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[SP-06]<<Calming the soul>>

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Atlus cut, and slashed at the demon severing a few legs in the process. "Gaahk!" The demon screamed in pain. "So you were bluffing before right?! Cause you dont seem to be any tougher!" Atlus yelled. The Dream Eater quickly moved its body, and launched a strike from behind Atlus.

Atlus: 21/21

Dream Eater: 11/13 -2

[1-7] Dream Eater hits -2

[8-10] Atlus dodges

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The Dream Eater struck Atlus in his back, making Atlus yell out in pain. 'Maybe If I can get on top of him I can do some damage!' Atlus thought to himself. He grabbed one of the demons legs and tried to jump on top of the Dream Eaters back.

Atlus: 19/21 -2

Dream Eater: 11/13

[1-3] Dream Eater pushes Atlus off

[4-6] Atlus gets on top off back and deals damage but is thrown off -4

[7-10] Atlus stays on back and runs across all of the Dream Eater -6

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Atlus hopped onto the top of the Dream Eater, and ran across its entire centipede body, slicing at its sides along the way. With each strike the Demon yelled in agony. "Thatll show ya to sneak up on me!" Atlus yelled. The Dream Eater readied another attack on Atlus.

Atlus: 19/21

Dream Eater: 5/13 -6

[1-4] Dream Eater hits -2

[5-9] Atlus dodges

[10] Atlus dodges and counters -2

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Atlus launched his Sword Skill and cut Dream Eater in half, making it reel and yell in agony. Atlus slowly approached the beast "You weren't so tough, I really expected more." Atlus raised his blade and prepared a killing blow. "Lance no!" Said a familiar voice. "What?! Whos there?" Atlus said looking around. Atlus looked back to the Dream Eater to see Mika, the love of his life emerge from its body, and slowly walked toward him. "Now that's not possible." Mika locked Atlus in an embrace. Atlus dropped his blade and held her, crying.

Atlus: 17/21

Dream Eater: 1/13 -4

[1-10] Dream Eater rises up and stabs Atlus -16

[11-20] Atlus turns into an immortal sun god and destroys the universe.

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"How is this possible?" Atlus said fighting the tears. "Everything is fine now, im here." Mika responded. Atlus cried on his loves shoulder, as the Dream Eater rose up and prepared a leg. "Ill never let you go Lance." The Dream Eater pierced through the fake Mika and Atlus. The fake Mika quickly vanished, as the Dream Eater slammed Atlus against a wall.

Atlus: 1/21 -16

Dream Eater: 1/13

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'Get up, you can defeat him.' 'Rise fearless fool, do not let sorrow win.' 'Hes nothing but fear you can beat him.' 'Kill this thing you moron!' Atlus pushed the leg out of his chest and fell to the floor. "I get it now, that Mika was fake. But were in a game how did I hear her voice? How did I see her face? Its because im in a dream!" Atlus rose to his feet "And I cant lose in my own dream!" Atlus picked his blade up off the floor. "Time for round two!"

Atlus: 21/21

Dream Eater: 13/13

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Atlus charged in his blade furious, and his cape wild. He cut, and slashed at every thing the demon threw at him. "Give up now and Ill kill you quick! I already told you I cant lose in my own dream!" Atlus yelled. "The Dream Eater prepared an aerial attack.

Atlus: 21/21

Dream Eater: 13/13

[1-4] Dream Eater hits -2

[5-9] Atlus dodges

[10] Atlus dodges and hits -2

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Atlus slashed at the Dream Eater's side as much as he could, severing multiple legs. "How are you doing this!" the Dream Eater shouted, "Ive said it before, I cant lose in my own dream." Atlus said. "Ill end you!" the Dream Eater shouted. Atlus charged up a sword skill "Shining! Crescent! Regalia!"

Atlus: 21/21

Dream Eater: 3/13 -4

[1-10] Atlus hits

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Atlus sliced the Dream Eater in half with his attack. He sheathed his blade, and fell to his knees panting. He got back into his cross legged position, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Finally his raging heart was at peace, for the first time in awhile he felt fairly calm. He opened his eyes and found himself back at the waterfall he had started in, now in full color to. "Geez what a nutty dream." Atlus said to himself.

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