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Posts posted by Zenshu

  1. The sun – or at least the glow that replicated the sun in this world – had begun to dim as Zenshu made his way back across the fields towards the Town of Beginnings. He spent an unknown amount of time considering his new realisation about the world around him, before eventually noticing that his legs had begun to lock in place. Slowly, mostly due to the limited available movement, he’d begun the small trek back towards safety – unwilling to spend the nights in the fields beyond the walls at this point.

    “Funny, how some things transpire…” His eyes seemed distant as he spoke, and contrary to his usual presence of mind he missed the few players who waved a welcome towards him – lost in his own thoughts. “Things certain aren’t always what they appear to be. That much is true…”

    His sombre thoughts weighing down on him, Zenshu paused in place, closing his eyes and willing away the negativity that was growing. Bursting into a sudden smile, he spoke quietly to himself before opening his eyes again. “Well, we can never know what the future holds in store for us – that’s what makes it such a wonderful surprise, after all! Imagine how bland it would be if we already knew what was to happen!”

    Continuing on his way, Zenshu wound through the Town of Beginnings back towards the inn that he had been spending his time at since the announcement. For the first time since being stuck here, he’d be able to afford more than just the basic amenities – something that had him excited. He’d seen some of the extravagant dishes and rooms that others had been able to afford, but that had been out of his reach previously.

    Now, however, he would be able to take his comfort up a level – nothing too over the top, but better than the basics afforded to someone who barely brought home any col. His mind already jumping ahead to the meals that awaited, he almost didn’t notice the notification flashing just above his right hand.

    Pulling it up, he found the details for the next quest in the series – requiring him to locate, and convince a Pete Larkin to return the borrowed money from the mayor. Nodding before closing the notification, Zenshu muttered to himself. “Well, Pete, I’m going to visit you – tomorrow, after a good dinner, rest and breakfast. Then you’ll return what you owe – and once I’ve done that, I’ll clear away these simple quests and finally get started on my adventure into the world…and towards joining the frontlines themselves.”


    Word Count: 429


    Thread Summary

    Word Count: 5,611
    5,611 x 10 = 561
    1,061 EXP (500 [Quest] + 561 [Thread])
    1,220 col (500 [Quest] + 400 [Thread] + 320 [ID209378, 209381])
    6 Materials [ID209378, 209381]
    Perfect Armour/Shield [ID209378]
    Perfect Trinket [ID209378]
    Boar Jerky [T1 Perfect Consumable | DMG II | MIT I]
    Tealeaf Blade [T1 Uncommon Ninjato | DMG I]

  2. Zenshu let the breath that he’d been holding escape. The tension that had built in his frame since the start of the fight – compiling after the first two strikes that he himself had taken – followed the breath, leaving him feeling deflated.

    He sheathed the ninjato, letting it disappear back into his inventory with a swipe of the hand. The sudden exhaustion overwhelming him, he collapsed to the ground – relieved that the fight was over, but also that he had come out victorious.

    “Even the simplest of creatures here are a challenge. That’s a good lesson to walk away from. One that I shouldn’t forget, either. Underestimating your opponents here can very well lead to your death – permanently, at that.”

    His eyes wandered over the fields around him, following the path of a butterfly that he happened to spot. He still marvelled at the realism that surrounded him. The world, although digital, felt as true to his sense as the real world beyond the game.

    “Perhaps…well, perhaps this is my real world, now. At least for the time. I need to stop thinking of it as just a game – it’s more than that, now. If I die here, I die in the real world. I need to eat, need to sleep, need to do just about everything you would normally do in the real world…It’s only fair that I start to think of this as my real world, at least for now.”

    The butterfly suddenly disappeared from sight, having dipped into a collection of flowers and out of his field of view. Zenshu stared at the area for a few moments, considering the words. The entire time he’d spent here so far, he’d still been viewing this as a game – right up until a moment ago.

    “But…it’s not just a game. This is our world now. This is our reality. I need to start treating it as such.”


    Word Count: 317

  3. Seemingly aware of his intent, the wolf ducked underneath his blows before skirting back around towards the field. Zenshu spun quickly, following the creature in order to keep himself from being pinned in a position like he had attempted to force the wolf into – knowing just how deadly that could turn, if given the chance to permeate. The creature growled and swiped a claw outwards, but wasn’t able to land the blow on the moving form of Zenshu, the strike going wide.

    Stepping aside and back, Zenshu allowed some distance to grow between the two of them, taking the respite to catch his breath. “I will say, you are far more challenging than those boars are. I mean that in a complimentary manner. The boars are almost too easy, compared to the challenge you provide – I thank you, for that.”

    He swung the blade forwards in a lazy movement, mimicking a poor rendition of what was meant to be a salute of sorts – a manner of acknowledging the skills of the opponent before you. Zenshu had nothing but respect for the creatures – even if they were trying to kill him, at least they were putting up a fair and challenging fight.

    “Not to mention a fair chance to attempt to survive. You’ve used your skills, and some of them may be sneakier than I myself am used to engaging in, but in reality you’ve done nothing wrong in doing so – it is but natural. I can only commend you for that.”

    He gave himself another intake of breath before pushing him back into motion. Rushing forwards, he waited until the last second before dodging to his left, skirting around the side of the wolf and slashing inwards with the ninjato, hoping to catch the creature on the flank as he went by.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 24/60 | EN: 7/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Wolf 2 HP: 40/40 | DMG: 16

    Round Three

    ID209380 | BD: 10+1=11 | <<ST-I vs. Wolf 1>> |  Major Critical Hit: (7+2)x8 = 72 DMG | Wolf 2 is defeated.

    Loot Wolf 2 | ID209381 | LD: 2 | CD: 3 | (120+80) col, 2 materials


    Word Count: 302

  4. With the first of the two defeated – little more than shards glittering through the air, before disappearing from sight – Zenshu turned his focus on the remaining opponent. He knew that there was no time to let his guard down – even a single wolf was dangerous to him, now.

    “I know what you can do now, and I’m keeping an eye on you…you don’t have the element of surprise anymore – and now with just the single one of you, I can give you my full attention.” He twirled his sword back into the reverse hold, a slight grin spreading across his face as he eyed his target. “Which means that you can’t try any sneaky little tricks on me anymore. You might be quick and quiet, but don’t think I can’t handle that.”

    His slow pacing stopped suddenly as he paused for a half breath, before rushing forwards and into the wolf’s space. The ninjato swung inwards and upwards, before lashing out backwards. The wolf dodged around the blade, attempting to break free of the limited space between them – but Zenshu pressed his attack, using the momentum to drive the wolf backwards towards the cliff edge, hoping to score the winning blow – or push the wolf off the edge, whichever would be most effective.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 24/60 | EN: 14/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Wolf 2 HP: 40/40 | DMG: 16

    Round Three

    ID209379 | BD: 2 | <<ST-I vs. Wolf 1>> | Miss [-2 EN; Light Momentum]
    ID209379 | MOB: 3 | <<Wolf 2 vs. Zenshu>> | Miss


    Word Count: 213

  5. The sudden shift of direction of the wolf left Zenshu with nothing to strike. The open area where the wolf had been was little more than air, and as he turned to try and find the creature, he felt something tear into his left arm. Turning to face it, he found the other wolf grappling him, trying to remove the arm from his body entirely. He brought his sword up, trying to spin it for a downward strike when something slammed into him, tearing him from the grapple and tossing him to the ground.

    As he rolled, he spotted the meaning of his sudden tumble. His original target had slammed into him from behind, and as his health bar deteriorated, Zenshu felt the ground scrape his face in numerous places. Driving the blade into the ground, he forced himself to his feet.

    “That...that was not nice.” He mumbled to himself as his eyes rose to the health bar in his upper vision. The once green bar had been severely depleted – the strikes taking more than half of his health away. His resolution suddenly broken, Zenshu considered the danger he had placed himself in. “Can’t back out now…need to finish this quickly.”

    He swung the blade back into the reverse hold, before raising his left hand before him. Pausing only long enough to sight his target, he flowed into movement once more, closing the distance and lashing out with the blade. As the wolf jumped to avoid the strike, Zenshu shifted his feet and forced his body around, tilting the blade and bringing it back towards the target. The move itself was fumbled, and although it would’ve lost him numerous points in any tournament, Zenshu was far more worried about simply taking down his opponent compared to the form itself.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 24/60 | EN: 15/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Wolf 1 HP: 0/40 | DMG: 16

    Wolf 2 HP: 40/40 | DMG: 16

    Round Two

    ID209376 | BD: 9+1=10 | <<ST-I vs. Wolf 1>> | Minor Critical Hit: (7+1)x8 = 64 DMG | Wolf 1 is defeated

    ID209376 | MOB: 4 | <<Wolf 2 vs. Zenshu>> | Miss

    Looting Wolf 1 | ID209378 | LD: 19 | CD: 7 | 120 col, 4 materials, Perfect Armor/Shield (1), Perfect Trinket (1)


    Word Count: 300

  6. The pair of wolves watched as Zenshu made his way across the field towards them. Neither seemed overly perturbed by his approach, content to simply watch as he continued along. Readying himself, Zenshu eyed up the two, trying to determine if either would be more powerful, or faster, or more resilient than the other. His review of the two was in vein, however. Both appeared identical to his eyes – if there was any difference, he wasn’t able to locate it through visual inspection.

    Tossing aside any attempt to find leverage, he decided there was only one course of action to take. “Ill just have to defeat you in turns, I guess. I’m sure you won’t be any more difficult than the mother boar I fought earlier – just a little harder to hit, I guess. Assuming of course that there are different values for your ability to evade attacks, or dodge…I wonder if that’s a skill I could learn? Dodge sounds like it would be useful in a fight…”

    Giving the ninjato a quick test swing, he lowered his weight before dashing forward towards the wolves. Almost immediately they reacted to his sudden aggressive movement, the two splitting and attempting to flank him. Zenshu didn’t want to give them the chance to do so, and leapt to his right, his feet twisting on the ground as he spun under and around the closer of the two creatures, before bringing his blade slashing around in a sharp arc.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 24/60 | EN: 22/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Wolf 1 | HP: 40/40 | DMG: 16

    Wolf 2 | HP: 40/40 | DMG: 16

    Round One

    ID209375 | BD: 4 | <<ST-I vs. Wolf 1>> | Miss [-2 EN; Light Momentum]

    ID209375 | MOB: 10 | <<Wolf 1 & Wolf 2 vs. Zenshu>> | Major Critical Hit: 16+2x2 = 36 DMG


    Word Count: 246



  7. A few other players roamed the fields; some engaging groups of boars or wolves together, some wandering about on their own as they searched for whatever it was that they needed. Zenshu watched a couple players tackling a collection of wolves. Battle Axe and curved sword drove the wolves back as the creatures tried to circle around the players, looking for any possible entry through the defences.

    Well, standing around watching won’t get my skills perfected in any way. Let’s see…the boars are tough, but perhaps one of those wolves would provide a challenge based upon their agility…but that also makes them dangerous. If they’re too agile, I won’t be able to catch them…but I guess they also wouldn’t hit as hard as one of the boars. Supposedly, at least…”

    His hand raised to brush through his hair, the thoughtful expression on his face only disturbed by the soft smile that split it. He considered his options as he glanced between two groups of possible enemies. The wolves were clearly more agile, but as Zenshu watched he realised that most players seemed intent on fighting the boars. He wasn’t entirely sure why that would be, but he did know that it made him all the more curious.

    “Perhaps they just prefer to fight creatures that are big and slow? I doubt that there’s anything seriously more dangerous about the wolves. Besides, it’s all the first level of the game…everything here should be manageable, so long as I don’t run into any field bosses or mid-level enemies.”

    Content with his assessment, Zenshu nodded to himself before stepping off from his vantage point. He moved through the fields towards his target – a pair of wolves that had been eyeing some nearby players. Summoning his ninjato into his hand, he pulled the blade from the sheath before swinging it into his reverse hold.

    “Wolves it is!”


    Word Count: 313

  8. He eyed the pieces on the table, wondering how such things could be considered worthless. To his eyes, they appeared well made – perhaps not the most beautiful of pieces, but effective battle garments nonetheless.

    “I guess that’s the difference between buyer, and craftsman. All these look fabulous to me…” He eyed the collection with hesitation, not wanting to take away from a possible profit, but also not wishing to upset the blacksmith by refusing his pieces either.

    “I guess I’ll take these then.” He quickly grabbed a sword and a set of armour at random, before bowing and making his way out the front of the shop. Quickly placing the items in his inventory, he let out a sigh as the notice that the quest had been completed appeared before him.

    “Looks like I’ve got to go speak with another individual…I wonder just how many possible loanees there are in this town. It is a big town after all…this could take longer than I expected.” He closed out the notification, before glancing towards the town’s gates again. The day was slowly coming to a close – and he didn’t quite feel like heading down to deal with the third possible individual in this everlasting quest.

    Shrugging to himself, he turned back towards the fields – deciding he could do with a bit of fun before heading back to serious work. “Besides, this makes me a far better fighter. It’s all for the benefit of being able to complete things quickly, and make my way toward the top.”


    Word Count: 255

  9. The blacksmith shot a quick look at Zenshu as soon as he had finished speaking, his eyes hovering over the offered items before nodding at a workbench. “I use these on hilts.”

    Zenshu nodded as he placed down the tusks, waiting to hear more from the blacksmith. Although he wasn’t too interested in their purpose, he knew that one way to get what you wanted, was to let someone get comfortable – and that sometimes came in the form of allowing them to speak about what they enjoyed, such as their line of work.

    “Now, I'll have you know that I don't take loans from anyone, especially men the likes of Dorian White. You might try old Pete Larkin. He spends all his time fishing for river monsters or some such nonsense.” A scoff, before Lyle added to his words. “Without a real job, the man could probably use the charity.”

    Zenshu was just about to mention how fishing provided food for the community to eat, and that it was likely a very honourable profession – such as the blacksmith’s own – when the man gestured towards a nearby table.

    “Grab yourself a weapon and armor from those bins on your way out. They're about worthless, but consider it payment for the tusks.”


    Word Count: 210

  10. His return walk was slowed as he saw the glint of something in the grass where the final boarlet had fallen. Stooping to collect the item, Zenshu reviewed it closely, noticing the menu as it appeared before him. “Boar Jerky. Huh, that looks like it might be useful in the future!”

    Pocketing the piece, he continued his pathway back towards the town, determined to complete the quest now and make his way back to the mayor to return the owed amount. He walked with a content smile, his mood positive as he considered everything he had accomplished as of late.

    “I’ve returned!” Zenshu called out into the shop as he pushed his way through the front entryway, smiling as he spotted the white bearded individual hammering away at the anvil once more. Zenshu had to admire the man’s work ethic – he seemed entirely focused on only completing the orders that he had received, regardless of everything else going on.

    “I collected those tusks that you requested – and I even managed to thin out the reproductive capabilities of the little ones a bit, although I doubt it’ll have any actual impact on the herds themselves…being that they’re all computer generated and such…” He realised he was ranting, and broke off – flashing another smile at the man who was clearly not listening to a word he was saying anyways.


    Word Count: 227

  11. “Well, that worked far better than I could have expected.” Glancing down at the ninjato, Zenshu smiled to himself. He was pleased with how well his new skills had held up in combat – although, he had to admit that his gear was quickly being outpaced by his abilities.

    “I wonder if I should bother the blacksmith to see if he could craft me some new pieces…” A sudden thought crossed his mind as he remembered the pieces he had left behind at the appraiser’s store. “Oh! I need to go collect those shortly, I guess. Assuming that they’re done, they did look fairly busy at the time…I’m sure they’ll message me once it’s ready for collection.”

    Glancing around, he considered his next steps. He’d managed to collect everything the blacksmith had sent him out for – and more, as he’d promised. Yet he still yearned to continue his spree, and as his gaze roamed over the nearby boars and wolves that roamed freely throughout the area, he considered staying behind for a few moments.

    His promises, ringing in the back of his mind, kept him from staying. As his feet turned back towards town, he gave a single smile back towards the landscaping, whispering as he walked. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be back soon enough – and when I do return, it won’t just be to this landscape, but to all the others that are above and beyond…soon enough I’ll be on the front – where I belong. Where I should be.”


    Word Count: 249

  12. “Fine. Have it your way, then.” He muttered aloud to the boarlets, before turning in a wide arc. The three strode past, not anticipating the sudden shift that Zenshu had made as he danced around behind the trio. Bounding backwards, he waited for the three to make their quick turns, before continuing their charge towards him – quickly gaining speed again as they came.

    “Come on, little piggies. Come meet your end – and once that’s done, I can complete the quest itself! That would be nice, to have this done and over with…and then I can get the mayor his money! Doesn’t that sound fantastic?” One of the boarlets squeaked as it approached. Zenshu took it as a sign of agreement, smiling as he once again launched himself up and over the creatures, landing swiftly behind them.

    Not waiting for them to break the distance, he spun and swung outwards with the ninjato, wiping it in a wide arc in an attempt to connect with all three of the creatures and end the fight as fast as possible. He had recently obtained the multi-target attack, and figured now was the best time to test out its effectiveness.

    ‘Not too difficult of a combatant, so it shouldn’t be too bad if I miss my shot here. Plus, isn’t this a relatively safe enough fight in order to take some leisurely steps? Better here, than somewhere truly dangerous in the far future!’ The words sprang to mind as he watched the blue glow of the blade swipe through the air, seeming to glow against the dark black blade in his hand.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 44/60 | EN: 1/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Boarlet 2 | HP: 0/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 3 | HP: 0/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 4 | HP: 0/5 | DMG: 3

    Round Three
    ID209372 | BD: 7+1=8 | <<AOE-I vs. Boarlet 2>> | Hit: 7x3 = 21 DMG | Boarlet 2 is defeated
    ID209373 | BD: 8 | <<AOE-I vs. Boarlet 2>> | Hit: 7x3 = 21 DMG | Boarlet 3 is defeated
    ID209374 | BD: 10 | <<AOE-I vs. Boarlet 2>> | Hit: (7+2)x3 = 27 DMG | Boarlet 4 is defeated



    Word Count: 268

  13. The three remaining moved with an agility that caught Zenshu by surprise. He had figured that with their smaller mass, they’d be able to turn quicker, but their overall speed had an almost impressive standing to it – had they been able to coordinate better, he felt that he would have a bit more fear of them.

    As if reading his mind, he suddenly felt the slamming of three impacts against his legs, forcing him to his knees as each small boar slammed into him from different angles. Knuckles scrapping the ground as he fought to remain upright, as best as possible, Zenshu cursed himself for not remaining alert.

    “Pack tactics. Dangerous. I definitely need to keep an eye on you three, lest I be felled by babies. Wouldn’t that just be sad, in its own way? At least, for me, you lot would be cheered as heroes, I think!” He pushed himself to his feet once more, lashing out with the blade the moment any of them came clear, chittering in frustration as they ducked out of his reach once more.

    Sliding over top of one of the creatures, he dashed a distance away – hoping to place some space between himself and his attackers for a few moments while he collected himself. He felt his teeth grind as he turned to find the boarlets pursuing him, closing the distance he had attempted to make almost immediately.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 44/60 | EN: 7/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Boarlet 2 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 3 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 4 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3

    Round Three
    ID209361 | BD: 5 | <<ST-I vs. Boarlet 2>> | Miss [-2 EN; Light Momentum]
    ID209361 | MOB: 9 | <<Boarlet 1 vs. Zenshu>> | Minor Critical Hit: 3+1 = 4 DMG
    ID209361 | MOB: 9 | <<Boarlet 2 vs. Zenshu>> | Minor Critical Hit: 3+1 = 4 DMG
    ID209361 | MOB: 9 | <<Boarlet 3 vs. Zenshu>> | Minor Critical Hit: 3+1 = 4 DMG


    Word Count: 236 *ID209361 listed as Mama Boar in error.

  14. The boarlets let out a surprised cry as Zenshu’s blade sliced through the mother's side, causing the health bar of the mother boar to deplete entirely as the sword art tore into it. He took no comfort or satisfaction in the success of his attack, knowing that the fight was far from over yet.

    Zenshu turned to find four of the little creatures making their way across to him, their cries signifying the loss they were simulating, now that their mother was gone. He felt a moment of hesitation as the creatures surrounded him, their tiny bodies pressing towards him as they vied for their revenge.

    Slashing outwards with his sword, Zenshu aimed for the lead of the pack – hoping to break their sudden courage before it could overwhelm him. He knew they were tiny – and likely little threat to him in reality, but he didn’t want to waste any time putting them down.

    “Besides, the blacksmith is likely awaiting my return – it would be rude and inconsiderate not to end this as quickly as possible, so that I can return to complete the quest.” He gave a nod as he realised that the first creature had exploded into shards, leaving the other three rushing past him and into the field a few steps beyond.

    He turned, facing them as they rebounded backwards – their little bodies able to turn quicker than their larger counterparts, providing them with a quicker retaliation than the mother had been able to front.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 60/60 | EN: 8/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Boarlet 1 | HP: 0/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 2 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 3 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3
    Boarlet 4 | HP: 5/5 | DMG: 3

    Round Three
    ID209360 | BD: 7 | <<ST-I vs. Boarlet 1>> | Hit: 7x8= 56 DMG | Boarlet 1 is defeated
    ID209360 | MOB: 1 | <<Boarlet 2, Boarlet 3, Boarlet 4 vs. Zenshu>> | Miss


    Word Count: 248 *ID209361 listed as Mama Boar in error.

  15. The boar moved quickly beneath Zenshu as he twirled above and beyond the creature. His blade slashed through the air, slashing strongly against the boar as it continued on past, leaving Zenshu to collapse on the ground roughly.

    Determined not to present himself as an easy target, he pushed himself up and moving, dashing around to the right side of the boar in an attempt to close the distance between the two of them once more – relying on his quick reactions in a hope that he could somehow overwhelm the larger opponent quickly.

    “Just need to land one, or maybe two, good hits on you! If you would just hold still long enough…although, I guess that would be counter intuitive to your own survival desires – wouldn’t it?” His words continued effortlessly as he ducked and dodged around the bucking head of the boar, dodging out of what would likely be rather unpleasant piercings if the tusks managed to catch his torso.

    He felt himself getting pushed further and further back – his dance forcing him to retreat continuously as he avoided the twin points of the boar. A quick glance backwards told him that he didn’t have much more distance to go, before he reached an edge – what was beneath wasn’t visible to him with his quick glance, but he knew that he didn’t want to find out. Sliding underneath another failed strike, Zenshu lashed out with his blade, bringing the smaller sword slicing inwards and upwards in an attempt to drive his opponent backwards in retaliation.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 60/60 | EN: 9/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Mama BoarHP: 0/60 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1

    Round Two
    ID209359 | BD: 4+2=6 | <<ST-I vs. Mama Boar>> | Hit: 7x8= 56 DMG | Mama Boar is defeated.


    Word Count: 256

  16. Lifting a small stone, Zenshu tested the weight in his hand. It felt light, for its size, but he assumed it would work all the same. Pulling back his arm, he tossed the stone across the field towards the boar, hoping to catch it on its flank and pull its attention towards him. Instead, the stone skipped harmlessly into the field well beyond the boar – clearly missing its mark, and leaving the creature undisturbed.

    Huffing slightly, Zenshu picked up another stone, pulling his arm back once more and taking a moment to aim the piece this time. Closing a single eye, he launched the stone in a strong overhand toss, watching as it flew almost perfectly straight through the air before slamming into the mother boar’s nose.

    He had just started to celebrate his success when the boar suddenly charged towards him, the large creature dashing across in a flash as Zenshu rolled off to the side in the last instance before contact. Drawing his blade backwards, he forced himself to his feet before turning to face his opponent. Bowing his head slightly, he launched himself forwards, bringing the blade close in to himself in preparation for his swing. As he closed the distance, he felt himself smile, relishing the sudden return to combat once more.

    “I could come to enjoy this, truly.” The whispered words followed the soft blue glow of the blade as he rushed the boar, pushing off in the last instance and attempting to twirl around in the air.


    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 60/60 | EN: 16/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Mama BoarHP: 4/60 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 5 | EVA: -1

    Round One
    ID209358 | BD: 5+1=6 | <<ST-I vs. Mama Boar>> | Hit: 7x8= 56 DMG

    ID209358 | MOB: 3 | <<Mama Boar vs. Zenshu>> | Miss


    Word Count: 253

  17. The boarlet’s had been easy enough to find – they were tiny compared to the boars that Zenshu had fought earlier. He could see how these would be considered the best possible things for a learner’s quest, they appeared weak and rather slow compared to their larger brethren. The danger had been found in the larger, clearly protective mother that seemed to hover around them – always on guard and watching for any threats to her digital children.

    “Well, just need to find a way to separate some of you, I guess.” He drew his ninjato, swinging it into the more comfortable backhanded grasp that he had come to use in this world. Giving it a couple of test swings, he nodded once he was content, before considering his options.

    “Then again…I could just deal with the big one, and then clear out the little ones afterwards…Assuming that she isn’t too dangerous. But the game wouldn’t put something that deadly here, where new players are roaming. That wouldn’t be fair, or logical.” He nodded in agreement with his own testimony, as if that somehow cemented the idea into a reality.

    Shifting along the outer edges of the area that the boarlets and mother had remained within, Zenshu watched for some way to pull the mother away from the others. As time slowly passed, his patience starting to wane, he considered a different method.


    Word Count: 231

  18. Sighing heavily, the blacksmith laid his hammer down before wiping his hands on his apron. “I don’t do anything without payment. Go kill a couple of those pesky boarlets for me, and bring back their tusks. They’re pretty weak, so even you shouldn’t have any trouble. Do that, then I’ll hear you out.”

    Zenshu nodded enthusiastically, bowing slightly before responding. “Absolutely! I’ll ensure to get you the best tusks that I can find! It won’t be a problem, not at all. And if I find anything else of use, I’ll bring that back as well – just to make doubly sure that I’m not wasting you time and all!”

    A scowl from the blacksmith chased Zenshu out the door as he retreated, careful not to anger the hammer wielding man any further. He turned away from the shop once he was outside, his smile disappearing with a loud sigh.

    Not the most friendly man in the world, clearly. I wonder how he manages to maintain a good clientele when he’s so unwelcoming. He must have some excellent skills in smithing, because his social manner is atrocious.” Zenshu muttered to himself as he once again made his way towards the front gates. He cocked his head and waved as he passed the guard, once again continuing a tradition started long before him – and likely to continue long after him, so long as Aincrad remained.

    He paused briefly on the other side of the gates, admiring the wide open fields before him. He had to admit, the game rendered the scenario so perfectly, that it was sometimes hard to remember that this wasn’t reality, that it was all just computer generated imagery.

    “Truly remarkable, when one stopped to consider it…” Pulling his attention back to the task, he set off in search of the tiny little boars that he would need to defeat, his sheathed sword in hand once more.


    Word Count: 317

  19. His face breaking into a smile, Zenshu pushed his way into the blacksmith’s shop, the pungent smell of the forge and smelting metals slamming into Zenshu’s senses almost immediately. Grimacing slightly, he tried to move passed the wall of smoke that permeated the entranceway.

    Beyond the smoke he found another white bearded man, similar in general appearance to the first he’d been sent to visit. The man – well muscled and clearly used to heavy work, hammered away at a piece on the anvil, focused entirely on his work.

    Unperturbed by the fact that he was likely interrupting the man – he had been sent to do so, anyways, hadn’t he? – Zenshu strode forward, widening his smile and waving a hand in greeting as he stopped before the blacksmith. “Oh, hello there! I was sent by the mayor to collect some funding that you were provided. Apparently the mayor – well, he would like to retrieve the loan that he lent out. I guess there’s a need for the money now!”

    “I’m busy.” The reply was short and emotionless – but the eyes bespoke a measure of annoyance at the interruption. Zenshu nodded, refusing to let the single response deter him from completing the quest that he had been given.

    “Yes, I can see that! Finely work, from what I can see too! But, you see, well, the mayor has sent me off on an errand, and I am expected to see that errand completed.” He beamed his smile again, hoping that it would offset the negative attitude that the blacksmith was showering him with. As the terse silence lengthened, Zenshu began considering the fact that he may have missed something important in the directions. He hadn’t expected the blacksmith to be so resistant.


    Word Count: 290

  20. “Alright, so I need to find this blacksmith…a man named Lyle? I think that’s what it said.” Zenshu brought up the menu once more, double checking the information he already knew he’d memorised – but still wanting to be sure that he had it correct. The first quest had gone relatively well, but he wasn’t willing to suddenly make a mistake just because he thought that he had everything correct. “As father always used to say, it’s better to check the weather three times, than wander out into the rain without an umbrella.”

    Content that he at least had the name right, he made his way through the town’s streets. He’d left the shops behind not long ago, but the new brooch on his jacket reminded him of the hard glare that the shopkeeper had given him. Not quite unfriendly, but definitely not the most welcoming of glares either. He’d tried to be nice – choking the behaviour up to a simple fact of someone new entering their shop, and being unsure of the other’s intent.

    “Which in this world is more than fair. But you’d think they’d be a little bit more welcoming. Good business practice and all that. Ah well, we’re done with that for now, and next time I bet they’ll be super friendly!” His smile spreading across his face he continued on his way, making for the location marked on the little map he had up before him. He wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when he finally arrived at the blacksmith, but he hoped it would be something more, well, welcoming.

    Toying with the necklace hanging low on his chest, he thought back to the items he’d left at the first shop – he figured they’d be done sometime soon, but he doubted he’d have time to run back and grab them before the quest was complete.

    “Speaking of…I wonder if this will be the same thing. Probably going to have me running around getting things for them, before I get to even bring up that the mayor’s sent me to obtain the money that he loaned out. Which reminds me, I really need to talk to the mayor about responsible fiscal control.”

    He stopped as he found himself standing before the marker on the map, the shop before him appearing dark and less than welcoming to Zenshu. Left hand on his hip, he cocked his head at the shopfront, sighing heavily.

    “Of course the blacksmith shop wouldn’t be all bright and cheery. It definitely could use a slight makeover. Maybe some nice, welcoming colours. Oh! Or maybe a nice sign…banner maybe? You’d think borrowing the mayor’s money they’d be able to at least create an eye catching storefront…”


    Word Count: 451



    Zenshu | Lv. 3 | HP: 60/60 | EN: 24/24 | DMG: 7 | Light Momentum [+1 BD]

    Tier 1

    Equipped Items

    Ninjato  [Tier 1; One-Handed Straight Sword; Uncommon] A simple black, single edged ninjato.
    Enhancement: Damage [1 Slot] | Effect: +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot.

    White Tunic [Tier 1; Cloth Armour] A simple white overcoat with blue and yellow embellishments.
    Enhancement: Light Momentum [1 Slot] | Effect: After an unsuccessful attack, gain +(1 per slot) to the BD until your next successful attack, at which point this bonus is removed. Another unsuccessful attack will reactivate this enhancement. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit. [For Area of Effect attacks: This effect only activates if you miss all enemies targeted by the attack.]

    Arrowhead Brooch [Tier 1 Trinket] A golden arrow-head with a pin fastened to it. It's modern and minimalistic.
    Enhancement: Accuracy [3 Slots] | Effect: Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit.

    Fox Head Necklace [Vanity]

    Battle-Ready Inventory

    Starter Healing Potions {5} | Heals 50 HP
    T1 Uncommon Health Potion {1} | HP Recovery I
    T1 Uncommon Damage Potion {1} | Damage I
    T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potions {1} | Overhealth I
    T1 Rare Health Potion | HP Recovery II


    Sword Arts

    [x8] ST-I (8 EN) | A single-target sword art.
    ST-II (11 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
    [x3] AOE-I (1 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
    [x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.

    Weapon Skills

    Straight Sword
    Rank 3
    Effect: +5 DMG


  21. “I’m just getting to visit all the wonderful little shops and stores today! This is an exquisite place – I mean, it’s not quite like that shop I just came from, down the way. It was all velvety and fancy and royally. This place is much more inviting.” Zenshu glanced at the individual caring for the shopfront, beaming a bright smile as he glanced over the available items. His eyes wandered across a single piece, one that he knew would likely benefit him the most – especially after his recent endeavours.

    “Oh, such exquisite pieces too! I’m definitely taking one of these! It’ll fit perfectly with my outfit. Plus, the benefits. Oh, will these materials suffice…I noticed it said I can pay in col or materials…and well, right now I don’t really have a ton of col, especially after the other store, I imagine I won’t have much left…and well, it’s what I have.” His words seemed to leave him for a moment under the others gaze, and he felt himself shiver in response. “Well, thanks for everything! I’ll definitely come back here one day, and who knows – maybe sooner than later I’ll be a regular! But for now, I need to go find some blacksmith and deal with that…which I’m sure will go just fine. Right? What could possibly go wrong with that…? Well, good day for now!”


    Arrowhead Brooch | TIER 1 TRINKET | ACCURACY III
    [desc.]: A golden arrow-head with a pin fastened to it. It's modern and minimalistic.
    [ids.]: #185467

  22. “Uhm…excuse me…? I was sent here by a…a bistro, if you can believe that. I’m still not entirely sure if that’s their name, or just what they like to do. I certainly won’t judge either way, but they specifically told me to say that a bistro had sent them. Which, as I say it aloud, just sounds odd.” Soft blue eyes darted around the interior as Zenshu took in his surroundings. The exterior’s lavish colours had made him halt, wondering if he could even afford the services here. The interior had only embellished the feeling that he was entering a place well out of his league – and that made him nervous.

    “They – bistro – said that I could get some items identified here. I got these off a couple of boars, and I’m hoping that they can replace what I currently have – or well, give me a bit of a boost! I’ve only just started really getting into things, and while I’m quite content with what I do have, more is always better. Or, well, better is always better. I know there’s a saying about better being better, but I can’t quite remember how it goes.”

    He paused in thought for the briefest of seconds, before continuing along his line of thought. “So I hope you can help me out. Or maybe point me to someone who can identify these pieces? Oh! And if you know a…blacksmith? Tailor? Someone who makes cloth materials who could maybe look at upgrading my tunic, that would be awesome as well!”


    Items for identification

    T1 Rare Weapon (1) [ID209156]
    T1 Rare Consumable (1) [ID209156]
    T1 Rare Trinket (1) [ID209166]

  23. “You did a fantastic job. Now, was there anything else?” Zenshu's attention was drawn from the vial in his hand as the alchemist spoke again -  the large smile on his face speaking to the pride that the NPC was showing towards Zenshu's success. Lost in thought, Zenshu began to respond - about to tell the NPC that there wasn't anything else, that he had everything he had come for - when he remembered the purpose behind his visit to begin with.

    “Actually, there is something. The mayor sent me to collect a loan - I've been trying to tell you this the entire time. He thinks he loaned you some money...col...and he's trying to recoup the amounts back. Apparently he uh…well, he needs the funds back. I guess that he needs to repay someone else? I’m actually not sure why he needs the money so badly, but I’m sure there’s a good reason!”

    The chuckling response wasn’t what Zenshu had expected. He had expected the alchemist to become mad, or maybe to admit that he didn’t have the money – but would find a way to pay it back. Or to simply provide him with the amount that he owed the mayor. Something that would let him complete this quest. Instead, the alchemist shook his head, before speaking again.

    “Leave it to Dorian to forget something so important. No, I'm afraid it wasn't me that borrowed the col. You might try Lyle, the blacksmith. I've seen him talking with the mayor frequently the past month or so, and he's just up the road. I wish you luck!” With that, the NPC seemed to turn away – as if dismissing the boy and noting that the conversation was done and over with.

    At a loss for words, but determined to still present himself appropriately, Zenshu bowed. Straightening himself, he made his way from the shop out onto the street, the healing potion still in his hand.

    In the sunlight of the day, the dialogue box appeared before Zenshu’s torso. Notifying him that the first portion of the quest had been completed, Zenshu found himself unsure of whether to cheer in elation at having finished the quest, or cursing because the details listed a second part. Both were appearing appealing to the boy, and as he tossed and turned, trying to decide his reaction he noticed that he was still holding the health potion.

    “Well, at least I got something of value from all of this…not a complete waste. Ah well, I guess there’s more to do here! I should likely get off to doing that…but first – I think I need some gear, and some new items…and perhaps an upgrade?”

    Thread Summary

    Word Count: 5,832 / 10 = 583 + 450 [Quest] = 1,033 EXP
    1,032 col | 60 [ID209156] + 72 [ID209166] 400 [Thread] + 500 [Quest]
    T1 Rare Consumable (1), T Rare Weapon (1) [ID209156]
    T1 Rare Trinket (1) [ID209166]
    5 materials
    An Assortment of Potions:
    (5) T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of Maximum HP.
    (1) T1 Uncommon Damage Potion: +1 DMG for an entire thread.
    (1) T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of Maximum HP to users Maximum HP for a thread.
    (1) T1 Health Potion, Rare Quality
    Unlock <<The Second Lesson>> Quest

  24. "Oh excellent! You're ready to finish your order then!" The alchemist gave what was likely a beaming smile, meant to show exciting or happiness at the player having completed a piece of the quest. Zenshu, however, missed the smile entirely as his own grin began to falter.

    "Finish my order? I'm sorry, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I'm here to collect payment for the...you're not even listening to me." The NPC began dictating what Zenshu needed to do in order to create his own potion, before settling back and waiting for the player to try his hand. Befuddled, but hoping that this would somehow appease the quest that he had thought he had already finished, Zenshu turned to the task at hand. 

    He'd only been half listening as the man had instructed him on the necessary steps, but as Zenshu glanced between the various pieces of equipment he began to understand what he had heard. Combining a few of the elements available - ranging from a collecting of coloured liquids, to some heating elements and assorted other things he didn't quite understand - he began the process. He only hoped he was doing things right.

    "Alright. And then I just...add the ore I found? Odd. But okay, I guess that's sometimes how these games work...here we go then." Dropping the ore into the liquid substance, he waited and watched for whatever was about to happen - hoping that it didn't somehow decide to explode on him.


    ID209172 | CD: 8 | Crafting Potion | Healing Potion [Rare; 2 Slots]

  25. Zenshu almost couldn't believe it as he lifted the solid piece of semi-transparent ore from the grasses. His eyes blinked twice before registering what he had found, and it took a few brief seconds for his brain to catch up.

    "Ha! I knew it! A bit of effort, and the reward is mine!" Pulling himself up from the ground he grinned at the little piece in his hand, the excitement coursing through him. Unable to contain himself, he threw his hands into the air above him, screaming into the air - careless of who heard or saw. "Yatta! Now let's get this quest done with! Then...then I can make my way towards where I'm really needed! Iei!"

    Bounding across the open fields back towards the town, Zenshu couldn't help but wave and smile at the few players he passed - his excitement at his success blocking out the odd states he received in return. Even had he been aware of the way the players were glancing at him, Zenshu wouldn't have cared. He was overwhelmed with the fact that his persistence had led to finding the fifth and final material he needed in order to complete the quest, and no amount of negativity from anyone else was going to break his good mood. 

    It was with this excitement that he made his way through the town, broad grin breaking his face as he went. Pushing his way into the shop, he slammed a hand down on the desk before Zachariah, making his announcement in a strong, pleased voice.

    "Alright! I've gotten all five of the materials you wanted! Look, all five!" Pulling up his menu he presented the pieces to the alchemist. "It took me a lot longer than I had expected - and I'll admit, for a while I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it! But I pushed on ahead, determined and knowing that it needed to be done! Now, I've completed everything you needed of me, and here's the items in question! I do want to thank you, though! I learnt a very valuable lesson today - persistence is key! But anyways, now about the mayor's loan!"

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