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SP-F7 Two Men, Two Spears, and Two Beers [Complete]

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The calm after the storm finally came, as Lawfer made his way back down the treacherous mountain where he had reacquainted himself with his humanity. A long while back he had heard that there was a grandmaster with the two handed spear that could take him to the next level, one that he despretly needed to meet if he was to gain the title of the strongest spear in the game. As he pulled his cloak together tightly to hide the fact that he wasn’t wearing armor, Lawfer thought back to the time when he heard the Grandmaster’s name. Raise, the man who he would make into his master, even if it was only going to be for a short time.


When he entered Nimbus, he found the pub that Raise always visited on his daily drunken rounds. ‘7th Heaven’. As he cracked open the door, there was only one man sitting there, drowning himself in a cup of Ale. The NPC proprietor raised his hand to welcome Lawfer into the tavern. As he walked himself up the bar, Lawfer took a seat two stools down from the hunched over drunkard. The man, was fairly large with long blonde hair much like his own.


“Can I get you anything?” The NPC man asked as he walked up in front of Lawfer behind the counter. “Yeah, I’ll have what that guys having.” Lawfer responded, as the drunkard looked up and over at Lawfer. “Good choice.” The drunkard said with a slight slur in his words. The NPC returned to counter with the ale in his hands. Sliding over some Col, Lawfer looked over to the drunkard. “So are you Raise?” he asked as he turned his head back forward.


“Well that all depends on who’s asking?” he responded, as he returned a look back to Lawfer. “Someone who is interested in learning the spear. How about I buy you a refil and we talk it over?” The blue eyed warrior responded as he smirked.


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The drunkard smiled, “I don’t know if just one drink will do it.” He paused for a moment to collect himself. “I might need more than that, and I’m running out of Col quickly.” Lawfer laughed as he tuned his head back over to Raise. “Well it’s a good thing I brought plenty of Col with me for just the occasion.” Standing up from his stool, Lawfer walked over to an empty table with his ale in his hand. Looking over to the NPC, Lawfer cleared his throat, “Make sure our glasses don’t get empty.” He stated, “Oh I forgot to ask, whats your name sir?” The NPC, was taken aback for a moment, it probably was the first time in awhile that a player was actually cordial with him. “The names Ryuu, this rounds on me.” The NPC responded.

The drunkard looked back at Lawfer before standing up, as he regained some composure he walked over the empty seat in front of Lawfer, before plopping down with no semblance of grace. “You got it right, I’m Raise. So who are you? How did you hear about me? And why are you really here?” He asked as he glared at Lawfer before taking a giant pull on his drink. As he proceeded to let out a belch he laughed, then regained his glare.

Lawfer laughed as well. ‘Is this guy for real. Is he really that gifted with a spear?’ These thoughts were typical given the circumstances of their meeting. “I’m Lawfer and I heard about you from Myoga before he passed away a few months ago.” Taking a moment to snag a sip of his drink he continued. “Like I already said, I’m interested in learning how to use the spear better that way I can make it to the frontlines. My question for you is, can you help me get stronger?”

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Raise laughed at the notion. “So you want to be stronger huh? Lawfer… Well that’s a [Censored] [Censored] name. You come up with that all on your own?” Raise said with a bellowing laugh as he took a long drag from his ale almost finishing it off. “Ryuu, my glass better not get empty without another one sitting right next to it.” The NPC Ryuu just shook his head and began pouring another drink as Raise looked at Lawfer once more. “So, Lawfer… Why should I help you? I mean, I’m perfectly content just wasting my time in this pub day in and day out. While I’m here no one can beat me and I definitely cant die from liver failure so what do I get out of it?” He asked the blue eyed spearman.

Lawfer really didn’t know what to say, he didn’t think that far in advance. Myoga had told him that Raise was aimless when it came to beating the game now, but he didn’t imagine him to be this hard headed about it. “Well that all depends, what do you want Raise?” Lawfer asked as he took another drink from his glass, before taking a huge drink just like Raise. Raising his hand, he montioned for another drink. “Ryuu, could you get another one for me too?” He asked Ryuu.

Raise laughed. “From what I can see Lawfer, you don’t have anything I could possibly want… If you came to me that means you are weak, and on top of that you’re a guy. I don’t typically ‘need’ or ‘want’ anything from you.” He finished as he lifted his almost empty glass. Taking the last heavy drink, he slammed the glass on the table. “RY---“ Raise yelled as he was interrupted by the NPC. “Shut it Raise, your glass is right here.” Ryuu interrupted as he placed both the fresh mugs on the table. “My bad Ryuu.” Raise said with a smile as he gazed at the frofthy mug.

‘This is going to be harder than expected.’ Lawfer thought to himself as he finished off his own glass and watched Ryuu clear the table.

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As Lawfer took another long sip from his ale, he never broke eye contact with Raise, the two were in a heated deadlock, each trying to figure out the other. “I suppose your too smart for the I’ll show up here everyday until you decide to train me method?” Lawfer asked as he placed down his mug. Raise laughed and placed down his as well. “Yeah, unfortunately my tab is almost full here so I’m going to have to take off the next floor anyways.” He whispered making sure that the NPC couldn’t hear him.

Lawfer returned the comment with a bellowing laugh. “Yeah, besides that doesn’t really fit my style anyways.” Lawfer commented as he took another sip from his ale. “So why did you stop climbing the tower? Got bored waiting for others?” He asked stretched his right arm behind his head.

“To answer that question I may need another drink.” Raise said as he downed the almost full glass of ale then slammed the empty glass to the table. As he did so, Ryuu walked up with another two full mugs of ale. “You’re not going to make me start this one alone are you Lawfer.” The drunken Raise commented as he gestured for Lawfer to finish off his ale. ‘This guy can really drink’ the azure eyed Lawfer thought to himself as he proceeded to chug his almost full glass of ale. “Nah, I wouldn’t make you do that Raise. It would be rude of me.” He commented back as he placed his empty glass in front of Ryuu, and grabbed his fresh mug.

“Right… So I just got tired of constantly battling in the higher level dungeons. The col was good, but I didn’t see a point in helping everyone when everyone was already beginning to get accustomed to living in the lower levels.” Raise paused to take another large hit from his glass. “I suppose your not going to leave today until I agree to help you, are you?” The slightly older spearbearer asked as he looked over to Lawfer.

Lawfer was shocked, he knew that Raise was smart, but he had no idea he was going to be able to read him the way he did. “Nope, I figured that if you don’t help me today, the likely hood of you helping me after today isn’t going to happen.” Lawfer responded in turn as he took a large hit from his glass of ale. “I see… I guess I’ll really have to think about this.” Raise responded as he took a drink. “So why now of all times did you decide to get stronger?” Raise asked.

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Lawfer laughed, he didn’t want to show all of his cards to early, but if he wasn’t completely honest, he would have to try to get stronger all on his own. That would be an even longer path than he wanted to take to get stronger. Taking another drink, he cleared his throat. “I wish I had a simple reason as to why I want to get stronger, but in reality, I want to be able to make it to the higher floors and see everything this world has to offer. I also want to be able to help my comrades who are currently at the front lines. I was supposed to train and get stronger over the last few months but I didn’t accomplish that. All I did was leave all my friends at the frontlines while I ran around and wasted my time.” He paused to take another drink of is ale, this time almost finishing off the glass. “I came back and I’ve been eclipsed by everyone I left behind. I sacrificed everything and received nothing in return. So here I am now. I know the most direct path and that’s to train with you for however long it takes.” He finished as he looked over to Raise. “The question now, Raise, can you train a man that wants to use what he learns from you and make him able to soar to the top of the tower?”

Raise laughed as he downed his drink. “How did you allocate your SP? Did you waste any of it on unrelated skills?"

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As he took another long drink from his ale, Lawfer almost choked when he heard Raise’s question. ‘Well that was easier than I thought.’ The golden haired spear bearer thought to himself as he readied himself to respond. “I’ve accumulated 40 SP, 35 of them have gone into my spear and 5 into my heavy armor. I figured I would max out my spear and get to the higher damage skills quickly so I could hunt more efficiently.” Lawfer responded, as he looked over to Raise. It seemed like he was astounded.

“So you are planning on gambling as a glass cannon? Typical newbie idea… Cant be helped now I guess.” Raise responded as he took a small sip of his drink, a more serious face began to emerge. “What do you think is more powerful? A person who can deal lots of damage? Or a person who can do lower ammounts of damage for a longer amount of time?” Raise asked as he took a shallow drink.

“Well I guess that would depend on the enemy right? If the high Damage dealer could crush the enemy in one go, it wouldn’t matter.” Lawfer responded as he looked back somewhat perplexed by the question.

“Well I would say the person that could hit more times with a more variety of attacks would have the edge. Your method is fine and dandy on the lower levels, but what happens on the higher floors? Wouldn’t you say that Boss’ with ridiculous ammounts of health would easily be able to destroy the one shot characters?” Raise paused for a moment as he raised his right hand, and entered his database. “Look, one attack is good but what the spear emulates is versatility. It gives us a unique advantage. Our high level skills don’t do the best damage, but we get both stun and AOE. Meaning… We aren’t the best DPS. We are the guys you send in to distract, while the high DMG DPS ready themselves for an opening.”

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Lawfer was surprised with how much Raise had known about the spear. It was truly exceptional how he grasped the concepts and role of the user. “So then, what route would you recommend?” Lawfer asked as he took a drink of his ale. Raising his right hand he gestured for the proprietor to bring them another refill. Raise smiled as he polished up the large amount of liquor that was in his glass, just as Ryuu brought them another.

“Look Lawfer, I’m not going to lie to you. It’s going to be hard. After you grandmaster the spear, you should invest all your points into skill mods to lower the EP requirement down to half of what they are. Then, invest all the points into boosting the damage after that. As skill points and level’s get scarcer in the future you can turn your character into a beast. You’ll be able to run over everyone with little effort. The question is… Do you have the resolve to really go forward with such a task? It’s like grand mastering your weapon 3 rimes. So tell me, can you do it?” Raise finished as he took another drink of the ale.

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Lawfer took a moment to really consider his options, he could walk away from the table at this point and try to use the information he gathered from Raise and use it himself. Or he could follow through on his original goal of being stronger. “Raise.. I wouldn’t have come to you if I didn’t think I could handle it. I want to become stronger, to do that, I need to learn it from you. I could twiddle my thumbs and try to solo everything out there, but I know that It wouldn’t help me in the long run. I can do it.” He finished as he took another drink.

“Good, I like that answer. To tell you the truth if you hadn’t have given time to consider your options I would have left you to your own devices and ran out with you paying the tab.” Raise returned as he let out another bellowing laugh. “What kind of gear are you working with?” He asked as he leaned forward with his elbow on the table.

Lawfer raised his right hand and entered his inventory. Equipping his Lawbreaker he handed it over to raise. “A tier 1, Halberd with only a damage mod huh?” Raise said as he examined the stats of the spear. “I guess it will do for now… But we are going to have to get that changed out when you get a little stronger. Halberds are for children… And besides… Lawbreaker…. You can be a little more creative than that LAWfer.” The man said with a chuckle as he handed the Halberd back over to the rightful owner. “Well find you a proper spear later.”

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The golden haired warrior laughed. "Yeah I probably could be more creative. But lets just say it was a take on my old life. What would you recommend?" Lawfer asked as he shrugged the insult aside, the man picked up the vanity of Lawfer quite quickly. "Well, we will keep your spear totally and completely damage based. As much fun as accuracy and the other effects are, they yield in comparison especially since the Sword Arts multiply that damage. But after we get you to the next level on your spear, what are your plans? You going to go into armor or what?" Raise asked as he took a sip of his drink once again.

It would be a lie to think that Lawfer wasn't beginning to get excited about working with his new mentor. Since his time in Aincrad he hadn't met many people with his knowledge let alone his capability with the spear. "Well given what you just told me, I'll probably go the support route then. Maybe first aid? What are your thoughts" He asked as he took another stiff drink. At this point, both of the spear wielders had drunk enough to put down an elephant with no signs of stopping. 

"That could work for you. Lawfer the Holy Lance... It has a nice ring to it. But if you do decide to go that route, I think its better for you to start learning the support skills earlier rather than later. It will make you a more valued member for your team. If you start now, you'll be able to join the higher ranked players earlier on. It will allow you to take on boss raids sooner, and keep you more active. But.. That's all according to how strong you want to get and how fast you get there." Raise replied as he finished his glass and placed it to the side. "Lawfer, I can teach you the more practical ways to use the spear. But I have a condition." he said as he stood up with a heavy sway. "You cover my drinking expense and you got yourself a teacher."

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Lawfer laughed until he almost fell out of his chair, the alchohol probably didn’t help him in that regard. “So that’s all you want raise?” He asked as he stood up with a sway of his own. “Yeah.” The older spearbearer responded with a massive slur still present. “You cover my cost of booze until we get to the desired level, and you got yourself a deal. I don’t like the cheap stuff though. It’s gotta be top shelf or you get bottom shelf service.” He commented with a smile.

At first, Lawfer didn’t know if he was going to like the man. But seeing as how that man was oddly similar to himself, he was fond of him. “You got it. So please tell me I don’t have to call you master.” Lawfer said jokingly as he stood up, barely, holding back his excitement.

“This isn’t the 1800’s. Besides, you already are almost a grandmaster. I’m just gonna show you tips on how to make your build, and use your skills. Its not like the game mechanics are that difficult. Meet me at the gates tomorrow, bring a case or two of ale and we’ll get to work.” Raise said, as he began to make his way to the door, “Oh and Ryuu…” Raise said as he leaned up against the door, trying not to fall over. “He’ll cover my tab that I started.”

As Lawfer walked up to the, counter to pay the tab. Ryuu sent the transaction total. “Are you kidding me!” Lawfer yelled. “17000 col?” He continued, squinting to make sure the total was correct. “Sorry about that. Raise has been on a tab since he started coming here. I heard that he has an even larger tab down on floor 4. That’s why he still is here. But don’t worry Sir Lawfer. You can pay that off over time..” The NPC stated as Lawfer was stuck in his drunken shocked state. “Lets keep the tab open until after my lesson tomorrow.” Lawfer stated as he transferred half of the balance. “Thank you!” Ryuu the NPC stated as he watched Lawfer stumble out of the door.

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The night had passed, and Lawfer stumbled out of his bed. He would be lying if he didn’t admit to being a little hung over from the previous day, but he had an important meeting with Raise. He wasn’t going to miss out on learning from the man that Myoga had referred him to, even if he was going to be pursuing a different route than he originally had intended. Having slept naked, in his attempt to cool down from the alcohol from the night before he equipped himself in his armor and Halberd. Walking over to his sink, he turned the fosit on and proceeded to put his head under the water to shake the cob webs out. “Yeap… Im hung over.” Lawfer said to himself as he grabbed a hand towel and tried to dry his now wet long blonde hair. Having regained some of his sense, he walked to the door, as he opened it then closed it tightly behind him he began to make his way to the gates of Numbis, hopefully Raise would be waiting for him as planned.

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“Looks like someone is a bit hung over!” Raise yelled with a booming voice, as Lawfer came into view at the front gates. ‘How in the hell is this guy so chipper after how much we drank.’ Lawfer thought to himself as he raised his hand and waived to his new mentor. “Looks like you had too much fun last night. You should really try to pace yourself better. I’ve been at it for many more years than you, but you kept up good.” Raise continued as he stretched his arms over his head. “How are you even managing this amount of energy right now Raise?” Lawfer asked as he looked over to the man, still squinting from the sunlight. “Experience trumps all my friend. But onto more pressing matters. We are going to go through 2 groups of mobs. The first will be a group attack and the other will be a solo combat. I know the perfect area for both around here so follow me…” Raise said as he paused for a moment. “You didn’t happen to bring any booze with you did you? I need my inspiration if we are to keep this up for most of the day.”

Lawfer was shocked and puzzled at the question, it was only 10AM and the man had wanted to drink already. “I don’t have any right now, but after we are done, it’s all on me.” Lawfer responded.

“I guess that will do for today. But tomorrow, I need 2 jugs of sake if we are going to do this right.” Raise responded as he gestured for Lawfer to follow. “Come boy, we have work to do!”

“You got it Raise.” Lawfer said as he stood up straight, and began to follow the man. It was going to be a long first day of training.

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The two had walked for quite some time, the mountainous region was nothing to scoff at. Lawfer had spent plenty of time here before but had never been hung over for a journey. It was peculiar how Raise had been able to shake the effects of the alcohol so fast. He was truly inhuman in that regard. Beads of sweat rolled down his face, each smelling like the ale he had the night before. “Ok here we are.” Raise said as the found themselves in at a large plateau. “We should be able to get some good loot from the monsters around here. First things first, since you are a master of the Spear, you should already have a strong AOE. I wanna see how you use trip expand. “Be careful though, the monsters here pack quite the punch.” Raise stated as he picked up a few rocks that were laying on the ground and tossed them at the bigger stones that were around them.


The stones began to rumble then awoke. They were the Rock Golems that would lay in wait and attack at a moments notice. ‘How did he know which ones were which.’ Lawfer thought to himself as he reached back and grasped his Lawbreaker. “Ok I’ll be right back Raise.” Lawfer stated with a smirk. He was planning on handling the four golems in one fell swoop.

The Golems were slow and sluggish, quite different from the ones he had become accustomed to fighting and farming down on Floor 4, it didnt matter though, Lawfer was planning on finishing it in one fell swoop. The spear bearer slung his Lawbreaker over his shoulder and sprinted in between the four incoming rock golems. Lowering his stance, his hands sunk to the handle of his spear. As it began to glow crimson he smiled, "Gotcha." He said as he stepped forward with his lead leg and swung with all of his might. <<Trip Expand>> Activated and he began spinning like a top, making contact with the four rock golems slicing them to pieces of finely cut stone. As his rotation stopped, he looked over to Raise. "So how did I do?" he asked as his inventory dinged.

<<Battle Engaged>>
Lawfer HP: 60/60
Lawfer EP: 4/16
Sword Art Used: <<Trip Expand>> -12 EP

Rock Golem - HP: 0/38   21 DMG   10 Mit
Rock Golem - HP: 0/38   21 DMG   10 Mit
Rock Golem - HP: 0/38   21 DMG   10 Mit 
Rock Golem - HP: 0/38   21 DMG   10 Mit

ID: 49452
BD: 6= 8*6= 48DMG
MD: 9

LD: 15+2=17 +4 Mats, +760 Col

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“Not bad.” The older spearman stated as he reached back into his pocket and pulled out a flask. “Judging by your level, I’m guessing you’re going to need to rest for a bit to recover your EP. So just listen up.” Raise said as he took a sip of the large flask, then motioned for Lawfer to sit down. “You did well for judging the distance, but your timing was off a bit. You have a lot more range with trip expand than you think you do. Had you waited any longer the three golems would have smashed into you.” Taking another sip of his flask, began walking over to Lawfer, as he materialized his spear in his hand. The golden, two tipped spear was unique and gaudy in many ways. As he raised it up he pointed it at Lawfer. “This is the proper range for Trip expand. From here, I can hit you with the full force of the Sword Art.”  

Lawfer was taken aback by the information. He had no clue that the range expanded that far. “Etch it into your brain, all of the AOE attacks give you an increased range, past the point of the spear. That’s what makes it unique. But, with single opponents you need the range that you just used. So from now on, you shouldn’t fall victim to such feeble attacks when you use your AOE attacks.

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"Thanks! I had no idea that Trip Expand gave me that much range." Lawfer responded, he was really impressed with how much Raise knew about the Sword arts. "No problem, thats what you pay me for. Next thing you will need to do is focus on One enemy, when your ready I'll pull for you. Just rest for now. I'll show you how Trip Expand is really done." Raise commented as he swung his activated trip expand once more. Lawfer could feel the wind pressure that was released from his spear. "How many times can you activate it without burning all your EP?" Lawfer asked his mentor as he moved his long blonde hair from his face. "About 9 times..." Raise responded. "That's just ridiculous.... How were you able to get that much experience in the Lower levels?" Lawfer asked. "I told you dummy, I just built my abilities and got the proper equipment. My armor heals my EP in combat. So I can keep going and going."

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Picking up a few more rocks, Raise hurled them into the boulders that had just respawned. As the golems danced to life, Raise looked to Lawfer. “Watch the way I use my Highwind… Engrain every bit of the movement into your memory.” He said sternly as he waited for the golems to come closer. Stepping forward lightly with his lead foot, he swung his dual tipped spear. It glowed a deep violet, then <Trip Expand> activated, causing him to spin multiple times. The tips of the spear seemed like it as dancing, then came to a sudden hault. The monsters immediately shattered into pixels as Raise, turned back to Lawfer. “The perfect attack isn’t the one that does the most damage, it’s the one that makes sure you can keep fighting, without fear of death.” Pausing a moment to take a sip of his flask, he commented again, “Write that down…”

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“Ok Lawfer, your up.” Raise said as he picked up another rock, the mentor had noticed a large panther in the distance that would be perfect for the next stage in Lawfer’s training. As he took aim, the Spear-bearer in training stood. Reaching over his shoulder he slung the massive, Lawbreaker into the ready position.

“Im ready when you are Raise.” Lawfer stated as he watched his mentor hurl the small rock. Like all the other times, it hit its mark perfectly. The panther roared, then proceeded to make a b-line straight for the pair.

“Now don’t mess this up.” Raise stated, as he took a sip from his flask.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Lawfer responded with a confident tone as he watched the Nimian Panther barrel towards him. As Lawfer's halberd began to glow scarlet, he smiled. 'Now' His mind screamed as he released <Vent Fourth>. Four slashes of his Lawbreaker danced catching the panther in the trap. As it was encased in the slashes, a powerful thrust followed that skewered the panther causing it to explode in a shroud of pixels. "Gotcha..." Lawfer stated as his inventory pinged, indicating he received a material.

<<Battle Engaged>>
Lawfer HP: 60/60
Lawfer EP: 8/16
Sword Art Used: <Vent Forth> -8EP

Nimian Panther - 
HP: 50/50   21 DMG   13 Mit

ID: 49570
BD: 8= 8*8=34-13=52DMG
LD: 4+2=6 = +1 Mat

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Looking over to Raise, Lawfer smiled. “So how was that one?” The young spear bearer asked as he looked for Raises input.

“It looks like you gauged the distance right… You chose the most practical skill… And you landed it successfully without putting yourself at too big of a risk for a counter attack. Well done Lawfer.” Raise commended him, then took a sip of his flask. “Now what you need to work on is where you landed the actual strikes. Next time aim low then high, low then high, then take the thrust directly in the center. Don’t aim for the head. Aim for the largest spot on the body. Otherwise you may find yourself missing the final strike.”

Lawfer had known that the praise would be short lived… “You got it Raise…” He responded, as he hung his head low.

“Relax kid… You did good. I don’t expect someone who has never fought with weapons before this game to be perfect right off the bat.”

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“Ok Lawfer, that’s enough for today. Lets get back down the mountain and head in. Your still a bit hungover, and I need something stronger than this Sake. So I’ll start heading back now. Meet me at the pub in a couple of hours and I’ll have your training schedule ready for you.” Raise stated as he began walking back, flask in hand.

“You got it Raise, I’ll see you back in town.” Lawfer responded as he stood up. Looking out at the platuea he realized how much further he had to go with the spear. But before that, he knew he had to take care of his other mission… Gaining aptitude in his First Aid. Turning away from the Plateau. He began his descent down the mountain. There was much more for him to do.

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A few hours had passed since Lawfer had finished training up on the plateau with his new mentor. In that time, Lawfer had realized just how smart Raise was when it came to building his character. At this point, Lawfer would need to gain massive amounts of EP if he was to catch up to the rest of the Knights. As he stumbled out of his bed after a mid-day nap. Lawfer found his stability on his feet that he was lacking earlier. The effects of the alcohol had finally worn off.

Leaving his home, he went to meet Raise at 7th Heaven, the bar that had started this journey. Opening the door, he waived to Ryuu the NPC proprietor.

“Welcome Lawfer.” Ryuu said as he pointed to a drunken Raise.

“Lawfer! You made it!!!” Raise said in an alarmingly loud voice. “I figured everything out for you buddy. With this plan, you should be able to crush anything in your path!!!” he paused to look back to Ryuu. “Ryuu! We need drinks to celebrate…. My pupil will be the Holy Lance that rends the tower of Aincrad.

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