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Posts posted by Nisahime

  1. A witty remark as she was beginning to find suited to the escort, his sarcasm was at least outside this place and its fabrication. "Simply use what was given, and keep not what is not necessary. I happened upon this garb by what some would call coincidence. But I am not that foolish, to forsake a blessing." looking to him with a smile, before a twist of an open hand casts the barrier in front of her with the charge of the beasts again, bolstering it with strength as the swell caused her hair to take flight, Iris ablaze with the system given energies. The first is cleaved in two, like a shard of glass it closes up leaving half inside and the butt on the floor before it bursts. The remaining few scatter upon its surface finding no purchase. "It is rather odd, that you are so weak that the impacts don't have enough strength."

    Morrighan takes no action!

    ID# 166971 results: MOB: 7, Hit dealing 1 damage and sustaining 9 from Thorns. ID# 166980 results: Loot: 16+6=22, Boar Tusk Dropped
    ID# 166981 results:
     MOB: 1, Missed vs. Morrighan
    ID# 166982 results:
     MOB: 3, Missed vs. Morrighan
    ID# 166983 results:
     MOB: 1, Missed vs. Morrighan


    Morrighan | HP:77/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:6 | THRNS:9

    Boar Pup #1 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #2 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #3 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #4 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3

    Boar Tusk Total:
    Morrighan: [2/3]

  2. She'd parade out into the zone at which these beasts held sanctum, looking at them with a simple snort being their only response. She'd whistle sharply, causing them to stir. "No I have no weapon, and I shall not need it. This will be handled the same as my own reflection, and I will lift not a finger." They'd galavant about, looking at her agitated by the noise. Lifting her hands slightly at her side, as if raising from a pool of water she'd goad them. "I stand here upon this stage foul tyrant, would you not wish to spill my blood for my indiscretion?" she spoke with some bass in her voice, but it was no shout but simply a spoken word. They stampede toward her and as a result like a flashbang, a blinding flash as they seem to bounce off of some sort of barrier. A trickle of damage seems to bleed through for the manifested wall was less than perfect, but one impacts solid and with the light, it seems to disappear. "A shame, So irritable but still failed to move me but an inch." spoken as she peels up the first of three.

    Morrighan takes no action!

    ID# 166971 results: MOB: 7, Hit dealing 1 damage and sustaining 9 from Thorns. ID# 166972 results: Loot: 17+6=23, Boar Tusk Dropped
    ID# 166973 results: MOB: 5, Missed vs. Morrighan
    ID# 166974 results: MOB: 9, Hit dealing 1 damage to Morrighan
    ID# 166975 results: MOB: 4, Missed vs. Morrighan

    Morrighan | HP:78/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:6 | THRNS:9

    Boar Pup #1 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #2 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #3 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3
    Boar Pup #4 | 
    HP:5/5 | DMG:3

    Boar Tusk Total:
    Morrighan: [1/3]

  3. The smith still dumbfounded by the girl's inclusion he removes the parcel and pulls a string. It unfolds in his grasp like a lily, revealing a draught. The very same that she'd produced. "A potion, right you fixin' to offer me the same?" the smith would ask of her, she'd tilt as she was already making her leave. "Curious, I suppose I can offer you the same. A bond written, what my reward maybe remains to be seen."  her comment as she stops. The NPC would go on "Reward would be a piece of weaponry forged by me, find me some boar pup tusks from hatchlings in the field. Five in count, sound agreeable?" he'd ask of her but the response was hardly what he'd expect. "I meant not the reward from you, but I will undertake your task. Keep those fires hot for it will not take long for my return."

    Consumes Mochi, LD III

    Morrighan | HP:80/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:6 | THRNS:9

  4. A smile in feigned reality, produced in a fashion that could be interpreted in two ways. "What an alien place, to find beauty." She'd scan about to the waters around them, absent of all but them. "Searching for hope upon these waves, a small boy asked for such a simple thing. Are you?" she'd comment in earnest but in an inquiry as she removed a small glimmering gold star from the water. It was odd that someone would seek beauty alone, most who would parade so far from others would search for solace. "What is it truly out upon these waters for? I need not an answer for it was hardly a question that would need a response." she'd comment as a trek of her white hair clung to the water as it pooled over her shoulders into the moisture below. It spooled and lined the waves, she seemed unaltered by the fact.


    Item Name: Gold Stars
    Quantity: 161
    Thread Link

  5. She'd had moved from the dock, eager to seek out the small rafts that would lead to where the boy Shoji's dear youngling would have been lost to the blackened ink. All consuming and but the glimmers of the lantern produced a road to traverse. She thought herself alone upon this wine, most keeping to land. Another? a vessel in its own right with a girl with white of her own. "What brings you out upon this tide, stranger still, Lost as I, you appear? But I can see the discomfort on your brow." she'd ask of the girl alone, perhaps looking for the depths beneath her to find solace or perhaps hope. It was what Morrighan had sought, but it was not her own but that of another. Curious still was this grand lake the keeper of such a human desire, swallowing it and holding it for ransom for all but those strong enough to look.


  6. As the boat comes to dock, she'd pull the roped cable taught and anchor it. "It proved useful, the layer of gold upon its bottom should surely prove useful." The NPC gasps but bundles them, handing her the bag. "If you would give these to the children in town." she'd nod, unsure the reason but they seemed to have some purpose. She'd find Shoji where she was told he'd wait. ”Did you find anything?" he'd ask in earnest but the response was hardly what he wished it be. "No, the fates would not give me what you seek. Perhaps it wishes to reveal this to only you and you alone." she spoke what she thought accurate. "Find your strength Shoji, that very thing that robs you of your courage. Let it not control you and find that which you want to." her wisdom imparted, the future of the child remained unclear but she'd done what she promised.

    ID# 166877 results: Loot: 14+3=17 Stars 161 Total

    ID# 166878 results: Loot: 10, Failed No Clothing Found

    Quest Complete:
    SP: 5
    Col: 400
    Gold Stars: 161

  7. Reaching almost the end of the lake, having traveled its birth in a winding line in a scatter of stars she'd found not one sign of the boy like she'd assumed she would. The fates seemed to offer the boy no solace, no respite from his anguish but perhaps this had another motive in mind for him. Perhaps it would kindle him into searching on his own, bolstering him into a man worth the reward he wished to receive. But it was as unclear as to the murky water below, reflecting the sky above they'd offer no sight into what this grand showing would be. She'd pivot the boat and begin to head back for the settlement of coral. To return the vessel and let the boy know of what had transpired. With a pull of her arms, the barge pivots and cuts around in a 180 back for the lights and buildings.

    ID# 166876 results: Loot: 15+3=18 Stars 144 Total

  8. The stars she kept collecting continued to creep together in a pile, with a cling of moisture ripe within her grasp. It is tossed to the deck of the raft, a scatter of droplets the same. "Seems that you may go unsated little Shoji, for your fortune may be left for a future that I cannot foresee. I can offer you no more than an attempt, should I fail you it was as was written." she'd comment truthfully in a subtle whisper as simply an observation, for her strength was failing to hold in her arms and again she'd need to rest. A clear picture of just how durable she had become obvious as to its increase, the system giving her much more to spend than she'd ever thought possible. Even more so it played in different ways that she'd yet to experience, only time would tell where this place lead.

    ID# 166874 results: Loot: 8+3=11 Stars 126 Total

  9. Her strength began to return, lifting herself, and her wet hair stuck to her shoulders remained attached. She'd reach for her tool and begin to pilot it again, keeping focused on the only avenue upon which to march. A struggle for the first to break her forward, until the next came smoother cutting her alongside her culprit. One stray lantern seemingly adrift from all the rest slides past the barge and she could help but see the symbolism for only she had traveled so far upon this water. Uncertain where she was flowing down this channel, Shoji would not be left to wonder. She could at least provide an answer to her own journey, even if it was not one of what he wished to hear. The beat pressed on, and her refueled energy was being tried as quickly as it was recovered back for this was no easy feat.

    ID# 166875 results: Loot: 5+3=8 Stars, 117 Total

  10. Looking deeply into the star held in her grasp, the points digging into her thumb and fingertips as she held it aloft toward a big bright moon. She'd take a breather as she inspected it closely, allowing the fleeting strength to return to her. The stars seeming almost innumerable in number as she had a huge share already piled upon the vessel and still they glimmered from the water, a thought that should she collect them all she'd find the bottom of this lake. "It seems that you are hardly unique, but still you seem to draw. With your brethren a line, an offering but for what?" she'd comment dropping upon the others with a metallic clank, a sound akin to coins mashing together. They meant little to her, but there should be some reason for their existence. Morrighan was seeking this amongst a remnant of the one star she'd yet to find.

    ID# 166872 results: Loot: 5+3=8 Stars, 109 Total

  11. Fighting through the setting consumption of her reserves, her mind still clear and enduring through the hardship the trek was placing upon her. Another mass of stars in a bunch upon the wine pulled up just the same. She'd look to the scattering of them upon the surface of the boat, shuffling them together as they bunched into a mass. "Quite a number..." she'd look toward the shore and continue "Quite the journey..." Convinced that if the body that belonged to Yori had been pulled so far as this, then the reasons for the teams failure in finding the child were more than substantial. It would be no easy feat, especially should these stars become invisible under the rays of the sun. Hardly a scouting party would move at nightfall, which perhaps pardoned their failure further. "Little stars, what is it you wish to show?" she'd ask rhetorically as if they could respond.

    ID# 166871 results: Loot: 17+3=20 Stars, 101 Total

  12. An hour passed, in a passage through time and physicality her line drawn eagerly through the ink below. She knew not if she drew near to her destination, and the light of the moon only showed to light the shapes upon the seas. They were her only form of advice for a direction and she'd follow them until cut short. Another raft containing a girl out here to her own devices.

    [Insert Tanabata interaction here]

    Shortly after they part, Morrighan resumes her travel. She'd not find what she sought by sitting idle and she'd operate better without exhaustion on her tail. A turn of the oar in her hands she lists further along the trail of stars upon the lake. Her arms were beginning to ache with the setting latter, as expected would flow in with this much exertion from her. But unlike those that would allow such to take a gravity upon them.

    ID# 166870 results: Loot: 1+3=4 Stars, 81 Total

  13. Mentally a chuckle "Noted kind hearth, You'd not be swayed so easily. It is boring and predictable, but I knew first hand the response I'd be paid." and with the small words, the conversation kindles out, winning little battles such as these meant leagues in the grand scheme. By offering the thing as those before no ground, she augmented her without any leverage. A goal she aimed to keep for ransom, and keeping her priority over it. Placing the oar upon the rim, now leagues from shore upon a darkened raft that the lantern lights did not reach. A few more glittering stars found, she pulls them from the waves as they sway upon them. "Perhaps I am drawing near, for the path seems drawn through these small trinkets." she speaks softly placing these to the bed of the vessel with the aim to return to following after confirming she was following it.

    ID# 166869 results: Loot: 6+3=9 Stars, 77 Total

  14. It knew that Morrighan and she were one in the same, and it showed as they seemed to goad one another for answers. It was stimulating to have something that had some inkling of who you were but were not any longer so close. It was as if she was poured into a glass and she could see herself but from the outside, like peering at herself through a window knowing it was she but was not present. She'd continue to pry and poke at the creature that was in fact herself in a twisted silhouette for the answers she sought but offering it no payment as a reward, for that was what it wished and she'd place a debt never.  "Then speak when you've information or knowledge to impart. You'll find nothing within to latch in fangs." Morrighan warned the cardinal replica, knowing that despite it being her copy it was still once an enemy.

    ID# 166868 results: Loot: 8+3=11 Stars, 68 Total

  15. The provided trail grew in size flowing closer together, adding to a pile of stars that mirrored those above. She'd obtain these the very same as those prior, a growing gain showing heavily that she was hot on the track of wherever it led. The image of the small boy on the shore rose in her mind, her Gemini made audible with its occurrence. "Strange, you linked to this child in such a way given you've only just met." she'd smile as she wormed back and forth, stroking her way through the pool of water below her. A show of strength and endurance as it tried upon her system bestowed strengths. "Odder still is how you comment. One should not inquiry what is lain so clearly before them." a moment of silence is shared before an answer "A truth, one of many you aim to deliver." it responds, finding the accuracy of her statement.

    ID# 166867 results: Loot: 20+3=23 Stars, 57 Total

  16. Exiting the building that Zackariah was housed, his parcel to deliver in her grasp. A calm sway with it held loosely in her hands, unwavering and patient where most would draw irritation. To most these fetch quests would seed a sense of being made an errand boy. But not she, for Morrighan was beside such troubling feelings that would cause her pause. The woman had not looked back to see if Freyd was following for her path was clear now, getting to the blacksmith without any hitch. She'd seem lost for a moment in a trance, watching the metal be worked before she spoke. "Smith..." She'd speak loud through his hammer blow, before tossing a parcel to the top of his anvil. It bounces loosely upon its top causing the NPC to stop. "Zackariah has sent me, if this is the end of my journey then I'll take my leave."

    Morrighan | HP:80/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:3 | THRNS:9



    Metal Regalia (T1/Heavy/Rare): 9 THRN/9 MIT
    Soul Tether (T1/Trinket/Perfect): LD III
    Soul Bonding (T1/Trinket/Perfect):  ACC III



  17. The vessel rocked to one side, as she shifted it around upon the lake. She'd been following the path of floating stars upon the sea, through the little lantern light that caused them to shine ever so slightly. The more she sought them out, the scarcer they seemed to become. But as was a fleeting fortune, a path that was easy was hardly worth the travel. She had been no stranger to the principle as her entire recollection up until now had been nothing more than a guessing game, and what remained just outside of her purview was how treacherous the path may become. Such a simple matter as this, rowing a boat upon a lake should not discourage her for who knew how deep the waters would be in her attempts to cling to that which was lost. The boat begins to wade, cutting a line as she traveled.

    ID# 166866 results: Loot: 1+3=4 Stars, 35 Total

  18. She hardly knew herself why she was doing what she was, just allowing the world around her to guide her actions for she had little in the way of a direction to face. She'd turn and sway the boat, pulling more of these paltry little gold objects from the floating lake. They were like a trail seeming to lead somewhere, where however remained to be seen. Morrighan scoops them up unsure of their use and had little more than an interest in where they may lead ripe in her mind. Mentally she'd comment to the creature within her heart. "I do not know, I would allow the winds to guide me as I need nothing more than faith and fate." an honest truth for she needed not material wealth or possession, just the occasional reminder of who she was was all she needed or desired. Grasping for the oar again, she'd follow the glimmering path.

    ID# 166859 results: Loot: 17+3=20 Stars, 31 Total

  19. Wandering through those that would drag about about the affair, pulling upon branches, and doing their best for unfulfilled words to be heard. Finding a branch of them filled with these vary faint candles, she'd add her own hopes to those of many. It takes a moment, and a bit of effort, and without a phrase, they sway dangling in the wind. She'd take to the edge of the lake looking over the field of glowing lights, listing and bending in the waves. A small child beckons to her side, in a hair of color darker than the sea she faced. They both sat in silence for what would be hours before that small little figure would finally notice her presence and begin to speak. “What’re you here for?”  Her eyes would slide from the intense stare that seemed lost in the oceanfront. The priestess shifts and looks to the child, unsure if it was truly her that she had been her it had been speak toward.

    [Tanzaku Hung]

  20. Morrighan had taken the forefront of their journey, allowing Freyd the tow. She had begun to discover her minimap at the path it drew upon her screen. Simply she ignored the NPC, removing one of the white petals and began to deftly use his appliances while he chattered away. It was as if this had already done by her before, some semblance of expertise that was shown only by a master. The woman in paper white drops the corked liquid into the NPC clutches, moving for the door after accepting his offering.

    ID# 166648 results: Craft: 10, Successful Perfect

    She'd smile at his brash sense of humor, catching the tinge of sarcasm that underlined it "Engage it while empty, and it would come to fear you. The judgment is yours to make, I will not argue your stance. You are allowed your skepticism, and I hadn't any inkling to prove it." With this phrase spoken while they traveled, she'd drop a parcel into the next in tandem, a male of callous, and worked thick from a hammer.


  21. She'd pull off one final petal, taking the three removed and clenching her fist to a shower of broken data within her grasp and a pop. "Not quite the response I'd expected, but for in a world such as this that which could not be flawless need not exist I presume." she'd tally and assume with the strike at the side of the screen that she was ready for the next step. "What I remember, is a darkened cavern in a bitter chill. In a cavern of reflection where the crunch of glass is heard under one's feet announces each step. I walked, through darkened labyrinths until the blood pooled within my toes. I happened upon a grove under a coming storm, a guiding wind pressed the small of my back. I found two too afraid to walk up a mountain, worried of a grim creature that claimed one's face. This creature tried to find terror in me..." she'd take steps toward the towns of beginnings.

    "But what I saw was my own" rung through her head as she spoke.
    "But what it saw was it's own." and turning you can hear the sounds of a chuckle.

    ID# 166632 results: Loot: 7+6=13, Success 5*Quest Materials

  22. Plucking one of the ivory petals into her grasp, to get a feel for how it would respond. "A goal, such a paltry little thing. I would want which all would. To remember. Imagine being roused from slumber, with nothing more than a name hung loosely over your head like a carrot. Attempting to grasp at it, and it pulls away but you know it belongs to you. Those strands that dangle oh so close, but just out of reach." She'd place the petal down on her palm and clamp onto another of the flower.

    ID# 166630 results: Loot: 14+6=20, Success 4*Quest Materials

    One more pull pries free this one as the first, she'd look at as if it were a new experience. "My memory has leaked from me, either through the passage of time or poached. I'd see them returned, I have my given right returned. What more would this malicious faint of color have left to give? Whoever penned and painted this canvas, missed one crucial detail: a signature."

  23. That darkened smile continued as she rose, looking deeply into the male's emboldened ruby eye as if a reflection with her cold blue before it took in what she may be made of with a glance. "What a question to which an answer does not flow easily, but if a cycle then where would one stand should they not be locked inside such a rhythm. A rejuvenation? which begets that perhaps I stand outside looking in." her attention shift to her hand, upon it a small lotus in white, unsure if it would suffice for whatever this NPC needed it to be. But it was adequate and flawless in ivory. "My circumstances are odd yes, and I appreciate the offering. But I need not protection but guidance. You seem a compendium of what this figment has in store, that very knowledge may just give me what I seek." she'd tilt her head, and pet one of the petals of the flower in her hand with an index finger, almost in a trance.

    ID# 166629 results: Loot: 16+6=22, Success 3*Quest Materials

  24. With the trap sprung they swelled and rampaged, seeming agitated by the girl's reluctance to leave their sanctuary and dinner table. Since she was unfazed by the fears they used an ample poison to consume travelers that came here, they wanted nothing to do with her. She'd open her eyes and to her surprise, she had been brought into a void, a blackened hall that was a lair for the insistent hisses from the confines of her mind. "LEAVE HERE!" echos through the chasm of black in a voice similar but somehow different from her own, the smile still present on the girl's mouth. She'd step forward and enter the long double doors 

    Morrighan | HP:20/20 | EN:2/2 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:3 | THRNS:9


  25. "Attempt to rest upon the stone, perhaps? It seems frightened, as most of those have a feeling to exploit." rings mentally as if spoken at her back, turning to see a flattened sphere of seeming natural origins. "A shame, that I must stoop to such measures to catch the rat that scurries." she'd respond loosely as she turns from the water and follows the Gemini's lead. Crossing her legs and allowing her hands to fall into her lap. She lists into a pseudo slumber in her mind, allowing the roar of the falls to drown out her reality. The whispers continue aggressively to swarm about in defiance to her presence, a small grin takes the corners of her mouth. Her gemini was on point, they were frightened and biting back hoping to find something to attack or convince her to leave this place as she had sprung a trap that others fell and were soured by her stance beside it.

    Quest Complete:
    SP: 5
    Col: 400
    Name: Morrighan

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