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[OP-F1] Oh How The Mighty Fall

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Nixon sat on the bench outside of the town square. This was not abnormal for him as he sat there often. The sun was setting and the beautiful pinkish-purple filled the sky. Nixon sighed, it wasn't an unhappy sigh instead one of relaxation. There were a few shops still open, though most had closed by now. The new spring air was welcoming and the oncoming night just made it feel more lively. Nixon's eyes closed, seeming to fall asleep to the common onlooker. Though he was far from asleep, instead he was taking his time with relaxation. He was absorbing his surroundings. It was peaceful and serine. He tried to think back to the time before the game, but he couldn't. "Some things are better left behind" he said to himself softly. "Not everything is worth digging back up"

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Leaning with his back to a tree Hydra noticed his close friend from a distance, Nix seemed deep in thought. The two had been on many adventures together but it was always good to kick back every once in a while. The light from the sun broke apart as it went through the tree's branches creating all sorts of shadows. The spearman looked to the sky and started counting clouds. "I wonder what Nix is thinking about". Yawning, the player relaxed his shoulders. "I know I'd like to see more of this world... maybe an SAO tour would be fun" Hydra chuckled lightly to himself and closed his eyes.

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Walking out of one of the nearby shops, Allania finished adjusting her new set of leather armour, tightening it slightly on one side. Looking up from where she had stopped in the street she spotted Hydra leaning with his back to a tree. "Maybe he's off in another one of his daydreams" she thought, as that was hardly uncommon with him. Thinking that she should probably not disturb him, Allania wandered over to the bench outside of the town square. As she walked closer she saw that a blonde haired player was sitting there, unsure of whether or not she'd be welcome, Allania thought first to introduce herself, "Hey there," she called out with a small wave to the player sat on the bench, "would you mind at all if I took the seat besides you?", motioning to the empty bench next to him and coming to a halt just in front of him. Waiting for a response before sitting down, Allania looked in the direction he had his gaze set on, wondering if he was looking at anything in particular.

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Nixon opened his eyes to see a blonde haired and brown eyed girl standing in front of him, after hearing her question he responded in his normal cheerful way "I wouldn't mind at all. I am Nixon the Abandon. Who might you be?" He smiled at the girl as she sat down beside him. It was a wonder to him how he attracted so many people. And it seemed people from every different walk of life. He was sure that this young woman had a story of her own, It seemed everyone in this game was unique. He took a deep breath and looked at the sunset, still somewhat baffled that Kayaba had put so much effort into the setting and realism of this game. Nixon felt somewhat relaxed in how the week had gone, His story was vast but his being was empty, though he did not know what was missing.

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Ratatosk was doing his usual business, look at the bulletin board, cut some apples, and steal from people. His eyes were plastered on the bulletin board, looking for a quest to do, finding nothing he kicked the wooden board in a rage and took a seat next to Nixon. "[Censored]  Damnit! That board never has any good [Censored], how the [Censored] am I supposed to level up!" This young blonde teenage boy cooled down by slicing an apple into a few slices using his sword, each slice taking the shape of a dog. "Seven slices, looks like I've outdone myself today." Ratatosk sheathed his blade and looked into the horizon, putting a slice into his mouth.

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Her head quickly darting in the direction of the sound of a player kicking something in frustration, seeing it was just someone frustrated with the bulletinboard Allania turned back, facing the one who called himself Nixon. "I'm Allania, just Allania, I don't really have any fancy thing like 'the Abandon' to my name. Oh and thank you for letting me sit here" she said with s small smile, it was always nice to meet new people in this world, as everyone had their own perspective their own individual history, each one shining a new light on this world that she had not considered before. "So how are you this fine day?" Allania asked, looking at the bright sky above, not blue but it faded to that colour, tinged with orange and red that arced out from the site of the setting sun.

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Nixon gave a small laugh as Allania said  "I don't really have any fancy thing like 'the Abandon' to my name." He was very relaxed at this point, he wondered if he was being too trust with these new people, but he thought he would rather risk it. "Trust me Madam Allania, be happy you dont have a title, they tend to stem from experiences you wish you never had." Nixon smiled at her, however his smile had a hint of regret in it. "I am in a good mood, madam. As the color of the sky hopefully means there will be a storm on the horizon, and I just love the natural phenomena that are storms." He turned to the man who had shoved himself down beside Nix and was cursing like a drunken sailor. "You okay there, sir?"

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