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Posts posted by Belial

  1. Fear filled the boy’s face as a flurry of slashes rains on his body. He was on the brink of death after one attack, and panic filled his eyes. What are you doing? Why are you attacking me? Why can’t I tell you to stop? He felt his whole body tense up, and he began to reach for his sceptre. “Please don’t do this. I haven’t done anything.” Another wave of fear falls over him. He has seen that sword art before, but never been in the receiving end. He had managed to make it two years without running into a killer and he wanted to stay that way. His hand opened his menu and equipped a potion, but as he grabbed it, he froze up once more.

    He had never had to use one of these before, and he the realization that this situation was why was finally sinking in. What if he can do that more? This won’t fill me up to save me from another monstrous attack like that. his thoughts instantly began focusing around the people he might never see again. The last face he sees is his best pal ever. A red head who had made him smile every time he saw her. She truly made him happy and part of him wanted to fight, but after what just happened, he elected not to. He had let his anger get the best of him, and now he was paying the price. “You think you’re in the right? You’re not, but I accept this. I don’t need to fight back knowing full well I’m already dead.” He holds out his hand and flips the man in front of him off. But it wasn’t just to the man, it was to the two worlds that rejected him, and the people who had trapped him in these worlds. He finally realized he didn’t want to be in either world anymore.

    No more fear, no more pain, no more sadness. No more anything.

    Belial: 12/60 HP 

     Pinball: 1040/1040 HP | 101/104 EN | 15 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA


  2. Another player had approached Bell, and spoken. The dead look in his eyes kind of scared the boy. Right... who’s this bloke? He looks him up and down, noticing the blade in his hand and then the uproarious laugh, Bell’s head tilts. “Ello guvna, name’s Bell.” He says, a smile and a wave. He had learned from his friends and his teachers that the best way to deal with a threat was to be calm and act like nothing’s wrong. Of course, that would be harder to do when Cardinal pretty much throws your emotions to the extremes.

    Belial looks at the other player, then reaches down and grabs his cross necklace. “Right, what are you out here for? Taking a stroll in the woods?” He smiles innocently, despite the fear upon noticing the orange cursor above the boy in front of him. Fear, worry and a little excitement began coursing through his veins, he was sure his heart was racing in the real world. There was nothing he could do. He had assumed this player was stronger than him thanks to his approach, and was now ready to try and leave. “What’s your name?”

    Why would you ask that? You’re not trying to be his friend are you? You’re trying to get out of here. It was at this point the fear became noticeable to even someone who didn’t know the boy. His hand had a death grip on that cross necklace of his. How would the zombie react to the petrified boy?


  3. The red head was walking through the field on the first floor, his mind focuses on the party a few days prior. Why did I punch that man in the face? What business did I have taking that action in that situation. She’s not mine to protect. He stops, leaning up against a tree and frowning. “Whatever, it’s no big deal. He was a right bugger anyways.” He stares at the ground, his hands placed in his pockets and his brow furrowed.

    He had been sleeping in taverns and pubs for the past few days, trying to forget that she picked the prick over him. Nothing about this situation would ever let him be happy. He hated this world, and even more the real one, she had always made it a little more bearable before. Now it was back to the same dull world and he was ready to go back to the real world and see his family again.


  4. The boy’s fist managed to connect with the man’s face in such a manner that he was knocked back onto his butt. Bell snapped right back into his senses. What are you doing? Are you crazy? That’s not something you can just do. His hand comes off of the cross necklace as Kirbs runs up and checks on Hynes. “I’m sorry. I have no idea what came over-“ His heartfelt apology is cut short by the fist of another man, colliding with his jaw. Belial almost flies back, landing on his back and sitting up, no expression on his face. “I’m sorry.” He says, obviously wishing he hadn’t just reacted in such a way. “I’m sorry I ruined your day Eve. I’m sorry I punched you sir.” The boy’s eyes stay locked on the ground as he rotates to stand up and begins walking away. Why had he done what he did? Was it because it was her he was messing with? Or was it because he knew what it was like to be in a situation like she was, but not be okay with it? Every part of him wanted to stay and make it right, but it makes no sense to wait and see if they’ll forgive him. “Guess I’m back to being alone in this game.” He keeps his words quiet this time, making sure no one can hear him as he begins cutting through the woods. It’s my birthday, and all she did was try to make it a good birthday. She doesn’t deserve to have to deal with something like this, so I’ll leave. It’s my fault.


  5. Bell’s eyes followed the lady as she flew across the air and landed in the water. What the hell? You can’t just do that. There’s rules. The red head’s blood started to boil, and his fists clenched tightly. There’s no reason to do that to someone. That’s wrong, and it’s mean. His eyes stay locked on Hynes’ face up until Hynes asks him why he always has a swimsuit on him. “Oh... just for days like this.” He shrugs, releasing the tension in his hands and looking at the ground. “What’s up with you and being a prick?” He asks quietly to himself.

    He has no right to throw her in the water. She said she didn’t want to swim. You’re just a bully. Just a bully. Just a bully.

    The memories of guys messing with Bell all the time in Elementary school flashes in his mind. Just like those kids who abused their power to treat me like crap. He clenches his fist and grits his teeth as best he can. “Oi!” He shouts as he runs towards Hynes and takes a swing at his face, hoping to god it would land square on his jaw.

    Bell’s fist withdrew as he looked at what he had done. Oh god, Bell. What are you doing? What happened to turn the other cheek? This is crazy. Am I one of those violent types who just quarrels with people all Willy Nilly? A look of fear crosses the boy’s face and he doesn’t know what to do. His hand reaches up and wraps around the necklace his father had made for him before he left. Bell had made a copy of it when he entered the game, so Kirbs would recognize the design as the necklace he wore everyday, but he had never told her the story of why it means so much.


  6. The boy was sitting in the pond, or rather soaking his feet, when he feels two palms press into his back and he tenses up, his hand pressing into the boy’s back and his words cutting Bell like a knife. Damn it Bell, he’s right. Quit being an [censored] and spend time with her. He stands up, watches Hynes walk over and collapse to the ground, and Bell’s hand wraps around his necklace as he breathes slowly, his composure slowly coming back to him.

    The grass buckles under his feet, crunching and crying as he makes his way back over to Kirbs and the man who had talked some sense into him. “Sorry, I don’t like celebrating my birthday. At least not in here. Just reminds me I’ve been trapped in here for another year.” He smiles a little. “But like I said, you’ve done more than needed and I can’t thank you enough.” He says, turning over towards the man and nods. “But I can try.” He reaches down and pulls off his shirt, equipping swimming attire. “You two wanna take a dip?” He asks, his arm reaching out to help Eve up off of the ground. His necklace still hangs down, resting itself on his sternum.


  7. While Bell was eating, he heard Kirbs’s voice. It sounded different, she sounded disappointed. He frowns and finishes the pancake off,  looking over and smiling at Kirbs, his hand still hanging on his cross necklace and he speaks. “No-no. It’s perfect. It’s more than perfect, thanks.” He says, looking down and realizing he had grabbed his necklace rather tightly, but she had never pointed it out. Damn, I do this a lot don’t I? He smiles up at her and nervously lets go of the crucifix on his chest.

    The boy hears Hynes call her “babe” and his heart stops. It feels like he had been shot in the heart with a bullet made of razor blades and salt. His hand instantly reaches up and grips the crucifix super tightly and Bell looks away from the two, pouring himself another glass of tea and downing it, the scalding heat making his face turn red and he coughs. This is awkward, I should leave. He sets his hand on the ground and stands up, putting his glass on the canister and bows towards the other two. “Thanks so much, Eve. It was more than enough.” He smiles.

    He spins on his heel and starts to walk away, but decides to stop and look at the pond for a moment. Maybe I can stay a bit longer. He sits and puts his feet in the water.


  8. The boy was just a friend, hopefully. Her hands shoot out towards the canister and the plate, Bell’s eyes light up. He was like a child seeing the breakfast table stocked with his favorite treats his mom had made him. Bell was waiting for her to say dig in before he went and decided to dig in, but before that the other player approached him. Bell had receded into his shell and it was visually obvious that he was getting ready to break away and run. Then his joke came out and Bell’s eyes narrow. If Eve wasn’t meant to make a lot of friends where does that put me? I’m just a bloke with trouble speaking to people and she’s Evelyn. The man was making Bell uncomfortable and his hand instinctively wraps around his cross necklace.

    Bellamy looks down at the ground and lumbers over to the tea, pouring himself a glass and taking a pancake. He stands up and looks over at Kirbs and Hynes, not sure if he wants to stick it out or if he’ll feel like he’s intruding. The boy’s hood slowly comes up as he holds the pancake in his mouth to pull the hood up. It dances to the beat of Belial’s chewing and he frowns. While he was happy sitting here and waiting for the day to pass and wanted to leave, He was sure Evelyn would like to celebrate with him. Ugh, this is gonna be a tough decision. He sits down next to the snacks and holds the cross around his neck. This was something that made him feel safe so he was always doing it in school and around Kirbs.

    @Kirbs @Hynes

  9. Bell had been trying to sleep, the fear of death in a game where he couldn’t actually do anything keeping him up. Why can’t I sleep a wink? I need to get to bed. He finally starts to drift off when suddenly a loud bing rings out and wakes him right up. He shoots up and clicks on the message icon and reads it, smiling a bit but remembering what the day is and sighing. I had hoped she forgot. Guess I was wrong. He scoots out of the booth he had struggled to sleep for more than 30 minutes in. “I guess I should head out.” He looks over and nods towards the bartender having not ordered a single item in the 5 hours he wasted in that place.

    As he cuts through the woods, groggy and out of it, he hears a male’s voice. Bell’s mind narrows in on the indecipherable code until a word catches his attention. His favorite word cut through his groggy mind and pulled it right into his usual aware state. “Pancakes?” He struggles between finding out if there’s really pancakes or what the surprise is from Kirbs. “My birthday is all day, pancakes aren’t. But, Kirbs could be waiting...” he whines trying to decide and he steels himself, turning and walking the direction of the male voice to see if there were pancakes.

    After pushing through bushes and sticks, he arrives on the scene. A boy next to Kirbs and Bell’s heart drops and decides it’s more fun in his stomach, as it stays there, the view begins to hurt Bell. His throat pulls nothing but air down to accompany the heart in the stomach, and he holds his gaze steady as he walks up towards Kirbs and looks around. “Ello.” He says timidly. His body language and voice would be familiar as the way Bell acted around other people at school.


  10. Bell’s eyes examine the two items and he nods. I’m sure they’ll be super helpful. He grabs the medallion and equips it, then reaching out and grabbing the scarf. As he wraps it around his neck he can’t help but smile. The warmth made him want more, but he knew the only way to get more was to buy it. “Thanks, this scarf is sublime.” He says, still trying to fight the smile sitting happily on his face. As he begins to walk out of town and into the field, he wonders if she actually like him back, or she was just trying to keep the quest from being awkward as hell last time they were out. Not being able to just ask, he had to think of a fool proof way to get an answer. His knuckles brush against hers as they walk and he waits to see if she grabs his hand and starts walking. I hope it’s the former. That last time was exquisite. He keeps walking, acting natural his heart not beating while he waits for the answer he had been wanting to ask all through middle school.


  11. Bell smiles as he hears the voice he had hoped to hear. He turns towards her, his cross necklace swaying as he looks towards her and chuckles. “Oi, you came.” Genuine happiness in his voice. He wasn’t expecting her to come so this was a pleasant surprise. She grins and a chill shoots down the boy’s spine. “Yeah, I’m not very good at that whole fighting thing.” He frowns and turns away from her. His short spear hangs across his back, looking kind of out of place on the usually timid boy. His hand grips the cross necklace as he thinks about everything that could go wrong in this situation. His other hand hangs in his pocket as he turns back towards her. “I’m gonna be honest, I’m not exactly equipped for this, but I guess we should head out now.” He says, his expression deadpan. Her just being there with him helped a little, but he was still scared of losing. A billion things can go wrong in this fight. You’re mental if you think you’re getting out of this unscathed Bellamy. He swallows his fear and starts towards the edge of town, hoping she wouldn’t call him out for grabbing the cross all the time.


  12. Walking through the town of Beginnings and cutting through the alleys and up the stairs he had climbed with the girl. Bell had decided after hours of doing nothing again, he would shoot Kirbs a message to the lady and smiles as he looks over the friends list and selects her name. I hope I’m not interrupting anything. He selects the message option and begins to type up a message.


    To: Kirbs


    Hey, I hope you found your friend. I was wondering if you wanted to help me with the quest line I’m getting ready to do the second one.

    He sends the message after reading it over and over again to make sure it’s not too weird. He stands up and walks into the shop looking at the old man. “Right, it’s about time I took this quest on init?” He chuckles and sips on his piping hot tea as he turns around and walks out, hoping to see the beautiful smile on the other side of the door. I really hope she shows up, this will be the worst if she doesn’t show up. He steps out of he store and looks around for her for a moment. His hood and red hair obscuring his vision a little. So he wasn’t sure if she had shown up.


  13. Bell’s hands slide into his pockets as he moves up a staircase, the girl stopping him and he just shrugs. “I guess I’ll see you again sometime.” He accepts the friend request before she rockets off into the woods. I guess that’s that. He walks off in his own direction looking up the small porch, into the shop and smiling. Well, this has been a productive day. “Oi mate. I got a special delivery for one Lyle Tealeaf. I heard that right bloke owes me a quest.” He slams the box on the table and looks the old blacksmith in the eyes.

    ”I need some help with this weapon, I need some boar tusks to make this beautiful item.” He steps back and over the counter, pulling up a design for the boy. “Look at this beaut.” He smiles pointing at the intricacies in the design and Bell sighs. “Right, It’s a beautiful design, but like, I’ve got something to do so I’ll get that quest done and be right back with the materials.” He turns and walks out towards the edge of town again.




    -1 SP

    -200 col


    -3 SP

    -200 col

    -5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)

    -1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)

    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

  14. Now that Bell had thrown the box on his shoulder, he carried it like a man who was experienced in lifting things like that. He carries it like a hay bale and talks to the girl. “So, what do you wanna do after this?” He struggles to carry the heavy box and walk next to her at the same time. The awkward boy not being able to figure out what to do with his hands he reaches across his front and grabs hers with the hand opposite of her. He spins and starts walking backwards so he was comfortable. His left heel catches his right and he falls backwards, slamming right into the ground and looking up at the sky. His cross necklace sits on his face right over his eye and he begins to laugh a little. “Ouch.” His groan attracts the attention of the players around him as they all turn to look at the pair and check to see if the boy was okay. He sits up his necklace falling back into place and his arm he had grabbed her hand with reaches back, transferring the quest item into his inventory and carrying it the regular way. “Sorry, I just don’t like being separated from reality this long, keeps me sane to do things the real way.” He stands up and kisses her and turns around to keep walking, holding her hand.


  15. She kisses him and speaks, Bell lets her go and starts walking through the town. Countless faces pass, Bell having never spoken to anyone but barkeeps and Kirbs, they all looked like strangers to him. He had no idea what he would do knowing that the game was full of somewhere around 8000 players he would never see again. The full towns and empty fields made for a realistic feel around the game. Arguably the most realistic thing about the game. The boy turns into a back alley, cutting through and ending up right outside of the old man’s shop.

    Oi, Zacky boy. I got the mats yeah. Now what?” The old man explains that Bell has to craft a potion and pulls the boy into the back. “So, you take this and...” Bell had been making tea from scratch since he was a boy, so he stopped Zackariah. “I know what I’m doing.” He grabs the mortar and pestle, putting the first material in and crushing it into a bunch of little pieces. Then he grabs a filter, which looks like plain paper and folds it into quarters, setting the center on top of a bottle and pouring the contents of the bowl onto the filter. He then grabs a bottle of water about the same size as the bottle he had put the filter on top of and pours the water on it, a red liquid dripping down into the empty bottle. “See, I told you I’ve got it.”

    He walks out, being grabbed by Zack and pulled back around. “Can you run the materials over there on that counter to an old friend named Lyle Tealeaf?” The man’s voice being old and tired reminded Bell of his grandpa, and how Bell had to help the old man at his house. Bell nods and walks over grabbing the box and heaving it up in his arms.


    ID: 116381

    CD: 10

    (perfect success)


  16. Her joke about marrying her already made his face turn a bright red, he couldn’t help but turn away and look into the woods where he notices a purplish gleam, a flower with a gleam? He waits for her to finish talking, letting go of her hand when he turns to walk out towards the flower he stops and winks at her. “I always knew you were a genius.” He keeps walking out towards the flower and transfers it into his inventory, the flower would make a great potion one day. Usually in games these flowers make low tier healing potions, such a cliche look, but it makes it easier to recognize for us healers. “Hey Eve, if you ever need a healer, I’ll be there.” He points to himself with a cocky grin. Anything to fight on her side right? He walks over to her and grabs her hand pulling her along the trail back towards the town.

    He pulls her back across the field by her hand and before he steps into town he stops and spins his hand pulling her into a hug from behind. He smiles, pressing his cheek on her head in an endearing fashion.


    ID: 116369

    LD: 20


    5/5 total


  17. The girl jokes about Bell getting pummeled and he laughs a little. Her hand lightly smacks his cheek and he smiles at her. “You’re right, I wanna see your pretty face in the real world anyways.” He leans in for a quick kiss, pulling back and smiling a little. “Kiss your real lips. You’ll be my first real kiss.” He says, his hand reaching out for hers as he walks through the woods. His eyes pan across the ground looking for any semblance of a material. “Maybe one day I can teach you how to code. Maybe make you a little program on your phone to help you out.” He looks at her, pulling out cupcake. “I’ve been saving this bugger for a while, so eat up.” He stops and finds a tree to lean against, making sure she was standing out in front of him and he kisses her. “I could do this all day.” He says, holding her hand still.


    ID: 116326

    LD: 7(fail)



  18. Bell chuckles as she talks about food poisoning. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Remember when I tried to cook spaghetti for you when we were binging all the games I had at my flat? That was rubbish.” He smiles, pulling her in for a hug by the head. He kisses her on the forehead and lets her go, sitting on a log on the ground. Part of him wanted to camp out in the woods, the other part wanted to go back to town and buy her everything she wanted, but instead he elected to finish the quest with her and then see what she wants. “Did you ever make choose what you wanted to be when you grow up?” He asks, his eye brow raising up under his red hair. His red hoodie over his black shirt and black pants made him look like an edgy kid who no one talked to, really he was a chipper teen no one talked to. “I was gonna be a game developer, having already made numerous apps already. But I’m sure I won’t make it out of here.” The last part quiet as he looks down at the ground. There was no evidence to prove otherwise, he was two years late on leveling up at all, now all he wanted to do was keeping people safe from the monsters who were a danger to them.


    ID: 116303

    LD: 9


    4/5 total


  19. Her kiss put a smile on his face and he couldn’t help but cherish the hug with her as he stood in the woods. The hug meant the world to him. “You know, that was the first hug I’ve had since joining Sword Art Online.” He looks down at her and smiles, a few left over tears under his eyes. The look endearing and soft, like he was finally where he wanted to be, though his eyes fill with fear as he remembers she has older brothers. I’m 100% dead once I get out of here. So I guess I’ll just cherish this right now. He backs away from the hug reluctantly and turns around. “Anyways, back to the quest.” He tries to change the subject before he says something to ruin the moment. He looks over towards Kirbs. “Maybe I should take you on a proper date then, the rubbish food here might be better when it’s with someone else.” He smiles, picking up a soft rock and transferring it into his inventory.


    ID: 116209

    LD: 13


    4/5 total


  20. His red hood covering his reddish eyes. He was fighting the tears so well until he saw hers. Every droplet tore away at his heart and his soul shattered. His glasses did well to hide the watery eyes and his hair helped some too. The only thing keeping the boy from getting angry was the fact that it wasn’t her fault for not liking him. His hand reaches up and tightly wraps around the cross necklace on his neck. Hey idiot, at least wait for her to react. His other hand remains hidden in his pocket and his hood remains covering his face, but he wasn’t hiding from her. He was hiding from the truth. His brother had given him a hoodie a month or so before he joined the game and Bell missed his family so he got an exact replica made. The necklace was his father’s before his, but he never talks about his father so not many people know the backstory behind it. While he clenches the jewelry, he looks down at the ground and in the frame of his glasses he notices a plant, his knees bending and he picks it, placing it in his inventory.


    ID: 116208

    LD: 14


    3/5 Materials


  21. Bell’s frown turns to a deadpan expression, his heart sinks down into his stomach as he leans forward and she asks her question. “Two years before we got into this hell hole.” He says, looking at the ground and putting his glasses on. His hand comes up and pulls his hood down over his eyes. You’ve seen Blake do this a thousand times, that isn’t how the girl looked when she said yes. Part of him just wants to punch the tree next to him. You’re such an idiot Bell, now she hates you and that’s obvious. The other part of him wanting to run and never look back. It wasn’t worth ending his adventure though, so he took the pain he was feeling and just shoved it down. Wiping his eye, the boy looks down and sees nothing. Of course, she shoots you down and your luck takes a turn for the worst. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I’m about to die. He chuckles a little bit, but the emotional turmoil still incredibly apparent on his face. It’s better this way, her turning me down early. I’ve watched crazy bruvs get swept up and torn down by girls who just let them fall with no regard for their emotional wellbeing. His fists clench as he hides them in his red pockets and leans against the tree.


    ID: 116205

    LD: 3


    2/5 total


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