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[PP-F1] Earning a Living

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<<Earning a Living>>

This quest takes place on Floor 1
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark

Description: Every player, to survive in this death game, must make some form of Col. For some, they just hunt mobs. For others, they may earn a living and take up a profession. may meet During your search for a profession you meet a friendly NPC who will train you with your profession. You will have to material hunt and craft your item, or receive a free basic item from the NPC (such as an instrument or fishing rod for performers or fishermen.) Profession options and guides can be found here




-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)

-RP can be PP or SP

-You may have assistance, however only one player may gain their profession

-Repeatable for Materials only


  1. A title relating to your profession
  2. The ability to open up a shop
  3. 1 extra Skill Point
  4. Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)

EXTRA: Until 2/27/15, you have the option to SWITCH your profession by retaking the Earning a Living quest. However, if you switch professions, you lose all progress in your former profession and tools you may have used (such as a crafting needle if you were a tailor) are rendered useless to you.


All items formerly for sale in your shop related to said profession (such as smith materials if you're becoming a performer) must be sold before the switch is made (either in your old shop or to a merchant). If you had the items that you crafted as part of your personal inventory, you may keep them.




Recommended Level: 2


Priscilla had the intention to get things started right, knowing that if she was to pursue her goals like she had done previously with other games, she needed to begin leveling up and gathering goods to build up towards it. Games like this were particularly notorious when it came to grinding out tasks and she knew it was good to knock it out of the way with whatever good methods were currently known to her. With this in mind, she had heard players were able to undergo a quest in order to open up a shop and the ability to craft. Knowing that becoming a tailor would be incredibly convenient towards her goal, she already had her eyes set on what to do.


Making her way downtown, she entered the little hub of NPC shops and headed inside of the trinket shop. "Good evening, welcome to Hot Spot. How may I be of service today?" The shop was looking a little rough on the edges, but there was plenty of pieces up for sale, she assumed, "Hi there, I'm here to take on the job offer as an assistant Artisan, if the position is available." The woman stood up from her stool and walked over to the girl, "Oh, terrific! You're hired! However..." She paused for a moment, uncertain of how it would be interpreted, "Before we can begin, I'll have to ask a favor of you..." As it turned out the woman had consumed her stash of specific materials needed for teaching assistants and needed some Priscilla to go out and search for more, "Sounds great, I'll return as soon as I finish up. Thanks!" Not wasting a moment more, she gripped the door knob and flung it open, ready to move up in this new world.


Edited by Cilla
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After spending the entire night roaming the grasslands looking for alchemical ingredients, Raun returned to the Town of Beginnings only after sunrise. He was so sleepy that he found an inn and attempted to convince the innkeeper to take his mats as payment for a room. The innkeeper took pity on him and finally agreed; he slept like a log and woke up only late in the evening. For a moment he wasn’t sure where he was. He had forgotten about everything and it all came crashing down all of a sudden. Yes… Sophie…

Thoughts of his sister got him back on his feet again. He equipped his gear and walked out. As promised, he promptly walked up to the innkeeper and offered his mats. “Here you go. Thanks for the room,” he said with a smile. The innkeeper refused politely, saying, “Don’t worry about it. Just pay me whenever you have the money. That way, you will come back here to stay more nights.” Raun was rather pleased with this, but then he realized it is just a game and a messy one at that. Nevertheless, he thanked the innkeeper and made his way out of town. He can’t be sleeping in the same inn without paying again and he had no intentions of sleeping out in the cold. Besides, if he wanted to protect his sister, he has to level up. Sitting around wasn’t going to make that happen.

As he walked down the road towards the town’s exit, he noticed a really short girl with lavender coloured hair walk out of a shop. Initially, he thought it was a kid, but upon closer inspection, it was clear that wasn’t the case. The way she walked, it looked like she was on a mission. Presuming she is of much higher level than he is, Raun approached her for help. “Hi! My name is Raun. I’m looking for my sister. Have you ever come across a blonde girl with sea blue eyes?”

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She had made it no more than a few steps beyond the door before a player disrupted her quest, a handsome man about a foot taller than herself, though did not appear to have any trademark look to himself like many of the players in this game... herself included. She was a tad concerned for his request, but knew that many others had loved ones or friends here in the game that had yet to find each other, "Sorry, Raun. I haven't seen anyone like that, but if I do, I'll be sure to let your sister know that you're looking for her." She shrugged her shoulders as she couldn't really do much more than that, but before she wandered off towards where she was initially headed, she did have a suggestion, albeit not the answer Raun was probably looking for. Crossing her arms beneath her cleavage, she offered her only suggestion, "I'm taking a short journey out of town to gather some materials for a quest, perhaps she's not in the safe zone at the moment? Certainly, she must be looking for you as well and I imagine that the two of you will be running in circles for god knows how long..." While the player would have to take some risk going into the wilderness with her, she was taking on just as much risk, if not more. However, she needed to get to know some of the players in the game as soon as possible, considering she didn't know anyone in here... or at least, not to her knowledge.

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The purple-eyed man was disappointed with Cilla’s answer, but definitely wasn’t ready to give up yet. He just smiled weakly and nodded in response when she said she will let his sister know if she ever meets her. “Thank you very much! I really appreciate it,” he said. He sighed and looked up at the bright blue sky wondering where Sophie could possibly be. Where are you sis? I’m- He was cut off from his thoughts as Cilla spoke again. He turned towards her and looked her directly in the eye; neither her crossed hands nor her curves were noticed. Cilla was a cute girl. Being the ladies’ man that he usually is, Raun would have showered her with compliments, under normal circumstances. However, right now, his mind was completely preoccupied with finding Sophie and the usual charm he had around girls had diminished tremendously. “Oh no… She doesn’t know I joined the game too. You see, I entered this wretched thing after she did, hoping to find her and keep her safe. In any case, you are right. She is the kind who would go out there and actually try to beat the game. Would you mind if I tagged along while you did your quest? I heard there are difficult monsters out there. So, it’ll be safe for both of us if we went together.”

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Cilla returned the smile, hoping that the half-baked smile of this newcomer named Raun would shine just as great, "Oh, it's no biggie. Would love to have some company tag along anyways!" She waved it off with her hand, showing that it truly was no bother to her, but she was genuinely glad to help even if it wasn't much. She began leading the way, knowing that they would have plenty of time to chatter while they were out and about, nodding her head forward in implication that he should follow along. Unfortunately, it sounded as if Raun's situation was a little more troublesome than he could have imagined, "Oh, geez. I can't blame you, would have done the same if I had anyone that close to me get trapped in here. At least she's probably got a little bit of headway if that's the case, I haven't actually gone out there and started training myself just yet." She pulled up her menu and equipped her scimitar to her active inventory, revealing a sheathed curved sword at her left hip, "Not planning on running into anything dangerous out here, but at least I'll be able to defend myself if we run into any mobs along the way. You have something to defend yourself as well, yes?" If he didn't, which was unlikely, Priscilla was somewhat certain she could protect the two of them, but she didn't like the chance of becoming overwhelmed more easily.


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