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[PP-F1] A Meeting of Spirits (Hekima, Nixon, Hirru)

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Fate had a strange way of blessing Niklaus with things in his life. Always wanting to play the giving game, but never seemingly giving him what he wanted. Days like today, seemed to be just that. He still very much wanted to find his dearest sister, but given his inability to do anything worthwhile since his time in Aincrad, he didn't even feel worthy enough to search for her. So rather than grovel in his woes, the blonde decided to partake in the most fundamental of activities the game could offer. A training session. And not just any session, one that would employ the taking down of a field boss known to run rampant in the fields of of the first floor.

However, he would need a small party to accompany him, a thought he wasn't overtly thrilled about. With this in mind, he found himself within the cluster of beings that made up the town square. Standing next to the warp gate, he kept his eyes peeled for potential partners.

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Nixon walked up behind the man who was standing at the warp gate. "You sir, are a fishmonger!" he said in a Shakespearean infliction on his words. He doubted anyone would get what he was trying to say, it didnt seem that many people were a fan of Shakespeare in this game, but hey it was his favorite insult. He chuckled at the joke. He wasn't sure how the man would react, but he wasn't scared "The spirit that I have seen, May be the devil, and the devil hath power, T' assume a pleasing shape; yea, and perhaps, Out of my weakness and my melancholy, As he is very potent with such spirits, Abuses me to damn me" (Hamlet 2.2.627-632) he said to the man with a playful grin, whist still speaking with the Shakespearean infliction.

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A blue shimmer would denote someone coming through the warp gate.  Soon, an averaged sized man appeared within its light.  He stepped out of the way of anyone else that would be coming through at the same time.  Looking at him, anyone would think that he looked like a regular player, if they stripped their armor to basic clothing.  The most striking part of him would be his jade colored hair that flashed in the daylight, and the guild symbol that announced to anyone in the area, that he was a Knight of the Blood Oath.  A black undershirt with a wolf pelt vest and a set of plain trousers, would make up the rest of his appearance.  His weapon wasn't in view, as it was hidden in his inventory.  He didn't like to be a show of force on the first floor, but the guild symbol was something that he couldn't hide.

"Hmm.. I should visit Iggy today."

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Is that Shakespeare I hear? And from such a familiar voice as well. Hekima thought. She had debated hard that day... Wondering if it was time for her to move up a floor. Indeed, she was still very weak. There was absolutely no doubt that she was weak and she was well aware of the fact that she was absolutely powerless. Of course, she would work very hard in order to become one of the strongest player in the game and one of the most well-known. Power is what she seeks and power as she knows, leads to corruption... Yet she does not care. Corruption can come later on... Right now, she cannot worry about corruption. All she needed was a method of obtaining power and wealth in this game.

She was a monster. And she was well aware of it. Her acts sometimes polite and others, fierce. Her mouth shelters smiles and frowns. The mind she possesses can be both her best friend or her worst enemy. She was unsettle, maybe even a little bit insane. However, this was not what she was known by. Her mind is a library, containing thousands and thousands of files which held different types of information. Now, she is a blonde but not just any blonde, a smart blonde. Smart isn't even a good enough word to describe her. She was utterly, monsterly intelligent and she was ready to beat down anyone that would get in her way. Becoming strong isn't just something that words can accomplish. It was more easily done with action.

Here, she was attracted to the words of Hamlet. Yet the quote didn't seem to have been spoken correctly. There was no rhythm to it, unlike how Shakespeare's works were supposed to be rehearsed. It was a playful quote that was spoken, not a serious one in which the quote should've been spoken with. Resisting the urge to correct the blonde man which was now apparent to her, she walked up to him and realized that it was Nixon, someone that she had spent time with in a tavern not too long ago. The man had characteristics quite similar to her... yet they were very different in comparison. Without bothering to say greetings, she nodded and realized another blonde man was next to him. This one seemed more mature... At least, his face was mature.

However... Is his heart also mature? How about his mind? That is what is important. She thought as she stared at the man.

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Shakespearean dialogue rolled off the tongue nearby, far too close for the man's comfort as another younger looking blonde approached him. Despite the initial insult, Niklaus suppressed the urge the knock the antediluvian language out of him. Sighing, Nik turned to face the boy. While he understood the quote, he felt the message was out of context. "While plotting your damnation sounds rather amusing, I worry you are not the focus of anything I have going on. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some recruiting to do and you my insightful poet, are blocking the sight of the gate." His eyes paused briefly as another blonde, albeit more attractive and female, approached him and the Shakespeare quoting lad. Briefing her presence with a slight nod, he looked to move past them 

Edging past the blondes, Niklaus spotted a green haired fellow emerge from the light that encompassed the warp gate. Taking note of the symbol inscribed next to his name, Niklaus made way to cross paths with him. Upon successfully doing so, he stopped before the man and attempted to garner his attention.

"You there, donning the insignia of of the Knights of the Blood Oath, may i pester you for a moment. The matter, while of extreme importance to me, may seem ever trivial to you."

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Nixon sighed deeply as he saw a KoB member come through the warp gate. he had never been a fan of the guild though most of the members turned out to be pretty nice. Nixon listened to the blonde haired man and chuckled to himself before returning to his normal composure. He watched the man approach the KoB member and decided that he should probably leave before this became a 'recruitment gathering' or something. He turned to leave and nearly ran into Hekima who was standing behind him. "Hey, Hekima. How are you today?" he asked his tone was not as happy as normal, instead it seemed somewhat stressed. He knew that he would probably have to join KoB eventually if he wanted to get on the Front Lines but he didnt want to even think about that. Trying to regain his normal composure he took a deep breath. but for the first time, it didn't work. "What the hell is going on?" he thought to himself "I am never this stressed, why am I suddenly today?" He thought back to everything that had happened that week, though nothing really came to mind. Maybe the game was finally getting to him. 

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The hunter sighed when he heard someone calling out to him.  He knew that no one else in the current vicinity was a Knight of the Blood Oath, as they also have the guilds emblem, and he would have recognized them instantly.  No, the hunter was the only one to be pointed out, which was somewhat bothersome as he didn't want to be noticed for being in a high ranked guild.  All he wanted to do was to meet an old friend, and catch up on old times.  Unfortunately, the old Crimson Blade came to his mind, whose main goal was to help the lower leveled players out with whatever they needed.  He figured that what ever it was, it wouldn't be too bad.

Turning towards the direction that the voice was coming from, he saw the blonde haired individual coming up to him.  Scratching his head the hunter would say,

"Hello, first of all!  Now, I'd be happy to listen to what you need, but depending on what it is, I may not be able to help with it.  Understand that, and I am willing to talk."

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Hekima began to speak when the blonde man walked away from the party. The man seemed to be educated and spoke of education and experience. However, a gentlemen does not walk away from woman that was about to speak and Hekima clinched her teeth as the man excused himself before she could speak. No matter, the man didn't seem to be of significant importance and hence, she wouldn't mind if he was impolite to her. Eventually, once she reaches the status of being one of the greatest player in the game, she will obtain the respect that she demands and deserves as well. For now, all she could do was try her hardest to catch up to the other front liners. Being a good player is not something that happens over night but rather something that is slow and requires utmost patience. There was absolutely no way around it. No fast method that can help lead this team.

Hekima almost zoned out as she heard a familiar voice. It was then that she realized that Nixon was still there. His voice sounded rather frail and depressed but Hekima thought no more of it. The man was very good at drinking and there was no point in enquiring about his current condition. His life had no part in hers and she would not ask him of anything. "I must say, the day has been good. The sky is showing light already so early on and night seems to be ways from this time. The day is good and I must say, I should definitely be grinding in the fields and not talking over here." Hekima thought, already starting to walk away before hearing the voice of the earlier man. With a look, Hekima saw a green haired man standing there.

Hekima had no idea who the man was nor what position he holds yet the blonde man she had just met seemed to realize who he was. For now, Hekima would stand alert and observing to see who exactly seemed to hold quite a reputation. Reputation that I so desire. She thought, holding the front of her hair to prevent it from trailing from the power of the wind. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Rest assured I am aware that you may or may not have the answers that I seek. But better to ask than regret it later. However, where are my manners? I am Niklaus. You are?" Once the green-haired youth responded, the blonde would follow up with what this conversation had originally been started for. "Do you know of a front-liner by the name of Rebekah and if not, do you know someone who might?" the search for his sister grew more tiring by the day, but his resolve served a greater wall than what tiredness could jump. As he awaited the young man's answer, the bespectacled man shot a glance to the blonde lass that had approached the Nixon fellow earlier. Odd, I wonder what draws her towards us? Attention? Maybe she has a question of her own? Hmmm...

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With the blonde one giving a formal greeting before his question, the hunter would do in kind.  He would nod towards Niklaus when he did so.  Common courtesy was supposed to be a good thing in this worlds society, which seemed to have been brought out of him from some where else.

"My name is Hirru.  What can I do for you?"

When the hunter heard Niklaus' request, he had to ponder on it for a minute or so.  From his memory, there was only one person that he knew with that name, but that was some time ago.  They never crossed paths before or after the 12th floor meeting, which was out of control from the beginning.  All that he could remember, was that she was from the Azure Brigade during that day.

"Unfortunately, I do not know her personally, but I do know of her.  You may have a better result if you ask an Azure Brigade member.  The last time I remember seeing her was during a meeting with her in their guild.  One of my compatriots was once an Azure member, I'll send him a message."

With that, the jade haired hunter would pull up his menu to send a message to a member of his guild.

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