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  1. The other player noted that he hadn't heard the legend of the Hoya. Before Yona could give her response, he asked the NPC to tell. From what Yona could gather, the Hoya was a local hero who fought minotaurs. Was this Faune Mythos, or were the minotaurs an actual species on this floor- Oh, never mind, they existed, and only two are left, according to public rumors. Well, in that case, the minotaurs must have done something awful if they nearly got their entire species wiped out by one Faune. Taking out the last two for a little experience...well, Yona was gonna need experience any
  2. Alanin's kind gesture was a nice addition to the moment, not that Yona wouldn't see right through it, in her opinion. "Wow, this guy's still trying to get points? There's not much to say about him if he ain't persistent!" Yona thought. The guy must have thought himself as a white knight. Still, having some nice warm rolls on the side wasn't a bad idea...Maybe she should one-up this guy by putting all desserts on her tab. "So, since we're all here, I'd like to say something, if nobody minds..." She began. "I've been hearing rumors about a set of ruins, not much is kno
  3. The topic would shift to the current situation, then silence would follow for a moment before the NPC waitress returned. "Are any of you ready?" She asked. Yona nodded, as she'd taken the time to skim through the options while the conversation was going on. "I'd like the Deepwood Boar Chops, the ones with a honey and berry glaze?" Yona requested. Koharu spoke up next. "I would like the Ramen, thank you." She requested. Once the other three players made their orders, Avani would nod her head in understanding and leave for the kitchen to notify Shulko, most likely.
  4. Yona sipped her wine as she watched the long conversation between Aurami and Koharu play out. The two basically shared their experiences in their school lives when Vigilon had helped them out of tight spots. "Damn, he's been playing the role of hero even before this game?" Yona thought. "Huh...so dependable in a pinch, even if he doesn't win...well, guess that might be part of why the ladies always seem to count on him, he's always got their back." Now if Yona could just keep the attention of people she took a certain kind of interest in...ah, but priorities
  5. A cute girl approached the table, asking if she could sit with them. Alanin went right to white knighting, it must have been a total oof for the guy when she wanted to sit next to Krysta instead of him. While the guy still pushed the chair in for her once she'd sat down, it didn't change the signs of disappointment hidden in his eyes. Yona smirked. "Looks like the Chivalry Card didn't play out like you'd expected, huh? Nice try, but I think you just got turned down." She remarked. Alanin looked a bit shocked, while the newcomer looked to the ground while blushing, maybe over
  6. Shulko would get the players seated and then make for the kitchen to take care of a few things. Yona took a quick look around while she waited. She spotted two NPCs that appeared to be working here. Yona smirked. It seemed that Shulko, by coincidence or on purpose, had hired a pair of pretty girls to help him out. "Heh, lucky..." She muttered. The pretty blue haired NPC approached the table of four players, asking what they'd like to get started with. Krysta asked for a green tea and Alanin stuck with a basic water. "Amateurs." Yona thought, the smirk remaining on her face. "A nice,
  7. Shulko offered to let the players have some food and drink on the house at his establishment, a place called The Carefree Magpie. Ellyria declined, and proceeded to have one of those dramatic "I'll be back" exits. "But...we don't even know who won...Was she expecting absolute dominance over the conversation or something? Pathetic, talk about a sore competitor..." Yona thought. Koharu, Alanin, and Krysta would all proceed to accept Shulko's offer. "Then it's settled." Yona decided. "Let's end today on a high note!" Granted, it hadn't been that much time since
  8. The debate was now over. The spectators of the debate began to file out of the building, save for that informant who was gathering up like, sixty nine recording crystals that he'd just recorded the whole debate with. Yona took a short moment to have a last word or two with the guy. "Confident that they're gonna sell, hm?" She asked. The informant's expression was full of anticipation. "Thanks so much for helping that debate become what it was. The topic, the drama, the points... If I sold these at three thousand five hundred, I'll be making a serious chunk of bank with these!" He replied. "Aft
  9. Yona got back into focus when the subject changed. Once again, real world scenarios...and unfortunately, it was a good point. Ellyria and Koharu would have a little exchange on the differences between love and infatuation, and Shulko would add to that with some really good points. Yona decided to add in one of her own. "In both reality and fiction, there’s a recurring problem. The Love Triangle. Two people love the same person, and at first, it may sound simple. However, the real problem is that the relationship type involved stirs up more jealousy, hate, and infighting. Monogamy
  10. Yona was having a mild glaring contest with Ellyria. Yona now figured that there would be no way for this person to see the light, that this one was a lost cause...but alas, she'd have to argue with her anyway in order to stop her from her aggressive advances against the point of view that she, Shulko, and Koharu were defending. Alanin would put the discussion back on track. "Anyways… plenty of Polygamous relationships have a secretly greedy, selfish or possessive individual leading them while the rest blindly follow. While Vigilon does not seem like that kind of person, b
  11. Ah, yes, good next topic, the next generation can really test a relationship at times. Koharu and Shulko gave some good points that Yona could stand by. "See, these two get it. Krysta knew some points about the true nature within kids too, but honestly, they’re not really something you’ll be one hundred percent prepared for. My parents thought they could have the perfect kid, but they got my brother and I instead." She added with a smirk that carried utter nonchalance. "Then you simply had terrible parents with unattainable expectations." Krysta remarked. Yona took a sip of her
  12. Well, Krysta had a good question, that, Yona had to admit. Ellyria took the silence that followed the question as though it were a score for her side. "We...come to think of it, I never thought of that question myself..." Koharu remarked, seeing the flaw in her side of the argument, or at least, the fact that their knowledge on the subject wasn't perfect, something Yona could never blame anyone for. Perfection does not exist. Of course, Yona wasn't going to let Ellyria get to have her little "victory." "The current success rate for monogamy isn’t looking too hot either, even if it’s
  13. That was the last straw. Ellyria was going to pay for this. Yona's blood boiled as Ellyria spoke her latest two Objections, in a row. When the opportunity rose, Yona decided to take a stand. "Objection!" "Listen here you thick-skulled, self-serving, people-judging tower of pride who’s clearly 'subtly' slipping in the victim card into all her arguments, you have no right to force us to believe what you want us to! The world won’t come to an end if you don’t get your way, so stop trying. Lots of people who think they know what’s what end up failing at a lot of
  14. Buzzwords ruin everything when in certain contexts, because in certain contexts, such buzzwords are nothing more than words of slander used by the two big philosophies to verbally stab each other with. Equity sounds nice on the surface, but in the wrong context, it's just another ideological buzzword beloved by one side and despised by the other. Hurt people hurt people. The world moves on, but for some reason the people don't. When Ellyria threw the buzzword into the conversation, it would go south unless the people involved kept their heads on straight. Yona let out a highly a
  15. Shulko would claim that there was a lack of understanding, and then make attempts to tell the differences between Polygamy and Open Relationship in hopes of preventing further aggression...unfortunately, Ellyria didn't listen. Alanin's attempt to accept Shulko's point while holding his side of the argument failed to calm Ellyria down, who had a whole damn rant to give. Yona deadpanned as the rant went on. The bias was so noticeable, it could be seen from beyond Aincrad, maybe even space. "It's becoming very clear to me now that this woman puts herself on a hig
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