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Posts posted by Sv3n

  1. Silently heading over, he'd moved both of his hands behind his head, humming lowly to himself. A truly victorious tune he was singing, enjoying life to its fullest. Even if he wasn't 'scamming' others any more, the fact he had to keep a profession up and sneak in as many loopholes in the system as possible was still as enticing as ever. Maybe even more so than just trying to cheat money out of others really. "A cook, huh? I should start thinking up of recipes to use, shouldn't I? Say, actually, SAO's system is very weak when it comes to being complicated. You tap something with a knife, it breaks into tons of cubes. Just cook something until it works, isn't that how it goes? I'll have to get me some materials though, tch.". The problems still existed in some ways, while in others the whole process had been simplified- a bit too much, even. Whatever the case, he had a solid basis to start thinking of; his catalogue for the little shop. 

  2. And he didn't even want another one after this, just one last material and then he could call it a day and get to designing his cart. Why a cart? He wanted to be able to stroll around the first and get as many customers as possible. He was sure this idea had been practiced before of course, but there wasn't any better way to truly go about it. He had an eccentric appearance and knew he'd get a few glances from the humble ladies amongst the players- Ahem. 

    No point in dressing eccentric to get looks if you're all huddled up inside of a store, after all. That defeats the purpose, doesn't it? That it does. Just when he rounded up all of his thoughts, he still saw no material- and so he turned around to see one he'd missed on his way here. He crouched to pick it up, seeming like spices of sorts. Now he was fully set to begin heading back over to the Town of Beginnings.


    Materials Found: 5/5

  3. "I'll give him this one when he comes back to the shop once I've made it but damn, he gets tricked easily. No clue how he picked up on it the first time.". His thoughts were perfectly streamlined, and his course of action even more so. Always trick others, always pay them back if and when they notice and confront you. That's just how Sven worked, the way everybody loved or hated him. Mostly the latter. For now though, with a happy clap of his hands, it was time to get right back to gathering the materials from the grasses.

    Nothing seemed to be nearby, so he quickly pocketed his hands in his suit and began to look around, just in case he'd see another glimmer shy out of the grasses to come right to him. However, nothing really appeared no matter how far he wandered. "The game's being really unruly with me, isn't it..."


    Materials Found: 4/5

  4. Before he even got enough time to comment on it, he saw a glimmer through the grasses just a bit further away from where he stood. And then an idea came to mind. He crouched and grabbed whatever that material was, only to find out it was grasses- and not ones that seemed edible. Hell, if anything, this went along with his plan. They probably had a bitter or other form of foul taste, and would be best used by an Alchemist. Now, if they counted as a material that meant they couldn't only be used by one, and that's when his devilish grin emerged again.

    "Oh, this is pretty good, pretty good indeed~.", he chuckled to himself and got up, stretching his sore body slightly as he began to wonder. "... Has the kid realised that I only gave him a vanity food this time around..? As for this one, heh."


    Materials Found: 4/5

  5. Having equipped the ring, he just saw some number go up in his menu. Not that it was something he personally understood, never having been too involved with combat or the numbers that didn't involve money in games. "Meh, should be easier to find me some good grub now anyways.", he hummed and began to look around for more items, ending up a fair bit away from the Town of Beginnings. He never approached any of the packs of boars or other monsters like wolves that he saw, preferring to not risk his safety.

    Even if it took him a while, he would continue to look around. He wanted at least a good set of spices to use, or some other dastardly materials he could pull 'pranks' on others. Not so much pulling a prank as just being a dick with the food he gave them. However, no good luck yet. While definitely a shame, it happened when it happened.


    Materials Found: 3/5

  6. Upon being sent the message, Sven opened up his inbox and quickly gave it a read, opening it and receiving some form of an item. An earring, but it didn't seem to fit him as much as he wished- "Silver? I think gold would do me one better- Oh?". Then he saw the fine print and realized this was but a temporary item that he'd need to return to him afterwards. No biggie with it not fitting too well into his wardrobe then, that was fully managable and understandable. He quietly accepted it from his inventory and put it on, taking out a vanity mirror to look at his handsome mug.

    "I suppose it's not too bad, it could do with a few improvements, but... I can see some effort's been put into it. Did the kid make it?". It was much like Chase's first craft, but what he didn't know was the fact it'd been made by a grandmaster artisan. The gull of this guy was beyond words- the only thing that could put him in his place would be a punch to the face and a dangerous situation. He knew that very well, and that's exactly why he avoided those kinds of situations!

    [Sv3n accepts <<Silver Earring>> and equips it. (+3 LD)]

  7. While Chase was walking away, Sven took a deep breath and looked all the way back to the fields. Since he would be cooking, it'd be good to learn where to go looking for the right materials. So in an attempt to practice in doing exactly that, he headed out of the Town of Beginnings once again, except this time he was on his own. He wouldn't make any dumb moves like approaching boars, and most definitely any other players. He knew that few could truly be trusted, given his own identity and hobby.

    "Let's see... How would some bushes be?", he grumbled on his own and began to sift through the grasses, the weeds and the bushes nearby. Most were empty, probably either plucked by him earlier before or by the monsters nearby. After all, the monsters had to somehow eat all the same, didn't they? Hm. He'd never even stepped out into the fields before, so this was most definitely a new sort of experience.


    Materials Found: 3/5

  8. Earning a Living Craft:


    Name: Spicy Bread Bun
    Your Profession: Cook (Earning a Living) 
    Your Rank: 1 (Earning a Living)
    Roll ID: 170894
    Roll Result: CD12
    Item Type: Snack 
    Tier: Tierless
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: LD III 
    Description: A bread bun with a few spicy ingredients mixed in. Perhaps to an ungodly extent.
    Post Link: Here


  9. Now that everything was done and the quest had been wrapped up, Sven watched his level go up by a fair amount after god knows how long he’d been stuck at level one. All this time, doing what? Feeling bad about himself? Crying in a room and wondering if he’d ever be broken out of this virtual hellscape through the sheer, terrifying power of the frontliners? No. That was for weaklings, like blue. He was, in fact, devising plans to get rich quick.

    It’s a shame that they’ll never come to fruition due to the leash that Chase had managed to slip on him with their deal. “Listen closely, okay? You’ll need to rank up your cooking, then you should go looking for the Greek twelve gods over in the seventeenth floor. They’ll challenge you to a craft battle, but I’m sure you’ll find some way to scam them. Beat them and they’ll give you an item to help you improve your crafting.”, he said with a slow nod, keeping his arms crossed and a blank face. “Got it?”



    [Succesful Salvage, Perfect Food crafted! -1 T1 Material]

  10. This time, Sven actually gave it his all to make a successful meal so neither the cook nor Chase would continue to be disappointed. Again though, he just managed to fail and make another smoldering piece of bread. No good out of that. He scratched the back of his head, realizing this would be harder than expected. He would have to ask Chase if there's an item that can help with the results, because this was absolutely desperate and not a good start.

    Despite that though, the cook wasn't dissapointed. If anything, this time she smiled pleasantly, having taken notice of the blonde's efforts. "Try cooking it at a lower temperature this time around, and check on it frequently to not let it burn again.", she advised him, only to get a blank stare for a while before a grin. "You got it, boss.". At least when he wanted to, he could take instructions quite well.


    [Salvage Failed. -1 T1 Material]

  11. Sven continued to dillydally around the kitchen, trying his best to appear flashy and managing little. For as much as he could achieve the flashy results, seeing as all he had to do was rely on a good streak of luck, he wasn't getting any and that just put him to shame more and more. The grandmaster cook was looking at him with a bit of worry and disappointment plastered on her face due to his theatrics, and he didn't seem to be helping her any with how much his attempts at cooking failed on and on.

    "Watch this, I assure you I will get it right now to not let you down, my humble head cook of this restaurant.", he almost sang out and prepared to work on another attempt, letting out a deep breath. Inhaling, exhaling... He was ready to do this successfully and make a competent meal out of this quest, as a start to his career as cook.


    [Salvage. Keeping material.]

  12. The two now stood outside of the cooking grandmaster’s hut, as Chase shot a quick glance to the side, ready to open his mouth and instruct him to step right in. Before he could do that even, Sven seemed to be on with it. He began to strut inside, arrogant as ever, with his chest slightly puffed out and whole stance changing slightly to resemble confidence. “I wonder if he realizes it’s an NPC waiting for him inside… Everybody says I’m the odd one for treating them properly, so…”

    And then it struck him. “... Don’t tell me he’s going to try and ‘lure’ the cook in with his ‘natural charisma’ bullshit. Please don’t.”. Thankfully, none of that was really at play. If anything, he was actually already on with trying to cook. “Hey, make it some kind of a bread bun, you hear?”, Chase called out to him, only to get a thumbs up from inside with the posh-looking man’s back turned to him.


    [Crafting failed. -1 T1 Material]

  13. Now that the two had agreed upon their conditions, they began to slowly head back on to the town. While this wasn’t the best way to get acquainted with one another, Chase had a good feeling for what Sven was like right now- he’d try to squeeze an extra penny or two out of anybody for the right item, and he had the charisma of a marketing figure. It was surprising that his first attempt, and thankfully the only one, was on Chase in and of itself. Horrible luck on his behalf, or some others might even consider it good luck. In this case, most that weren’t the blonde.

    “What’s up with the crown anyways?”, Chase asked in an attempt to familiarize himself with the borderline thief. If they were going to stick together due to the agreement they’d come to, they might as well get familiarized with one another beforehand. “Ah, this? Well… I’m not a thief really, but…”. And that’s exactly what it was, a clever play of words. Nothing more, nothing less.


    Materials Found: 3/5

  14. “Nah, that’s not right.”, Chase blatantly shut his question down with furrowed brows and the same suspicious look on his face. “You have limited attempts at cooking or whatever your profession is per day based on your rank. Meaning you’ll be a scrublord at first, and then you can work on becoming a better cook to give me more deals a day. You’ll be doing exactly that to pay me back, so that I make sure you’re actually not just rubbing off on me right now. Got it?”. For the first time in ever, Chase was actually being assertive and even scaring Sven slightly.

    Then again, it’s not like he didn’t deserve it any after attempting what he did… If anything, he was still being treated with much more lenience than he should have- if being violent or stealing was enough reason for an orange cursor, attempting to cheat money out of somebody for what’s air to breathe in return, should be a criminal action all the same. But Cardinal wasn’t taught to look at it all equally- it was taught the outliers and acted on them, and them alone.


    Materials Found: 3/5

  15. After a bit of foraging, he wiped some sweat off of his forehead, looking down at his hand filled with a few materials. They were probably not near enough, but now was time to count them all. “What are you doing over there?”, Chase suspiciously asked him and neared closer, tilting his head over the crouched man’s shoulder to watch him counting the materials one by one. “... Can you ever do something without looking shady?”, he grunted and scratched the back of his head with one hand, passing over some materials he'd picked up and then moving back again to give him some space.

    Not enough to run away, but… Sven just laughed in response. He quickly put all of the materials back in his inventory and held a hand out towards the bluehead, giving his usual shit-eating grin. “By the way, the name’s not Seven. It’s Sven. And yours is… Chaser? Was the real one Chase, or is there a deeper meaning at play?”


    Materials Found: 2/5

  16. “Mixing nasty ingredients makes for nasty real tastes.”, Sven said in the back of his head and internally cackled like a maniac, knowing fully well just how sweet getting revenge on the boy would be. With the searching skill that he picked up along the way to get the materials he’d need for his profession faster, he continued to forage through the grasses for anything he could. Herbs, spices, perhaps some form of mushrooms even.

    Unlike artisans, blacksmiths and tailors, he was a lucky one. Cooks and alchemists had it best in both ways- they always had hustle since buffs were invaluable, and they could use anything they picked up for a craft of theirs, while equipment crafters were more limited to ores and materials and less so to vegetation and spices that the entirety of Aincrad was filled with. “Yet another strategical move by the number one trickster in all of Aincrad…”


    Materials Found: 2/5

  17. “No, no, that’s not what I’m trying to do. I didn’t expect that people relied on foods and their properties so much- they up your stats, right? Meaning your damage, your defenses, your accuracy, your evasion… All of these go up depending on the food you make, don’t they?”, Sven questioned. For once, he sounded sincere even bar the charisma. Or maybe this was just his charisma fully at play. Another slow and careful nod from Chase.

    “So then what are you playing at?”, he questioned only to receive an answer with a grin hidden behind Sven’s face, a devilish one at that. “The foods. I just wanted to know if they can be whatever dish I wish for. So… An omelet, if I want to. And if it can taste exactly like one. Or like a hot dog, maybe pumpkin pie…”, and the man rambled on and on about potential tastes to give his foods.


    Materials Found: 2/5

  18. Nobody would check on him, but it was his duty to not weigh down the entirety of the playerbase. Still, he had to get his impish impulses out somehow… And then he got exactly the idea. Using his charisma and clueless position, he’d get the information he wanted out of Chase. Of course, little blue would pick up on his own plan regardless along the way, but as long as he didn’t know the specifics, all was good for the blonde.

    “Hm… So this quest is to turn me into a proper, culinary artist, isn’t it~?”, he asked rather poetically, only for Chase to give a slow nod and a very wary glare. “He’s definitely up to something right now. I swear, if he tries to weasel his way out of this…”, he grunted in the back of his mind and took a deep breath, continuing to stare him dead in the eyes. “Yes… Do go on.”


    Materials Found: 1/5

  19. It took a few minutes, but after a short while, Sven shied out of the grandmaster’s hut and coughed dryly before recomposing himself. “Now, I suppose you shall assist me in gathering the ingredients I’ll need, right my good customer?”. How theatrical of a performance was he putting on, one might ask? Why, only the usual. To his dismay, the boy was ever unwavering, just clenching his fist and reaching a hand up to his greatsword strapped to his back.

    Realizing that his act wouldn’t cut it, he quickly began to head outside to the fields, followed closely by Chase who was making sure he wouldn’t attempt to escape. “Listen here, Seven. You join my party and if you try to leave, I’ll get every boar in the near vicinity to play football with you. Got it?!”, the young man commanded and the older one just nodded in response. It took a bit of thinking, trying to come up with whatever he’d have to say.


    Materials: 0/5

  20. The day had started off fairly heated. In his desperate search for food, Chase went downtown to look somewhere around the first for any good shops. The same way he’d found the hot dog stand belonging to Oscar, he saw what seemed like another stand for… ‘street food’, and he decided to take an order and try it out. As soon as he did though, he quickly found himself ready to brawl with whatever shady, slimy blonde was behind the stand.

    “Please, dear sir, do try to calm down…”, the charismatic blonde begged him, however Chase seemed just as pissed as ever to be holding him by the collar. “Give me my money back, that’s a god damn vanity item! You can’t fool me, you-”. This was going to be a long day. “I’ve been caught. I tried to pretend I’m a cook by selling vanity meals I made and tried to get into form to look tastier… He picked up on it and doesn’t appreciate it much though, hmph…”. Sven wasn’t wrong- on any of these mental notes.


    Name: Sv3n
    Level: 1
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 2/2

    Damage: 1

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: <<Plain Longsword>> (Vanity/OHSS)
    Armor: <<White Suit>> (Vanity/Light Armor)
    Misc: <<Golden Crown>> (Vanity/Trinket)

    Searching [Rank 1]


  21. 55841157_Sven1.png.cb06bcf1f5e7d902c1d2317f0679c2f3.pngProfile
    Username: Sv3n
    Real name: Sven Doller
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6'2"/ 189cm
    Member Directory: [Here]

    History & Personality

    Sven had always been a bit of a 'fishy' person in the real world. No, he wasn't suspicious like every kid up to no good due to wanting to pull pranks. He consistently tried to trick others into giving him money- be it by buying bogus stock like magical medicine or rocks off the pavement on a stand. Oh, the success one might have as a kid given they're crafty enough and just as persistent. Of course, not everything took off, but it was good practice up to now. Having reached the age of twenty three, he decided it was time to try out an MMO. Most he knew how they went- he'd tried playing the popular ones. It was a scammer's dream, as long as they bended the rules a bit and stayed within the game's frame.

    Being vague but never giving false promises. An item is an item, and if somebody got scammed, tough luck. Not every game acted upon scammers and he loved that. It allowed him to run free like the loose cannon he is. The thrill of scamming someone... it was unique to him. He wanted to go through it again, but normal games just wouldn't do it. He wanted to try a similar 'get rich quick' scheme, except in a more real environment. A virtual world. Sword Art Online's Aincrad was his goal, for now. He planned to go inside either as a travelling merchant, maybe a hard working crafter or an unrelenting hunter- in the end, he'd sell all the same though. And when he found out that he was trapped inside, his motive to give it his all only increased. He'd always lived a life of danger after all- staying in a safezone, where he was invincible, just wouldn't hurt him any.


    • Crafty - One of Sven's main characteristic is how quirky his way of thinking is. He could wrap his head around situations with ease and adapt within mere seconds. Especially for the type of job he is trying to do, nothing else would suit him any better.
    • Adaptable - Just like his craftiness, another blessing for a scammer like himself. He can and will easily adapt to the situation, as well as to each customer to push his product across. Although in here, he knows better. Rather than trying to scam others out of every penny, he understood the predicament they were in. An item is an item- taste isn't one though.
    • Charismatic The final of the holy trio for a true, true culinarian like himself. Give somebody that they like with the right smile, and they'll definitely buy it for however high you might ask. His personality and mannerisms when he talks are charismatic enough to send anybody into a trance- or so he thinks. At least he comes off as honest and believable to most, and that's as far as his charisma goes.


    • Impish - The main reason why he scams others. One way for Sven to get his kicks is by cheating others out of their money or putting them under him one way or another. This is but one of said ways. While he won't sell faked goods, he might at times tamper with the taste a bit.
    • Hard To Trust - Despite his best efforts and however good of a job he might do whenever asked, he's a liar by nature. He's one to trick and deceive of his own will. As such, it only comes off as natural that people won't trust him with much.
    • Loner - With how much he lies and tricks others, it should only come off as natural that he doesn't like being around others unless he has something to gain. Be it money or the pleasure of deceiving them. Once he's through with someone, there's little reason for him to linger unless they leave quite a lasting impact on him.


    Soon to be Cook!  None yet.



    > Rank 1 - Searching


    Weapon Skills:

    Armor Skills:

    Extra Skills:


    <<Plain Longsword>>
    Vanity | OHSS
    An iron dagger with a wooden hilt. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    <<White Suit>>
    Vanity | Light Armor
    A white tux, alongside with slick pants. It looks too fancy and out of place in a world like this... Odd choice for starting gear.

    <<Golden Crown>>
    Vanity | Trinket
    A golden crown decorated with various jewels at the top. It looks quite flashy and important, being eye catching to say the least. If only it wasn't made just for show...

    Items: (Support Package)

    > (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)


    - Earning a Living: "Taking a Turn"

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