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[PP-F2] The Player's Guide to the Gal...I Mean the Game (Oikawa)

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"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. 

There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


It had already been a month now...so all hopes of getting back to the real world in time for a certain event had vanished. In fact, the first day of scoring for the tournament was yesterday. As a collegiate archer with a lot of promise, it was disheartening to think that she had missed one of the biggest national competions. With a heavy sigh, Ayumu stood, since she had been taking a rest by sitting down in a rather shady spot. Philomena, her phoenix familiar, perched herself upon the red-head's shoulder as usual, giving the girl a firm peck on the head.

Today, she wasn't grinding, doing a quest, or working with a party of players. Ayumu was just casually walking the second floor, hoping to perhaps find some mat, or at least just clear her mind from her current frustrations. She probably should've been training her combat skills, being only at level six. That was becoming tiring though. It seemed like all she ever did was endlessly work for more skills and abilities, not really accomplishing much besides shaping her skill set and fighting tactics in the game. The whole process was a struggle that reaped little rewards, especially knowing that one day, all of the players would be free of this place. Everything they worked for would be gone, and their world would be replaced with the one they had previously left behind. Frowning, she tried to clear her head of all this negativity, continuing her escapade on the quiet floor.

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What had seemed like days, quickly became months, as the blonde meandered about his shop. The furnace had been frigid cold for a little over a month and a half and his familiar, King, hadn't seen the light of day since his last encounter with Ariel. Sighing, he trotted down the wooden steps leading to the front of the shop. Reaching for his cloak, he whistled for King to accompany him as they would be leaving the shop today. 

"I think we've been gone long enough haven't we? Let's go see what's going on in Aincrad."

Thinking of where to go, the blonde quickly jumped to an idea he had before his hiatus from the front lines. Looks like this is the perfect time to try that. Visiting all the floors one by one to regain a feel for battles, and seeing what's new with the inhabitant's of Aincrad. Exiting the shop, the blonde with his gray leopard in tow, traveled to the town square and stepped to the portal. Selecting the second floor. He and King disappeared in a flash of light. 

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