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Posts posted by Roulette

  1. Ji-hu shoved his hands into his pockets as he strolled out of the town. 

    It was pret-ty boring to say the least. 

    Three months have passed by now, huh? He chuckled to himself. He knew that the kid was bluffing. He couldn't believe that he actually believed him at first, too. 

    He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He actually felt kind of stupid for believing that kid. He might be dead right now for all he cared. He was a freak anyway. Probably throw some diagnosed mental illness in there and then you got yourself a perfect cliche antagonist. That kid was sick in the head, that's for sure.

    "Damn," he mumbled, kicking a loose rock into the tall grass. "Why do I still feel so damn paranoid?" Ji-hu murmured, scratching the back of his auburn head. 

    "It's not like he'll remember anything anyway. Bah, he probably forgot about it, anyway."

  2. "I'm not even blonde," he squinted at the girl with the orange hair-- which was pretty much almost the same exact shade as his own. Were these two blind or something? His nonchalant eyes glanced at both of the weapons in both of their hands. Lovely. They were weird and dangerous.

    He blinked at the two slowly, the corner of his lips tugging down. Whatever these two were doing, he didn't like it. Their acting was kind of terrible, too, but he didn't pay much attention to that.

    "Why? So I can be your damn bait?" He bit out. Dying was not on his list of things to do today, and why the hell would he want to spend his day with two freaks? "I don't really plan on dying today, so I'll pass, kiddos." Though-- it would be interesting to watch these two fight, so maybe he would tag along...

  3. Ji-hu muttered an array of curses under his breath as one of the women called him out. He slowly turned his head towards the pinkette and gave a frustrated scowl before returning to his neutral face. Seeing that these were the type of people to chase you down, he sighed and walked over. Giving them an unimpressed look, cocked an eyebrow up. "What do you want?"

    It was hard not to keep a sneer or a scowl on his face as he asked that. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with these two ladies. Maybe if they were stupid enough, he can just throw some money at them and leave, although he doubted that would actually happen. The second one looked innocent enough, as far as he could tell anyway-- and it even reminded him of his little sister a little bit. He wasn't too sure about the other one, though. He cringed at the scene that happened a literal minute ago with her using her... assets. 

    @Chisono @Kityuisa

  4. Ji-hu wasn't even sure why he was on floor five at this point in time. Maybe for some shopping? Farming? Bah, utter bull if you asked him. This game was really messing with his damn mind.

    "You won't claim all the fun for yourself, no will you?"

    That question was enough to shift his focus to whatever was going on not too far away from him. His hazel eyes narrowed as he eventually figured the whole thing out in a span of a few seconds.


    Had humanity really gotten so low? He wasn't one to usually judge but he couldn't help but sneer at the two girls. He was probably the most far thing from a nice person but those two were really pushing his damn buttons when it came to thoughts. He was never one to understand women, and this just made it on to his list of why. The fact that they had attracted his attention was beyond him, but damn, did he regret it. He glared at the two girls one last time before walking further into the settlement. He definitely did not want to get caught in whatever that was.

  5. He gave the girl a look. As much as he wanted to question what was going through her head, he thought better of it. It honestly freaked him out just a tad bit, but who was he to judge? "I never knew that impaired vision could lead to glass to the face," he said out loud, blinking lazily along the grass floor as he continued looking for materials. Innocent was the last thing he thought about as he looked at her. For all he knew, this woman could be a person who escaped out of a mental institution, but was he so wrong to think that? "How poetic of you," he remarked, rolling his eyes slowly.

    "I suppose you can say that. I mean, it's basically a gamble being out of town. For all I know, a player-killer could be stalking us as we know it," Roulette said eerily before laughing lightly to himself. "But I don't really care what I go by in here," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Real name or not, people don't tend to ask me for my name enough for me to actually care." He tilted his head as her face twisted into a smirk, his brow quirking up once again. "Yeah, but I doubt that the majority of the hormonal teenagers the game was going for would really care about game mechanics and parameters."

    ID: 118328

    LD: 1, huzzah

    Total Mats: 0


  6. He placed a hand over his heart in faux drama but kept his face neutral. "Wow, I feel utterly heartbroken," he said, sarcasm lacing in his tone. He gave her a sideways glance before rolling his eyes, turning his attention back to the endless expanse of the floor. Roulette rose an eyebrow and gave her another look before shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose I never really see anyone wear them," he sighed, pushing his glasses up. "It's a force of habit," he said, referring to the way he pushed his glasses up. "I would look like an idiot if I pushed up my nonexistent glasses in public. It's not like they fall off easily, either. So as long as they don't bother me, I don't particularly care if I have them on or not," the auburn-haired player shrugged his shoulders again as his explanation came to a close. 

    He sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb, "Sure, whatever you want to think." He had no idea what the hell she was talking about, but he went along with it. This was probably another Sairies situation and he definitely did not want a repeat of what happened with her. Arabelle was far more childish than Sairies, though it seemed. He wasn't sure if it was more annoying or not, really. "Sounds fun, lead the way." As much as he didn't want her around, he had to take advantage of this situation.

    He raised another eyebrow as she began to ramble about game mechanics, but didn't really much question it. Weird people do weird things, he guessed? "Sounds like you know the game pretty well," he mused as he let out another inaudible sigh. "Username wise?" He mumbled, his eyes shifting forward again, "Roulette."


  7. "It's not a problem," he said, shrugging off her whole speech. He was pretty pooped out and he felt like if he made a sarcastic remark of any kind, this whole thing would blow up again. He sighed as she offered out her hand to him but took it grudgingly anyway. He shook it once before retracting his hand and stuffing it into his pocket. It wasn't like it was certainly a joy ride with her, either, but he didn't comment on it. "No problem," he said one last time, offering a small but stoic wave to her as she walked away. Once she was finally gone, he let out a small sigh. He was never a talkative one, thank the Gods for that, but he couldn't help but be amused when he stumbles upon someone with as much ferocity as her. It was quite interesting, to say the least. He was certainly going to have to fix his behavior in this world since-- judging by her actions-- the way he was acting now simply wasn't going to do. After all, this was a place where friendships could lead you straight to the top.


    The sides of his lips tugged upward into a smirk as he started walking away from the hunting spot. I'll remember that.



    -275 Col

    -1 SP

    -Uncommon Consumable


    -275 Col

    -1 SP

    -Rare Trinket

  8. He gave a sideways glance before looking away again with a sigh. What an odd girl, indeed. "I suppose I was. It's not everyday you see a toddler on a rooftop with a giant scythe," he said bluntly, "but you were looking at me too, I assume?" Roulette asked, feeling a cold shiver go down his spine as he thought about it. He didn't like people watching him, especially if he was unaware of it. The auburn haired player turned his head towards Arabelle and quirked a brow. "That's... interesting, but I guess someone with your height would be perfectly built for that," he commented, his eyes doing a once-over on the girl again. 

    Roulette internally sighed as he heard footsteps following after him.


    Realizing that he had a social butterfly on his hands, he gave up and answered her with a blank face. "Just some gathering for a certain quest," he muttered a reply as he blew a stray strand out of his face again. "It's very exciting."


  9. Roulette stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants as he strolled out of a nearby shop he had been browsing from. The brunette hadn't spent much time in the town of beginnings at all recently. He had always been out either doing quests or looting mobs in the fields outside the town. Although, he did want to do something to up his levels, he realized that there wasn't much he can do by himself. Hell, he was aiming to be a healer. How is a healer going to solo quests with mobs over three-hundred HP? Roulette sighed to himself as he stared blankly out of the town from his spot at the gate. 

    He's been having too much free time. That was certainly becoming a problem. Every day he wasted was a day he could've been using to level up. He groaned and massaged his temples with his right hand. Being this low of a level was really a pain in the ass.


  10. Roulette sighed in relief as the wolf's HP bar dropped to practically nothing. At last, the girl had done something! As soon as she had finished her attack, he rushed passed her, both hands on his spear with an iron grip. It didn't take much of an effort for him to finally kill the damned creature. Thank the Gods for that. The wolf howled one last time before bursting into a cloud of red pixels. The player huffed as he slowly stood up and gave a once over of where the wolf once was a few seconds ago. "About damn time," he mumbled, walking over to where Sairies was. His eyes grazed over the name in the corner of his vision and quirked and eyebrow. "Sairies, huh? Interesting," he unequipped his spear and crossed his arms. 

    "I suppose we have to sort out who gets who, huh," he sighed and opened up his menu. A few quick taps later, he was in his inventory. "I'm not in the mood to fight with anyone today," he said boredly as he glanced at the other player from the corner of his eye, "so I suppose I'll let you have the more... rarer item here," Roulette sighed as looked up at her for confirmation. "Of course, the Col will be distributed evenly, as well."

    ID: 118270

    BD: 8

    Roulette: HP: 11/20 | EN: 1/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/1] Wolf #2: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG


    ID: 118273

    KD: 8

    CD: 2

    -1 Uncommon Consumable 

    -70 Col


  11. Roulette nearly stumbled down to his bottom when the wolf charged back at him again. He let out a silent yelp and narrowly avoided its baring teeth and claws. Jesus, how many times could this woman miss? He'd been doing the majority of the damage, if not all of it! He gave a silent glare to Sairies before charging back into battle with his spear. The glassed nearly slid off of his face as the wolf dodged his attack, missing by a hair. His face broke out into a signature scowl as he backed away from the wolf again.

    "We've exchanged multiple attacks with this mutated mutt and we still haven't killed it yet?" He scoffed to himself as he lowered his spear. Honestly, it seriously wasn't even that hard. They could've been finished by now if she landed two of her attacks. The brunette didn't bother expressing this to the other player. She seemed like the type to go off on his ass if he made one single negative comment about her, anyway.

    BD: 1

    ID: 118258

    Roulette: HP: 11/20 | EN: 0/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/1] Wolf #2: HP: 5/10 | 3 DMG

  12. Roulette ran a hand down his disheveled hair as he walked down the steps of the teleport gate. He wasn't completely sure why he was such on a high-leveled floor when he was literally less than level ten, but y'know, screw it. He had just stuck to wandering the town of Athenaia, exploring all of it's 'glory'. However, it wasn't long before he was approached by an old woman. He didn't much attention to her until he realized who exactly she was. The player had heard about this a few days ago, in fact. It was the familiar quest-giver! Well, was he in luck today! She had quickly started to ramble about stories of how she tamed beasts and creatures and he couldn't really help but zone out a few times when she was talking. But he finally snapped back to it, when  she handed him a pouch. He raised and eyebrow and looked in the pouch briefly. Food. Lots of it, in fact. This is going to be a long day.

  13. Ji-hu had just left the safe zone and was immediately met with the same girl from town. He huffed and dipped his hands into his pants as he titled his head questionably at her. "You travel fast," he remarked. "To who do I do my great pleasure to?" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He had no interest in this girl, but some things about her did spark some curiosity in him. Example; that giant ass scythe in her hand. It was a strange weapon of choice but he didn't bother asking her out loud. Time was ticking by, and so was his patience.

    "I have places to be. Sorry, not sorry," he announced, although whispering the last part of the sentence under his breath as he started to walk away from the peculiar girl. Time was money! That was how the saying went, right? Though he didn't check if the girl had followed him or not, one half of him wanted her to leave him the hell alone and the other one wanted to find out more about this kid looking player. 

  14. "Cover for you?" He questioned, but she had already bounded behind him. The player sighed to himself and fixed his gaze back on the second wolf. He hoped that this wouldn't take too long, and boy was he wrong. It didn't matter though, he just wanted it dead by now. His facade was quickly slipping from his fingers and the only way for it to come back was to kill this damned wolf. Seeing that Sairies wasn't going to attack anytime soon, he charged back at the wolf, running his spear down its fur and leaving a large red, pixelated gash on its abdomen. Roulette let out a triumphic huff as he watched it's HP drop bar by bar. The player quickly retreated back and tilted his head at the other player. "You should be able to kill it if you land your sword art. I got it down to half for you."

    BD: 9, Crit +1

    10-5= 5 HP

    ID: 118207

    Roulette: HP: 11/20 | EN: 1/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/0] Wolf #2: HP: 5/10 | 3 DMG

  15. "Stupid overgrown mutts," he muttered hotly as one of the wolves bit down on him. He kicked it back with a harsh push of his foot and scowled. "I'm finishing this damn thing," Roulette growled as he charged forward yet again to stab the creature. As he heard the sound of flesh tearing and a pained cry, he let out a sigh of relief. As the wolf exploded into dozens of red shard, he chuckled soundlessly. 

    All the items had already been transferred to his inventory so he walked back cautiously to the 'comforts' of his party mate. "That one has been taken care of. We just need to take care of," he paused, taking a moment to shoot daggers at the other wolf, "that one." He internally groaned at the thought of doing this all over again but refused to let it bother him any more. "Let's just kill the damn thing and get it over with."

    BD: 6+2=8, Success

    ID: 118186


    Roulette: HP: 11/20 | EN: 1/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/0] Wolf #1: HP: 10/10 | 3 DMG



    ID: 118187

    LD: 8 [20 Col]

    CD: 10 [20 Col]

    -1 Rare Trinket

    -HP Bonus Col [10 Col]

    In Total... [including bonuses for the LD and CD and for mob death]

    -1 Rare Trinket

    -80 Col


  16. Roulette let out a inaudible gasp as he was once again knocked back by a wolf. "God damn it," he muttered, using his spear to help himself up. He scrambled back to his feet and tried attacking the first wolf again. His face broke out into a deadpan when he missed, again. He doubled back and scowled. How could he have missed twice in a row? He had enhancements for this! Why the hell weren't they doing their job?!

    Stupid game. 

    Her muttered more profanities under his breath as he gazed a deadly glare at the one-hit-away wolf. He wasn't one to get angered so easily but God damn, this whole battle was messing with his head. Numbers and stats weren't playing their respective roles right now. He retreated back a few more steps and pushed up his glasses instinctively. He knew they were useless in a game like this where it solved all of sensory, hearing, and sight problems, but he had to keep them or he would look like an idiot pushing up his invisible glasses in public. 

    BD: 3+2=5, Fail

    ID: 118123

    Roulette: HP: 14/20 | EN: 0/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 2/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/0] Wolf #1: HP: 10/10 | 3 DMG

  17. Ji-hu never took his eyes off of Sairies as she lunged after the wolf. Though she was low level, she certainly looked like she knew how to fight. The brunette internally groaned as she missed the wolf. That moment didn't last too long, however, as he was suddenly knocked back by a powerful force. God damn, it still knocked the breath out of him even if it didn't hurt. The player grit his teeth as he was launched at the trunk of a close by tree. Roulette narrowed his eyes at the red-eyed mob as he glanced at his draining health bar. It dealt a fraction of his health and he wasn't too worried about it for now, but it was going to become troublesome if they don't kill the wolves soon. 

    He readied himself once again and lunged at the first wolf. His eyes widened by a fraction as his blade narrowly missed the wolf by a hair. Damn, guess the glory of his first attack didn't last too lock, did it? His expression morphed into a scowl as he retreated back to the other player. The fight was reassured, he knew that, but it still troubled him that they could've killed the first wolf already. He turned his head towards Sairies and huffed, "Try to kill this one, this time," he said crossly, finally accepting the party request with a tap of the finger.

    BD: 2+2=4, Fail

    ID: 118118 

    Roulette: HP: 17/20 | EN: 0/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 2/10 | 3 DMG 

    [H:0/0] Wolf #1: HP: 10/10 | 3 DMG

  18. Everything was blurry. He was just standing there a few seconds ago and now he was on the ground with a sword at his throat. His head clasped around Pinball's boot in reflex but he quickly relaxed it when he finally realized what was actually happening. Damn, his pride went down the well in less than five seconds. Wasn't that astonishing? The brunette stifled a laugh-- as it was pretty damn easy since he had a big ass boot on his chest. He wasn't sure why he found this hilarious. What could be so hilarious about having a giant blade hairs away from your throat? But he supposed that this was his own fault. Who knows? If he had actually done something in the past two years, he could've beaten this brat to a pulp, though he would doubt that he would even be alive if he had survived for longer than a year out there. 

    Roulette let out a heavy breath and looked up at the murderer with an unreadable expression. 

    He wasn't sure if it was the tension in the air or the crazed way Pinball said his words that made Ji-hu's words hitch in his throat. He brought a hand up to brush away the strands of auburn-ish hair in his face and grinned at his attacker as he let out a short laugh. "I s'pose you can say I've done something like that."

    Now the kid was rambling on about his ideals and this made Roulette crack another laugh. He'd thought he'd be finished with lectures when he got stuck here, but here he was-- a teenage kid blabbering his mouth away right in front of him with a sword to his throat. "Seems like you've been through some tough [censored] for the past few years?" He chuckled once the guy had finally finished his ranting. "Can't blame you. I've seen a few people go crazy in here," Roulette muttered, rolling his eyes quickly. 

  19. Roulette rolled his eyes as he watched her visibly grow faster. Did this woman really think that he was going to kill her? He wouldn't waste such time doing that, especially if he didn't benefit from it. What was the point of killing her anyway? It's not like she would have anything good on her. 

    His half lidded eyes watched her spin around and face him. He groaned and rubbed his temples. "Look, lady. As much as I know you want a frekin' stalker, I'm not your man," he said in a bored tone. When her eyes nearly fell out of sockets, he quickly realized that there were mobs around them. What a drag. They shouldn't be too hard, right? Of course, they weren't! He had done research for this for weeks. He may be a risk taker but he isn't frekin' stupid. His eyes narrowed as he used his free hand to point something behind her. "Hey, I think there's something-"

    He was cut off when he realized she had already seen it and was slowly backing away from it. He let out a small 'umph' as she backed straight into him. "Watch it," he muttered, gripping his spear tighter as he looked back and forth between the two wolves. "Truce?" He questioned, raising one of his eyebrows. "Whatever you say, kid. Just don't bite my head off before one of these things, yeah?" He looked at her one more time before starting up a sword art. As much as he would want to argue with the girl some more, he was in full concentration mode right now. He nodded his head over to the first wolf. "Start with that one."

    As soon as he ended his sentence, the boy dashed off, spear in both hands. He brought the spear up and slashed it down the wolf's torso, earning a loud howl from it. A red gash was left in place and the brunette smirked when he watched it's HP go down considerably. He backed away before the wolf had the chance to lunge at him and looked at the white haired girl beside him. "Well? Get on with it."

    BD: 6+2=8, Success

    2x4=8 DMG

    ID: 118112

    Roulette: HP: 20/20 | EN: 1/2 | 4 DMG | 2 ACC

    Sairies: HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | 3 DMG | 1 ACC

    [H:0/1] Wolf #1: HP: 2/10 | 3 DMG -8

    [H:0/0] Wolf #1: HP: 10/10 | 3 DMG

  20. His eyes darkened as he narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't think you have the power to tell me what to do, kid," he hissed, not even flinching at the dagger that was held so close to his chin. "And you're certainly admiring something oh-so-beautiful," he scoffed, tilting his head towards the town that was bustling like bees in a beehive. "Truly and utterly scenic, my good lady," he muttered sarcastically as he watched her walk away into the distance. Ji-hu rolled his eyes and gripped the shaft of his spear tighter. What was a brat like her telling him what to do? Roulette groaned, and ran a hand through his auburn hair. 


    He shooed the though away and started walking towards one of the nearest mob hunting grounds, which just so happened to be where the little lady was heading. He clicked distastefully and trailed behind her, keeping at least a few meters separating them. His dark eyes burned through her head, or at least he had wished they did. Something was off about this girl, and he didn't even want to bother finding out. Curiosity was never his strong suit, but he would much rather have his head on than to know a few close-kept secrets.

  21. Roulette rested the grip of his spear on his shoulder as he casually walked through the crowds of people. There weren't any quests available to him at the moment so he had decided he was going to do the next best thing; go stab a bunch of monsters. Though, he definitely knows he isn't going to be much of a damage dealing player, he knew he should at least take advantage of the lower leveled mobs that lurked the first floor. Plus, his build wasn't even based on his healing capabilities yet, so he should just focus on getting as much money and loot as he can for now. 

    It wasn't long before he had reached the front gate of the town. Boy, did he hate this hellhole. Who wanted to be piled up with a bunch of dimwits who were too much of a wimp to even get pass the front gates? He didn't wanted to be branded with those idiots. He was far from them, in fact. His plans for the not-so-distant future were inevitable.

    He wasn't sure how long he was lost in though but he immediately snapped out of it when he bumped into someone. Ji-hu blinked momentarily before looking down to see another player. He looked her up and down and kept a passive face on. She didn't look like anything special, though he did note that the white hair was a weird thing, but he brushed that thought aside. The girl didn't have much on her, so  he quickly noted that she was probably just another low-level that inhabited the town. 

    Seeing that he had no use for her, his face morphed into a scowl. "Watch where you're standing," he spat, already walking away. "Some of us people have places to be."

    Battle Inventory:


    > Beginner's Spear: 2 ACC

    > Beginner's Armor: [Vanity]

    > [3] Starter Healing Potions: Heals 50 HP


  22. "I'm sure we all know what happened to him," Roulette exclaimed under his breath as he rolled his eyes. Though he knew that this kid was all fed up with his jokes, he couldn't help but press more buttons. Hey, if this is how he was going to die, it might as well be eventful. He could see Pinball slowly lose his patience with him, and it made him chuckle to himself. So was he really going to get killed by this kid? Two years of being stuck in this damn game and he was going to get killed by a kid who looked like he just got out of middle school? Damn, he should've taken those two years doing something, anything. As much as he loathed the idea of dying to the hands of a virtual blade, he couldn't help but feel slightly content with the idea. He had failed after all.


    He didn't have that, especially here, where it literally determined life and death. Natural selection. Damn, Darwin really wasn't kidding. It was as if the universe was telling him that he wasn't good enough. Even if he did live, would he still be good enough to keep fighting in a world where death might be inevitable?

    Before he could comprehend anything, a flurry of silver and gold blurred his vision. Roulette stood there for a few moments, his brows furrowing as this is one of the few times where his brain wasn't rushing with thoughts. It was all blank. It was a few seconds before he looked down at the huge, bright gash that penetrated his virtual body. The edge of his lips quirked up into a less sinister smile. "So this is what it looks like, huh?" He mumbled, tracing his finger along the red lines. "Two years of being stuck here and you'd think you'd know what this look like, it's quite pretty, actually. Damn, now I understand why they didn't use blood in this type of game. My wound would be gushing it out if they had," he commented, laughing. He looked up at Pinball and smirked. "You got me there, kid. Have you admit, you got spunk." He didn't even bother with anything anymore. If he was doomed for this, then let it happen.

    He had failed his goal, after all.

  23. Roulette tilted his head as he leered back at the now unmasked killer. He looked far less intimidating without his mask on, but he had almost a dark aura surrounding him that made the brunette smile a fraction wider. Roulette watched him with amused eyes as he met face to face with the boy himself. "So I've been told," he casually replied back. Sure, he may have looked relaxed, but Ji-hu knew that he had struck a chord with this one. "Oh, I know exactly with situation I got myself into," he retorted, scoffing. 

    The brunette laughed under his breath and raised an eyebrow as he looked Pinball dead in the eyes with no hint of fear. "Do you think whoever you killed knew that? Knew you had a heart, of course?" He asked, giving him in unimpressed look. "Or did you not particularly care?" He drawled, his voice accusing and daunting. 


    He had expected Roulette to apologize? "I was only speaking the truth," he exclaimed, faking hurt. He clutched his hand to his heart and took a step back. "I'm a little bit offended that you would think I would apologize! But..." His eyes slowly trailing over to where the other girl and her rabbit stood, completely ignoring her. "What are you going to do, hm? Are you going to kill me? Like the way you killed that player? I'm sure you would absolutely love to do that, right?" Roulette chuckled, his eyes returning to Pinball as he finished his sentence.

  24. Roulette stretched his arms out in front of him as he descended down the stairs in front of Lyle's workshop. Killing a couple of baby pigs shouldn't be such a big problem, surely? He was never one to actually fight but this couldn't be too hard to do, right? Just to kill a few pigs and bring their tusks to a blacksmith? He was stumped. How was this guy supposed to turn tusks into armor? In a world of a floating castle, he'd expect at least some form of actual logic in here. But what was this bullcrap?! 

    Roulette sighed and ran a hand through his auburn hair. It can't be too possibly hard, correct? He just needed to stab them! He had done a few calculations and researching with this quest and he should be able to at least bring down their health to less than half... if he hits it, that is. 


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