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Posts posted by Titan

  1. So the boar hadn't given the player anything good but that didn't mean this was over quite yet. He looked over at the nearest tree, the battle with the boar seemed to take them all over the creation and now, all Titan wanted to do was see if he could finish his quest in peace and head back to Evangeline ready to finish her teachings of what it meant to be an alchemist. 

    Quickly, the man inspected the tree and casually pressed as he normally did against the bark to see if there had been a trap door or a way to phase through for additional loot that was blind to the naked eye. For now, it seemed like this particular tree had been exactly that. His eyes then went to the branches and then to the roots, gaze quickly searching for the abundance of Easter Eggs that usually was littered throughout the forest but it seemed to be empty from what he could tell. 




    ID# 141637 | Craft: 8 & Loot: 1

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 4
    Eggs Acquired: 0 | Total: 44

  2. He was simply over the moon as he took long, relaxing breaths on the first floor with his body spread as far as it could for the moment as he basked in his victory of a large creature who Titan truly had to fight against to win, it wasn't easy by any means. The man closed his eyes and sought the sun's warmth, the forest's breath as he felt at one with nature despite being the very one who picked a fight with one of the resident's of the place. Titan finally exhaled and stood back up, moving over to the boar to see if perhaps there had been a piece of weed stuck in its digestive tracks or a piece of material that grew while he was waiting but to avail, it didn't seem like that was the case at all. " Just one more. " Titan muttered, only needing one last material before his quest was over. 




    ID# 141637 | Craft: 8 & Loot: 1

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 4
    Eggs Acquired: 0 | Total: 44

  3. He pushed himself out of the true with as much vigor as he could muster, rattling brain and all, and took a few steps to center out his wobbling knees. It took a bit but he finally was able to find his balance once again and this is when Titan bursted out into a full on sprint. It seemed to surprise the boar as it jumped slightly, its own desires to rush towards Titan had been there as it began its full sprint as well. This was the trick though, Titan quickly took his spear and put it in front of him like a lance and quickly dodged slightly to the left as the two got close to one another. Titan's blade began to slice at the boar's side until the massive brown boar that had been his dueling partner now simply disappeared into a burst of azure pixels. Titan couldn't help but fall to the floor, exhausted, but feeling worthy of the challenge in front of him. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 0 / 60 HP ( -4 HP )  Damage: 15 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 96 / 120 ( - 0 HP   Damage: 3
    Energy: 0 / 12 ( +1, -4 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  4. Titan felt incredibly good as the monster in front of him literally teetered with a sliver of red health on his health bar whereas Titan had more than enough to continue forward. He swung one final time while he was up close to lower the animal's health and it seemed like the dang boar was still alive with a non-existence amount of health showing! It was so close, he was proving himself once again as a fighter and a tank who could take on anything that was in front of him. 

    Titan was then rocked, once again, by a pissed off boar who might've been a bit slower from when the battle first started but it still sent that poor boy flying in the air against the tree once again with his mind rattled and his eyes seeing tiny birds fluttering around his head. Dear god, if he kept getting hit like this, he wasn't sure how much more fighting he'd actually be able to do when his mind literally hurt from all the slamming into trees. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 1 / 60 HP ( -3 HP )  Damage: 15 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 96 / 120 ( - 8 HP   Damage: 3
    Energy: 0 / 12 ( +1, -4 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  5. He had been stuck in the tree for a second time now and his brain literally felt like it had been rattled against his skull from the hit, it must've been pretty strong if it was able to just toss players on the side like it had done with Titan. Luckily he had decided to go tank as his mitigation armor embraced some of the impact and rescued his health because of it. He looked over at it, he was almost at about three-quarters from the current attacks and he could tell that he had taken the boar more than half. Now would be the hard part and using his basic damage to do what he needed to and finish the boar.

    He quickly circled around the boar, the enemy still feverishly looking for his opponent as Titan popped up to the boar's side surprising the beast and slashing his four times once again to get the beast a lot lower. He could do this, Titan was certain he just needed a few basic attacks and it would be all over. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 4 / 60 HP ( -12 HP )  Damage: 15 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 104 / 120 ( - 0 HP   Damage: 3
    Energy: 0 / 12 ( +1, -4 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  6. He was feeling pretty good for now, his mind finally settling from the rattling the boar caused by throwing him against the tree. " Focus Ren. " It was something he often said to himself when playing Basketball, perhaps it'd be good enough here too. He blinked twice, finding the foe in front of him and gripped his assault spear at the middle of its base for the sheer fact that he wanted to use the other end to dodge if things got a bit too dicey. As the boar ran towards Titan once again, the man looked over to the tip of the spear which began to radiate a red aura which he knew what it was at this point. < SUPER CRIT ACTIVATED ! > The system yelled at him as he smirked, this was the perfect time to do so. He had one final Maiming Blow in his system and he struck against the boar hard with four strong swings before he was hit once again flying for the nearest tree. His back arched at the pain, a loud grunt escaped his lips as he felt disoriented in this moment, almost as if the force was more than enough to daze the man for a quick moment. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 18 / 60 HP ( -20 HP )  Damage: 15 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 104 / 112 ( - 8 HP   Damage: 3
    Energy: 3 / 12 ( +1, -4 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  7. Despite his dazzling display of combat readiness, Titan's head still felt a bit woozy as he focused in on what needed to be done. After stepping to the side trying to regain his composure, it seemed as though the boar had been waiting for a weak moment and lunged forward at full speed. As he noticed, Titan quickly jumped as high as he could into the air with his foot stepping on the boar's backside before awkwardly landing back on the floor. For now, Titan rushed forward a little bit and spun on his heel to keep his eye on the boar. His eyes went to his energy and it already seemed to be half. He only had room for about two more sword arts before he'd have to rely on his basic damaging attack to fight. It wasn't impossible but it'd be a lot harder and potentially waste potions if he decided this was the fight he wanted to hang his hat on as a feat of worthiness. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 38 / 60 HP ( -0 HP )  Damage: 18 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 112 / 120 ( -0 HP  DMG: 3
    Energy: 6 / 12 ( +1, -2 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  8. Now that he was on the floor, it seemed as though he would have a better fighting style than leaping from the moon and hoping for a delicious slice of the boar on the side but they both seemed to be startled in the combat initiation. However, the boar's fury could be seen in the smoke that seemed to escape from its nostrils as it began to rush toward Titan as if it had some type of battle lust. Titan quickly held onto his spear, quickly activating his sword art maiming blow and slashed at the boar's body four times with a side step. That seemed to only piss off the boar even more as it shifted on its hoofs and slammed hard into Titan and sent him flying against one of the nearby trees.

    " Holy f^&*. " He cursed, perhaps the boar was a lot stronger than he expected. Resolving himself, he pushed against the tree and twirled his spear back into a fighting stance. His own desires to prove himself began to bubble even further to the surface as he moved closer to the floor activating his thighs as he did so. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 38 / 50 HP ( -12 HP )  Damage: 15

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 112 / 120 ( -8 HP  Damage: 3
    Energy: 7 / 12 ( +1, -4 ) Mitigation: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )



  9. A large roar could be heard beneath Titan's feet and he was quite surprised as he leaned backwards and noticed a massive beast with huge tusks (much larger than he had seen before) casually roaming around the forest floor and Titan was feeling a little bit reckless. If he couldn't even take on a boar like this, was he even worthy of fighting on the front lines? This would be his true test, if he wanted to be damn tank he would have to earn it and this was his first true test in doing so.

    Titan quickly leapt down from the tree and unsheathed his spear in the process. He aimed a mighty Maimed Blow towards the beast aiming for the enemy's body but as he landed on the floor, the boar quickly rushed away before turning around aiming for Titan. With a quick step, luckily Titan was able to get away but this would be a true fight to the finish. Hopefully, Titan had what it took to defeat his foe. 


    A Wild Boar Has Appeared! (#1)
    Health Points: 50 / 50 HP ( -0 HP )  Damage: 15 

    Titan's Stats


    Titan (Level 6) 

    Health Points: 120 / 120 ( -0 HP  Damage: 3
    Energy: 10 / 12 ( -2 ) WITH: 9
    ACC: 1 EVA: 0 

    Dice Roll ( +1 to BD Roll with +1 ACC )




  10. Titan hadn't been afraid of heights but he was certain he looked particularly foolish hanging in the tree if anyone would have passed. His eyes looked upward and he noticed 5 Easter Eggs right in reach by the higher branch and Titan reached for them, securing all five and putting them right in his inventory before a little further away he noticed a clump of weeds that he had been searching for. " Shut up, I knew this hunch would be worth it. " He was a little surprised honestly that it could grow this far up but hey, this was a game where anything had been possible.

    The man pushed up against his toes, his right hand fully extended as he barely had been able to touch the weed and seemed to turn it into an ingredient that he could put into his inventory as well. " Just one more damn weed and i'm done. " His next goal was to search the skills, there had to be a way easier way to collect these materials than gathering because this honestly sucked. 



    ID# 141637 | Craft: 7 & Loot: 15

    Materials Acquired: 1 | Total: 4
    Eggs Acquired: 5 | Total: 44

  11. The first three branches that Titan had climbed seemed to be fairly empty from the loot he had been seeking. A branch here, nest there but there wasn't any material for brewing or Easter Eggs. For now, the man was thankful the birds weren't pissed enough to try and attack his head. With the limited space he had, Titan wouldn't have been able to defend himself with his assault spear. Titan glanced upward toward the sky, seeing how he'd now climb the next branch. 

    The man scooted himself onto the branch fully, carefully making sure that it would be able to hold his weight as he climbed. Luckily, it still seemed secure. Titan quickly rose to his feet using his core, pulling himself up and gripping tight to the next branch that was at about chest level. With his new perspective, the man spotted six more eggs. " Nice." He collected them for himself and looked down, he seemed to have been about ten feet from the ground now. 



    ID# 141627 | Craft: 12 & Loot: 14

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 6 | Total: 39

  12. The large tree hadn't seemed to have too much on it. Titan's hands pressed against the bark as he shook the tree with what little strength he had in his current form. The tree swayed only slightly and it seemed as though the two Easter Eggs that sat against the branches seemed to shake off and landed on the floor without breaking. " Oh jeeze, that was lucky. " He exhaled a bated breath, nervous as he moved over to the eggs, kneeled, plucked them from the floor and deposited both eggs exactly where they belonged. 

    After his inventory closed, he stood back up from the grassy floor and placed both hands on his hips while looking up at the tree. " There has to be more up there. " Maybe there would be a weed growing on a branch too and with that, Titan made a decision. He found a foothold for his right hand and kicked off of it, free hand helping him climb the first few branches of the tree with relative ease. 



    ID# 141625 | Craft: 9 & Loot: 12

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 5 | Total: 33

  13. Cautiously, Titan looked at the smaller tree with a little hint of suspicion ultimately deciding to leave the tree alone for now as he turned toward a thicker, denser tree that seemed to have a few birds chirping in its branches. Maybe the birds were laying the Easter Eggs? Or, it in fact had been a majestic white bunny hopping throughout the floors of Aincrad to simply cause slight irritation and greed from the players who would use any opportunity they had to increase their own skills and desires.

    It's why Titan continued forward, he figured this meant their would be really good rewards despite actually knowing what was being offered as the turn-in. He didn't want to fall any further behind than he already was, his eyes flickering towards his level six status and knowing he was no wear close to being a part of the front lines. He could only hope that securing Alchemy as his profession would only help his goals and that his time picking materials wouldn't be quite like this moving forward.  



    ID# 141623 | Craft: 12 & Loot: 5

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 0 | Total: 28


  14. There always seemed to be a little bit more Easter Eggs than Titan had been looking for, this time he spotted two additional Easter Eggs at the base of the Oak near the roots sitting there like the tiny golden prizes that they were. He picked them up carefully, feeling the weight of both in his hands before slotting them into his inventory and closing it back up. At this point, he might as well just leave it open to stick everything he was looking for inside.

    Now, Titan's gaze looked over the tree directly right of the oak that seemed significantly smaller than the other. His steps were relaxed, shield still resting on his back as he walked up to inspect the tree. Knuckles quickly knocking against the wood, a small thud heard against the denseness of the trunk, it hadn't been hollow at all. Titan knew that some trees maybe had a trap door, a way to find more secret items that the casual onlooker wouldn't have been able to identify. For now, it seemed normal, no special items nearby. 



    ID# 141622 | Craft: 3 & Loot: 11

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 2 | Total: 28


  15. This was exactly what he had been looking for, the guidance to create his build to be the most optimal with stats that he would receive easy in just playing the game now that he knew what he was looking for. “ Luckily Shield and Titan both sound like Tanks, huh? ” He was kind of joking; a brimming smirk flashed his teeth for a second as he curiously watched as Shield began to scribble on an open notepad. Titan’s mind knew and understood what the other had been sharing and tried to read the words the other had been writing backwards. “ That makes sense. Mitigation, Damage, Shield with Regen on it and a Trinket for Accuracy and Taunt. ” He left it at that, it seemed simple enough.

    “ Yeah, I’ll probably have a couple of items I can swap too. Ideally, if I ever get there. ” He let out a small nervous laugh, not wanting to think about the possibility of dying before getting remotely close to his goal. As the graphic turned around, Titan snapshotted the photo and kept it in his inventory as well for another time. “ So, right now I’m leveling up my spear skill. Would you recommend getting that to max before switching or build into Battle Healing and Fighting Spirit before then? ”

    Easter Eggs & Materials


    ID# 141620 | Craft: 6 & Loot: 9

    Eggs Acquired: 3 | Total: 17
    Material Acquired: 0 | Total: 0 


  16. " This forest just seems to be a gold mine for Easter Eggs, huh, but still doesn't have enough materials. " Titan huffed, cheeks puffing out in frustration as he walked over to a large tree, the daunting oak had been a bit bigger than the rest of the trees in the area and simply felt like there was something special to it. " Why do you look so massive? " Murmuring to himself, fingertips against his bottom lip as he began to circle the tree in contemplation. He would find whatever it was, there had to be something. Titan noticed about three feet below his own height on the northern side of the tree, seemed to be a very tiny hole that seemed to be cluttered with fallen leaves. The man bent down slightly, clearing the entrance with two fingers before he spotted the six Easter Eggs that waited for him as his prize. What a wonderful little treat! Titan quickly opened his inventory to place the half-dozen into his inventory before he finished circling the tree, making sure there hadn't been anything else he could loot. 



    ID# 141585 | Craft: 11 & Loot: 10

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 6 | Total: 26


  17. Two more eggs seemed to pop up on a branch that Titan couldn't reach by simply reaching for them despite how tall he was and how long his reach had been. " Damn. " Titan muttered while he pushed off against his toes to see if he could reach but it seemed as though all he could do was reach the bottom branch. " Alright. " The man took a breath and removed his spear for now from the holder on his back, using the additional leverage to lightly tap against the eggs to have them fall onto the floor. With haste, Titan tapped both of them down and with one hand quickly grabbed at both of them and lucked out with one hand as they both fell and hadn't cracked, the benefits of solid chocolate right? Another opening of his inventory, Titan threw the eggs inside with a brief smirk. He then focused his attention on the next set of trees a few yards away. 



    ID# 141584 | Craft: 3 & Loot: 10

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 2 | Total: 20


  18. It came fairly quickly, the third material that seemingly respawned right next to the other clump of grass as Titan picked it and placed it into his inventory. With this sheer fate of luck, Titan grabbed at the material as well and yanked it out of the ground and put it back into his inventory as well. The quest tracker on the side of his screen updated and showed he had only been two material away from finishing the quest. He had already decided that he would attack a creature for his last material piece that he needed, it would test if he was talented enough to truly be the tank for the low enemies that he was trying to be. Any additional experience he could get during the low times would only be beneficial to him. 

    " Oh, there's an Easter Egg. " The vibrant egg hidden in the nook of a tree caught Titan's eyes as he walked over, placing that into his inventory as well. His egg count continued to grow with every single second. 



    ID# 141582 | Craft: 1 & Loot: 16

    Materials Acquired: 1 | Total: 3
    Eggs Acquired: 2 | Total: 18

  19. It seemed as though this perhaps had just been the pace of collecting materials, the purpose was to keep it low so that there would never be an over-abundance of items to collect. A single Easter Egg sat at the base of a nearby tree and Titan casually sauntered over, placing it inside of his inventory as his gaze then caught onto another piece of weed. “ Oh thank god, there’s another one. ” He knew he was only talking to himself but sometimes just hearing his own voice in all the isolation felt like enough. Titan still hadn’t had too many friends in Aincrad, a couple of acquaintances but hopefully that would change as he continued to climb and meet more players of the game. This was enough for him though, for now at least. He’d been given the guidebook to succeed and so Titan would focus on that, lasered onto what needed to be done to set him up to be the frontline tank he wanted to be.



    ID# 141580 | Craft: 2 & Loot: 16

    Materials Acquired: 1 | Total: 2
    Eggs Acquired: 2 | Total: 16


  20. Titan came to the realization that he might not make it to the very end, to the front lines simply because of egos. He hadn’t accepted it but recognized that on top of that, the nerve gear could also easily kill him as well if his body deteriorated beyond what was physically acceptable. “ Yeah, [censored]. You’re just keeping it real honest, aren’t ya, Shield? ” His tone was lightly sarcastic but it still was quite a heavy fact to be reminded of.

    “ Alright. ” Things might make more sense later as he continues to learn but for now, he’d just stick with stacking mitigation. “ I think I’d like to tank more damage first and foremost and then hitting consistently for decent damage. I don’t have too many friends yet to quest with and I just don’t want to be walled because I’m doing this alone. So, I don’t mind if it takes me a while to attack enemies but I would rather be able to solo quests alone for now and have that adjust enough to be able to take care of me in the front lines. ” He hoped that made enough sense. “ What do you think? Meta’s fine with me, honestly. I’m not trying to be unique if the path most traveled is successful. ” Couple more eggs, he plucked them and put it inside his inventory as well. 

    Easter Eggs & Materials


    ID# 141569 | Craft: 1 & Loot: 9

    Eggs Acquired: 2 | Total: 14
    Material Acquired: 0 | Total: 0 


  21. It seemed as though the eggs were feeling Titan's favor, wanting to be a part of whatever it is he was manifesting but the material drops hadn't wanted any part to do with him. He couldn't help but sighing, picking up each and every single egg that he found ( six total) and shoving it into his inventory as he continued to walk. The hardest part about the forest was that everything looked the absolute same? He was having such a hard time telling the difference of places that he been versus placed he hadn't. Titan could only hope that the weeds he had been looking for would pop back up, a relatively low respawn rate would be his best friend in searching for the material for him to take his first step as an Alchemist, brewing potions for his friends and finding ways for himself to be able to climb to the top quicker and with more ferocity than he had been doing so. 



    ID# 141535 | Craft: 11 & Loot: 13

    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 1
    Eggs Acquired: 6 | Total: 14


  22. “ I’m not nearly as squeaky clean as you think. Granted, in this game, my goal is to be nice and kind while I get myself to the top. I legitimately don’t see the reason in feuds when it seems like the front lines aren’t as wide in breadth and deep as they once were. ” He hadn’t felt defensive but, Titan would always be himself wholeheartedly. It would be different as he was certain he could be killed in a few strikes from the veterans who have been playing this game since the beginning, but he hoped his charisma wouldn’t be his downfall. “ But, thank you for the warning. I get that this place probably makes you have a peek behind the curtain, see yourself for the flaws that you have. That’s not fun at all, especially when you’re simply trying to survive. ” Once again, Titan shifted his ideals of what it meant to be a front liner. Perhaps, he’d need to train much higher than he once thought, just in case.

    The blonde-haired player decided to watch the other fish, the push and pull of the creature who battled for his own life against Shield’s impressive pulls. Another victory for the man, fishing seemed like it had truly been his forte. “ I’ll take it all into consideration. Perhaps, I’m not as much in a rush to help as I initially had been. Take this time to meet people, learn from everyone’s experiences. Not to say that I’m scared, but preparation is a mighty good friend to success. ”

    This was the meat that Titan had been looking for. “ So as Tanks, would thorns be the ideal one for solo tanking? It’d probably be smart to get a set for myself for questing and such once I have a better income and things start to get a little bit harder. Are there any other enchantments you’d say are important for me to keep an eye out for? ” His tone was inquisitive but not pushy, merely gleaning what he could out of the veteran for the sake of his own progression. Titan couldn’t have enough thanks for the man and his desire to help newbies with the game.

    Easter Egg & Materials


    ID# 141532 | Craft: 4 & Loot: 2

    Eggs Acquired: 0 | Total: 12
    Material Acquired: 0 | Total: 0 


  23. “ Yeah, I agree. But, there’s so many dang animals in the world. Who knows which one would be the right one. ” Titan hadn’t necessarily thought it to be a difficult decision on species, moreso wanting to ensure that he wouldn’t mess up the build he was trying to have as a tank. There was so much to consider, always with this damn game. “ If you want, we really can do yours next. I don’t mind.  I know we said we’d do mine first but, you seem more familiar with the process. ” It would make him feel better and also to watch how it all worked, seemed like a win-win in Titan’s eyes.

    “ ATP? Crafting guild, interesting. ” For now, Titan was a solo player but he wasn’t opposed to joining a guild one day, if it lined up with who he was as a person. The man spotted some material and eggs as well, opening his inventory and placing it inside. Slowly but surely, he’d collect enough to climb his professions too. “ Are you a DPS or Healer? I was told the frontline need tanks and healers but DPS is always important too, in my opinion. ”



    ID# 141530 | Craft: 10 & Loot: 15
    Eggs Acquired: 6 | Total: 37

    Material Acquired: 1 | Total: 1


  24. Quest: Nature's Treasure

    After learning of the bounty hidden within the first floor, Titan had been eager to catapult his material gathering and easter egg's gathering before the eggs simply disappeared. He knew how important materials would be in gathering for his new Alchemy profession (whether he had been capable yet or not was not the point) and figured if he could stockpile for now, it would only benefit him in the future.

    And so, Titan took his weapon and armor and headed for the spot that he initially found Shield in. A beautiful lake, shimmering while the fake sun reflected over the calm waters. Titan surveyed the outskirts, curious if the weeds he had been looking for would grow in such a place. With the spear secured onto his back, Titan began his casual walk as he slowly walked with his eyes scanning at a 180 degree angle, trying to spot the tricky weed that he had been picking since he started leveling and the colorful easter eggs that had been scattered 





    Titan (Level 6) 
    HP: 120 / DAMAGE: 3
    EN: 12 / MIT: 1
    ACC: 1 / EVA: 0


    • 1-Handed Assault Spear (Rank 2)


    • ( R ) 1H Assault Spear ( ACC / DMG )
    • ( U ) Leather Armor ( Armor - MIT )


    • ( 3 ) Starter Healing Potions  ( Heals 50 HP )

    Easter Egg & Material Loot


    ID# 141529 | Craft: 11 & Loot: 9
    Eggs Acquired: 6 | Total: 6
    Materials Acquired: 0 | Total: 0


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