few shortcuts and another couple of alleyways, but he would eventually find himself back out near the outer gates of the Town of Beginnings. Thankfully it didn't take the majority of the day to be able to find his way on out of the Town of Beginnings! It most certainly took quite a bit of time for him to find his way to Lyle's smithy from Zackaraiah's workshop. I don't mind helping out, but I'll never understand why it is that I have to travel so much for these simple fetch quests.. All that they keep asking me to do is find them some materials, but it isn't like I can buy any.. I swear, I need to find a companion. Shaking his head from side to side, Matoyasu would do his best to keep those kind of thoughts out of his mind. 

    Once he had actually found himself out of the front gates, Matoyasu would begin to head out into the plains. Utilizing his Search Skill to the fullest extent of which he could at the time, Matoyasu would attempt to search for any Boar Pups that could be nearby. At first, he wasn't able to see anything. Not of the baby variety anyways. Frenzy Boars could be seen all throughout the plains! As for the Boar Pups though? None in the immediate vicinity. Hopefully the pups are like their parents.. I'm not sure that I could handle being attacked by a hoard of them right now. Let's just hope they won't attack unless provoked.

  23. Matoyasu would watch in awe as Lyle continued to down the contents of the package but in a single go. Within seconds, the vial that had laid inside the package had been emptied. It was truly.. worrying. Truthfully, Matoyasu didn't know how to feel about what he had just witnessed. And to be quite honest, he wasn't sure that he had even wanted to know. All that he wanted to do was get this quest over and done with. Honestly, the only good thing about this quest is the fact that I've been able to level up a bit.. At least I'll be receiving some pretty nice rewards at the end of all of this. Shaking his head, Matoyasu would turn about once more. He would than begin to head on out of the building.

    As Matoyasu had been heading out of the building, Lyle would begin to call out to him, saying his farewells for the time being. "I'll be waiting for my tusks boy!" Not wanting to hear what else the old man had to say, Matoyasu would simply shut the door on him. He was trying really hard not to be rude when it came to this man, but he just couldn't help it. He didn't like being around him. Welp.. Looks like being a blacksmith is off of my list. Thanks for ruining that for me Lyle. Matoyasu would begin to let off a tired sigh before opening up his map and looking for the best route to the outer walls of the Town of Beginnings.

  24. Honestly, the deal that Lyle was willing to cut for Matoyasu was a great one. He was half tempted to accept the deal right away, to be honest. The only thing that was really keeping him from continuing on with the quest, at the moment, was the thought of having to kill off children. Even if they had been monsters.. It simply seemed wrong. But than again, this was a game and Matoyasu knew that. No matter how much he wanted to believe otherwise, he knew that this was all a game. With that in mind, regretfully, he would have to accept this quest. "Alright Lyle.. I'll go ahead and accept your deal.. but I am going to need to know where to go first.." 

    Upon hearing Matoyasu's answer, Lyle would begin to approach the table and would begin to inspect the package that Matoyasu had initially brought him. He seemed more pleased about having the package than about Matoyasu agreeing to this deal. From Matoyasu's viewpoint, it would seem as though he knew that it was going to go this way. Must have something to do with the fact that he had already accepted the quest. "Sure thing boy'o. Y'know those plains that are right outside of the walls? Well, there ya go. Just be sure that you have everything that I'm asking for when you come back. Even though you kill 'em out in the fields, they don't always drop the tusks when they are killed." Lyle would than begin to nod once more before unraveling the package and simply downing the contents of the vial that had laid within the package. 

  25. Spoiler

    Matoyasu - Level 3 / HP: 60/60 / EN: 6/6 / DMG: 1 / MIT: 1 / ACC: 0 / EVA: 0 / Search: +1 LD

    Name: Iron Dagger
    Your Profession: N/A
    Your Rank: N/A
    ID: N/A
    Roll: N/A
    Item Type: 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 DMG
    Description: A basic iron dagger with a damage rune placed into the hilt.

    Name: Iron Spaulder
    Your Profession: N/A
    Your Rank: N/A
    ID: N/A
    Roll: N/A
    Item Type: 
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 MIT
    Description: An iron spaulder with the rune for mitigation inscribed on the inside.

    Battle Ready Slots: (5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP); 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP); 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage); 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    (OOC: Continuation of <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>)

    "Say kid.. Think that you could help me with another matter?"

    Just as Matoyasu had been about to head on out of Lyle's smithy, the elderly smith would prompt him with a question. One that he quite honestly wasn't expecting, after having ran around and done all of that work for Zackariah. It was lucky for the smith that Matoyasu just happened to be a generous person, because he likely wouldn't be taking this quest otherwise. Not yet anyways. He would have preferred to of had some time in between the two quests, but if this was what the man had wanted, than he figured that he might as well give it to him. Of course, the notification box that would pop up in front of Matoyasu's face would also have something to do with it. It would ask him whether or not he would like to accept the quest, <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>. Whilst letting out an exhausted sigh, Matoyasu would simply press the accept button and than turn to face Lyle once more. "I suppose that I will do what I can to help you out, Mister Tealeaf. What can I do to help you?" 

    With that, the sly smile that had been plastered upon Lyle's face would begin to turn into that of a grin. "Well, since you asked, I am going to need your help acquiring some rarer materials. Boar Pup Tusks to be exact. Three of them." Upon hearing the smith say something about the tusks of a boar pup, which likely meant that of a baby boar, Matoyasu went to speak up about his opinions on the matter. However, before he would have the chance to actually say anything, the smith would begin to cut him off. "Now I understand that some might find this work daunting or even wrong, but I am in a serious need for these materials.. I'll tell ya what. If you go out and get those tusks for me, I'll be sure to whip you up a nice piece of armor, or even a weapon. Your choice of course! Hell, I'll even throw in a potion of Safeguard!"

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