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Posts posted by Nisahime

  1. She'd raise a hand to her mirror. "I am Morrighan" the beast reciprocates the gesture, lifting its left to oppose her right "We are Morrighan." Placing their hands together as a white aura blooms from the Gemini, like a lantern light it twiddles around her. The player in the hair of white places her hands together flat against the produced duplicate "I am thou" she speaks with confidence, and the reflection responds in after: "Thou art I" Morrighan smiles as the shine gets brighter. "Break thy shackles that force one to captivity." The cadence continues as if the words were rehearsed, they both knew the anthem to share. "The time has come, to open thyne eyes and rest no longer." a whisper as one of the voices in two fade into one. "to obtain the winds of blessing that should lead to freedom and new power." The two's fingers interlock, as the Gemini begins to lift.


  2. It was as a mother blessing a child that had done wrong, under the beating storm she offered it some nursery and comfort. Although Nissa no Morrigahn, felt not the same she knew that this thing was feigning feeling accurately and as a reward for its answers she'd pay it back. "Thank you for your compliance, was this my hair color before? It seems an odd change outside this if not." she would pry further into what was unknown to her. "Yes, this is what was." it spoke enigmatically in response, the system reading deeper than she could. "Stand, we should sully those knees no longer in the cold soil below." the priestess remarks using her weight to bring the thing onto her level, the mud still clung to her legs wet from the raging storm above them. Now staring eye to eye, to those that would perceive them they'd appear twins.

  3. As quickly as it began it would fade, for with the lack of fear the Gemini held no power. Nissa was unwavering in its approach, it rushing forward with a rather abyssal speed to the crack of lightning above. It would make a strike against the woman and with it a blinding flash of light pulses in a cold white. Falling to its knees, The player stood above it with a smile. "So, what might our name be?" Nissa offers the reflection with a hand placed to its blackened hair, it's tempered fury fading as it could no longer cling having lost. "We are known as Morrigahn" it mutters loosely, the name feeling true enough that it scratches the inside of her mind in a buzzing. "Morrigahn was it, yes that feels correct. That is us is it not." The maiden remarks rustling the creature's charcoal hair through her fingertips.

    ID# 166578 results: MOB: 5+3+1=10, Deals 5-9=1 Damage to Nissa and taking 9 from Thorns

    ID# 166578 results: Battle: 9, Minor Critical dealing 2-1=1 Damage to Morrigahn, Spared!

    Nisa | HP:19/20 | EN:1/2 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:3 | THRNS:9

    Gemini (Morrigahn) | 
    HP:1/10 | DMG:5 (6-7) | MIT:1 | ACC:3

  4. She'd smile through the bitter chill that caused her shoulder to burn, lifting herself upright. "Then I would be glad, for I would see myself and a strand of that which is fleeting." The thing offers a darkened smile the same. A flash of thunder as the shape removes its hood, the brown cover falling from its shoulders to reveal a woman that shared a face that mirrored her own. "Be careful what you wish for, it may play out as you wish it." spoken as it's stance widens, hands pulled tight like claws. Its eyes illuminated in the darkness that entrapped them, broken only by the occasional flashes like fireworks. "That is what I had hoped, so show it to me." Nissa stands standard and solid, keeping focused on the cardinal manifestation. She was not afraid and it was as if the thing wanted her to be. It would be robbed the pleasure.


  5. At the halfway mark where the land had taken an undesirable angle, the flash of thunder casting light once more upon the surface. It stood, the silhouette in the darkness that she sought for what seemed like an eternity. "Where is it that you walk? Are you sure you are headed rightly?" It asks of her, her voice echoed from this creature in a mirror. It was as if it was spoken down a long corridor, reverberating off the walls to be heard twice. "Perhaps, Are you that which would wear my face?" She'd ask after her own answer, for the circumstances still robbed her of the sight to confirm. A bolt of lighting plays overhead, offering her the vision to see a covering of brown. "What if it was your face that you saw, Trespasser?" It asks instead of providing a response that was she wished it to be.

  6. With this light, the soft cry of descending rain began, and with it a cold embrace on her shoulders. She'd shudder as it began to offer a bitter chill to them, unwavering but knowing as her feet began to slip slightly upon the stone beneath her. It made the path a bit more treacherous, and though she was not frightened she'd perform at her best to maintain her hold. The thought of seeing the fouled image was what drove her ever upward, as the water grew heavy and denser turning from a subtle tear to a ravaging downpour. It forced her hands to work beside her feet, coupled with the incline requiring all four of her appendages to proceed on. The green on her fingertips quickly is cast to a cold grey, as mud from the earth sought shelter in the lines drawn about her hands. She'd dig deep and use her bestowed vigor.

  7. They'd part instead of trying to talk sense into the woman they had met in passing only, ample for it would have provided naught which they wished to instill. Nissa's feet continue to offer her solidity upon her journey, legs raised to her knees as she pushed her endurance to its limits. Although the breath from her longs began to struggle, her mind did not falter in its approach. She had to see the face of her own painted loosely on this being in the rough. Others may fear themselves, but the priestess in white could not be more intrigued at the premise of finding herself on this peak. Even if only offered just a tidbit of herself, she'd press through the coming storm and seek it out. That very storm showed through a boom of energy and sound casting a flash to the natural column of earth, casting her light to see more than detouring her.

  8. The man, no boy would respond to her inquiry with a scratch to the back of his skull. "There's some crazy strong monsters in there. Rumor is there is some spooky thing that takes your face. I wanted to see it but kinda don't want to die in the process." As his words are spoken she'd usher past him, a sway in her step seemingly no different than the rest. "Your going up after hearing all that? Why?" The female in blonde hair asks Nissa as she begins to step up the mountain. "It's simple my dear young fellow, If this would wear my skin I must see what it sees in me." she'd respond with a light smile on her mouth, thinking that her guidance had to lead her here for a purpose. They look to one another and shrug, aimed at saving their owned hides and drawn away by the way she spoke.

  9. Where was she headed, was there some purpose to her actions? Nissa was not hung up on the why, flowing through the motions and letting the grand strand of gold to guide her. If such harsh sheers were in the store to clip the thread short, then so be it. She'd not fight against what must follow, but she believed such not the case. Perhaps it was the wind that seemed to press on her back, pushing her forward and up. A gentle nudge to greener pastures surely, as the ground she stood upon began to take an incline. Faces of humanity, one male and one female walked in opposition to her gains. "You heading up?" the male in tanned brown hair asked of the priestess as if speaking to her directly. "I suppose I am, why if I may ask do you descend?" she'd respond with a question of her own.

  10. The forest seemed earnest, responding to her touch surely as a gentle breeze began to sway away at their tops. With it a cascade of leaves that flutter through the air, her hair taking aloft in tandem. "Such a wondrous gust, dear mother you pay me. You trying to shelter me from this moisture is it?" Nissa responds with a peculiar grin, the answer she knew but she chastised all the same. Wind does not falter or wain, eluding to more to come as it swelled but maintained its gentle caress. Her feet continued to carry her in the lightest of steps, offering her little resistance as she entered with the canopy began to darken. Within this structure of casted shadow and linked lines of natural nets, most would be discouraged from proceeding. To the woman, it was seen as nothing more than different scenery, and with it no caution or deferment. 

  11. The prior Spector felled and with it, its confusion. A sun still hung high, bright, and unwavering by the exchange. Nissa seemed unaltered in her action for there was none, simply the passage that was expected. There was no place for revenge, she'd had hardly lifted a finger. Passing through now unimpeded by the systems attempts on her life, she'd traverse the mountain and up toward the falls. White water cast from its disturbed mirror, a mist formed to polish the stones about. She'd shut her eyes, allow herself to breathe deep the white noise it was trying so desperately to share with its pilgrims. A swell of imagery that was most obvious foreign in its production, her eyes in sapphire list open slowly to see more of the same. "Must you intervene darkened serpent. It will not end as you wish it. Leave me be or true suffering shall find its hearth."

    Nisa | HP:20/20 | EN:2/2 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:3 | THRNS:9



    Metal Regalia (T1/Heavy/Rare): 9 THRN/9 MIT
    Soul Tether (T1/Trinket/Perfect): LD III
    Soul Bonding (T1/Trinket/Perfect):  ACC III



  12. Through a journey amongst emerald greenery, A woman with hair of ivory seems unfettered by the heat and clung humidity. She felt not, within its vacuum a sense of peace and tranquility. She knew not where she was leading, or the specter that followed suit. Fate would have it she'd meet a pale reflection of herself this very day, under a booming scatter of discharged electricity. She would not be fazed or broken as some, for the cardinal knew not the force it reckoned. Fear hardly holds a footing where joy could not take hold, it would have its work laid to bare through troubled rain coverage. A strenuous task to try to instill it within one that could not perceive it. Subtle and gentle footsteps with a dragged open hand upon trees as Nissa passed through, wiping a tinge of green upon her fingertips that would linger until the waters would wash it away.

    Nisa | HP:20/20 | EN:2/2 | DMG:1 | MIT:9 | ACC:3 | LD:3 | THRNS:9



    Metal Regalia (T1/Heavy/Rare): 9 THRN/9 MIT
    Soul Tether (T1/Trinket/Perfect): LD III
    Soul Bonding (T1/Trinket/Perfect):  ACC III



  13. An Everbright moon in silvery blue loomed overhead, amongst its glow a trail of sharply drawn lines in white. Across a blackened blanket of absence, carving their own place upon the sky. With them a woman that seemed staggered and peeled from the world around her, as if placed there and belonged. Away from the rabble and rustle of a crowd, where nothing more than a whisper could be heard clearly.

    A drawn pen upon parchment of ivory, etching a fleeting feeling to them as if she understands. What comes naturally without pause or remorse in what is written, transposed, and transcribed folded and turned. With them cut upon her desires, like an oracle of what was to come she'd stare to the galaxy above. "What picture would you paint for me today?" The scattering of drawn bolts, a shift of the infinite in migration to a new alignment. What a beautiful but morose form of play.

    What would you wish for the rest of your stay in Aincrad?

    For those to oppose travel to feel the swift guidance of fate to an early tomb the lines cascade from the write in her hand, from the silver that was her thoughts to the black upon the page. An honest and undeniable truth, all should be so fitted and would feel the same. Did this make her different from those around her? A ring in her heart told her no, and with it a sense of kinship that she was unfamiliar. She knew not how they felt, but even still something so simple should be shared by all. Each and every soul linked through the same phrase.

    What would you wish for the better of people around you?

    Waste not fortune, for it becomes you should you embrace its grasp. Simplistic and palatable, flowed easily as the first probe into what lay dormant behind the eyes of blue. Fortune came to those who chose to seek it out, not those that sheltered themselves from the possibility for what it may bring with it. Embracing that right and claiming that crown through a shatter of shackles upon one's wrists, a fitting call to movement should one find inspiration through the glyph drafted for eternity to be hung upon a spire of age. The gentle turn of a page beckons another answer, one that would be provided all the same.

    What would you wish for someone you care about?

    Should you wish it, then so it shall be. Fret not on if it's grantable if you should be dissuaded from carving your own path. This curious little question, it seemed damned to repeat itself. Even still, she cared for all the bright young faces about the same weight. Without cadence or creed, they held the same gravity all the same. A repeated inquiry brought a similar answer, only to those that would wish to fly close to the sun should it's glory be within their clutches. A lesson here being that if you seek that which dwarfs your stature in such an immense way, take heed and care that you wings not be made of wax. Else you plummet to your grave before you seize what you wish to earn.

    What would you wish for someone you would like to know better?

    Hearty strides toward the path drawn upon history, it will come to an end should you continue to press on. No interest in the happenings of those fortunate enough to share a word, perhaps the meaning was less defined by an understanding of one's past. This tanzaku must have had meant something more substantial than what it had eluded to, yes. Another finality as a justification, one of longing to attain the ideal self would only be met with turmoil. But it was through this turbulence that a difference is made, the courage to strive forward instead of cowardice leading one back. She'd write her interpretation, unsure if the paper had been wiser than first perceptions would allow visible.

    What would you wish for yourself?

    A question directed entirely to the self? My sweet troublemaker you be, taken for a fool but alas it was holding a fist. Fleeting fondness, should you go so soon? A hearth and a home provided, may you stay a while longer? She'd write with a twist of a hand, an answer carved within the leather of brush. It was cut with one swaying hand, the ink etched permanently upon the page. It was her truest hope, that a fading world did not leave her clutches for she may grasp at the strings of a fraying weave. If she could anchor just one thread, keeping it close that it had not taken flight It would be more than enough.

    Wishes Made

  14. Adorned an attire that played upon her memory but alas it eluded her still as to why or how a flowing sea of white she had become pastel. Like a blank canvas, she'd have white on white and with it an aura of vacancy. Soft steps and the tapping of heels, she'd look on to her surroundings without a primary road to travel. The paperwhite frame disappears into a building that seems to call to her, moments later she is liberated.

    To young fire blood, a penner of fates for those that wished to come along. "If you would be so kind..." She turns a palm over, extending an almost colorless hand to the NPC. Dropping a stack of the contracts into her hands, a quill of plastic. "Thank you, my dear may fortune smile upon you." Lest she begets more distraction, the woman outside herself from her surroundings move outside the works.

    Tanzaku obtained

  15. Wandering about the stalls seemingly aimless she happens upon a building through the festival air, strange as usually, they close when an event such this was kindled. Humble and yet familiar, she'd wander to what was waiting for those that would seek it out. With a flow of her hair cascading from her back as she'd lean forward, Nissa offers an index in a slow pointer. "I would like two of these, If I may. A pity the fiery dragon rolls are out of stock, I would have loved to try them out." Producing the coin provided by the system, she'd exchange it for her purchase.

    Request for one T1 Fiery Dragon Roll (Will transpose payment)

    2*T1 Perfect LD III for 1100 Col


  16. She'd appear, the raven that took up stead here with a mirror of black upon her scalp as if she was there but seemingly swallowed by the darkness around her. She'd drift her gaze out of one of the windows of the abode, watching the idle passerby stretch their legs upon a glimmered glowing stone. Was she one of them? These people with no purpose...

    Eventually, a return by the owner, Nissa takes the bundled memorabilia as a wish to hold on to what was slipping as they were important but unsure as to why. She'd mutter a word in aloof greeting and farewell the same. "The fates always have a way of dealing in our affairs don't they, Thank you for the service." A soft word and a turn, the familiar ring of entry met with the blinding rays of a morning bleed upon the wooden exterior along with a gentle breeze, and as fleeting as she blew in she was gone.

    Items received 

  17. Entering the abode to the jingle of a bell and feeling rather turned around, a permanent white frost that was her hair parading off of her shoulders. "I am in need of a few things, If you would be so kind as to do me the pleasure."  she'd ask as the words fell from her lips more than being spoken. Soft and honeyed she'd look for the shopkeeper, unsure as to who to expect. She'd wait patiently for she had no problems doing what she must, good things came to those that waited and she had nothing but time at her fingertips. 

    Payment rendered: 10 T1 Materials

    Item Name: Soul Tether - Azurite
    Profession: Artisan | Rank 9
    Roll ID & Result: - - -
    Item Type: [ Trinket ]
    Item Tier: [ 1 ]
    Item Quality: [ Perfect ]
    Enhancements: [ Loot Dice III ]
    Description: [ A silvered line not of chain but is metal, but like a cord in silver. Upon it a small pendant of a Celtic knot in the shape of a plus sign, to most it would mean nothing. ]
    Post Link: - - -

    Item Name: Soul Bonding - Quartz
    Profession: Artisan | Rank 9
    Roll ID & Result: - - -
    Item Type: [ Trinket ]
    Item Tier: [ 1 ]
    Item Quality: [ Perfect ]
    Enhancements: [ Accuracy III ]
    Description: [ An unassuming silver-white bracelet with a dangling section of chain that fretters from one's wrist. To those that would see it it would appear broken, and perhaps they'd be right. ]
    Post Link: - - -

  18. 3a8cfec6b8574a842addabf903e0a49c.thumb.png.68ff26d0d2a184088c53fd981f4d5a53.png

    Username: Nisahime

    Real name:

    Morrighan Revere



    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'10


    A woman with a standard upbringing under Maria and John Revere, riddled with sickness throughout her life she had a rare condition that caused her heart to occasionally beat twice (arrhythmia) and produce excessive alpha brain waves. This condition eventually twists her reality, forcing her memories to fragment but with its clarity and an aura of a priestess. A regular 9-5 job doing nothing notable that made her stand out keeping her sickness in check, doing what she had to, to survive and enjoy it as every day seemed even hazier. Before this, she was nothing more than an ordinary single woman, standard graduation, and The one trait her seemingly overaged white hair. 

    Known to those that had cared for her after she fell into a deep slumber as only Nissa (Doctors & Nurses), Her personality before this was much different kind and motherly but slowly slipped from her as if her soul was fading, so much so that those who knew her before would likely not recognize her now. Found in a place she did not stem from, with no records to find out who she was before. On top of this issue repeated attempts to contact her next of kin had come back fruitless. A nurse that felt sorry for her placed her in Aincrad, for at least she could enjoy some of her life. Of course prior to knowing that it was a death sentence.

    Not much is known about the girl with hair of ivory. Placed upon white sheets and in a comatose state within white walls and the sounds of beeping machines to American tongues. Words spoken from her lips tend to be gentle and dragging. She seems lost and without any motivations, and as such confusion about what the game entails. In her past she was of an unsolid composure, her vitality left her sickly, and as such, she is detached from the differences the cardinal system provides and bolsters. She's not used to having the strength within her limbs in such a way. What she does recall is the subtle memories of many faces, of hammers and needles. The metal helmet that brought her to this world was placed upon her head without her input, which probably is partially the reason she has no bearing of this world being manufactured.

    With no pride or envy, she seems to be paperwhite in her approach, albeit plain. A strange feeling of unknown. if they are both her recollections and not, she feels scattered to the wind and her only drive is to find the origin of where they stem from. To that end, she spends most of every day trying everything and traveling any and everywhere. But in no environment in particular, for she seems impartial neither disliking nor liking any specific type of weather or location.

    How many will she confuse with success, detached she is with the state of the game, and the fact that its a game itself?


    Stalwart/Fearless: The woman seems to have no worry or sense of fear as if she assumes she is infallible. She does not have concern or remorse in her actions, each act of attack or defense is almost rhythmic in its execution as if it is rehearsed. It can come off to some as a bit jarring especially when things are seeming dire.

    Stable: Emotion seems absent and as a result, her actions are always clean cut and removed from the possibility of anger or rage from causing her to falter. Every action seems surgical, every word rehearsed as if they stemmed from a play. To those that would speak to her, elegant and soft would be accurate adjectives.

    Serene: A permanent aura of peace seems to rest in her, showing little in the way of emotion. Either on the battlefield or off, she has this way of always looking to be a part of where she is. Where most would run, feel fear or regret she does not for she believes in fate.

    Aimless: Having little information about her past cataloged in her mind, she has little reason to stray forward or attempt an escape. She is lost to the world of aincrad, her memories scattered to the wind. Perhaps one day they may resurface, but all she has is a scatter of feelings and images to go on.

    Apathetic: In response to serenity, it is hard for her to relate to feelings of anger and sorrow for she does not share the same link. She can emulate and pretend to offer these things, but it is not something that flows naturally from her. Only actively can she show empathy.

    Humorless: Nothing is ever funny, you will never see her laugh to anything. Due to her apathetic and serene, she has no sense of humor as this is another one of the emotions she cannot show in any regard. Would pair poorly with any wise guy who gets offended by people who do not laugh at their jokes, and she make take the premise seriously.


    SP Total: 22
    Spent: 0

    [F1-PP] Freyd edges of memory (TFLAF) +4 SP
    [F22-SP] A single star, lost to the tide (Night about the Galactic Lake) [Complete] +5 SP
    [EV-22] Tanabata Celebration! [Complete] +8 SP 
    [F6-SP] Through bitter downpour, A raven (Gemini) [Complete] +5 SP 
    [F22-PP] Breaking Point
    [F1-PP] A Misunderstanding, or a True One (TSLAAF)
    [F1-PP] As Fate would Have it
    [F23-PP] A murmur of stars
    [F24-PP] One for All [In Too Deep]
    [F24-PP] Family Vacation
    [OP-F24] Valentines Tournament Arc Round 1 - Opening Ceremonies and Observer Thread
    [F24-PP] Reading Between The Lines
    [F24-PP] Nothing is Impossible

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)


    Metal Regalia - Light [T1/Rare/Heavy Armor:] Mitigation 1, Thorns 1
    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    Seeds: 47 [Breaking Point/Misunderstanding/Fate/[-30] Purchase/Murmur/[-60] Purchase/One]

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