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[SP-F9] Hunting the Bandits <<Bandit Camp>> (Complete)

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"Ignalo... where did you..."

"That's none of your concern."

He sheathed his blade, which looked like a large butchers knife.  That was another thing that tipped me off, as the Ignalo that I knew used OHSS.  When and why did he switch?  It was at this time that I was questioning the first friend that I had ever made in this world.  This was no longer the man that saved me from the boars on the first floor.  This wasn't the person that took me back to the main town of the sixth floor, when I faced the Gemini.  The confusion in my head became painful as I fell back to the ground.

"It is when..."

"You don't know what I've gone through.  What I've done for them."

Ignalo quickly interrupted me with that.  That triggered something in me.  Someone or something had made my friend into this.  Who though?  Somehow, he wasn't the Ignalo that I knew, but something without a soul, or so I thought.  If he didn't have a soul, why did he save me yet again.  Walking past me, Ignalo stopped beside me.

"Listen, Hirru.. Don't get involved with the Forbidden Blood."

That name.  It was something that I dreaded hearing.  A name that made me pale on the spot.  The name that took a friend away from me, and all of my brothers in the Crimson Blades.  With that said, Ignalo walked past me into the night.  Slowly, I looked back, trying to gain the strength to move, to say anything.  I fell to the ground, my arm outstretched to him as he walked away.






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