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Posts posted by Lium

  1. Watching Sam walk right past him, "Swimming it is..." he didn't even get a choice but that was fine. Lium knew that Sam could be stubborn as hell. It was actually one of the things that he liked about her, he liked the challenge. In reality he just wanted to get things back to the way they were. Sharing his feeling made everything so complicated between them, but he doesn't regret it. All he wanted was for her to be happy and this was by no means happy in his book. He would try to cheer her up, even if he got punched, it would be worth it to see a smile on her face again. Plus, the last month that he was gone, his eyes were set on another, just as stubborn as Samantha. This hot blood chick may have been more stubborn though, it excited him. This girl made getting over Sam a whole hell of a lot easier. Watching as Sam pulls her hair up and strips to her bathing suit, she dives into the water without a word to Lium. A small huff, he didn't have any swim wear so he would improve.

  2. -Knock-knock-knock- "Sam I know your in there, I saw you go in." -Knock-knock-knock- The door finally opens up after 10 minutes. Looking back at him was a glaring Sam. "Look, I know your pissed, but I needed to to think okay. Please just hear me out." Sam just stands there staring, glaring. "Sam, seeing you and Katoka being so cute together, I was heartbroken. I need time to wrap my head around the fact that I lost my chance with the one girl that I have loved since day one of meeting her. I can't just get over that in one night Samantha." An angry frown with tears running down her face. "I know I hurt you and I don't think that I could forgive myself for that, but I really meant it when I said I wanted to be your friend. Please just come with me, let me try to make it up to you." A sniffle from the girl before she slams the door. A sigh as he places his back against the house, slowly smacking his head to the house.


    Level: 6
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 120/120
    EN: 30/30

    Damage: 8

    Martial Arts R5

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) x1

  3. Shaking the image out of his mind, now was not the time to be focusing on that. He was among friends, or at least he would hope. A smile with a smile as he watched Eruda attempt with no success. "You have to move your body with every outward motion. Use your momentum of the entire body with each impacted notion." Positioning his feet and raising his hands, in an almost defensive motion, open palm. Inhaling slow with a controlled exhale as he shifts his body with his arm pulling back and quickly pushes forward, impacting with a open hand with his fingers bend tightly in. The boulder cracks under that impact as he pulls back just as fast. One swift motion, strike quick and efficiently. "If you do that, then you will get that force that is needed but you will also do less damage to yourself in the process." Glancing to Kasumi, "You are the expert, is this correct. I don't want to feed her false knowledge?" A smile toward the girl, it was clear that she knew what she was doing, but he also knew a thing or two himself.  

    ID:202024 | BD:8+2=10, CD: 12, LD:2, HIT Using Basic Attack vs. Boulder Dealing 3+5=8 DMG        

    Lium | HP: 40/40 | EN: 20/22 | DMG: 3 (incl. 1 Task Success)
    Kasumi | HP: 720/720 | EN: 89/90 | DMG: 23 (incl. 5 Task Success) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | LD: 1 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O | PHASE | STK: 40
    Freyd | HP: 1000/1000 | EN: 133/134 (-1) | DMG: 17 (incl. 2 Task Success) | MIT: 78 | ACC: 5 | BH: 55 | LD: 5 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 820/820 | EN: 92/94 | DMG: 5 (incl. 2 Task Success) | MIT: 179 | BH: 45 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

    Boulder | HP: 27/75 | EVA: -2

  4. A sharp exhale as he comes up from the water. Hearing what was said by Kasumi but very muffled he simple nods. He did not have trouble focusing, it was what he focused on that was the problem. Lifting himself out of the water, he glances to the old guy. Once this guy knew that Lium was ready, he points to the boulder with a grin. Lium knew what he should be focusing on but those images just kept creeping in like a leach that wouldn't let go. Dripping wet as he began to walk toward the new target. "Finally," shaking his head. It would be clear that something was bothering him but only Freyd would know sorta what would be going through his head. Lium knew that he was new at this and that it was going to take some time before he was ready for anything heavy. The simple fact was that he was determined to wipe out every PK in this game even if it killed him. At least the other players would be safe... 

    ID:201978 | BD:1-2=1, CD: 7, MISS Using Basic Attack vs. Boulder         

    Lium | HP: 40/40 | EN: 20/22 | DMG: 3 (1 Task Success)
    Kasumi | HP: 720/720 | EN: 90/90 | DMG: 23 (5 Task Success) | MIT: 20 | EVA: 4 | ACC: 4 | LD: 1 | KEEN: 1 | P.V.O | PHASE | STK: 40
    Freyd | HP: 1000/1000 | EN: 134/134 | DMG: 17 (2 Task Success) | MIT: 78 | ACC: 5 | BH: 55 | LD: 5 | FLN: 16 | HLY: 16 | PARA IMMUNE | REC: 8
    Eruda | HP: 820/820 | EN: 94/94 | DMG: 5 (incl. 2 Task Success) | MIT: 179 | BH: 45 | BRN: 56 | BRN IMMUNE | FL. AURA: 16 | FL. THRN: 8 | REC: 8 | TAUNT | THRNS: 72

    Boulder | HP: 75/75 | EVA: -2


  5. Getting his feet as the old dude gestures him to the waterfall explaining what needed to be done for the next task. His eyes narrow, as this might be a bit hard for him to do. Sitting upon a rock, he folds his legs. Closing his eyes as he tries to focus on the sound of the water. At first it was fine, but then a mind fuck as he began to remember his time in captivity. Being through against walls when he did submit. Punched in the face and kicked in the ribs more that a dozen times. Keeping him just on the brink of death as he finds his health ticking back up slowly. All he was thinking as he stayed silent was how much he wanted to kill them. Trying to make deals that they say he can't refuse, but did and then turning around, bashing his head against the bars. Tension builds up before he flashes his eyes back open. Gritting his teeth as the bottom of his nose started twitching. Quickly looking for a way out he looks toward the small encased water beneath the waterfall. Forcing a fall off the rock as he dives into the water to cool himself off...

    ID:201934 | Battle:7, Craft:12, Loot:11 NONE
    ID:201935 | Battle:8, Craft:9, Loot:6 NONE
    ID:201936 | Battle:8, Craft:12, Loot:10 NONE


  6. After jump off Celeste's back, everything was happening so damn fast. Lium couldn't keep up. He decides that he wasn't going to get involved in the huge pissing contest that was going on right. He wanted that treasure, yes, but he also had his limits. He knew he was weak and he was not going to involve himself with shit he couldn't handle himself. Walking to this Nobody guy with a sigh, "I couldn't agree more. They are only wanted one thing and will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to get it. Regardless of what you see from Celeste, she is not a bad person."

    Suddenly something catches his attention. Someone crying... Following the voice it leads him to a small group of children around the bend. They couldn't be more than 5-10 years old. A deep sign, he also had a soft spot for kids. Kneeling to a knee toward the young people, "I know you're scared, but you will be safe through those doors. More places to hide until things calm down." One of these boys stand and walks to him. Holding out a hand to the others, they all quickly stand running to Lium as they latch to him one by one. Lium turn and began to walk through the gates now, he turns to Nobody, "It doesn't all have to be bad, there are some good people here too, you just need to know who they are and stick with them." A smile toward him as he walks through those gates with a handful of children latched to every side of him. Turning the corner and settling in the dark, getting to one knee. "Go hide and do not come out until it's safe, okay." A simple nod from all of them before they scurry off behind buildings in the dark. Getting to his feet, Lium looks out to see what he was working with now.


    ID:201933 | Battle:10, Craft:3, Loot:18

    PROGRESS | LD 81/150 

  7. Lium was the first to get to the top of this mountain. Face to face, a huge monologue of text as he listens to the guy with a sigh. He knew it was mandatory so he would go along with it, but it was still a bit boring. "Do some training, sure." It was not something that Lium did on a regular day, but thinking about it for a moment, he would need to start early if he was to do what he intended to do. Laying on his back, he pulls it knee's up and begins to do some sit ups. After a few minutes he could feel some drops of liquid down his forehead, he kept going though. If this task was going to help him conquer this task and allow him to get this skill then so be it. He would work as hard as he possibly could to make that happen. He was tired of using something that he was not familiar with, he was a very hands on type of guy. He would show that soon enough.

    Changing positions he gets into a push up formation. Doing about 3 of them before his hand slips out beneath his weight and fall on his face. Rolling on his back, staring up into the sky, spitting some dirt out. "Well, I need a lot of work... Freyd and Setsuna were right this is tough biz." Getting to his side now and leaning against one arm, ready to watch if any of the others could do any better.

    ID:201874 | Battle:4, Craft:8, Loot:19 +2 Damage vs. the boulder
    ID:201895 | Battle:3, Craft:7, Loot:18 FAIL

  8. Lium was already half way out the doorway. They had a mountain to climb and he was not going to waste time. Again, the Celeste thing, rushing him at every point, she was sorta rubbing off on him. Glancing to Eruda with a rise of her brow, "Everyone has a bad day, and I do not bother with the little things, saying sorry to me is useless. I am not the one you should be apologizing to. It's meaningless to me honey," saying with a grin as he accepts the quest that Eruda had shared just now. "Time to go possy, this boulder is not going to explode itself." His HUD chimes on his map with the location, he begins to walk out the front gates. Glancing to the map, it looked pretty far away. There was a crap ton of traveling time that had to be made and if they wanted to talk about their feelings then they could walk and talk. He needed to get this quest done so that he could start speaking with his fists instead of this crappy polearm that lays on his back like a lump of rock. Glancing down at the Ferrit, he simply smiles.

  9. Sitting in the dark alley on floor 1's town of beginning. Little money goes nowhere, but that was not really his concern. He would always take what he was given and use it to his advantage the best that he could at the moment. He was mainly staying hidden from prying eyes because npc's and player alike would give the evil eye. He did not care much about that either, but he found a spot in that Alley that was just the right comfort level to relax in. A bread roll in hand as he goes to take a bite when another chime from the guild hall pops up. Nearly dropping his food, catching it in a panic. A huff of breath as he goes to try taking another bite... Another message chimes and this time it did... The bread falls on the ground, "DAMN it.. That was 1 hard earned col." Shaking his head, watching the bread roll, roll away from him. A sigh as he opens his HUD now. "Oh, OH" as he gets to feet. A message from Freyd would get his attention. Glancing at the roll one more with a frown, before sending a quick message back to Freyd and heading off to floor 2 knowing where that quest from sneaking into the guild hall from time to time to read notes that was plastered on the table all the time.

    Arriving on this floor, glancing around, no one was there yet. He was used to Celeste pace, with a simple breath, he walks to the board and leans against it waiting...

    Hikkato | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4


    Level: 2
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 40/40
    EN: 22/22

    Damage: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Polearm

    Polearm R1

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) x1

  10. "A complete take over, heading for a treasure that was promised, do you know how to pilot this thing?" A dude that appeared from a crate near where he was scavenging. Glancing toward some weird words from a lady, she claimed to be in charge. "Are you fucking serious right now," he glances at Celeste for a moment before looking back at this other girl. "You are not the one that found this ship, and if I am being completely honest, no one on this crap of a ride is fit to be captain of it. We are all working together to get this piece of shit to run as a team, and even though it might be pathetic looking right now, you will not come parading yourself acting queen bitch telling us what HAS to be done." Lium right then opens something to contribute again. "Instead of running your mouth you should help us..." This girl was just asking to be thrown off, who does she think she is just claiming to be the top model, she probably doesn't even have a damn clue how to run this shit either. Lium continues to dig through crates and boxes of sorts. @Nian

    ID:201816 | LD 3 [Supplies]

    Navigation: 47/100
    Power: 47/100
    Supplies: 44/100

  11. As Celeste heads downstairs Lium was already digging through crates and barrels littered across this craft. "This is useless," tossing a few clothing, pieces of the edge. This box seemed completely useless. Yeeting it off the side to get rid of the dead weight. Pushing another crate, it seemed heavier than normal. Curiously opening it up, he finds a guy? "What the hell you hiding for," The man quickly hops out of the crate and runs straight for where the people were climbing on the craft. Getting on the ledge, he jumps and catches the docks but barely. "You all are crazy" the man yells out as he lifts himself up and starts running away from this aircraft. Lium just shrugs and continues through, glancing down at this crates bottom. It was full of food and blankets underneath. He would leave this one on board as it might have been of some use. 

    Moving on to the next, a barrel this time. Upon opening it, he finds what looks like tools and stuff. Shutting the lid with a turn, picking this one up. "These might help with power or navigation... I don't know how this shit works..." Placing the barrels in plain view of everyone else on this ship. Walking away from it, he continues to look through the crate around the edge. 

    ID:201766 | Battle:2, Craft:3, Loot:16 [Supplies]

    Navigation: 8/100
    Power: 15/100
    Supplies: 20/100

  12. Gripping to the side as Celeste rocks the boat... "HOLY HELL" as he sees the down that they were right above, just hovering. A dude in the corner of his eyes falling to his death, "How many more are on this dam vessel," calling out to the woman he vowed to follow. Something about her intrigued him. Something about getting the job done regardless. A grin forms on his face as she asked the question. "Do I look like a damn mechanic to you," as he glanced out at the other players just standing there staring at the aircraft. "Well, don't just stand there, help us get this damn thing working right. I can assure you that we are all after the same thing here. No need to be shy. She don't bite unless your stupid or slow so I suggest you get your asses up here and help." Turning, Lium tries to analyze the ship like he knew what he was doing. Really nothing like this was anything that he had ever seen before. "WE NEED A DAMN PILOT!" he yells out after staring at what looked like buttons next to the wheel...

    Any player that chooses to hear Lium's outburst: @Oji @Nian @Alkor @Lilik @Krysta @Plini  

  13. Holding the Ballista tight as she walks the chain, her weight was nothing so he had no issues. "Okay smart ass, what about me?" Luim watches the redhead jump off the chain as he jerks forward a bit. Glancing around quickly, there was nothing around the area to lodge this cross bow looking thing in so he does the next best thing. Pulling the chain backwards as the pull the ship back just a bit, but the chain detaches. "Shit..." as the chain fell into nothingness. Folding his arms now tapping his foot on the docks he would wait. In the distance he could hear screaming as blades clashing, at that point he knew that Celeste was winning. After a few minutes he started to see the ship turn back very slowly. Lium just shakes his head as he looks around for another Ballista, it wasn't hard. Aiming at the ship, reattaching another chain, he began to turn the wheel rolling the ship back to the docks. Arriving safely he hops onto the craft himself glancing around at the body count before they burst into data. "Okay, so where to now, that treasure... do we even know where that might be."

    ID:201744 | Battle:10, Craft:8, Loot:20 [23/125]

    Lium | HP: 40/40 | EN: 22/22 | DMG: 4


    Level: 2
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 40/40
    EN: 22/22

    Damage: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Basic Polearm

    Custom Skill:

    Polearm R1

    Active Mods:

    Inactive Mods:


    Active Extra Skills:

    Inactive Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP) x1

    Housing Buffs:

    Guild Hall Buffs:

    Scents of the Wild:

    Wedding Ring:


  14. Lium hops into a tree, sitting on a large branch. The chimes of his HUD catches his attention. Dangling his legs off as he sits, opening the message a frown forms on his face. Closing his HUD he positions himself, placing his back against the trunk and one leg up. Head against the hard surface, he closes his eyes. He had been up all night and he was exhausted but he was going to move forward. He threw Sam out of his mind now and starting forcing himself to think about the people who set him in that cave. One focus, one goal now... It was what he had left. He was determined to get stronger so that he could clear the bad from this world, so that what happened to him would never happen again. The killing that these players thought they had to do to survive had to stop. He would do what had to be done so that no one else outside this little group wouldn't have to. No matter how fake this world was, it was all they had, he would help make it safe to breath in...

  15. Without saying another word, he slips past the two love birds. Back into the house, Lium glances around. A photo placed on the fireplace of Katoka and Sam in a heart shaped frame. A small smile curves his lips as he picks this up. With a finger, lightly tracing Sam's face in the photo. "May all your dreams come true, love..." he whispers, looking at the photo just a bit more before placing it back to its home. A sigh as he glances out to the porch at the girls. It was time that he placed his feeling elsewhere. Someone that could share those same feelings toward him. It was going to be hard to let Sam go, but he gave them his word that he would not interfere. A hand on the doorknob as he walks out of the house now. He knew very few people and trusted even less, but he had to move on. Closing the door behind him, he looks to the forest and the sun at the peak of its day. Sending a quick message to his new redhead female trainer, it would be a good way to get his mind off his active thoughts... Heading to the meeting place, not looking back...  

  16. Lium gives a smirk, "I know that I came from seemingly nowhere quickly, but I can assure you Katoka, you really have nothing to worry about. I know my boundaries and I would like nothing more than to see Samantha happy." His eyes glance to the teacup, he was more of a coffee drinker but this would do. This was the first time that he has truly seen Samantha, it's always been in a different form from different online games but her personality was always the same. He found comfort in this, but what he said would stand true. He had no interest in wrecking something that looked perfect and deep down he always knew that she wasn't interested in him that way but all he could have hoped was the opposite. Holding the tea cup in one hand as he traced the rim of the cup with his finger. "I have known Sam for 7 years and she is my best friend, so Kat, I would ask you," His eyes look at Sam with sincerity as he spoke, " I would ask you to share this amazing person with me." He leans back in his chair and glances to Kat now. He has been through some really shitty stuff lately and even though he would not admit it out loud, he does need her right now more than ever...   

  17. Liums eyes dart to the familiar clank against echoing heels. A chuckle was given as the front door slams shut. Soft eyes glance to the female in the corner. "Speaking of pushy, duty calls." His hand slides across the table. "Keep at it, you will get it soon enough." A small smile toward this blue haired girl before rushing to the kitchen and making another cup of the white coffee. Leaving the one on the floor next to the girl, he walks out the doors with two steaming cups. "Yea, don't get your panties all bunched up, coffee?" Was heard before the door shuts behind him. Cel was a good change of pace from Sam. It was sorta weird though, because all that time that he spend with Samantha, it really didn't pay off in the long run... This red head was pushy and fast, but equally sexy. He would keep that to himself though...

  18. Hearing this entire conversation unwillingly, Lium opens the bedroom door and peers around the corner standing at the top of the stair case staring down. "I think you should leave now..." in a very serious voice. He brushes his hair out of his face with his hand. Eruda gets to her feet and looks up to this new person... "I mean you no disrespect and I say this in the nicest way possible, leave before you make things worse..." Eruda glances down at the ground for a moment before heading to the door now. "Smart," he just says as Eruda walks out the door and closes it. Lium slowly walks down the stairs now with a yawn. There was another female in the building, but he didn't know this till that whole debacle. Sam suggested this place to sleep so he did. Sam also mentioned a few people in charge and Eruda seemed to be that blonde... Damn, she is pushy. 

    Walking to the kitchen now, he looks to the black coffee that was made... "Meh," he says as he pulls a white coffee powder in a jar out. Taking a paper cup he dumps out the black grossness and fills it with white coffee. Taking another paper cup out for the other girl, he makes a fine made mixture of hot white coffee with white chocolate interior as the base flavor. Walking into the room with both coffee's now he looks for the girl that was yelling and after a moment finds a small girl in a ball in the corner, trying to hide... While holding both coffee's up in the air like a defense mechanism he says "I come in peace, I promise..." as he slowly walks to the girl and sets the cup beside her. "White coffee, white chocolate. It tastes amazing," giving her a small smile as he backs away slowly. 

    Glancing to the vials and herbs littered on this table top. The notes on this paper, they were so extreme looking for most eyes, but he understood every number marked. It looked like a basic healing potion formula. Another for some form of antidote for a poison. He then sees a small bottle of black ooze. He takes a sip of his coffee with a sigh... This was something that he dobbled with back in the world of the living. With no words he takes out a few herbs of his own and attempts to put together a potion with some issues, it was way different from back home. He sets it to the edge of the table so that the girl could see what was created. A dark green liquid with a dark specks in it. Still no words, he really rather not speak because he had so much anger toward the found evils in the world and it was all that he thought about since being free from his own hell. He needed to distract himself, to not go after those known people until he was ready... He needed to calm his nerves inside... This was a great way to do so, that and his favorite coffee blend. 

    Hikkato | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4


    Level: 1
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: 2-Handed Assault Spear
    Armor: Black Robe

    2HAS R1

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP): 3


  19. Appearing around the corner of the door frame, "You really shouldn't talk so loudly, someone might hear..." he says with a smirk glancing at both the girls. Sam's face turns red now regretting that last few things she had said about Lium... He sees the empty cup and the third chair, walking around the two he takes a seat and leans forward with his arms crossed over his knees looking at Kat with a smile. "So yes, I do have eyes for Your woman, I always have but..." he pauses leaning back now. "I lost any chance I would have had with her. I will respect that whole heartedly." Giving a small chuckle knowing now that the female that Sam mentioned was real. He didn't want to believe it, but it is what it is...

    Holding a hand out to Kat now, "Hi, I am Lium, Sam's not so gay best friend." He says this in very charming voice. He meant every word, though, Sam really wanted them to be friends and he would respect every wish of hers. Regardless if it hurts just a bit, it would soon hurt a little less just being next to her knowing that she was doing okay.  

  20. Something right then shifted in his heart. He had always known that there was something different about Sam than the other females, but he was never able to pinpoint it. A smile and a small chuckle as he gets up from his seat. Walking to behind Sam's chair, he wraps his hands across her shoulders and lightly around her neck. Whispering in her ear, leaning down, "I could never hate you. I love you just the way you are Sammy." He knew now that even if they were together, Sam would not be able to dish out the same feelings. Sam was too important to let go of and he could never bring himself to think any differently about her. "I would love to meet your soon to be wife, even be at the wedding if you'll let me." At this point Sam quickly gets up from her chair and gives him a proper hug now. "Yes," Sam says, muffled as she burrows her head in his robe. Lium places a hand on her head, holding her tightly around the waste with the other, "I am sorry I was gone for so long. It was never suppose to be that way." Placing a chin on her head with a deep inhale. 

    After a while finally reuniting the right way, he pulls her away and sets a hand on her cheek wiping the remaining tears. "Let's go meet your wife..." Lium knew that anyone that she made that deep of a connection with was going to be great. Sam simple nods and grabs her keys. Walking out the door together now, Lium puts an arm around her shoulders, as they headed toward Katoka's place. Arriving at her place she walks in and tells Lium to stay put for a moment. "Kat, are you here," as she leaves the door slightly open...  

  21. "Oh, you know torture, starvation, belittling me, abusing me with words and telling me that I was not worth the thought. Most the normal shit didn't work given it's a game and all. Didn't really stop them from trying though." Deep down it was painful, he was completely serious about every word but it didn't show. The thing that was most difficult is not being able to search for Samantha. Right before this game happened, he was going to ask her out, but things changed... "I have told you most of what I know, and they referred this redhead female as R. That just came to me just now,  now that my shock died down. I saw her only once, but the voice was there about every few days." Lium sits up in his chair, holds out a hand toward Sam with a smile. "Enough about me though, I want to know how you have been," a hand held out but Sam seems to be hesitant. Lium gives her a curious look now as she stares at the bottom of her tea cup. 

  22. "I did not try hard enough??" This was something that actually pissed him off a bit. Moving to the counter as his emotion stirred. "They did not try hard enough. They gave up after 1 week. I kept looking and searching for you even when the odds were very slim." Taking her by her arm lightly to turn her to face him. "A message could not be sent because you did not go by the same name as before. I would have sent something to a girl named Samantha and as far as I am concerned, you go by the user name Sam here. I use the same username for every game I have ever played, Lium." He lets go of her arm, but doesn't stop the intense stare that was given to her. "So do not dare tell me that I did not try hard enough to find you. In a game with millions of people, it was like finding a needle in a haystack. And yes, I was out in the dark with the others because that was the only time that other people were not stealing our kills." The stare forms into a small glare now. Sam would have thought the exact same thing if she knew the circumstances. Lium was really glad though that Firm Anima took her in. That she survived what he could not... 

  23. "Sam, come on, open up," saying as Lium puts his head against her door and closes his eyes. "Please... Just let me explain..." saying as he places a light fist against her door. Lium knew that a short and sweet explanation wouldn't work. It had to be just that given what was going on at the time. He wanted revenge for what happened to their friends or rather teammates and at the time, that was all he wanted and thought about nothing else. After the conversation with Freyd and the girl, Sam was the first to run out. "You obviously wanted me to come here if you send me your home coordinates. Let me in and let me explain..." Was is false hope, was Sam that mad at him that she didn't want to listen to him any more. He had to think about it from her point of view though. "I can't imagine what you must be thinking right now..." A soft knock on the door... Suddenly he hears locks unhinging, Lium gets off the door and stares at the entry way. A teary eyed Sam is standing in front of the door now. A sharp exhale, "Sam..."

    Hikkato | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4


    Level: 1
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 4

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: 2-Handed Assault Spear
    Armor: Black Robe

    2HAS R1

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP): 3


  24. As much as he wanted to catch up with Sam, this was more important right now. Glancing to Sam as her head was still low, he could tell that something was bugging her. Looking past her to the table, "What is this now," as he gets up and starts spreading the papers out. Maps, locations, towns and much more. "This is amazing, I haven't been to many floors so this will help with the landmarks that they mentioned." Lium grabs a blank piece of paper now with a pen and starts putting his thoughts from everything that was mentioned while he was caged up. He then starts to compare his notes to the maps and info on the table. Before long he came up with a few locations that should be checked. "These look to match what I heard, check these places first and I'll work on getting that skill so that the real shit can begin. Also I was already planning to create a guild before shit went down hill. Me joining this one, it's just skipping a step for me, if you'll have me that is?" He looks to Freyd and the other female with a hunger to murder these unknown bastards.      

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