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[PP-F1] Secret Medicine in the Forest ((Zandra Zvift))

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It was just another normal day in Beginner City. Players of all kinds nonchalantly wandered the dirt roads that wove intricately throughout the entirety of the town. A couple of those wanderers had paused by the quest board to glance over the options. One wanderer, in particular, was very interested in doing a quest. There was only a  slight problem...that wanderer was a level one.  Most of the quests that decorated the board were for those level 5 or higher. Not that Sephira cared all that much. Fighting boar could only entertain someone for so long. Taking on a quest that was meant for those of a higher rank was a step the young girl was willing to take in order to become stronger. Suddenly, a flyer down in the bottom corner caught her attention. 


Small Village is in need of  <Little Nepent's Ovule>,

a medicine that is dropped by a variant of Nepent. Please assist

this Villiage. It is in dire need!


Tearing off the worn sheet, Sephira read over the material once more. This was exactly was she was searching for. There was an actual moment where she considered just accepting it and trying to solo it, but the image of her form bursting into pixelated bits ran through her minds eyes. This time, assistance would be required. Mentally sighing at the thought, she let her arm fall the side as a quick glance was taken around. Now to find a teammate. 


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Lately, Zandra had either been in her shop, brewing potions and crafting crystals, or she had been out on quest to train, mostly with others at her level and above, this to became stronger to help complete the game. But she had forgot one very impportant thing. You cant complete this game alone, you need teamwork and organisations. So one way to help them complete it was to help low leveled players advance and not die from mistakes that beeing with a more experienced player could make you prevent. Thats why she was walking the streets of town of beginning this morning. Looking from side to side to see if there was anyone that looked lost or in need of help. After an hour or so she saw a young girl standing infront of a quest board, she held something that looked like it could be a quest in her hand, seemed to be searching for something. She still had beginner gear so Zandra thougth this was someone she could help.''Hi there.'' she said with a friendly smile and walked towards the girl.''My name is Zandra, a pleassure to meet you. Can it be that your in need of some help?'' she asked the girl and stretched forth her hand for a handshake.

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Exhaling under her breath amber orbs once more glanced down at the quest parchment once more. If no partner could be found the only option would be to solo it. Right as that thought passed through her mind the shadow of another player engulfed her being. Quickly turning to face the person who had approached Sephira was surprised to find a smiling brunette female. Without any time to really process where the female could have possibly come from an introduction, question and handshake were thrown into the mix. As it turns out the females name was Zandra, and from the looks of her armor, she was a higher level and overall definitely a more experienced player. "Sephira, nice to meet cha," The small blonde greeted back while taking the extended hand, "And actually I would be. You see, I would like to take this quest on, but my level way too low. Any chance you know where I could find a partner?" At that she bashfully scratched the back of her head, offering a sheepish grin. It may be strange for someone as low as her to be want to go on a quest, but the name of the game in SAO is strength and this was the only way to do. Risk your life or die trying they say. 

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Zandra gave the young girl a smile.''You looking at someone that would be interested in helping you by beeing your partner, she is standing right infront of you.'' she held her right fist infornt of her and pointed at herself with her thumb. This was Zandras first try to help out a low leveled player, and she hoped she wouldnt screw it up. She was gonna make this girl feel like she was the main character in her story as well. Even if it was a game of life or death, you should feel happiness.''So Sephira, thats a realy beutiful name you have. So, what quest is it that you have picked and what is it that we should do? I'll try to help you as good as I can.'' she said, smiling warmly to Sephira.

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Upon hearing the news, there was no helping the grin that decorated Sephira's features. A partner had been found. Just in time too. "I've picked up the Secret Medicine in the Forest quest," Sephira smiled sheepishly while turning the parchment around so the other female could see it, "I know my level is low, but with some company, it might just be possible for someone like me." With that said a glint of determination could be seen flaring within amber orbs. On some level, Sephira hoped that Zandra didn't think she was crazy for trying to take this on while she was so under leveled, but if she did, well, the blonde couldn't blame her. She knew the risk and was willing to take it in order to improve her skills. Although, it would be much easier with someone to watch her back. 

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When Zandra saw what quest the blonde have picked, she giggled.''Oh sorry, its not against you, its just that I remebered when I did that quest myself.'' another giggle exited her mouth.''Back then the system was a little bit different but to compare, imagine you are twice as high level as your opponent, but after the fight I was down to just a few HP, even when I should have taken it in a few rounds.'' she wiped of a tear from her crimson eye.''Thaats a realy good quest to do as your first. It was the first one I solo I think.'' she thougth back when she herself was low-leveled, and she knew just like this girl felt.''Im not gonna let you die, and of coursse I'll help you.'' she opened up her inventory and scrolled thru it. She pressed a few icons and three potions pixelised.''Here, take these. They are kinda weak, but against these mobs, they are more then enough.'' she said pointed at two of them, one +1 damage increase and one -3 damage mitigation and gave her a friendly smile. She took one of the potions and drinked it. She scrolled a little more and also a sword appeared.''Here, you can borrow this for this adventure. Afterwards you gonna get one yourself.'' she handed over it to her new companion and sent her a party request.

-Damage +1 potion x2
-Damage mit -3 potion x1
-Anneal blade borrowed to Sephira. OH straigth sword with +1 Dmg
+1 Dmg from potion. New damage=7

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Staring at the party request a sudden wave of unsureness swept over Spehira. Something was telling her this was a bad idea. Taking a breath the female sighed and denied the party request, as well as the item. "I'm sorry Zandra," Sephira whispered, head lowering, "I'm suddenly not feeling up to this. Something doesn't feel right. I apprecate the offer, but I'm going to going to go now." Without another word the blonde turned and walked away. 

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Zandra saw the young girl leave, seemed she suddenly had changed her mind. Zandra shrugged her shoulder.''Get that much from trying to be nice. Zandra didnt had anything else planned for the day, so she guessed she could just go on and complete the quest, it was quite awhile since she did it last time, and it would be fun to test it out now after the new update to sword arts and mods and all that. She accepted the quest and headed of towards the starting area, prepared to go and kill some of those nepents.

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It didnt took her long before she reached the forest where the mobs was spawning, last time she had stopped at the border to encourage herself since she was afraid. This time she just barged in, ignoring if she made any loud noices. She just wanted them appear as quick as possible. She got her wish fulfilled sooner then she thougth, just after a minute or two, she was face to face with two of those flowers. She smirked when she charged up her AOE skill.''You ready? Here I come.'' She charged towards the plant creatures, when all in range, she released her sword art and slashed all of them, they exploded into crystals and she got rewarded with a couple of ingredients for her crafting.


ID: 43575
BD: 10 Crit +2 9x1x1=9 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 19 +1x4=4 materials

Zandra: 116/116 (27/29)
Nepent 1: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 2: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 3: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 4: 0/7 DEAD

+4 materials


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Zandra bathed in an ocean of pixels from the dead little nepents. She accepted the rewards from the reward screen. When she looked up she saw another one had appeared. Thou this one was bigger and stronger it seemed. But for her it shouldnt be any problem, she charged in, carging a sword art she had rarely used since she want to save energy, but still use one strong enough to one hit this one. The cross on the tip of her whip flew in a huge circle, striking the Nepent variant from below, sending it flying thru the air and health reached zero, she looked at the reward screen that poped up, but nothing this time.


ID: 43576
BD: 5+3=8 Hit 7x1x3=21 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 2+2=4 No loot

Zandra: 116/116 (25/29)
Nepent Variant: 0/15 DEAD


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So, this one didnt dropped that loot she needed to complete the quest, time to hunt down some normal ones to make another variant appear. She herd something behind some trees a dozen meters away or so, she ran there and when she reached the spot she saw it was another group of four normal nepents. She charged up her area of effect and released it when all was in range, killing them with a single attack. She bathed in an ocean of white and blue pixels that slowly faded away.


ID: 43577
BD: 7 Hit 7x1x1=7 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 7+2=9 No loot

Zandra: 116/116 (24/29)
Nepent 1: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 2: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 3: 0/7 DEAD
Nepent 4: 0/7 DEAD


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Zandra streatched her back when she saw the reward screen pop up. Thou it was blank, it seemed these nepents didnt wanted to give away any useful ingredients to her. Well, there was nothing she could do about now anyway, thats how the system is programmed. She is just a normal player, she wouldnt be able to change anything in the programming even if she wanted to. But she was to lazy, she rather just continue to look for another group and kill them just like she did with these ones.

Energy: 25/29

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Zandra havent walked far when she saw another one of those Variant nepents spawn. Hopefully she would gonna have better luck with this one then the previous, thou she didnt expected it. It was very hard to get this special drop, she have herd about players that needed to kill several dozens before getting it. But that didnt stopped her from trying. She charged up her uppercut again and rushed towards the plant mob. When she was just half a meter infront of it, she released the attack, that one hitted it. When the reward screen poped up, she saw that she got not only an ingredient, but she got <Nepent's Ovule> as well.


ID: 43579
BD: 4+3=7 Hit 7x1x3=21 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 16+2=18 
+1 material
+<Nepent's Ovule>

Zandra: 116/116 (23/29)
Nepent Variant: 0/15 DEAD

<Nepent's Ovule>
5 materials


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Now when she had the item that village need, she better went back and handed it over. The walk thru the forest to the village didnt took long, and before she knew it she was standing at the border to the village. She didnt remebered the quest beeing programmed to leave the item here, but maybe she is remebereing wrong, that probably is the case here, otherwise, why would this village be marked on the quest map she asked herself. She decided to not think about that anymore and instead she entered the village.

Energy: 24/29

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Zandra walked thru the village, searched for something that could be the place where she was meant to hand in the nepents ovule. She didnt knew what they was gonna need it for, but she actually didnt cared, when she realised that, that she didnt cared, she stopped on the spot. Zandra was one of the most lore-interested players in the whole world. She is always looking to find out lore behind every single quest she is doing, why didnt she felt anything now? Was she becoming a grinder? No, plaese not a grinder.

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After another minute of searching, she found the person that wanted the item and handed it over. In return she got another Anneal blade. So now she had two of them. They was uncommon so she should be able to sell them to a merchant, but is there any active merchant these days? She had her kind of personal one, Hans. But she havent herd anything from him for quite awhile now. She just hoped he havent went and got killed. Well, she guess she just have to go to the marketplace and look for herslef if there was anyone there.

Energy: 29/29 3/3 out of combat posts

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So, the quest was completed and she had handed in the item and also got the reward. Now its time to head back home. It took a few moments before she knew what way to go to get back to town of the beginnings. And there to the warp plaza to go back home to the snowy floor four. She did have plans to move her shop to a higher floor, she was gonna do it when thirteen got unlocked, but the environment up there wasnt in her taste, not at all. It felt like a sad mood covered it all in some strange way.

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She exited the village and walked over the field of floor one. The sun was starting to go down, but still she could see alot of low level players on the fields, trainging by killing the easiest mobs in the game, those big boars with their tiny red eyes. She felt a little sorry for those that are at level one nd such now compare how it was when she started out. Back then it was much easier to survive as a low leveled player. But the system have turned alot more interesting now when sword arts got introduced.

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When she thougth about that, she rembered how much more effective her material hunts have become with the introduction of sword arts with area of effect, which made it possible to get materials four times as quick. Just when the thougth struck her, she got surronded by four of those red eyed boars. She charged up her AOE and released it, making one red stripe on each one of them, reducing their health from full to empty in just one attack. She smiled when they pixelated and she got another bunche of materials as a reward for her struggle.


ID: 43585
BD: 6 7x1x1=7 Damage
MD: Dead before action
LD: 15 +1x4=4 materials

Zandra: 116/116 (27/29)
Boar 1: 0/7 DEAD
Boar 2: 0/7 DEAD
Boar 3: 0/7 DEAD
Boar 4: 0/7 DEAD

+4 materials

Total: 9 Materials


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When the last shining pixels have faded away, she was already on her way back to the town. She wanted to get back home as quick as possible now, she wanted to sit down in her armchair and sip on some well deserved hot choclate. A smile appeared on her face when she thougth about the lovely taste of her favourite drink, hot choclate. Well, beer was pretty high up on the list as well, but not as good as hot choclate. She reached the teleportation plaza of floor one and entered the warp gate and went home.

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