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Posts posted by Yona

  1.                Ah, so Ellyria was one of those people...wonderful, just wonderful...

       Koharu questioned Ellyria, and the situation that sparked the debate would be explained for all present to hear. So it was true, this was about Vigilon...
         Ellyria proceeded to claim that Vigilon shouldn't be dated at all and that all three in the opposing side of the debate were not healthy. Yona blinked, just what kind of condescending ass says stuff like that?

               Alanin took a deep breath. "…Are all of your claims, points and stances going to be aggressive ones?" He asked. Ellyria looked to Alanin, then closed her eyes as she turned to face the opposing side once again. "Healthy relationships are rare, so in most cases, it is better to not date, let alone marry." She claimed. Yona would not stand for this. She slammed her hands on the deck of her stand. "Are you seriously saying people would be better off dying alone then finding someone they can share happiness with?" She questioned. Ellyria seemed unfazed. She looked to Yona, as though evaluating her based on all that she'd spoken so far. Then she would move on to answering Yona's question. "That 'happiness' is subjective. 'Love' has become the most addictive set of neurochemicals due to apparent depravity. Sadly, this will inevitably result in millions of people who are unfit to date anyone, let alone more than one individual." She claimed.

    "Hold it!"

                   "Let me ask you something…are you willing to date anyone? Why or why not?" Shulko asked, hoping that getting Ellyria's opinion on this might clear up any confusion and reveal the reasons for the aggressive stance she'd taken. "A fair question." Ellyria remarked. "I don’t want to date anyone. My reasoning is that I cannot trust anyone well enough for a healthy commitment, and there’s only one thing on potential partners’ minds…" She stated. Shulko gave a mild chuckle, and took another sip of his energy drink. "Love and relationships aren’t just casual bedroom games. It’s about being committed to one another and being a permanent part of each others’ lives." He pointed out. Ellyria appeared to be somewhat relieved...but only somewhat. "At least that’s one thing we can agree on, and for a moment I’d thought you’d be the sort to be in the other direction." She commented. "Never judge a book by its cover. Personally, that claim you made earlier wasn’t necessary." Shulko added.

           Yona had a bad feeling about this. She didn't exactly appreciate where Ellyria seemed to be standing...

  2.           Unbelievable how this masked player would turn out to be the biggest ass in the room. All she's ever done in this debate is take up the aggressive stance. Each point made is a deliberate attack or proclamation of personal belief. Ugh, she needed to get a grip.

                The moment Ellyria made a direct verbal attack on Shulko in response to his comment, Yona would react with words. "Whoa there, that’s a excessively aggressive and assumptive stance you’ve got right now! Tone it down!" She called out. Koharu pointed out that Ellyria's jab was uncalled for, which was an understatement. Koharu didn't let go of Shulko just yet, but it seemed that, by the looks of the two, their relationship appeared to be platonic. Nothing wrong with friends coming together to defend each other.
        Koharu continued.
    "Just because we’re defending polygamy doesn’t mean we’re strictly polyamorous, you know." She pointed out. Shulko scratched the back of his head. "Take me, for example. I really don’t have a preference, I just work with whatever makes me and my partner, or partners, happy." He revealed.
                    Ellyria wasn't fazed in the slightest.
    "Happiness, or short-term satisfaction?" She questioned. 
        Yona already had enough.

    "Hold it!"

             "Listen here you, this is a debate meant for sharing and comparing ideologies. Sure, there’s a few remarks in which we speak against the other’s ideology or point out a flaw, but that personal attack you just made?" Yona slammed both her free hand, and her coffee mug, onto the deck of her stand. Oddly enough, the mug didn't break. "Detestable!" She called out.
                     Ellyria looked like she might have been deadpanning, but that didn't stop Yona.
    "And quit trying to drill your 'I am superior and you are all lowly worms for not having the same ideology as me' BS onto us! It’s ridiculous!" Yona added.
                   Ellyria rolled her eyes while shaking her head. She looked back to Yona. 
    "Putting words in my mouth will get you nowhere. The three of you talk pretty big in defending your wants as though you could do whatever you wanted, without consequence. Should I start speaking as though you were children?" She remarked.

              Three times. Khavius sighed. He looked to the item near him on the deck of his stand. He usually saved usage of it for the considerably rare trials, but he needed to get Ellyria's attention.


               "I will intervene here." Khavius began. "Ellyria, I will ask that you stop at once. I will not tolerate such constant and blatant verbal assaults in here. Understand?" He said to Ellyria. 
             Ellyria closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She nodded her head.

       Alanin had a comment to add. "The point of a debate is not to force another into joining your side and condemning them if they don’t." He noted.
                             Ellyria looked to Alanin, then closed her eyes. 
    "People who act carelessly are bound to find only pain, suffering and misfortune. Such is life, and one of humanity’s many flaws if they are left unchecked." She claimed. 
               Was she still keeping this up?? Yona drained her coffee mug and slid it off the deck, it shattered upon impact with the floor. 
    "You’re really getting on my nerves here. What do you hope to gain from all this?" She questioned. "Well? Out with it."

  3.                            Yona wasn't liking this. Not at all. 
           The opposing side had practically returned to the beginning of the discussion as Krysta repeated her opening, and Ellyria took to the aggressive method pretty quickly. Shulko made points to diffuse the situation and weaken Ellyria's attempt. He, of course, made some excellent points with particular lines.
    "Clearly you won’t find a guy or girl walking around with 69,420 lovers."
     Yona smirked and nodded her head. "Nice."
                 Ellyria would continue the aggression, and Krysta would comment on the issues that existed on both sides of the discussion. It still ended up looking bad for the side Yona was on, unfortunately...

    "Hold it!"

               "Are you two suggesting that Polygamy is inherently toxic??" Koharu asked, confused as to why such a claim would be made, and hoping to clarify the situation. Ellyria nodded her head. "Yes. It is more than that, actually. In fact, it is unchecked desire that is multiplied by the factor of addiction." She claimed.
         Uh, what? Yona blinked, with disgust on her face. 
    "Um...excuse me?" She remarked.
       Alanin seemed to be in thought for a quick second. 
    "This is a valid potential take on the situation. One of you, would you explain what you believe love is?" He asked.
               Yona raised her hand. 
    "I'll take that question." She began. "From any other standpoint, it’s a wonderful thing. Love is an experience unlike any other, one that, in an ideal relationship, lasts for all our lives. If we’re going into that territory, then… Love is a combination of helpful neurochemicals. Sweet, sweet serotonin, wondrous, rare oxytocin, and 'yes, yes, oh, yes' dopamine." She explained. Unfortunately, she should have saved that remark for a different point in the discussion, based on Ellyria's reaction. "Pfff,"
           Ellyria then pointed to Yona. "Which proves my point, as those who crave love are usually lonely, and lack those three neurochemicals to the degree that they become addicted to the mixture in a desperate search to fill that mental hole they claim lies within their heart or soul. They are more likely to see Polygamy or polyamory as a satisfactory answer if they are addicted, though anyone sensible will know to drink from only one cistern. Even then, there are difficulties all around." She claimed. Yona nearly slammed her arm down onto her stand's deck, a scowl on her face.

  4.                 A masked woman called out, which at this point meant that she wanted in on the conversation. Oddly enough, Yona didn't like the look on her face...it was way too aggressive.

                   Khavius looked to the player, then looked to the actively debating players. Perhaps letting it be a three on three would be a better option than two on three. "I'll allow it." He stated.

       Krysta seemed to recognize this player, addressing her as Ellyria. Despite Krysta's confusion, the player took her side of the debate. She then proceeded to prepare a nine-part opening statement, a claim followed by eight stereotypes to serve as "evidence" for the claim.

          Yona had thoughts on the first crystal. "Ha! That sounds like Krysta’s take on the situation!" She remarked. Koharu didn't look very encouraged...

          Krysta made a remark with the fourth crystal's quote. "Uh, excuse you." Yona thought. "This isn’t the time to be picking on me, you priss." She retorted. Krysta blinked. Was she feigning innocence? That didn't seem like Krysta to do such a thing... "I wasn’t talking about you.  ...But now you’ve revealed that you’re in this category. Worry not, I'm aware it shan't be nearly as excessive as the record seems to suggest." She remarked with a smile. Yona didn't like being called out like this. "...Oh, shove off." She grumbled.

        The crystal quotes continued, all the way through. Yona slowly shook her head as she crossed her arms. When Ellyria was finally done, Shulko chuckled. "…Yeah uh, let me level here with ya, lady. I’m pretty sure you just pulled those out of fiction and exaggerated them to the power of satire. Kinda leaves your claims to be awfully weak, don't you think?" He pointed out.
           Ellyria was unfazed.
    "Art imitates life, your argument is invalid." She shot back.
       Yona's arms remained crossed, she was not getting the best of vibes from this Ellyria character... 
    "Oh please, like that'll help you..." She remarked.

  5.                Shulko asked The two players on the opposition a question, and their answers would be pointed out to contradict their stance on the assumption that heaven was real. Yona couldn't keep herself from laughing when she saw those priceless looks on their faces. "Damn, he’s got you both. Should heaven and hell exist, you would be committing Polygamy in Heaven if you and both the people you married were all going there." She remarked. Well, there was nothing left on that little point, so onto the next branch of the topic, right? "Seeing that little detail noted, let’s get back to the present, “mortal” world that we all suffer in. Maybe what we can discuss now is whether or not it is possible to have a polygamous relationship that is healthy, as well as the differences between how monogamy and polygamy function as relationships." She offered.

              Time to really put this debate to the test. Time to get serious and really dig into it.

  6.                     Krysta needed to experience growing pains, Others who may be listening needed to know that not every free aspect of life was "evil", and now Koharu and Shulko were cornered. Yona took a deep breath. It was time to act.

    "Hold it!"

              Yona leaped from her seating, and onto the proper position of a stand beside the one Shulko and Koharu were in. "Weren’t expecting me to show up, were you? Well too bad, I’m here." She remarked.
               Khavius took a deep breath. "Always wanting to add on, always wanting to make sure the side they support wins...this happens every time..." He muttered under his breath, recalling the other times when players were among the spectators of a debate, when a few of them would have the guts to join in to defend the side they decided to support. "I'll allow it..." He said to the debating players, essentially letting Yona have a turn to make a statement. "It’s possible that the grapes the redhead mentioned could represent a full family, but damn, that would be a lot of kids for one woman to give birth to, if you really think about it. That’s like, at least two large families worth in a bunch of grapes representing people! Grapes are a good example of a family being one, don’t get me wrong, it’s just- how do you even get that many kids from one mother?" She pointed out.


                        Ah, yes, an Objection from Krysta. That should have been expected. "There was a couple who had about nineteen children." She pointed out. Yona smirked. "Grapes grow in clusters of fifteen to three hundred. My point stands." She remarked. "What about other bunches, such as bananas?" Krysta asked. Yona laughed. Oh, that was the wrong fruit to pick... "Twelve to three hundred." She said between laughs. Krysta wasn't willing to give up, not that it was helping her case. "Blast… Perhaps Grapefruits?" She asked. Yona settled down before giving her response. "Eh, no solid number’s been determined, but their size and shape isn’t exactly optimal for hundreds per bunch…but even getting close to one hundred is still a nigh impossible task in terms of family count of two plus one woman’s childbirth count." She explained.

  7.                      Khavius had his palm to his forehead and his face down on his stand. "At this rate, Taft should be paying me to put up with this shit..." He grumbled. Not that they'd pay him enough if they did. It started going downhill in terms of seriousness when Shulko came in yelling "Objection!" like it was an Objection.lol video on Youtube... But even when the topics were serious, the air certainly wasn't, not that the tension and heat of the debate changed, only a few additional words thrown around...maybe it was serious after all, it was just that the thrown words began throwing him off...after all, this happened a third of the debates he'd moderated. Would the Hall of Countenance forever be a place for serious situations cursed with a memefied air? At this rate, not only did he not know, he couldn't care less.

                   Yona watched as Shulko and Koharu brought up the topic of Krysta's Christianic beliefs...ah, now all the mysteries about this girl were coming clear. She probably thought that she was in the right due to her beliefs alone...but if your beliefs are your only drives, are you really living? Maybe it was something that Krysta needed to learn. She needed to loosen up...but hey, there's always growing pains, change isn't easy. One can have certain beliefs and still understand that life should be worth living.

                 Clearly, the points Shulko and Koharu were making, regardless of whether or not they were true or relevant, seemed to strike Krysta at a very deep nerve. "This could be really good, or really bad." Yona observed.

  8.                   Krysta asked if Alanin's claims of Shulko having body pillows were true, and if he actually had five waifus. Shulko would give an honest answer, revealing that he had a whole list of waifus and a small collection of body pillows. "Damn," Yona thought aloud. "This guy's got some serious courage..." She began to wonder if Shulko's taste in waifus was based. The guy gave a multitude of vibes, so it was difficult to tell what the answer would likely be. Krysta remarked that this sounded promiscuous, but fiction was fiction, it wouldn't be relevant in real life, it just tells how many fictional girls touched his feels. Koharu asked Krysta and if she had any husbandos, but Krysta immediately said no. Yona sighed. That was kind of expected of Krysta at this point. Koharu then invited Krysta to her place for when the debate was over, but Krysta rejected that too.

                  Yona had known what it was like for fictional characters to touch her feels, and now she began to wonder if any had touched Krysta's feels at all.
          Part of her wanted so desperately to dig into this and see if she can't get Krysta to realize that maaaaaaybe she just might have someone in the fictional multiverse who touched her feelies.

  9.                                         Things were getting heated in the wrong way again. Shulko would continue the conversation, but Alanin decided to strike the wrong nerve with his counterpoint. Shulko's response caught Khavius's attention, in what probably wasn't a good way, judging by the man's expression. When Alanin spoke again, both Krysta and Koharu did what they could to try and diffuse the situation. Khavius kept his eyes on Alanin for the time being, watching to see what he would do next, what he would say next. While the others were doing their best to moderate themselves and each other, it wasn't necessary, for that was Khavius's role in the situation. He decided for the time being that he should be thankful that the four were doing their best to try and keep the conversation civil.

              Yona wasn't sure what to think or do in this situation. Should she help somehow? If Shulko and Alanin were allowed to jump in and help the sides they supported, why couldn't Yona do the same?

  10.                                Yona waved and winked when Krysta made eye contact with her. She didn't care that she'd drawn the attention of others as well, she was just having a good time watching this go down. Khavius would ask the debating players to continue, and the redheaded newcomer would speak. He claimed that those who seek polygamy and polyamory are under delusions of their own making. Yona already disagreed. Shulko made a remark that jabbed at the player for his personal experience, which was actually true, as he turned out to be Alanin, the Knight rejected by a princess. Now it all made sense. No wonder Krysta didn't feel very comfortable, she was right beside the guy she rejected!

        Koharu made a rather valid point, even though Krysta incorrectly assumed that it was petty mockery, in which Koharu would correct the miscommunication and then point out that Alanin's behavior in this moment was awfully petty. Honestly, she had a point there, too...but what would Alanin have to gain from supporting a monogamous relationship between Krysta and Vigilon? Some things might be more confusing than they seemed...

  11.                             Yona watched the debate continue. Shulko made the point of relationships being a two-way street, which was undeniably true. Krysta would claim that resources would prove to be a factor, which, unfortunately, was also true. Koharu would make a remark that could easily be considered political, for, regardless of where one stood, there were many who could agree that greedy swine were running the show. "Louder for the people in the back!" Yona called out.

                           Wealth was a form of power and influence, which not many believed, yet it was true. Sure, Yona wanted to return to a wealthy status by racking up the col here in Aincrad, but that wouldn't mean she'd give unfair treatment to others...unless they deserved it. Any swine of the business world, those were the real targets for crushing competition, other competitions should be friendly rivalries that encourage each other to develop and grow. If Yona ever managed to get her hands on her father's company(not that it was likely, she didn't even want it), she would see herself as the one who lets the sprouting organizations thrive, while taking on the towering boars that dared to see everyone and everything as mere resources...ah, but that is merely a power fantasy she knew she wasn't fit to live. She was better off just doing her own thing...maybe, that would be Kai's task instead.

  12.                                    Yona was kind of surprised that the debate was happening in such a way. Maybe Khavius was seeing their discussion as flowing well enough that he wouldn't need to intervene very much? Koharu provided two examples of theoretical relationships, one healthy, the other unhealthy. Perhaps her examples would have held more water if she had a healthy and unhealthy example for both relationship categories?

              And with another Objection, another player entered the debate, taking Krysta's side and attempting to break down Koharu's example. Yona wasn't feeling very sure about this, where would it lead? Krysta didn't exactly look one hundred percent comfortable...based on the expression Krysta had, maybe she knew this guy? The fact that she didn't seem too comfortable around him made Yona suspicious of the guy as she observed the ongoing debate. "Just who does this guy think he is...?" Yona thought aloud, muttering the words under her breath.

  13.                                           This was just getting better. Krysta was definitely holding herself exclusively and tightly, and from Yona's perspective, Shulko and Koharu were trying to help her see the light and question where she really stood. Whatever was holding her to this standard, it had to have been rooted somewhere within her past...after all, such things usually are tied to one's past and childhood experiences. She could have easily become strict because she grew up in a strict environment. Yona knew well of excessively standardized parental rule, for she was one of the ones who became a rebel instead of an enforcer.

             Despite the smirk on her face, Yona facepalmed when Shulko brought up Yanderes as an attempt to reinforce his point, as the extent that the trope goes into would end up weakening Shulko's point instead. Krysta's Objection would prove effective as a result, and the two would have a quick exchange on the relevance and existence of tropes versus perceived beliefs and reality.

       And Khavius? He hadn't seen any need to intervene or speak thus far, but he was keeping his eyes and ears open to see if he'd need to do something. The players involved were keeping it civil thus far...

  14.                                                            Yona continued to watch as the debate proceeded, now that the message situation was over with. Krysta declared herself as strictly monogamous, to which Yona raised an eyebrow because this may have suggested to her that Krysta did not fully understand the situation...or perhaps had a certain perspective on the situation. Shulko pointed out within her words that she said difficult, rather than impossible, but Krysta would then claim that it would be easier to put a horse through the eye of a needle...what kind of comparison was that? That's, like, literally the definition of impossible.

                 Shulko claimed that there was always room for miracles, and then Yona began to imagine a giant needle sticking out of the ground, one so big that a horse could walk through its eye effortlessly. Oh, such a level of BS would be perfect for this situation, she could already imagine the look on Krysta's face...

  15.            The debate met a bit of a slight pause, due to the impeccable timing of Vigilon's messaging. Yona chuckled when the message popped up in front of Krysta, but the mental image of seeing her with a sour expression on her face while the words "Krysta is typing" visible like subtitles on a video, that Yona was currently imagining would make her chuckle even further. As someone uninvolved in the matter, Yona could safely observe and take it as amusement, for she wasn't in any form of harm's way in this discussion at all.

              Krysta would then explain the message situation. ...Yep, Krysta was mad. Poor Vigilon, he may be in for it later. "How much are you gonna bet that poor Vigi-boy's gonna be in for it later?" She asked the informant. "Good question, don't know enough about Krysta to safely make a bet though, I won't be hasty." The informant replied. Oh, this guy knew his way around, didn't he?

  16.                         Yona should have brought popcorn...or caramel corn...
                   The plot was thickening, and it came to be learned that Koharu and Shulko were friends, both of each other, and of Vigilon. Krysta was outnumbered by Vigilon's middle school friends on this subject matter. Yona also noticed that Krysta was now alone in her side of the debate, which, admittedly, didn't seem super fair to her side...welp, nothing one could do about that!

        It did kind of confuse Yona that such tight friends would totally forget to exchange phone numbers or other contact information, however. Shulko would try to assure Krysta that Vigilon would mean well regardless of his decision, that he wasn't the type to hurt good people on purpose, and, honestly, Yona did get that kind of vibe from Vigilon, not that she liked him or anything, but she saw him as a good person who stands up for other good people whenever possible.

  17.                             Yona watched as the two girls' conversation continued. There wasn't much that was big, save for some obvious points people could agree with, regardless of which side one took. Then everything changed when Krysta thought it was a good idea to claim that it wouldn't be healthy for love to be directed to more than one person at a time.

                    The doors swung open, as a player called out a word as if this was a courtroom...yet, he was unpunished and allowed to enter the conversation. The informant put away his bucket of popcorn and pulled out a bucket of what looked to be extra buttery popcorn. Yona smirked. "Yeeeaaah, you can just tell this is gonna be productive." She remarked. Now things were getting interesting. "You could say that again." The informant added. The newcomer to the discussion would give his thoughts on the scenario, believing that it would be possible for someone to let both girls in on their love life. Oh yeah, it's all coming together, and the reason for the dispute was starting to become clear. This wasn't just about ideology, belief, and preference, this was about Vigilon.

  18.                     Koharu's response ended up cutting deep and striking a nerve...for its inaccuracy, that was, based on how Krysta responded to it. Both of the girls' claims did at least give a little food for thought, however. The informant kept eating his popcorn, for the fact remained that this was only just beginning. Yona took a short moment to dwell on it.


    "Ok, actually, some of these points are actually pretty sound so far, maybe it'll turn out good after all." Yona thought aloud. Initially, she was hoping for some laughter and amusement, but now she had been drawn into the ongoing conversation. All she could hope now was, humor or no humor, the debate would just get better. She'd hoped for an interesting time here, so she was looking forward to just that.

                        "I wonder what the next thought-provoking point's gonna be..." She wondered.

  19.                Well, that escalated quickly.

        Koharu let out a nervous chuckle and suggested that Krysta shouldn't stress herself out and loosen up a little instead. Yona could agree with this. Krysta then proclaimed that she "lived by virtue".
        Ah, right, she was one of those types of people...

                          The two players nearly got sidetracked on the topic of Dazia, which was a whole other can of worms for a later day...it didn't stop Khavius from jotting down a few notes, however. What would be next? Would Dazia be put on trial for alleged murder? Honestly, Yona was curious to wonder how such a thing would play out. 

        Koharu would ask why Krysta would hold the life aspect of love to the standard that she did, and the answer...
                        Yona's eyes widened.
    "Whoa." She blinked. "That's...uh..." Despite this, not many were reacting just yet. And the informant? He pulled out the popcorn. Yona could feel the heat of the debate rising, but not in a good way.

                                                     This could be a problem.

  20.                             The doors opened to reveal the two disputants. One was a cheerful pink haired girl wearing a Yukata, and the other was...Krysta?? Yona grinned. "Oh, this is gonna be good..." She remarked. For Krysta to be involved in a dispute that would call for a debate, and with a cute pinkette, of all people? This was gonna be juicy, that was for sure...in Yona's mind, at least.

         The player would go up to his stand, and the two players would go on to take theirs. The few who had filed into the building took their respective spectator seating on the sides, including Yona. The Moderator introduced himself as Khavius, as the redheaded informant readied his recording crystals. With this, the debate began, and Khavius would give the pinkette, Koharu, the right of first question. She would ask Krysta why she stood where she did on the debate's subject, which turned out to be...

         Oh...that's a big one. This was gonna get interesting for sure.

  21.                                                 Finally, things were getting somewhere. A dispute? Well, time to see what that was all about! Word must have been spreading, because now a few others were filing in, including a red haired player with heterochromia. "Hey, I heard there's some kind of dispute that's gonna come around here, know anything about it or what it's gonna be like?" She asked the player when he drew near. The redheaded player gave a smile that clearly held personal business. "Who knows, honestly." He began. "As an informant on multiple fields, I like to bring recording crystals for situations like these, if there's anything useful or important, I could sell them off to an interested buyer." He explained. "I could spoil the general process of how it goes for a low fee, but for a gorgeous lady like you, I'd say you could hear it free of charge." He added with a wink.

            Oh, he thought he was smooth, didn't he? Yona chuckled. "Aww, thanks, but I'll let myself be surprised this time around." She remarked.

  22.                                The Hall of Countenance seemed pretty empty for the most part. Was something not happening here, or was Yona a bit too early for whatever juicy stuff was gonna happen? After wandering about aimlessly inside the structure, she soon found herself in the room where it happens. It looked...surprisingly, ready for anything that could transpire within. "Ah, this must be the room where it happens..." Yona remarked. She could have easily started singing from there, based on her choice of words, but she resisted the temptation. She then noticed that one player who passed by earlier, which she barely recalled. She walked over to him to ask, "Anything going on here?" 

         The player looked around. "Well, I haven't seen much happen, and no one's told me of anything I'd have to moderate, so I guess there won't be anything else happening other than that late night meeting the Sky Swords guild is gonna have, so I guess I might as well go..."

       Before the player could leave, however, an NPC came running up to the player. "Excuse me, sir! You're a moderator here by choice, yes?" The NPC asked. "Sure I am, did something happen?" The player asked yet again. The NPC nodded his head low enough that it could be confused with a bow. "I've just received word that a dispute has risen up, the two disputants are on their way here to have it resolved, and they'll be here any moment!"
          The Player looked to Yona. "I guess you're just in time, if you were hoping for something interesting." He remarked.

  23.                             With the location in mind, now it was time to see if there was anything interesting going on in the Hall of Countenance. Yona made her way over to where the map said the structure was, and with a quick look around, she spotted what must be her destination. On the surface, the Hall of Countenance didn't look like much, but it might get interesting once she walks inside. Earlier she was bored out of her mind, and she was only hoping she wouldn't be bored for the rest of the day. With a nod of her head and a gaze to the doors leading to the interior, she began walking towards the doors as to enter the structure.

                         Watching something play out might not have been what Yona usually had in mind for an activity, but she was bored and therefore this would qualify as something worth doing at the current moment.

  24.                      Yona's search wouldn't get her anywhere unless she went around asking questions. "Hey, do you, by any chance, know where to find the uh, place called the Hall of Countenance?" She asked to the first NPC that looked like they might know something. "You got trouble, miss, or is it a meeting for a guild you're in?" The NPC asked. Yona blinked, confused. "Uh...no. I only heard of the place two minutes ago and I wanted to know what it was and all." She responded. The NPC nodded. "Harmless curiosity, then? Well if you must know, the place has been open to gatherings of numerous kinds. It has often been used as a meeting place for small groups and organizations, and you can sometimes find civilians and adventurers alike settling disputes there through debate. Rarely, some people have tried to use it as some kind of...courtroom. I'm not sure why it gets all the use it does now, in fact, I'm starting to think it's original purpose may have been all but forgotten..." He explained, before walking away. Yona would receive a notification that her map had been updated, with a marker revealing the location of the Hall of Countenance.

  25.                         Yona yawned as she laid down on a bench in Taft. "So. Bored."

           She had absolutely nothing to do and no rumors or quests to take on...none that were her level, that is. Without much to do, she could do nothing of importance other than grind without motivation...but that would just be a slog, and Yona wasn't one for needless slogs. Sure, she needed to increase her level, but what's the point if she can't find an excuse to set her mind to it, to live in the moment instead of putting pressure on the future?

         A passing player would mutter"I wonder if there's anything happening in the Hall of Countenance today..." 
    Yona's eyes perked up. What was this "Hall of Countenance"? Was it important? A town location? A Dungeon? Well, now she had something to do, other than nothing, so she got up, and looked to her left, then her right. The player that passed by was already gone, but maybe some NPCs knew the location of this Hall of Countenance...


    Stats and Equipment:


    Level: 15


    HP: 300

    Energy: 48

    Base Damage: 15(CS R5[7], CM: Damage[6], Athletics[1])

    Mitigation: 27(Moonsliver Veil[12], Cloth Armor Rank 3[15])

    Accuracy: 1(Resplendent Falchion)

    Evasion: 2(Moonsliver Veil)

    Loot Die: 3(Thuban's Eye)




    [T2]Resplendent Falchion(Curved Sword, Accuracy, Bleed, Paralyze)

    [T2]Moonsliver Veil(Cloth Armor, 1 MIT, 2 EVA)

    [T1]Thuban's eye(Trinket, 3 LD)




    Teleport Crystal x1




    Curved Sword Rank 5(30 SP)

    Cloth Armor Rank 3(14 SP)

    Combat Mastery: Damage(13 SP)




    Athletics(4 SP)


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