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Posts posted by Andromeda

  1. an: ???????
    an: ok, i'm running!!

    so an thinks she nearly takes her poor shop's door off its hinges with how fast she slams it open. she wheels around to bump it shut, the plaintive tinkling of the door chimes in her ears as she speeds off in a run, nearly crashing into a bunch of disconcerted passersby. her hat's ended up lopsided from her rush to put it on; she fixes it upon reaching an alley between two shops lined with large frontal windows. she's not going to be late for something of her own invitation! she's not!

    mishiro: be careful.

    and her quest partner does not have aaaaanything to say about it. rapier out, the building glow of a sword art, then... boost! up she goes to land, a bit wobblingly, on a walkway some meters above her head. an's energy ticks down. 

    truthfully, she is ecstatic. girl kicking her feet and screaming into a pillow kind of giddy, except she's channeling it all into a run instead. it's not that hard to cheer her up, at least in the moment, and it is no secret that one of an's favorite things to fantasize about is the idea of going on the archetypical adventure with a party of traveling companions. this comes pretty close, or at least it feels like a daunting endeavor if weighed against the indolence of the past week. 

    so she doesn't dare slow down, lest the opportunity flee her. not until she reaches the plaza, which is surprisingly lacking in the usual late afternoon foot traffic. it naturally follows that the ambience is more peaceful. the air is cool; she can hear the rushing of the water in the fountain, the background murmurs of the few people milling about, the very faint sound of wagons rolling past on the nearby street. overall, a scene that an is suddenly anxious of barging into. she does have to stop then, and pat down the flyaway edges of her clothes and hair. her excitement sobers down some as she places herself behind the corner of one of the buildings framing the plaza.

    it's hard to spot mishiro in a crowd. she's sure mishiro is not doing it on purpose because she doesn't seem like the type to have anything to hide. but say you're already with her and you lose her somehow: you spend the next five minutes fruitlessly retracing your steps and squinting at every dainty girl that passes you like a total creep until one of them notices and gives you a glare that makes your soul wither because you hate people glaring at you, familiar or not, and so you flop onto a bench and send her a dm and you have a second to recognize the ringing beside you as a notification chime before a stranger whom you and everyone else thought you needn't put a name to places her hand on your arm -- and oh, there she is! she's also on a bench.

    right in front of the corner an had been hiding behind. she hadn't thought to look so close. maybe an is just dumb, but she's now well and thoroughly spooked.

    mishiro has her back to her, head slightly bowed, and an... an waits. 

    and if the stillness of the image in front of her is disturbed, it is only because a breeze passes by and disturbs the girl's hair. there is a flower, an iris?, that is slightly off-center from the back of her head, its stem beginning to unwind from the strands; imperfect, as if mishiro had done it up herself without the aid of a mirror. unexpected. as quietly as she can, an leaves her corner and walks round the bench. 

    "hi?" the word leaves her mouth without her thinking. then the guilt hits her full force and more words leave her mouth without her thinking. "i'm so sorry."

    mishiro's eyes are closed, the fingers of her right hand curled around an open notebook on her lap. an hears the rush of the water from the fountain behind her. "did you do something wrong?"

    "uh. d-depends?!"

    had she been... sleeping? but even before an talked, mishiro's posture was too upright, the rhythm of her breaths too controlled. an tries to look closer and compare, but then mishiro opens her eyes and she has to immediately shift to pretending that the empty bench space beside her is the most interesting thing in the world.

    "what is it?"

    "the--the extra three messages!" an blurts out, feeling the flush creeping up her neck. her brain is vanishing -- perhaps she should have let mishiro alone, an certainly didn't know how to interpose herself between her and her peaceful stillness authentically. it was just a tutorial quest. she could take it herself. she's scrambling to put together the words now that she's started and all she can snatch up are the weird surface thoughts. "from earlier? i'm so sorry. came off the wrong way. but, listen. i must've put out a dozen feelers and you were the only one who ever responded, so. i guess i was just so happy i couldn't think? i really neglect watching my words sometimes, even if it's just--" an tries to meet her eyes at least once, but then her gaze lands on the open notebook instead, which mishiro quietly flips shut. an's heart drops. "--in writing."

    "i accept your apology... if that's what you want to hear," mishiro says in an even tone. which is its own nightmare, an has no idea what it indicates and she can't turn anywhere else. the girl is equally indecipherable to in every aspect. "but i didn't really see a problem with it. i'm used to my friends speaking to me in that manner, and even if i weren't, i'd at least understand where you're coming from. i think you're worrying about cultural differences when we're already long past that."

    an's mouth falls open. "we're friends?!"

    the two fall utterly silent and an wilts beneath mishiro's placid stare. well, it's not that she thought they weren't, but mishiro was the sort of girl you wrote business emails to--

    "ahahaha, sorry! i-i mean... you helped me out plenty before," an blubbers. "and i'm trying to help you, so i. uh."

    mishiro graciously cuts in. "i believe we'd both find assurance in a mutual agreement." now, at least an can tell her voice is sharper. she's found the root of the problem and she's going to take a knife to it. it's just as terrifying. "an, would you like to be my friend? the benefits include texting me however you want."

    | 215566, 215566-1 | 08/21/2023 [>>] : T4E3 Trinket | 216317, 216319, 216320 : 41, 14 | ANTIFREEZE / FIREPROOF, ANTIFREEZE / FIREPROOF, KEEN / PROSPERITY
    | 215423 | 08/24/2023 [>>] : T4E2 Trinket | 216822, 216823 : 15, 1 | ACC / EVA, ANTIFREEZE / FIREPROOF

    JUNK SALE: 46,400 Col


    | 11,400 = 1,900 * 6 | 08/21/2023 [>>] : (6) T4E3 Trinkets
                   IDs: 215446, 215444, 215414, 215401, 215580, 215568

    | 14,000 = 1,400 * 10 | 08/22/2023 [>>] : (10) T4E2 Armor
    | 4,200 = 1,400 * 3 | 08/23/2023 [>>] : (3) T4E2 Armor

    | 7,000 = 1,400 * 5 | 08/24/2023 [>>] : (5) T4E2 Trinkets
                   IDs: 215448, 215445, 215430, 215402, 215587

    | 9,800 = 1,400 * 7 | 08/25/2023 [>>] : (7) T4E2 Weapons


  3. [08/25/2023]

    “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. They all turned into Col. N-not by accident, mind you…! I followed all the instructions and um, only the trinkets rolled into uniques. And they weren’t the useful uniques either. I think the dice just aren’t agreeing with me lately. That’s funny, they normally do. Maybe they’re just playing a prank now that I’m open again. Maybe it’s Cardinal itself?! I knew I shouldn’t have gone around trash talking people carelessly! 

    “So, um. I’d like to make it up to you. Your unidentifieds got me three mystic essences. I was planning to charge a really, really high price for them, but how about a discount the next time you drop by? We can talk more about it the next time you bring something in.

    “Thanks so much for everything, and please come by again!”



    junk sale.
    41,760 Col = 46,400 * 0.9 | [>>]




    [1] T4E2 Weapon [215443]
         -- ID: 216858 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216859 | LD: 16
    Result: BLEED / PARA, DMG / ACC

    [2] T4E2 Weapon [215426]
         -- ID: 216860 | LD: 3
         -- ID: 216861 | LD: 1
    Result: TAUNT / KEEN, TAUNT / KEEN

    [3] T4E2 Weapon [215419]
         -- ID: 216862 | LD: 16
         -- ID: 216863 | LD: 15
    Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC

    [4] T4E2 Weapon [215409]
         -- ID: 216864 | LD: 16
         -- ID: 216865 | LD: 7
    Result: DMG / ACC, BLEED / PARA

    [5] T4E2 Weapon [215405]
         -- ID: 216866 | LD: 16
         -- ID: 216867 | LD: 17
    Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC

    [6] T4E2 Weapon [215584]
         -- ID: 216868 | LD: 12
         -- ID: 216869 | LD: 6
    Result: BLEED / PARA, TAUNT / KEEN

    [7] T4E2 Weapon [215569]
         -- ID: 216870 | LD: 19
         -- ID: 216871 | LD: 19
    Result: DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC



    [from: above]

    T4E2 Weapon [215443]+3. BLEED / PARA, DMG / ACC
    [1] ID: 216873 | LD: 9
    [2] ID: 216874 | LD: 9
    [3] ID: 216875 | LD: 7

    T4E2 Weapon [215426]+3. TAUNT / KEEN, TAUNT / KEEN
    [1] ID: 216876 | LD: 12
    [2] ID: 216877 | LD: 18
    [3] ID: 216878 | LD: 14

    T4E2 Weapon [215419]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
    [1] ID: 216879 | LD: 14
    [2] ID: 216880 | LD: 4
    [3] ID: 216881 | LD: 19

    T4E2 Weapon [215409]+3. DMG / ACC, BLEED / PARA
    [1] ID: 216882 | LD: 15
    [2] ID: 216883 | LD: 15
    [3] ID: 216884 | LD: 7

    T4E2 Weapon [215405]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
    [1] ID: 216885 | LD: 20
    [2] ID: 216886 | LD: 15
    [3] ID: 216887 | LD: 10

    T4E2 Weapon [215584]+3. BLEED / PARA, TAUNT / KEEN
    [1] ID: 216888 | LD: 6
    [2] ID: 216889 | LD: 3
    [3] ID: 216890 | LD: 2

    T4E2 Weapon [215569]+3. DMG / ACC, DMG / ACC
    [1] ID: 216891 | LD: 4
    [2] ID: 216892 | LD: 18
    [3] ID: 216893 | LD: 20


    14,560 = 2,080 * 7 | identifications
    49,000 = (1,000 + 2,000 + 4,000) * 7 | 1st-2nd-3rd rerolls for identified weapons
    63,560 Col [sent!]


  4. [08/24/2023]





    [1] T4E2 Trinket [215448]
         -- ID: 216816 | LD: 10
         -- ID: 216817 | LD: 11

    [2] T4E2 Trinket [215445]
         -- ID: 216818 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216819 | LD: 18
    Result: TAUNT / REC, ACC / EVA

    [3] T4E2 Trinket [215430]
         -- ID: 216820 | LD: 5
         -- ID: 216821 | LD: 20
    Result: LD / QUALITY, ACC / EVA

    [4] T4E2 Trinket [215423]
         -- ID: 216822 | LD: 15
         -- ID: 216823 | BD: 10 | CD: 12 | LD: 1

    [5] T4E2 Trinket [215402]
         -- ID: 216824 | LD: 10
         -- ID: 216825 | LD: 13

    [6] T4E2 Trinket [215587]
         -- ID: 216826 | LD: 20
         -- ID: 216827 | LD: 10
    Result: ACC / EVA, TAUNT / REC


    2,080 * 6 = 12,480 Col [sent!]


  5. An's pleasant customer service smile cracked.

    "I h-h-h-hope not! Ahahahaha..."

    Her laughter petered out and she was silent and unmoving for a few rare moments, as if the merchant actually had her ears peeled for the second chime of the shop bell. "Any way it goes, it won't change the timeline for your stuff; you got here first." 

    And she wasn't going to touch NIGHT's response, not when they were at her counter, but she found it fascinating how players of her level brushed off frontline talk like it wasn't the most newsworthy thing to the scrubs on the lower tiers. Yeah. We're just gonna kill one of the biggest threats in Aincrad in a week's time and bring us one step closer to escaping this death game. I got a girlfriend the other day. 

    "I hope it all goes well," An said sincerely. And then she wanted to end the conversation and got stuck on the 'how,' because it was also really abrupt on her side, too. NIGHT hadn't been to her shop in years and she didn't want to screw anything up -- she felt her face beginning to heat as she scrambled for the right words in her mind.  "The boss fight, and the uh, girlfriend. Or the boyfriend. And the dungeons and other stuff. Hopefully you're not dealing with all of them combined at the same time."


    Finally, she recovered. An gave a firm nod, the ease returning to her expression. "It was really nice seeing you again. Thanks so much for dropping by!"






    [1] T4E2 Armor [215577]
         -- ID: 216662 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216663 | LD: 6

    [2] T4E2 Armor [215573]
         -- ID: 216664 | LD: 5
         -- ID: 216665 | LD: 1

    [3] T4E2 Armor [215572]
         -- ID: 216666 | LD: 3
         -- ID: 216667 | LD: 5


    2,080 * 3 = 6,240 Col [sent!]


  6. [08/22/2023]





    [1] T4E2 Armor [215432]
         -- ID: 216433 | LD: 16
         -- ID: 216434 | LD: 20

    [2] T4E2 Armor [215431]
         -- ID: 216435 | LD: 1
         -- ID: 216436 | LD: 11

    [3] T4E2 Armor [215428]
         -- ID: 216437 | LD: 18
         -- ID: 216438 | LD: 14

    [4] T4E2 Armor [215424]
         -- ID: 216439 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216440 | LD: 6

    [5] T4E2 Armor [215421]
         -- ID: 216441 | LD: 15
         -- ID: 216442 | LD: 7

    [6] T4E2 Armor [215415]
         -- ID: 216443 | LD: 13
         -- ID: 216444 | LD: 7

    [7] T4E2 Armor [215412]
         -- ID: 216445 | LD: 4
         -- ID: 216446 | LD: 9

    [8] T4E2 Armor [215411]
         -- ID: 216447 | LD: 14
         -- ID: 216448 | LD: 11

    [9] T4E2 Armor [215592]
         -- ID: 216449 | LD: 7
         -- ID: 216450 | LD: 20

    [10] T4E2 Armor [215588]
         -- ID: 216451 | LD: 8
         -- ID: 216452 | LD: 12


    2,080 * 10 = 20,800 Col [sent!]


  7. [08/21/2023]

    She'd recognize that guilty thunk, with which the crate of unidentifieds was set onto her counter, anywhere.

    An grinned, delighted to see one of her oldest regulars. Had it really been three years? Her greeting would fill in the space which NIGHT used to stall. "NIGHT. Welcome back!" Grasping the edges of the crate, she dragged it closer to her side of the counter, already peering in. If there was another similarity that brought her old regular some comfort, it was that An still looked at unidentifieds like a regular player would at a treasure chest. All shiny-eyed and eager. "Huh? Yes, I was just–"

    –having a think about. things.--

    "--still here. But I had a regular who wouldn't stop giving me stuff. Kept my entire shop afloat for ages but I burned all of my dailies on him!" Her fingers itched to take the notepad at her elbow and write the prices herself. She'd tallied them up in her head when she glanced over NIGHT's items. But NIGHT was already halfway through her calculations and she was also talking about something else, would that be awkward? "And then there were customers lined up and they got so mad I was taking forever on their stuff, so we both agreed to leave his for last. But his stuff still kept piling up and I felt bad, so I closed up til I could clear everything."

    Yeah, that was a reasonable three year timeline. If you count the parts where she only did half her dailies and happily went around exploring New Aincrad instead. Moisturized. In her lane. Flourishing.

    "Give me five days for all of this," An said as the money was transferred to her purse. "What about you, NIGHT? I heard the frontlines got back on their feet recently."





    [1] T4E3 Trinket [215446]
         -- ID: 216299 | LD: 11
         -- ID: 216300 | LD: 11
         -- ID: 216301 | LD: 4

    [2] T4E3 Trinket [215444]
         -- ID: 216302 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216303 | LD: 18
         -- ID: 216304 | LD: 9
    Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  TAUNT / REC

    [3] T4E3 Trinket [215414]
         -- ID: 216305 | LD: 10
         -- ID: 216306 | LD: 2
         -- ID: 216307 | LD: 19
    Result: TAUNT / REC  |  LD / QUALITY  |  ACC / EVA

    [4] T4E3 Trinket [215401]
         -- ID: 216308 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216309 | LD: 19
         -- ID: 216310 | LD: 5
    Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  LD / QUALITY

    [5] T4E3 Trinket [215580]
         -- ID: 216311 | LD: 10
         -- ID: 216312 | LD: 18
         -- ID: 216313 | LD: 13
    Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  KEEN / PROSPERITY

    [6] T4E3 Trinket [215568]
         -- ID: 216314 | LD: 9
         -- ID: 216315 | LD: 18
         -- ID: 216316 | LD: 14
    Result: TAUNT / REC  |  ACC / EVA  |  KEEN / PROSPERITY

    [7] T4E3 Trinket [215566]
         -- ID: 216317 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 4
         -- ID: 216319 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 1
         -- ID: 216320 | LD: 14


    3,040 * 7 = 21,280 Col [sent!]


  8. this is how an walks into the fourth biggest tragedy in her life: crouched on the floor of her rickety old shop with her legs tucked in, the beginnings of a pout on her face as she scrolls down a long list of unavailable contacts. why is she on the floor? she had noticed she had never left her recliner since she woke up nine hours ago, so she'd hopped off, only to curl up into a ball once again as soon as she finished a quick lap around her shop.

    a week has passed since new aincrad came to be, and rather than sailing out the door with her heart racing at the prospect of an entirely new world to learn (and ideally leaving her shop behind forever), an has spent all of it cooped up inside, chipping away at a pile of identifications that never seem to get any smaller and learning the new things that came to the merchant profession with the update and doggedly teaching clueless customers who want to know – why isn't she rolling a specific enhancement as many times as before? what do you mean the system now includes rerolls? but the problem isn't that she has too much work. the problem is that she is self-employed, financially able to miss out on at least a month's income, and she can literally just close up shop and turn on a couple message filters.

    the problem is that new aincrad is too much.

    she doesn't know if it's only her that is feeling this way. her! she thinks of memorizing the entire town again, retracing the routes that lead from one popular landmark to her shop in the backstreets, of building up a new catalogue of her favorite hangouts, the last one packed up and sent off to wherever cardinal had tossed the old stuff into. she thinks of an entirely different world interposed on top of the one she already knew and she never wants to leave her shop ever again. 

    but she can't keep going on like this! she fumes. at least one of the things she hates more than… this, is being stationary for too long. an has been trying to find people who hold the same opinion, but they are all out living it up in the combat zones, it seems. an isn't bitter, she just wants to be invited to the party.

    so she closes her contacts window for a bit. an looks back up at her workbench, the pile set aside for today's identifications. then – it’s still so big?! – she shoots up to her feet and books it to the pile. "crap, crap, crap, IT RESET EIGHT HOURS AGO!!" 

    a little time passes, and her work only looks a little less intimidating than before when she jolts again, the thin chain of a salvaged trinket spilling from between her fingers. it is a sound this time, the bell at the end of the world–

    mishiro: i can make time. what is it?

    the only girl she feels the need to write an entire business email for.

    an: thank you so much! i just remembered that you mentioned once, you never took the tutorial quests. i'm in much the same boat but i actually want to clear it now, to acquaint myself with the changes in the system. if you haven't had the opportunity to do the same, it would be wonderful if we could team up! we are way above this floor's level, so safety shouldn't be of any concern.
    an: -xo
    an: ps. i've cleared the first lesson but not the rest. i can walk you through that one and then we'll do the rest normally. if you need it.
    an: -xoxo



    LEVEL 20:
    HP 430 | EN 58 | DMG 8 | MIT 50 | ACC 1 | STEALTH -5


    escorting only.


    stamina. reduces en cost of all attacks by 2.
    focus. decreases minor critical threshold by 1. also reduces dot thresholds by 1.

    fighting spirit. attacking or using howl or focused howl generates +1 additional hate.



  9. Current Level: 20
    Current SP: 53
    Link to SP Tracking: [link]
    Item Upgrades:


    ITEM #1

    Item Name: Carol of the Bells
    Item ID: N/A - acquired [link]
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Item Rarity: Demonic
    Item Enhancements: Cursed, Mitigation II, Frost Aura
    Description: Red velvet, fluffy white trim, drops all the way down to the user's knees -- it's very obviously a Santa cloak. Andromeda will never leave vanity details to NPCs ever again.


    Item Name: Carol of the Bells
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Item Enhancements: Cursed, Mitigation II, Frost Aura
    Description: Red velvet, fluffy white trim, drops all the way down to the user's knees. It is very obviously a Santa cloak. Andromeda will never leave vanity details to NPCs ever again. ++ Post-reset, the system has added a pauldron on the left shoulder and adjusted the measurements of the item to have it resemble a cape. Somehow, it can still deflect missiles?

  10. No one ever thought to knock. They were all terrified that the place would collapse at the slightest prod, and with the merchant aside, they’d be guilty of manslaughter! An thought it was silly. Her shop was just resistant to attractiveness, it’s endured every disastrous attempt she’d made to fix it.

    She raced around the corner, tacking on her hat. Things had winded down lately. She still had money to keep herself fed and comfortable, thanks to the Same Old Customer who visited at the same old time every month like clockwork, but the fact of the matter was, there weren’t as many players raring to go out and explore as there were before. The prospect of new faces excited her. “Hi! Welcome to my– Oh!”

    “Good morning, An.”
    “Hey there.”

    Standing at the door was the Same Old Customer. And Mishiro. 

    An’s eyes glazed over in despair.

    “Hi!” she repeated, dumbly. Then, – get it together, it’s still them! – the merchant looked between the two, her eyes lingering on Mishiro for a moment. “I-I’ve never actually seen the two of you here together? It’s always just you. Or, uh, you. I mean, it’s just funny.”

    Her ears heated. 

    “Did something happen?”

    Sibyl unwound the end of his cloak and the room temperature dropped. “Sort of. Do you remember these gauntlets?”


    [Standing in as flavor text for: [link]]

  11. The most sensible response to seeing a hooded man at your doorstep in the dead of a rainy night would be to lock him out immediately. Preferably coupled with screaming loud enough for the neighbours to assume a brutal murder was occurring. An's neighbours were good, upstanding people who would rush to help -- at least, she strongly believed they were, for the nights were always peaceful and quiet enough for her to read a book, as if they didn't exist at all. 

    But An was safe, anyway, and he looked like a kicked puppy! His eyes were downcast, rainwater was dripping off the ends of his short hair, and between the two of them, he looked readier to bolt than her. Who would call the imaginary Aincrad police on a puppy?

    "O-okay. I can help! Um..." Gently, the appraiser lifted the weapon off his hands. She kept her palm flat beneath the hilt as she brought the blade up to her eye level, inspecting it. The sword wasn't anything special appearance-wise, and she quietly considered inviting him into her shop to watch his weapon receive its first unique enhancement. It was a special occasion for some. She turned the blade over to its other side and without thinking, her fingers found the 'display stats' option on the sword's hilt. "A thousand Col, if it's your first time rerolling. That's all I need other than the scales-- hm?"

    [HLY, FLN, DMG, DMG]


    This person could slaughter her in one hit and call it a Tuesday. That was funny, but An wasn’t laughing at all. What was an orange cursor of his level doing in her tiny, broken-down shop? Why did she happen to be among his last options? It wasn’t uncommon for businesses of higher repute to refuse service to orange cursors, but at higher levels it was… strange to not have anyone to turn to. The stats screen wobbled and dismissed itself as she turned around too quickly, the sword still cradled in one hand. She finally did Half a Sensible Thing and swung the door shut with her, but not before she said through the crack. "Actually, I'll do it now! Give me a few minutes."

    An left the kicked puppy outside and went to work. 

    Re-identification was the least troublesome among the appraiser's functions, especially when the scales were involved. Ultimately, it was just waiting. And a lot of sparkles. At the end of it, her unusual customer had a choice between two enhancements which she thought would be to his liking, and the decision between the two was a part of the process she could hand off to him entirely.

    No less than ten minutes later, she handed the Astral Blade back to the stranger.

    "Stay safe out there."

    The door shut behind her, followed by the click of two locks.




    Astral Blade [-]
    DMG: 209545, LD 16 - A-ACC or PHS

    1000 | 1st Reroll

    3 Gleaming Scales | DMG Reroll into Unique

    1000 Col -- sent to [Banker]
    3 Gleaming Scales -- sent to [Banker]



    Astral Blade
    SS T4E4 | HLY, FLN, PHS, DMG
    A weapon guided by Holy Light and Fallen Souls. 
    > [modified]



  12. JUNK SALE [received]




    • [-] 181153, 181158
    • [-] 181358
    • [-] 181830, 181835, 181837
    • [-] 182295, 182296, 182301
    • [-] 183034, 183037
    • [-] 188961, 188967
    • [-] 189196, 189199
    • [-] 189387, 189392


    • [-] 181155, 181156
    • [-] 181360, 181362
    • [-] 181831, 181833, 181834
    • [-] 181917, 181918, 181919
    • [-] 182292, 182294, 182300
    • [-] 182620, 182622, 182625, 182627
    • [-] 183035, 183036, 183040
    • [-] 188965
    • [-] 189200, 189205
    • [-] 189386, 189393

    1000 | (5)  T1 PERFECT Consumables
    1700 | (17) T1 RARE Consumables
    1250 | (25) T1 UNCOMMON Consumables

    TOTAL 3950 COL

  13. JUNK SALE [received]




    (3) T4 PERFECT


    Shikama Dōji II
    WA T4E3  |  DAMAGE III
    Of regular steel fashioned into a standard make by a smith of ordinary skill -- there was nothing special about this massive black war scythe until a certain fluffy mob picked it up and granted it a rune which reduced the weapon to an unusually light weight.
    > [link]

    Shikama Dōji
    [reference] A massive black scythe with a green blade.
    > [link]

    Fur-lined Coat II
    A pale brown coat. Soft white fur lines its cuffs and collar.

    (3) T2 PERFECT


    Imperial Demon Army Uniform II, spec: Breaker

    [reference] A light armor set consisting of a military jacket with two rows of gold buttons on the front, a short black skirt, and accompanying knee-high boots and stockings. It's predominantly black in color with green accents. Grants protection and a small healing buff to the user.

    Imperial Demon Army Uniform II

    [reference] A light armor set consisting of a military jacket with two rows of gold buttons on the front, a short black skirt, and accompanying knee-high boots and stockings. It's predominantly black in color with green accents. Grants protection and a small healing buff to the user.

    Insignia of Retribution II

    [reference] "May this savage song reach the hearts of those who have wronged you." A brooch depicting a bejeweled phoenix carrying an egg made of black rhinestone. When equipped, it grants accuracy and an energy regeneration buff.




    (3) T3 PERFECT


    (3) Lacrimosa
    T3 Perfect Support Song -- HP Recovery III
    [reference] "Qua resurget ex favilla / Judicandus homo reus / Huic ergo parce, Deus." Hymn from Mozart's Requiem. The day of judgment is inevitable, yet mercy is all that shall descend for this hour.
    | [135061] [158047] [173120]

    (13) T3 RARE


    (13) Für Elise
    T3 Rare Support Song -- HP Recovery II
    [reference] Lingering sentiments. Wilted flowers, and a love that never came to be.
    | [134783] [134844] [134847] [135056] [157866] [158050] [158053] [173119]
       -- instant effect (x5) ~~ [157871] [157872] [158048] [158055] [173118]

    (8) T3 UNCOMMON


    (8) Liebestraum No. 3 
    T3 Uncommon Support Song -- HP Recovery I
    [reference] "O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst." 
    | [134842] [134879] [157864] [157868] [157870]
       -- instant effect (x3) ~~ [157865] [158052] [158054]

    (11) T2 PERFECT


    (1) Fortitude++ (x6!)
    T2 Perfect Feast -- [x3] Mitigation
    A jar of gobstoppers. Enough to feed six!
    | [139364-2]

    (1) Resilience++
    T2 Perfect Salve -- [x3] Antidote
    Tired of keeping track of status effects? With your local merchant's Resilience series™, you wouldn't have to worry about them at all! ...for a time. Pandora's Wares isn't accountable for any injuries sustained after the salve's effect wears off.


    (4) Lacrimosa
    T2 Perfect Support Song -- HP Recovery III
    [reference] "Qua resurget ex favilla / Judicandus homo reus / Huic ergo parce, Deus." Hymn from Mozart's Requiem. The day of judgment is inevitable, yet mercy is all that shall descend for this hour.
    | [142440] [143190] [143868] [147735]

    (2) Clair de Lune
    T2 Perfect Debuff Song -- Incarceration
    [reference] An amaranth blossoms under the moonlight.
    | [150651] [151118]

    (2) Moonlight Sonata
    T2 Perfect Debuff Song -- Perpetuate
    [reference] A tragedy, from the beginning to the very end.
    | [153518] [152793]

    (1) Dies Irae
    T2 Perfect Debuff Song -- Misperception
    [reference] Hark, the condemned's awful cry / Your sinful prayers are worthless before His Majesty / For the day of judgment has arrived.
    | [152798]

    (34) T2 RARE


    (16) Le Gibet
    T2 Rare Debuff Song -- [x2] Lullaby

    [reference] The sun sets on a dead man hanging from the gallows. Hearer, the bell tolls for thee.
    [#145032] [#145033] [#145206] [#145882] [#146135] [#146137]
    [143682] [143685] [143686] [144247] [144249] [144458] [144459] [144460] [144463] [144835]

    (8) Für Elise
    T2 Rare Support Song -- HP Recovery II
    [reference] Lingering sentiments. Wilted flowers, and a love that never came to be.
    | [143191] [143869] [143870] [147732] [148447] [148043] [148044]
       -- mass effect (x1)   ~~ [143865]

    (10) Der Flohwalzer
    T2 Rare Debuff Song -- Hypnosis II
    [reference] Dance, and have your breath stolen away.
    | [147104] [147110] [147180] [147185] [150654] [150888] [150894] [151113] [152803] [152805]

    (75) T2 UNCOMMON


    (1) Strength
    T2 Uncommon Potion -- [x1] Damage
    A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!

    (5) POWERRR!!
    T2 Uncommon Meal -- [x1] Protein
    A large pack of beef jerky.
    [#141808-1] [#142252] [#142268] [#142285]

    (1) Fortune
    T2 Uncommon Snack -- [x1] Loot Die
    A fortune cookie. Crack it open for a prediction buff!
    | [#141132]


    (28) Marche Funèbre
    T2 Uncommon Debuff Song -- [x1] Lullaby

    [reference] Memento mori.
    [144838] [144840] [144931] [145038] [146742] [139336] [139930]
    [140248] [140421] [140423] [140782] [140786] [142886] [143681] [143688] [152801] [152804]
       -- instant effect (x4) ~~ [144839] [144841] [144936] [152799]
       -- mass effect (x7)   ~~ [140126] [149023] [145036] [145037] [144883] [146740] [147181]

    (25) Etude Tableau Op. 39 No. 6
    T2 Uncommon Debuff Song -- [x1] Hypnosis

    [reference] You must have been blind, to mistake the Big Bad Wolf for one of your dearest.
    | [146347] [146348] [146350] [146352] [146520] [147102] [147107] [150650] [150655] [151112]
    [139766] [140518] [140519] [141241] [145207] [145208] [146132] [146136] [150889] [151117]
       -- instant effect (x3) ~~ [150648] [150652] [150892]
       -- mass effect (x2)   ~~ [139659] [141238]

    (15) Liebestraum No. 3 
    T2 Uncommon Support Song -- HP Recovery I
    [reference] "O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst." 
    | [142120] [142223] [142685] [142690] [143189] [143867] [147733] [147737] [148446] [148045]
       -- instant effect (x3) ~~ [142687] [142688] [143188]
       -- mass effect (x2)   ~~ [147734] [148040]

    (26) T1 PERFECT


    (4) Liquor of Light
    T1 Perfect Potion -- [x3] Damage
    A signature concoction of the Cintamani. The vial seems to glow a warm yellow, filled to the brim with translucent liquid sunshine. It tastes sweet when downed, reminiscent of maple syrup, though its flavour is diluted. Flows as easily as water.
    [156937] [156957] [157252]

    (2) Golden Dog
    T1 Perfect Consumable -- [x3] Prosperity

    (2) Dragon's Breath
    Perfect Potion -- Crafter's Respite
    A signature concoction of the Cintamani. There are no signs of liquid in this vial, only a swirl of periwinkle smoke seems to sit at the flask's center. When taken, however, it tastes of cool air, revitalizing the drinker's wakefulness and urges them to continue crafting; an alluring call from a foreign muse.

    | [167297] | [167299]

    (1) Strawberry Iced Brandy
    T1 Perfect Meal -- Ambition
    A festive standardized meal paired with a unique liqueur composed of bittersweet strawberry tang. At first, it goes smooth before an immense burn follows behind the taste. Cool and refreshing but is an acquired taste.


    (3) The Phantom of the Opera
    T1 Perfect Debuff Song -- Hypnosis II | Lullaby I
    [reference] Sing, my angel of music.
    | [154309] [154312] [154323]

    (1) Love Never Dies
    T1 Perfect Debuff Song -- Lullaby II | Hypnosis I
    [reference] The bridge is crossed -- the final threshold; so stand and watch it burn.
    | [156591]

    (9) Clair de Lune
    T1 Perfect Debuff Song -- Incarceration
    [reference] An amaranth blossoms under the moonlight.
    | [153236] [153239] [153347] [154555] [154562] [155203] [156427] [156814] [157486]

    (1) Moonlight Sonata
    T1 Perfect Debuff Song -- Perpetuate
    [reference] A tragedy, from the beginning to the very end.
    | [153508]

    (3) Dies Irae
    T1 Perfect Debuff Song -- Misperception
    [reference] Hark, the condemned's awful cry / Your sinful prayers are worthless before His Majesty / For the day of judgment has arrived.
    | [154058] [154062] [153737]

    (75) T1 RARE


    (22) Der Flohwalzer
    T1 Rare Debuff Song -- [x2] Hypnosis

    [reference] Dance, and have your breath stolen away.
    | [154321] [154324] [153416] [153421] [154046] [154048] [154049]

    | [154050] [154054] [154057] [154306] [154315] [152377] [152380] [152381] [152384] [152386]
       -- instant effect (x1) ~~ [173114]
       -- mass effect (x4)   ~~ [154304] [154310] [154311] [154322]

    (52) Le Gibet
    T1 Rare Debuff Song -- [x2] Lullaby

    [reference] The sun sets on a dead man hanging from the gallows. Hearer, the bell tolls for thee.
    [153511] [153937] [153946] [153949] [153950]
    [154447] [154448] [154560] [154561] [154807]
    | [154808] [154809] [155202] [155207] [155210] [156420] [156421] [156424] [156429] [156583]
    | [157011] [157018] [157487] [157494]

    [153335] [153351] [153736] [153740] [153742] [153745] [153746] [153752] [154439] [154446]
       -- instant effect (x10) ~~ [156426] [156580] [156585] [156589] [156815] [156818] [156822] [171351] [171352] [171353]
       -- mass effect (x8)      ~~ [153947] [153953] [153954] [153739] [153749] [153750] [154444] [154445]

    (1) Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
    T1 Rare Support Song -- Monster's Fortune II
    [reference] A merry little serenade to luck.
    | [153350]

    (62) T1 UNCOMMON


    (38) Etude Tableau Op. 39 No. 6
    T1 Uncommon Debuff Song -- [x1] Hypnosis
    [reference] You must have been blind, to mistake the Big Bad Wolf for one of your dearest.
    | [153425] [153431] [153933] [153939] [153945] [153948] [157012] [157017] [157491] [157493]
    [153240] [153242] [153249] [153338] [154441] [154556] [154559] [156581] [156812] [156817]
       -- instant effect (x6) ~~ [153415] [153418] [153429] [152474] [153235] [153340]
       -- mass effect (x12) ~~ [153735] [153741] [153748] [153751] [153753] [154806] [154811] [155201] 
    [156428] [157495] [153941] [153943]

    (5) Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
    T1 Uncommon Support Song -- Monster's Fortune I
    [reference] May your trip to the woods be as lovely as this sweet little tune.
    | [156257] [156274]
       -- mass effect (x3) ~~
     [156258] [156261] [156265]

    (3) Flight of the Bumblebee 
    T1 Uncommon Support Song -- Monster's Favor I
    [reference] Frantic fluttering of wings.
    | tier 1 (x3) ~~ [152664] [152677] [152678]

    (16) Marche Funèbre
    T1 Uncommon Debuff Song -- Lullaby I
    [reference] Memento mori.
    | [153513] [153520] [153524] [154045] [154047] [154059] [154063] [154318] [154319] [152376]
       -- instant effect (x3) ~~ [153506] [153509] [154313]
       -- mass effect (x3)   ~~ [154053] [154056] [154061]


    5700  | (3) T4 PERFECT Equipment
    2250  | (3) T2 PERFECT Equipment
    1875  | (3) T3 PERFECT Consumable
    5850  | (13) T3 RARE Consumable
    2400  | (8) T3 UNCOMMON Consumable
    4125  | (11) T2 PERFECT Consumable
    8500  | (34) T2 RARE Consumable
    11250 | (75) T2 UNCOMMON Consumable
    5200  | (26) T1 PERFECT Consumable
    7500  | (75) T1 RARE Consumable
    3100  | (62) T1 UNCOMMON Consumable

    TOTAL 57,750 COL

  14. REROLL

    Ode to Endless Time +4
    WA T3E3 | Absolute Accuracy, Keen 2 -> Absolute Accuracy, Burn, Bleed
    [ref] The cogs beneath the glass layer do not move. The clock hands appear permanently frozen, for as long as the weapon is manifested. Yet with every new summoning, the 'time' this scythe measures slowly inches forward.
    > [acquired] [reroll]


    | [1] Keen: 188100, LD 19  - DMG or ACC
    | [2] DMG or ACC: 188101, LD 16 - DMG or ACC
    | [3] DMG or ACC: 188102, LD 15 - DMG or ACC
    | [4] DMG or ACC: 188103, LD 8 - Bleed or Paralyze

    | Applied Cerberus Etching to second Keen Slot.


  15. “–Send it through some rerolls and I’ll trade you a story or two. I want to see what I can get.”

    Andromeda’s working theory: everyone had drowned in that flood. That flood was Cardinal’s punishment for taking too long to clear the game. And then God saw some good in Andromeda and sent her straight to heaven – where she currently existed in the same space as the impossibly pretty lady seated primly across her, a gloved hand held over her mouth as she suppressed a yawn before she continued to talk in what Andromeda could only describe as a matured version of Arabelle’s voice.


    Her thoughts began to crumble. Which would be a big deal if her brain hadn’t already turned into a useless pile of mush just from giving Arabelle a double-take.

    Which one was real?

    “An? It’s done.”

    The reroll window must have been waiting on her input for an entire minute, for an impatient Arabelle had her elbows propped on the counter, leaning in close to peek at the progress bar. If she turned her head in just the right direction, the shadow cast by the new cut of her bangs fell perfectly over the tips of her eyelashes– "Aw. Don't doze off while I'm talking," Arabelle chided. She reached out as though she were about to flick Andromeda's forehead, then she frowned slightly and reconsidered. "Build-up is necessary for a good story! It only gets less boring from here, promise."

    Actually, An hadn't been listening at all–

    She tore her gaze from the woman and sat up straight, her cheeks turning red.

    “O-okay, you, uh– got a choice between Paralyze or Bleed.” She peered at Arabelle from the corner of her reroll window. "I haven't missed anything, I think, so keep going where you left off? Please?"




    Ode to Endless Time [-]
    [1] Keen: 188100, LD 19  - DMG or ACC
    [2] DMG or ACC: 188101, LD 16 - DMG or ACC
    [3] DMG or ACC: 188102, LD 15 - DMG or ACC
    [4] DMG or ACC: 188103, LD 8 - Bleed or Paralyze

    1000 | 1st Reroll
    2000 | 2nd Reroll
    4000 | 3rd Reroll
    8000 | 4th Reroll

    15000 Col -- sent to [Banker].

    Cerberus Etching applied to Ode to Endless Time.



    Ode to Endless Time +4
    WA T3E3 | Absolute Accuracy, Burn, Bleed
    [ref] The cogs beneath the glass layer do not move. The clock hands appear permanently frozen, for as long as the weapon is manifested. Yet with every new summoning, the 'time' this scythe measures slowly inches forward.
    > [acquired] [modified: one]



  16. She had absolutely no idea what her buff just did.

    Squinting, An tried to focus on each one of the recipients — but all did it was confirm that they did indeed get the buff and on their status bar, it appeared as a yellow sigil with a singular character that reminded her of the impact of a blunt attack. Hey, wait, was that someone's staff coming right at her?

    Thud. The player twisted his body so that he instead fell on his back beside her. "A-Are you okay?!" An hovered nervously by his side as he pulled himself up. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have gotten so close."

    The giant bear thing that the game simply referred to as 'Beast' throttled her squad member. Decent damage for a first encounter, and a manageable HP bar. An still wasn't sure what effect she was supposed to be looking for.

    Plan B it is.

    She'd say that, if only she hadn't stumbled and misfired at the very next moment.

    ID: 183042 | BD: 1
    | Fury: [1/2]


    1. Deal 8 damage on one target.
    2. Deal 3 damage on up to three targets.
    3. Deal 5 damage and paralyze on one target.

    [SKILL]: Gives Fury to yourself and 5 other players for 2 turns.

  17. A terrible howl split the... uh, relatively pleasant? air and a bear came barreling out of the woods. It was obviously not an ordinary bear, but based on the NPCs' lack of dramatics, it was not the thing-in-the-forest. Phew.

    Andromeda unsheathed her sword and as she tested its unfamiliar weight in her hand once again, she wondered if she could safely put her torch down without accidentally triggering a mechanic where the fire spreads onto that nearby patch of dry leaves and turns the entire expanse of forest along with the thing-in-the-forest into a flaming pile of ash. Beside her, Hannah nocked a second arrow. Its torch was on the ground and absolutely nothing was burning up.

    She whirled around to face the rest of her party.

    "Um! Since this should logically be the easiest mob—" A small blue girl darted away from their little cluster and disappeared into the fray. Oops. An flourished her sword — a gesture that would have been less aimless swinging and more elegant and stylish had she done it with a rapier — and a faint red glow trickled like small streams of blood from her fingertips to the base of her weapon's blade. "I'm going to see what this Fury thing does! Just for our reference! Please charge in and attack as you normally would."

    Along with her teammates, An mentally highlighted Mari and a random player beside her and sent her sword's collected strength into the air to find its targets.


    And prayed it was not a one-time-only skill.

    Using [SKILL] on Hannah's party (Setsuna, Plini, Ariel) + Baldur and Mari. //i'm going to assume this is a thing you need a post action to activate lol.
    | Fury: [0/2]


    1. Deal 8 damage on one target.
    2. Deal 3 damage on up to three targets.
    3. Deal 5 damage and paralyze on one target.

    [SKILL]: Gives Fury to yourself and 5 other players for 2 turns.

  18. (Ah, it got tense all of a sudden. ;A;)


    To the girl who had spent the last couple of minutes absently weighting the silver sword in her hand, the way the friendly, sunny mood plummeted felt akin to waking up from an unintended nap and finding that the entire afternoon had already been wasted away. Her eyes darted from one new character to the other, then back to the archer -- sure, she'd had altercations with her own bunch, but not right before an expedition? wait, she never actually took her NPC friends out for adventures but you know what, that was totally irrelevant. what was this thing in the forest that they were so keen to disagree on? did she miss an Exposition Dump?

    As soon as the option was given, she gravitated to Hannah. It wasn't just the woman's demeanor that drove her in, but the fact that it appeared to have a deeper connection with... the-thing-inside-the-forest. An made her selection, though not before she felt a gaze pass over her.


    She tilted her head up, but whoever it was, they blended too well into the crowd. 

    Hannah  – 2/4 [Setsuna, Andromeda]
    Sir John – 1/4 [Freyd]
    Andrey   – 1/4 [Koga]

  19. Mishiro: I received a notification re: a follow-up to an event I participated in a few months ago.
    Mishiro: Reading through it; this seems like something to your taste.

    Andromeda: :0??

    Mishiro: Can you investigate in my stead? 

    Andromeda: :0!!
    Andromeda: i'm getting ready now! please tell me more c:

    Mishiro: Okay. I can't pass the quest to you directly, but if you head to F23's teleport plaza[--]


    The teleport plaza.

    Hidden behind a corner and a little out of breath after a pointless run to and from the Trading Post's guild hall (that wasn't even on this floor; none of you caught that pre-edit), Andromeda smacked a hand to her forehead. She stewed in her solitary embarrassment. So her eyes may have completely glazed through the cafe girl's messages out of sheer excitement -- but at least her current quest-giver, as it were, had been too busy to check on her whereabouts. Definitive evidence that the trip was still a few missteps away from being a complete flop. Uncertain, and a little red-faced, An peeked around the corner and found that the NPC had started up a little speech, a sizable number of players gathered around it like greedy children waiting for the Aincrad-equivalent of candy: intangible sprinkles of SP and maybe the larger unique drop.

    (Little did our sweet summer child know, almost half of them were actually frontliners--)

    She moved to the edge of the crowd and started to nudge her way into the inner circle. The NPC mentioned weapons, and all around her, she felt the attention shift. A glance to the offered lineup, and the girl's hands instantly went to tug her red wool cap down. No rapiers? Skepticism colored the scarlet gaze she turned back to the NPC"Um, you say you need our strength for your expedition, but we're much better at combat using our own weapons so..."

    Two players lifted weapons from their neatly sorted racks.


    Staffs (i.e. staffs that were completely blunt weapons and not staffs that were modified in some weird way to function as polearms) shouldn't even register as player-wielded weapons though--?

    This was a little weird, but as more players began to step forward, An shook herself out of her inaction. She hovered in front of the weapon racks and briefly pondered over her choice.

    So the system assist for [Sword Arts] probably won't work with a sword, but maybe the fighting style is at least similar to a rapier—

    Selected Weapon: Sword.

  20. i have no more placeholder posts for journal edits and i must scream.



    Level 20 -- 53 SP
    400 HP | 40 EN | 5 DMG


    [used sp: 53 | unused sp: 0]

    01. Rapier -- Rank 4
    02. Howl 
        | Focused Howl





    T1 Perfect Rapier -- [x3] Damage

    Marking the first steps of a young adventurer's new journey. A rapier that is rather plain in every aspect except for its elegant swept hilt made of brass. | []



    Blood Fort
    T1 Perfect Shield. PARALYZE II | TAUNT
    A brass circular shield holding the semblance of a Gorgon's head. It demands to be seen. | [



    Rugged Leather Jerkin 
    T1 Perfect Light Armor -- [x2] Mitigation | Light Momentum

    Contrary to the amateur merchant's belief, this light armor was crafted by the goblins themselves. It is made of fibre leather and a few frayed edges imply a rather clumsy craftsmanship. But it's light and covers the important places, and the merchant insists it's completely fine to wear! | []



    White Silk Wrist Cuff
    T1 Perfect Trinket -- [x2] Recovery | Keen
    A simple band of white silk that goes across one's wrist. Unobtrusive and comfortable. |  [

    Dice of Blessing 
    T1 Perfect Trinket -- [x3] LD

    [reference] The modern adventurer's mark of providence or misfortune - depending on how much Lady Luck likes you. The trinket itself is an acrylic D20 painted brown with gold numbers and an attached chain that allows it to be clipped onto the user's clothing. When thrown, it often lands on '20'. | []



    Vicious Dragon-Fang Potion 
    +3 DMG for a thread.

    | []

    T2 Uncommon Potion -- [x1] DMG
    A small flask containing a bitter red liquid. Perfect for getting those big phat DMG numbers. Chug, chug, chug!

    (2) Dragon's Breath
    [171063] [171066]



    Hershey's Kiss
    T1 Demonic Consumable -- [x2] Protein | [x2] Over-Health
    | [

    [x3] Starter Healing Potions 
    Heals 50 HP.

    [x5] Tier One Health Potions of Rare quality
    Heals 40 HP.
    | [

    [x4] Golden Key
    A single-use item that grants +2 LD when opening a Treasure Chest.
    | [

    [x1] Teleportation Crystal 
    Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify. | 



    Gold Star Stickers
    Charges: 2/3
    +1 DMG, +1 LD or +15MIT for one thread. Stacks on top of other food/alchemical consumable buffs, but does not stack with Scent of the Wild totems.
    | []

    Dimensional Backpack
    Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time.

    Ghost Treat 
    If you already have a familiar, the treat can be fed to it to change its appearance to a ghostly form of itself. If you do not already have a familiar, it allows you to skip the searching portion of the <<Feeding your Enemy>> quest. If you fail to tame the creature, you will have to find it again by the searching rules in the quest.

    Galaxial Water Snake
    Provides +1 CD when rolling to train familiars in <<Training your Friend>>. Can also be used to change a familiar’s appearance to a starry sky’s form of itself. Single-use item. CD buff lasts for one thread.
    | []

    Reroll Ticket
    Allows the user to re-identify a single slot on a single piece of gear at a merchant. 
    | [

    Milky Way Rail Blueprint
    +1 CD to a day's worth of crafts or item identifications.

    | []

    ✦ ✦ ✦

    [a certain crate in Pandora's Wares:]


    Heaven's Flame ᛊ
    T2 Perfect Two-Handed Straight Sword -- Damage | Burn | Taunt
    Forged with the rune of the sun on its hilt, this massive sword never fails to call attention to its splendor. Intricate patterns of bronze and steel weave from its guard to the flat of its blade, and when drawn, it consistently radiates a warm orange glow. | [

    Whispers of Resistance Mk. II 
    T2 Perfect Trinket -- Accuracy | Loot Die | Paralytic Immunity

    [reference] A two-toned snow crystal. Studded with large central rhinestone and sparkling diamonds laid on a silver-plated base, the brooch imparts swiftness and protection to its user. | []

    Speedy Rainbow Sprinters 
    T2 Rare Light Armor -- Savvy | Paralytic Immunity
    Can't stop, won't stop! | [

    White Pearl
    T1 Perfect Trinket. LIFE MENDING | EVASION | KEEN
    Strengthens healing. The fact that the merchant has not lost an artifact as small as this is a miracle in itself. | []

    [for dungeon:]





    [x3] Lacrimosa
    T1 Perfect Support Song -- [x3] HP Recovery (Instant Effect)

    [reference] "Qua resurget ex favilla / Judicandus homo reus / Huic ergo parce, Deus." Hymn from Mozart's Requiem. The day of judgment is inevitable, yet mercy is all that shall descend for this hour.
    [172885] [172890] [173106]

    [x12] Lacrimosa
    T1 Perfect Support Song -- [x3] HP Recovery

    [reference] "Qua resurget ex favilla / Judicandus homo reus / Huic ergo parce, Deus." Hymn from Mozart's Requiem. The day of judgment is inevitable, yet mercy is all that shall descend for this hour.
    [170551] [170556] 
    [170585] [170593] [170596]
      [170601] [170604] [171724] [172464] [172691]
      [172704] [172899]

    [x24] Für Elise
    T1 Rare Support Song -- HP Recovery II (Instant Effect)
    [reference] Lingering sentiments. Wilted flowers, and a love that never came to be.
    [170587] [170594] [170595] [170603] [171356]
      [171708] [171709] [171720] [171723] [170561]
      [170563] [170565] [170566] [172465] [172473]
      [172689] [172692] [172693] [172694] [172699]
      [172700] [172883] [172895] [172897]

    [x41] Für Elise
    T1 Rare Support Song -- HP Recovery II
    [reference] Lingering sentiments. Wilted flowers, and a love that never came to be.
    [145557] [145558] [145560] [145878] [145881]
      [156260] [156262]
     [169943] [169944] [169953]
      [169954] [169956] [169958] [170246] [170248]
      [170253] [170257] [170549] [170553] [170555]
      [170560] [171712] [171727] [171729] [172466]
      [172471] [172478] [172482] [172687] [172688]
      [172690] [172697] [172698] [172888] [172892]
      [173102] [173103] [173105] [173107] [173108]

    [x4] Liebestraum No. 3
    T1 Uncommon Support Song -- [x1] HP Recovery (Instant Effect)

    [reference] "O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst." 
    [172901] [173101] [173104] [173111]

    [x41] Liebestraum No. 3
    T1 Uncommon Support Song -- [x1] HP Recovery

    [reference] "O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst." 
    [147461] [147464] [147466] [145308] [145879]
      [148590] [148592] [152475] [152481]
      [169946] [169948] [169957] [170247] [170259] 
      [170548] [170558] [170562] 
    [170588] [170590]
      [170592] [170602] [171357] [171711] [171713]
      [171717] [172463] [172469] [172470] [172472]
      [172475] [172477] [172479][172480] [172696]
      [172886] [172887] [172889] [172891] [172893]




     Andromeda (LEVEL 20: 53 SP)
      | 400/400 HP | 40/40 EN | 5 DMG



    [battle-ready inventory:]





    [used sp: 53 | unused sp: 0]

    01. Rapier -- Rank 4
    02. Howl 
        | Focused Howl

    [sword arts:]



    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target.


    • [x3] Accel Stab - (3 Energy) - A chain of three nimble thrusts aimed at the target's torso.
    • [x4] Quadruple Pain - (4 Energy) - Four thrusts are made, each aimed at the limbs of the opponent.


    • [x5] Neutron - (5 Energy) - A single high-powered thrust, that pierces the opponents body.
    • [x6] Crucifixion - (6 Energy) - A six-hit thrusting sword art that traces the pattern of a cross into the target.
    • [x5 MA Stun] Twilight Resurrection - (8 Energy) - Four high-speed thrusts, followed by striking the opponent in the head with the back of the fist.


    • [x7] Shooting Star - (7 Energy) - The user springs at the target at high speeds before making several quick thrusts into the opponent.
    • [x8] Penetrate - (8 Energy) - Four high-speed thrusts that penetrate the opponents body and deal considerable damage.


  21. Identifications:

    [name:] Massive Prick [143228b]
    [profession/rank:] R5 Merchant
    [roll id/results:] 177056 | LD: 19 [damage]
    177057 | LD: 14 [damage]
    177058 | LD: 5 [taunt]
    [item type:] T2 Perfect THAS
    [enhancements:] DAMAGE II | TAUNT
    [description:] Bronze-tipped; ruthlessly sharp and a little heavy for its size. At the part where the blade meets the handle, the metal is carved to resemble unfurling curves of spikes. You are a thorn on the enemy's side. No matter what you do, they seem to favor attacking you more than others.
    [link:] [✦]


    [name:] Twilight Lance [143379]
    [profession/rank:] R5 Merchant
    [roll id/results:] 177062 | LD: 8 [bleed]
    177063 | LD: 15 [damage]
    177064 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 6 [fallen]
    [item type:] T2 Perfect THAS
    [enhancements:] DAMAGE | FALLEN | BLEED
    [description:] Call forth the power of the approaching night. Made of bluish-black metal, the wings at the head of this spear are dusted with gold with a diamond pressed betwixt. When it strikes, it leaves a trail of stardust in its wake.
    [link:] [✦]

    [name:] Ringship [142558]
    [profession/rank:] R5 Merchant
    [roll id/results:] 177316 | LD: 11 [loot die]
    177317 | LD: 15 [evasion]
    177318 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 12 [paralytic immunity]
    [item type:] T2 Perfect Trinket
    [description:] Three rings. Bronze, silver, and gold -- one for each enhancement, probably; but remove one band from your person and the entire thing ceases to be useful.
    [link:] [✦]


    [name:] Zealous Scaled Cuirass [142558]
    [profession/rank:] R5 Merchant
    [roll id/results:] 177325 | LD: 4 [recovery]
    177326 | LD: 15 [mitigation]
    177327 | LD: 15 [mitigation]
    [item type:] T2 Perfect Heavy Armor
    [enhancements:] MITIGATION II | RECOVERY
    [description:] read: title. Also, it's white lined with gold.
    [link:] [✦]

    Junk sale:

    T2 Equipment

    6,000 col

  22. [11/09/2020]




    [1] T2 Perfect Trinket [142558]
    ID: 177316 | LD: 11 [loot die]
    ID: 177317 | LD: 15 [evasion]
    ID: 177318 | BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 12 [paralytic immunity]

    [2] T2 Perfect Trinket [142822]
    ID: 177319 | LD: 11 [loot die or prosperity]
    ID: 177320 | LD: 6   [taunt or recovery]
    ID: 177321 | LD: 7   [taunt or recovery]
    **Marked for junk selling.

    [3] T2 Perfect Trinket [145682] 
    ID: 177322 | LD: 4 [keen]
    ID: 177323 | LD: 13 [loot die or prosperity]
    ID: 177324 | LD: 7 [taunt or recovery]
    **Marked for junk selling.

    [4] T2 Perfect Heavy Armor [142558]
    ID: 177325 | LD: 4 [recovery]
    ID: 177326 | LD: 15 [mitigation]
    ID: 177327 | LD: 15 [mitigation]

         4.800 | (4) T2 Perfect Equipment

    4,800 col -- sent to [Banker].


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