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Posts posted by Astreya

  1. Astreya paused before she turned around, heading back toward the Town of Beginnings.

    So... she was done with the starter quests.  She didn't know what that really meant, in the grand scheme of things.  She guessed at this point she'd need to start doing some of the actual quests that were around.  That meant she'd have to look and see what was at her level.  

    But darkness seemed to be blotting out the sun and the young woman blinked as she looked up at the sky, seeing the storm of shadows approaching as she frowned.  "What in the heck-" she began, not entirely sure what she was looking at up above her.

    But then that darkness descended upon her, and Astreya's eyes went wide as she screamed into the nothingness that surrounded her, the young woman feeling her heart hammering in her chest as fear took hold.  Was this the end?  Did the game just decide that it was going to kill them all anyway?  Did-

    As the darkness swallowed her, the woman's thoughts faded into unconsciousness.

    She didn't know if this was the end, or if there was something else awaiting her on the other side...

  2. The boat stopped, and Ol' Pete hopped up and out first, still a bit more spry in his old age than he appeared, tying the boat off and lashing the remains of The Sword-Fish to haul up out of the boat, beginning to bring it toward his home.  "Well thanks again for the help, lass.  I don't think I ever would've been able to get this fish if it weren't for ya," he spoke, nodding at her with a small smile before he turned back around to head toward his home.

    Astreya paused for a moment, cocking her head to the side.  "That's it?" she asked.

    The man turned back around.  "What's it?"

    "There's nothing else you need me to do?  No package to bring to someone else or something?' she asked, frowning slightly as she looked at him.

    The old fellow shook his head at that.  "Nothin' here, lass.  I'm all set.  Thank ye kindly for asking though."

  3. The boat began to slide back alongside the dock after a few more moments of her being lost in her reverie.  There was so much to still do if she wanted to be on the front lines and help out.  She was barely strong enough to really do some of the more dangerous quests, let alone go up against monsters that could very well beat and kill her that everyone else had to deal with. 

    She swallowed, frowning slightly as she shook her head, waiting for the boat to stop before she even bothered to get out and head back to the docks.  She figured she still had some more newbie quests ahead of her- after all she was still basically a new player.  She had no idea about what was going on and what might be happening up at the higher floors- and she had no way to keep informed on the subject either as she didn't know anyone currently there.

  4. The trip back was mostly calm- there was very little that happened at that point, as the quest itself was over and so Astreya had done as Pete suggested, and was allowing herself to just relax a bit as she leaned forward over the edge of the boat railing and just... looked on at it.  There was a great deal of other creatures teeming just below the surface, and it was hard, once again, to reminder herself that this was a game.  

    There was so much life in here, in Aincrad, that it wasn't easy to remember that this wasn't the real world.  She wasn't an adventurer or seeking to fight against monsters or any of that.  She was just a team captain for the girl's collegiate volleyball team.  She wondered, vaguely, how they were all doing, at that time.  None of them were really gamers either, so she doubted any of them were trapped in here with her.  But... she was still curious how they were doing.

  5. Pete nodded at her then as he settled back down into the rowboat.  "Aye, that's it, lass.  Ye can enjoy the sound o' the waves and such as I'm gettin' us back t' shore.  The ocean is a vast 'n mysterious place, y'know.  Ye never know what sort of majesty you'll be seein' when yer out and about upon its majestic blue waters."

    Astreya didn't have it in her to correct Pete again, that this was a lake, not the ocean, and that there wasn't much to really see out here, given the fact that they'd done all of their fishing already.  But she didn't want to leave him without anything at all, and instead she turned to look at him giving him a nod and a slight grin.  "Right.  Maybe next time we'll see an even bigger fish," she spoke, giving him a thumbs up, earning a slight laugh from the old timer as they began to get back to shore.

  6. Current Level: 11
    Current SP: 27
    Link to SP Tracking: Link
    Item Upgrades:


    ITEM #1

    Item Name: Silver Frost
    Item ID: 186155
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: DMG I / ACC I
    Description: A silver two handed straight sword with a silver blade, and a blue colored hilt with black accent designs.


    Item Name: Silver Frost
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: 2H Straight Sword
    Item Enhancements: DMG I / ACC I
    Description: A silver two handed straight sword with a silver blade, and a blue colored hilt with black accent designs.

    ITEM #2

    Item Name: Battle Dress
    Item ID: N/A- Starter Item
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: MIT I / Thorns I 
    Description: A black and silver armored dress.  Looks good!


    Item Name: Battle Dress
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Item Enhancements: MIT 1 / Thorns 1
    Description: A black and silver armored dress.  Looks good!

    ITEM #3

    Item Name: Spotlight
    Item ID: 186154
    Item Tier: 1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Item Rarity: Rare
    Item Enhancements: Taunt / Recovery I 
    Description: A small trinket that seems to resemble a spotlight perfectly.


    Item Name: Spotlight
    Item Tier: 2
    Item Type: Trinket
    Item Enhancements: Taunt / Recovery I 
    Description: A small trinket that seems to resemble a spotlight perfectly.


    3 Tier 1 Rare Healing Potions (+40HP) -> 3 T1 Rare Healing Potions (+10% HP)
    1 Tier 1 'Special' Overhealth Potion (+50 MaxHP) -> 1 Tier 1 Uncommon Overhealth potion (+5%  MaxHP)

  7. "Well I'll be a derned Kraken's uncle.  I can't believe tha' ya managed to pull up The Sword-Fish on your first real try, and not only that, but ya managed to take it out all on yer own.  Well done, lass!" the old fisherman crowed, and Astreya couldn't help but to grin slightly, having been a little bit taken aback by just how quickly she was able to progress through some of these quests now.  She knew that it wouldn't be long before she'd hit some rough spots- but at least until then she needn't worry.

    She shifted slightly then as Ol' Pete began to busy himself with hauling the bisected fish into their boat, its blood and entrails filling up the bottom parts of their little rowboat as he managed to get it all into the vessel.  "So then this was what you needed?" she asked, mostly just making sure there wasn't some other part of the quest she hadn't yet done.

  8. The fish seemed to have lost its spunk with the attack that Astreya had hit it with, and the creature thrashed slightly before it shifted around, moving atop the water before it finally turned, still hooked by the old fellow and his fishing rod before the creature decided to go in with a last hail mary, charging forward with that rapier-like nose.  Astreya had come a long way in her journeys so far, and so while she could have panicked, instead she simply exhaled out, focusing herself.

    And then as it drew close, about to hit the boat, she used her blade to steer its bladed snout skyward, and then let her weapon slice cleanly through it, bisecting it along the line of its mouth.  Splitting it evenly it two, the woman slashed her weapon through the water, clearing it of the fish blood before she spun the weapon around once and sheathed it back upon her back, giving a grin to the old fisherman.



    ID# 187443 results:
    Battle: 7 (Hit!  6 Damage Dealt!)
    MOB: 1

    Astreya Stats: Sword-Fish Stats:
    HP: 191/220
    Energy: 18/22
    Damage: 6
    Mitigation: 21
    Thorns: 9
    HP: 0/35
    Damage: 5 (50 on 1st successful attack)
    Does not gain bonus damage from Crits
  9. She pulled her weapon out, and spun the new weapon around a few times in her hand to get re-used to the weight.  It was definitely a better fit for her and way more balanced, so as the fish came back down to the water, she readied for when it was going to leap back up.  The weapon was held at the ready... and she saw the shadow approaching before it shot up again, trying to rock the boat and knock them all into the water.

    She spun sharply on her heel, the weapon flaring out in her new move that she tended to run with- the Cyclone.  It slashed through the meat and fins of The Sword-Fish, but it arced in the air before coming down hard on both her and the boat, and the young woman let out a cry of pain as the thing slammed into her with all of its weight... but she held steady, her eyes narrowed as she stared ahead at it, gripping her weapon tightly.

    ID# 187441 results:
    Battle: 7 (Hit! 6*4 = 24 Damage!)
    MOB: 8 (Hit! 50-21 = 29 Damage!  Thorns Damage for 9!)
    Astreya Stats: Sword-Fish Stats:
    HP: 191/220
    Energy: 18/22
    Damage: 6
    Mitigation: 21
    Thorns: 9
    HP: 4/35
    Damage: 5 (50 on 1st successful attack)
    Does not gain bonus damage from Crits
  10. At the old fellow's holler, the woman winced and shifted, reeling the creature in then without hesitation.  She didn't really know if it was supposed to be this easy, but she didn't really want to argue her good fortune if not. She moved her pole this way and that as she reeled it in, and before too much longer, she could see the shape of the creature starting to form at the surface.  

    IT looked like a swordfish, but she could see that The Sword-Fish was a bit different, as it seemed to have an actual rapier for its nose.  She blinked in slight surprise as she saw it, before grunting as it suddenly thrust itself upward into the air above the water, crashing down nearby and causing the whole boat to rock.  

    "I'll hold it steady, lass!  Take it down for an old man!" the man called out, and she nodded, offering him the fishing pole as she took the weapon from her back.  It was go-time.

  11. "Aye, lass.  C'mon, I'll row ye out to the lake, and then we will see just what skills ye have at catchin' The Sword-Fish!" the old fellow declared, and Astreya nodded as the older fellow got up and began to meander toward the boat.  She moved along after him, wondering as she got in, if her armor would cause the boat to start to sink at all, but it held steady as he began to row the both of them out to the center of the lake.

    "Okay, so according to what dad taught me.  You just take the worm, put it on the hook, and then..." she murmured to herself as she cast the line out into the water.  "And then you do the most boring thing ever and wait," she continued, giving a low grunt as she began to move the line- and immediately felt something tug on it.  She grunted as she pulled back on it, and Ol' Pete gave a holler



    ID# 187439 results:
    Craft: 7

  12. "Uh... no, on both counts," the young woman responded, cocking her head to the side.  "No swordfish, and not The Sword-Fish either," she spoke, slowing down and enunciating clearly on the second mentioned animal.  "I imagine that's what you're trying to catch with the-"

    "Ye better believe it, lass.  The Sword-Fish is a dangerous beastie that only the strongest and bravest seafarers dare go after. But that is the last one I need to catch before I can call myself a true master o' the sea," the man spoke, watching her.

    Astreya paused for a moment, before looking past the fellow, and she made a wide gesture toward the body of water that his boat sat upon.  "Yeah but that's a lake," the girl spoke, smirking slightly as she looked back at the old fisherman.  "But I get what you're saying, at any rate.  You want some help getting the fish then, or what?" she asked, curious.

  13. The man snorted at her lack of an answer, before leaning back a little in his chair.  "Either ye be knowin' about it or ye don't.  I'm thinkin' that it be ye don't."

    At that, Astreya narrowed her eyes a bit at him, setting her hands on her hips.  "Hey, I know how to fish.  My dad taught me how- I don't really have the patience for it, but I know how to do it." the young woman spoke, her tone indignant as she glared on at the fellow.  She was getting some serious Lyle vibes from this guy.  

    "Well then, I suppose I need to be askin' ye then.  Have ye ever had t' tangle with the Sword-Fish?" the man asked, watching her.

    "A... swordfish?  No, I don't think I've ever had to-"

    "No, no.  Not 'a swordfish.' The Sword-Fish," the man spoke, throwing his arms out wider and looking a bit wild-eyed at her as he watched her, waiting for an answer.

  14. "Ahoy there!" the girl called with a grin on her features as she came closer to the fellow, holding the parcel that was intended for him under one arm.  "I'm looking for an Ol' Pete for a delivery." The girl pulled the parcel from beneath her arm, holding it out slightly.  'That wouldn't happen to be you then, would it?"

    "Aye, that be me, lass," the fellow spoke as he extended a hand outward toward her to retrieve the parcel. She gave him a wide smile as she handed it over, the old fellow opening it up and beginning to examine the contents before he nodded slightly before looking over the edge of the gift toward her, his eyes curious.  "Tell me, less.  What be ye knowin' about fishin'?" the fellow asked her, and she blinked, not completely caught off guard from the question... but enough that she didn't answer right away for him.

  15. So lost in thought was she, (even if she had just told herself not to do such a thing,) that she had missed arriving at the lake, only noticing when she stepped a foot down into the water.  She blinked, looking down as the clear water washed up over her boots for a moment, and the young woman gave a small snort before she took a step back away from it, glancing from one side to the other to see if she could find the dock.

    When she glanced to her right, she saw the wooden structure extending out into the water, and the young woman moved toward it, noticing what looked like an old fellow in a rocking chair on the back porch of a little house that was right next to the dock itself.  A rowboat sat out there as well, tied off to the dock to keep it from drifting away, it seemed.

  16. THe young woman shook her head slightly, trying not to think about that.  There wasn't anything that she could do right now besides keep moving forward.  If she got too mired up in her own thoughts she'd get stuck in them and she couldn't get out.  She had that happen a few times while she was here, especially after Zack had died.  There were several days that had passed following where she hadn't even recognized the passage of time.  But eventually she'd picked herself up out of the dirt and began to move forward.

    Those small baby steps, one at a time, had brought her to where she was today, and she couldn't help but to wonder if Zack had managed to survive if she'd have already been at the front lines content with him, instead of wallowing in her own sadness and fear as long as she had been up until this point.

  17. It didn't take her very long to spot the lake as she drew closer to it.  The light reflecting off of the water made it quite easy to see, and she could tell that it was a rather well-kept sort.  She wondered if Ol' Pete had anything else that he did to help maintain the lake or if it was just naturally like that.  She then paused slightly, mid-step, recalling that this was a game world and that there likely didn't need to be anything done to keep the water clear and fresh- it was just always like that.

    She shook her head- it was getting hard to differentiate what was the game world and what was the real world, for her.  She wondered if she would miss this place when she went back- if the color and the vibrancy and the relaxed nature of Aincrad would be something she'd long for in the future, when she went back home.

  18. As she reached the bottom of the hill, she continued onward toward the gate opposite the one she normally used to leave.  She wouldn't get to see her gate guard, she supposed, but all the same that wouldn't really stop her from leaving.  It would just ruin her little leaving ritual that she had each time she set foot outside of the gate.  The question would be if she was going to be able to come back in one piece without it.

    Then again, as she had gotten her gear upgraded pretty well, she was in a good position to deal with whatever would come her way.  If there was a rogue fish or maybe something even crazier that was going to be waiting for her down with Ol' Pete, she was more than equipped enough to deal with it.  The woman nodded to herself as she set foot beyond the other gates, heading toward the lake.

  19. With that said, Hannah shook her head.  "No, not at this time.  I think that would be of more than enough help," the woman added, and Astreya nodded, turning around and very nearly taking a step.

    She paused, turning back over her shoulder.  "Where did you say the lake was again?" she asked.

    Hannah smile, gesturing to the other end of town.  "You'll need to leave out the opposite gate, but as soon as you leave the Town of Beginnings, you should see the water.  If you follow its edge a bit, you'll see the dock where Ol' Pete keeps his boat," the woman explained, and Astreya nodded.  

    "Okay, got it.  Thanks again!" the young woman called, raising a hand in farewell as she began to leave the area, picking her way through the trees that surrounded the little area that it seemed Hannah had claimed for her own, the woman having returned to working on painting.

  20. At the name, Astreya scrunched up her nose a little bit, like she was trying not to laugh at it.  That was about the most fisherman-like name that she would have expected to hear about, but it was still quite humorous to her that the fellow had a name like that.  "But he has been expecting this for quite some time- I simply keep getting distracted when it comes to delivering it to him.  There are so many interesting things to craft," the woman spoke, a bit of a dreamy tone to her.

    "Well, I've been helping quite a few people today, and I can help you out as well, if you'd like me to.  I've already got the package, and so I can go and deliver the fishing rod to him.  Is there anything else that I can help you with?" the woman asked, curious.  So far, she liked Hannah pretty well okay.

  21. Astreya almost felt like Plini was thinking about something else when she mentioned 'strength.'  She didn't really think that there even was another kind of it, not in a game world.  What else would matter in this sort of place?  If you didn't have enough combat strength, then you couldn't make it anywhere higher up... although she supposed she'd been on the first level here in Aincrad for... how long?  Far too long, without any combat strength.  

    She had opened her mouth then to comment, regarding if he meant some sort of 'mental fortitude' as opposed to any combat ability... when the new guy began to elbow the guard, who apparently had been named 'Marv' and spoke to the man as if he were actually present and accounted for, and not just an NPC.  Astreya watched him for a moment as he did so, as if expecting it to be turned into a joke of some kind.  It was weird, seeing the dark-garbed individual with such... genuine delight in his voice, but Astreya just gave him a small nod and smile, not sure what to say to that.

    "Yeah, when I was roaming around some of the merchant areas earlier, I didn't see too many performer shops.  Granted maybe they're up on the higher floors?" she responded to Plini, thinking for a moment.  "You think I should keep a shop setup down here whenever I figure out how to do the profession thing?  There's a lot of people still down here," she murmured, mostly just curious on what others thought of what she should do, especially considering the fact that she wasn't really much of a gamer.

    Her eyes lit up when the newcomer offered donuts, and she couldn't help but to grin slightly in response to his words on offering them- still referencing Marv as if he were partaking.  She was going to offer thanks when the man whirled onto the NPC, chastising him for actions undone, and the smile somewhat froze on her face.  

    So, this was the 'mental fortitude' that Plini was mentioning before.  Astreya had stayed down here in this town with others who were too afraid of going up against the raids that led to the next floor.  So in that, she had been able to keep up some level of sanity through constant communication with others but she wondered if this guy... hadn't.  And had found conversation where he could.

    In Marv.

    But he had said something interesting to the young woman who smacked the table in her own excitement.  "Wait, wait.  Part of the main raid?" she asked.  "I'm trying to get there myself.  I've been loafing off down here in the Town of Beginnings for...way too long.  Like I was telling Plini here, I should have started awhile ago but...I figure that's the only way we can all get back to the real world, right?  If we all work together to clear the game?"

  22. "So who does this package need to go to?" the young woman asked, extending out her hand expectantly.  There was no doubt in her mind that this was yet another quest in the chain.  The one thing she didn't know was just how many quests there were going to be total in here- but as soon as the woman had started to pull up the package to be delivered to another, she was pretty well ready to go off on another hike in order to deliver it to someone else.

    Hannah paused, amused more than anything, before she finished handing the package over, and Astreya noted the pop-up on her HUD that she'd received a new item.  "It's for a fisherman that's nearby in that lake, over on within the city limits.  He goes by Ol' Pete, and if you could deliver this to him, it would be greatly appreciated," Hannah spoke, giving Astreya a wide smile.


    Full Stats



    Basics: Skills: Equipment:

    HP: 220
    Energy: 22
    Damage: 6
    Mitigation: 21
    Thorns: 9

    2H Straight Sword

    Sword Arts:

    [x2 AoE] Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping
    strokes that hits multiple targets.
    [x2] Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees
    before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering
    the gap between you and your opponent.

    [x3] Scooped (3 Energy) - A three-hit sword art that employs varying over and under-cut motions.
    [x4 Stun] Lightning (7 Energy) - A combination of four slashes of varying angles aimed at a single target stunning them.
    [x4] Cyclone (4 Energy) - A multi-hit sword art that uses the user's heel as a pivot to spin violently, chaining together multiple hits.

    Heavy Armor
    +12 MIT

    Active: Free action | Cooldown: 3 Turns
    Effect: Gain +1 ACC until the start of your next turn. Must declare use in roll purpose.

    Silver Frost-
    2H Straight Sword

    Battle Dress

    Dodgeball [Accuracy II]
    Spotlight [Recovery] [Taunt]

    Starter Healing Potion | 50HP | 3
    T1 Health Potion | 40 HP | 3
    T1 Damage Potion | 1 Damage | 1
    T1 Immolation Potion | 10 Thorns | 1



  23. Astreya gave a small breath as she leaned back in her seat, before the alert popped up on her HUD that her items were ready.  She hopped up from her chair then, beginning to make her way back toward the shop.  It hadn't been that long, but this time she hadn't bothered to go out and about on an adventure, and instead was just looking to relax a bit while they were identified.  She was willing to see just what she could get from this- she had a good feeling about that sword.

    She arrived a moment later, opening the door to the shop and stepping inside.  "Hey!  Just here to pick up my order!" she called with a wave, stepping forward into the room as she saw the items ready for her.  "Ooooh this looks awesome!" she cheered as she lifted the weapon to inspect it.  "Thank you!" the girl called.

  24. "Yeah I just kinda go to whatever shop looks like it has the best food for what I want that day," Astreya admitted, shrugging slightly in response to the man's words.  "Food is food and it's basically all delicious.  I guess that's another one of the benefits of being in a virtual world like this one too, right?" she asked, on the heels of his own commentary regarding the lack of concern about one's weight.  "Everyone just uses the crafting recipe so the food always turns out good, no matter what it is.  It doesn't really matter how good or bad you are at cooking in real life- you just follow the recipe the game gives you and then bamm- perfect pie every time," she spoke, a bit a wistful sadness in her tone, but for the most part, her usual cheerful demeanor shone through.

    "Well duh, I know what a babysitter is.  I just wasn't sure why you had one," she spoke in response to him, giving him a small smirk.  "I guess that wouldn't be so bad though, having someone stronger than you to look out for you- if nothing else, it'd always be nice to be able to relax a bit if you've got someone stronger looking out for ya."  She didn't bring up Zack- she hadn't done so to anyone else, so she sure as heck wasn't going to start now.

    "Acting?  Me?  No way.  I can sing pretty well- my mom taught me how when I was younger.  Not like, just the basics of singing or whatever," the young woman spoke, talking as much with her hands as she was with her mouth as she gestured this way and that with the pie she had on the fork.  "But like proper form and how to carry a tone and all that.  I was thinking about going on to do the Performer job here in the game, but like..." she trailed off, trying to formulate the thought in her head into words that didn't make her sound downright depressive.  

    But she was saved from having to do so by another question from Plini and the girl grinned.  "Astralin?  I thought I'd caught her around here a couple of times but I haven't actually gotten to hang out with her since that thing with Griswold," she spoke, shaking her head.  "I should really try and track her down," she spoke, thinking for a moment to herself.  Was she pushing other people away at the chance to get stronger so she could get to the front lines?  So she could get out of this world?

    Her lingering thoughts were shattered by a new voice that was speaking to 'Marv,' and the young woman paused, glancing past Plini to the man who was talking to the guard that she waved to each and every time she left the city... and the guard was just about as responsive to the new figure as he was to her.  She looked at him for a moment, arching a brow- she hadn't tried to actually talk to the guard, but she could see the fellow was pretty comfortable in doing so, and with that, she shrugged, spearing a piece of pie with her fork and shoving it into her mouth.

    Right after that came the offer to join them and the young woman's eyes widened slightly and she gave a similar reaction to when Plini had snuck up on her- she gave a small choking sound before forcibly swallowing the too-large piece of pie in her mouth.  "Not at all- a friend of that guard is a friend of mine," the young woman beamed, gesturing toward the guard who had been named 'Marv' by this black-garbed stranger.  As Astreya actually looked the fellow over... he seemed pretty strong, actually...

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