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[PP-F1] Time to meet someone new (Kranzer)

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Allania was wandering around the time of beginning. It felt like it had been a fair long while since she had interacted with another player. It was getting somewhat lonely. So to try and rememdy this, Allania headed towards the Town square, where the teleporter was, it was an unofficial sort of hub, though it did make sense, afterall it is the access point for all the floors above. Taking a seat at one of the nearby benches, Allania waited, hoping that someone would come along and start up a conversation, as seemed the norm for this world.

After a while of no one coming, Allania got distracted and started to daydream, looking up and off into the sky. "You'll make it there one day Allania, one day."

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Despite the rocky start Kranzer had gotten off to here in Aincrad he'd finally settled down into a sort of daily routine. He'd wake up early and check over his gear and plan for the tasks at hand. After that he'd pass through the gate that would lead him out into the grassy fields that surrounded the Town of Beginnings. From there he'd either spend his day hunting the various Fauna that populated the area or he'd simply spend it gathering materials that he found from the local flora. That was primarily how his days here played out. It was a steady routine and while some may find such repetitiveness as being a bit droll Kranzer actually enjoyed the stability it offered him. This didn't hold true every day though. While Kranzer spent most of his time alone, which suited him to a certain degree, often he'd simply wander around the city and listen to the various rumors and gossip that the local players tended to share among themselves. 

This day found the young man on his way towards the central plaza where the teleport pad was that allowed players to traverse the various floors that had been cleared by the strike teams. He'd recently gotten wind of the fourteenth floor being cleared. Not that he'd ever make it up that high obviously nor did he have much drive to do so. For now the young man was content to simply spend his days helping the few friends he had. He didn't possess the drive that Dynaon had to increase his strength and forge his path directly up into the Front-lines nor did he possess the kind spirit that Hope demonstrated on a regular basis. As he walked along he let out a soft sigh as he thought about the friends he'd made so far. So lost in thought that when he sat down he didn't immediately realize that someone else was already seated upon the bench.

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Sitting there, at the vast expanse overhead. What should have simply been an azure blanket, wrapping around the floor below, was actually ripped in two, being separated by a vast column that speared out from the ground up to the sky, connecting their floor with the one above. Each floor was different, she knew this to be true, seeing the evidence with her own eyes, having once traveled up to there.Not to the second floor but to the fourth, a frozen paradise. Each floor was unique, none two quite alike, at least from what she had heard, but who knows, there are 100 floors in this floating castle, many of which she was yet to discover.

Having been enraptured by the sky Allania barely noticed the person who had sat down besides her. Breaking from her trance, Allania remembered why she had settled upon this bench to begin with, and it was just that, to meet new people and here was one right next to her, sat less than a meter away. Turning to face the newcomer, Allania spoke somewhat quietly, so that if they were busy she would not disturb them, but loud enough that otherwise they would hear, "Hey there", a faint smile tracing its way across her face, "I'm Allania, and sorry if I am disturbing you, it's just nice to meet more players of this world."

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Kranzer didn't register the soft voice as she spoke to him at first, but soon he blinked and turned to look at her. He wasn't accustomed to having someone actually speak to him first so at first he sort of just sat there. Staring at her. Once he realized he had been staring at her he quickly adverted his gaze. People were scattered all about the central plaza as they were busy at holding their own conversations and making plans for the day. When he turned to look back at Allania he said, "You're not disturbing me at all. I was just a little lost in my thoughts really. I'm Kranzer." Even from a seated position it was obvious Kranzer nearly stood a full six feet in height. His light black hair was secured at the nape of his neck with a small leather strap so that it wouldn't get in his way by falling in front of his face. His dark-eyed gaze remained mostly fixed upon her eyes and only strayed to look at the others who were gathered nearby but none seemed to be really paying them any heed.

His clothes were primarily a dark shade of grey. The only exception was the black leather that had been sewn into the torso and around the collar of his long coat. On the left sleeve of the coat the profile of a majestic lion had been emblazoned. Seated atop its head was a crown. A black scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck with either end falling down on opposite sides of his body. The edge of the scarf had been pulled down so it didn't conceal any of his face. She expressed that it was just nice to meet other players in this world and while he didn't quite share her optimistic outlook on the matter he nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I usually wander into the plaza mostly seeking out the latest news and rumors."

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Hearing his response, Allania could not help but smile a little wider. Not initially registering the height of the person who sat beside her, Allania found herself craning her neck, looking up so that she could actually see his face. The bustle of the streets around her was just white noise, as it regularly became when she was focusing on something, this time the object of her fascination was Kranzer. Trying to read the line of his face, trying to read what he was thinking. Shaking her head slightly from side to side, rousing herself from her stupor, she had just been gazing at his face, not fully knowing how long she had been doing so Allania smiled once again, her previous smile having faded as her awareness of the world around her had faded also. Lowering her eyes, Allania began to pick at the hem of her dress, she had not meant to stare so intensely at him. 

Once she had sat there for a while, somewhat awkwardly picking at her dress, she smoothed it out, sliding her hands over the blue and white embroidered pattern on it, straightening her Boarhide bodice. Making sure she was once again presentable, Allania looked back to him, saying "My bad. I find myself in that situation a lot, just zoning out of what is happening around me. Though I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, as it allows me the  opportunity to just relax, watching the world unfold around me, how it all interacts, the harmony between us and the NPC's, be they friend or foe".  Sighing, "Kayaba built this place spectacularly".

Edited by Allania
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When he realized it wasn't only he that had stared a little too long he quickly looked away when she did. The edge of his scarf was pulled up over his nose to conceal the slight flush that discolored his cheeks. Once she started to speak he'd regained enough of his composure that he lowered the scarf and turned to look at her once more. As she spoke of observing the world around her his dark-eyed gaze spanned out to take it all in. He slowly nodded in agreement. "That he did and to be honest I kind of do the same thing. Look at how it all works and flows I mean. I also tend to kick back and relax more rather than going off to gain levels like my friend does," Kranzer said with a soft laugh. He idly scratched at his cheek while his gaze dropped down to his feet. The sound of the bustling crowd that'd gathered in the central plaza rose slightly and it drew his gaze for a few moments. There were quite a number of people around here this day. Eventually his gaze sought out the pillar that sprouted up from the center of the plaza. This was the very place they all learned that they were trapped here. They would remain trapped until the final floor was cleared and only then would they be able to log out.

Kranzer let out a soft sigh. In truth he wasn't in any hurry to leave this place since he didn't really have much to go back to. When he turned to look at Allania there was a wistful expression on his face. "Did you hear they cleared the fourteenth floor recently?" It wasn't that much progress when it was compared to just how large that floating castle truly was but it was a start. One day his friends would travel up to the front lines to fight. What would he do at that time? Remain around here just going about his daily routines, or would he decide to take his dagger in hand and join the effort? Kranzer still didn't have any answers to these questions.

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Hearing him mention the clearing party Allania turned her head quite sharply, she was interested in them. One day she wanted to be up there, fighting alongside this worlds very best, but that would take time, and she did not want to rush her way through. She wanted to explore this 'prison' fully, to learn and experience every single nook and cranny. "Yep, though I heard it was a tough battle, and even led to the death of two of the group. It's such a shame to hear that player die in this world, but it sounded like they did so while fighting their hardest to survive, to give us a better chance to explore", Allania said, a sad look in her eye surfacing as she mentioned player deaths. She did not want anyone in this world to die, she wanted everyone to live and work together, to get to the hundredth floor. But what she did not know is if she wanted them to clear the game, yes it would mean she'd get to be with her family, but it also meant losing this world, losing her chance to explore further, to learn more. 

"I want to be up there one day, discovering new and wondrous places that have not yet been seen by any player of this world, though I am in no rush" she said, smiling up at the person towering over her, "Do you think you'll ever find yourself up there, helping the clearing parties?".

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The way her head turned to regard him upon his mention of the front lines startled the young man but he did his best to keep that from showing on his face. His brow furrowed slightly when she talked about the two players who’d met an untimely end during that battle. He nodded slightly in response and had to divert his gaze. “Aye I heard about them.” He didn’t really elaborate anymore on it as he felt that if they truly fought for survival then they wouldn’t have gone in that room in the first place. For Kranzer survival did not go hand in hand with clearing every floor and getting to log out. For Kranzer survival was simply living until the next day. It was waking up to see that sun rise and to live on to see the next. His brow furrowed slightly when she made mention of her desire to be among the advance party one day. Though he did admire her for saying she wasn’t in a rush. That at least made her different from his friend Dynaon. That man was in such a rush Kranzer worried that it’d get both of them killed one day.

When she asked if he thought he’d ever go up there one day he let out a soft sigh. When he looked at her there was anguish clearly reflected back in his eyes which was born out of his inability to truly decide on what he wanted to do. In the end the one thing he didn’t want to do was end up in a life or death battle again. “I don’t know,” he finally said. “I can see the appeal of being up there and fighting for others. It’s a noble cause, but I am also afraid,” he said. Kranzer was a little surprised he’d actually admitted to that. A reddish hue spread across his cheeks as he cleared his throats due to the accidental admittance to his fear of battling on the front lines.

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Hearing the tall man beside her say he was afraid, Allania's smile slowly faded from her face. "Don't worry, " she says, reaching an open hand out to Kranzer "it is understandable, completely so for one to be afraid.". She knew fear was prevalent in this land, no one wanted to die, she knew that herself, reminiscing of her first fight with monsters in this world. Allania had seen the anguish in his eyes, the indecision, she too had indecision in her path, though it was different. For her it was a choice between clearing the world and not as opposed to his of helping to clear it. A humourless smile spreading across her face "and my reason for clearing this world is not noble sadly. It is very much for myself sadly, I just want to see more of this world, to explore, to search this world high and low. Finding every thread of beauty that this castle has to offer."

Stretching her arms, Allania stood up. "Do you want to go do something together?" she asked, sweeping her hands in a grand motion towards the town around her. This conversation had taken somewhat of a depressive turn. Allania wanted to try and brighten the mood once again, to stop the man from his suffering. Hoping that he would want to follow along, Allania stood there. Just waiting.

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The understanding Allania showed him in regards to his fear only made him pull this scarf back up to partially conceal his face again. That’s something he definitely didn’t expect. There were so many people here in Aincrad and each one was different. With their own flaws that made them unique and that was something he’d only just started to become aware of. At first he thought everyone was as foolhardy and overbearing as the first friend he’d made here. To find out that her reasons for wanting to clear the floors out was something for her own benefit was actually rather refreshing. In his mind anyone who said they wanted to fight just to protect those who couldn’t he felt they were either lying to themselves or they just had something to hide. Kranzer didn’t trust people who just seemed to be so selfless. At least Dynaon’s desire to get to the front lines was just to make a name for himself.

When she stood up and asked if he wanted to do something with her he blinked in response but he stood up and nodded slightly. “Sure. Did you have something specific in mind?” For a moment he gazed up at the sky. It was already well passed dawn so he wouldn’t be seeing the sun rise outside of the town’s gates like he usually did. Getting out and doing something just might give him some drive to make a decision for once in what he wanted to do.

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Allania stood there, waiting for him to fully stand up, unfolding his hunched over body, towering over her. Looking up at his sheer height, Allania almost missed his question, then realising she had been asked a question stopped. "Ahh..." she let out quietly. She had not considered this far. Standing there frozen, her mouth hanging slightly ajar, her mind racing. What to do? What to do? Her mind running with her, going from idea to idea. What of visiting a store? Or maybe going for a short battle? She could just not decide.

Turning back to Kanzer, Allania spoke once again "I had not actually thought that far ahead unfortunately. Any ideas that you would like to suggest?". A shy smile once again plaguing her face, she was somewhat embarrassed now, though just slightly. Once again she hoped that he would have an idea as to what to do, otherwise that idea would have lived a rather short life.

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Her hesitation at his question while amusing was rather reminiscent of how Kranzer usually was. Finding someone else who evidently couldn’t settle on a specific course was actually rather refreshing.  He offered her a slight smile when she revealed that she hadn’t thought that far ahead. “That’s alright,” he said as he tried to ponder over what they could do. He was going to suggest that they go to the Starlight Café as they served pretty decent food. However, he quickly dismissed that idea as his intent could be easily misconstrued. Last thing he needed was for it to appear as if he intended to ask her out on a date. That wouldn’t do at all.

The same went for taking her to any of the locations that he’d discovered that could be considered “beautiful” in this place. His brow furrowed as he pondered. Then he looked at her and he seemed to consider her gear for a moment. “Well we could go and battle something but I’d rather know what sort of gear you have before we do that. I’d rather avoid placing you in any sort of danger. If you want I could take you to one of the local shops and pick you up some gear.” It wasn’t like he was using his Col for much anyway.

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Allania smiled brightly as he showed concern for her, it was not the most common traits in this world. "You don't have to worry about me, my gear should be more than enough to survive what this floor can through at me" I say, bringing my HUD menu. Scrolling through the different menus, Allania quickly scrolled to the inventory section, selecting the tab that stated equipped items. Once she had found the section she as looking for, Allania flicked it around, showing him what she had equipped:


Simple version

- First of Zandrar (dress, +2 LD)

- Boarhide Bodice (light armour, 2 mit & 1 thorn)

- Rondel (1H dagger, +2 DMG)

"So yeah" she said with a smile "I should hopefully be fine. I even crafted the armour myself. I was especially proud of myself when I managed to do so." excitement tinging her. She enjoyed the fighting, the pure clash of two wills, two opposing views and sentiments, clashing and oft times one coming out above the other, for better or worse. "Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Is your gear up to scratch, don't want a newbie like you dying on me" she said, laughing. Reaching up ad placing a hand on his shoulder, smiling widely.

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Oh,” he said as she said there was no need to worry about her. That fact was only proven as she revealed the true extent of her gear which caused his dark-eyed gaze to widen ever so slightly. The fact that she made the armor herself impressed him even further. “You’re a tailor then?” That meant this meeting was better than he imagined. After all he needed to have more armor made eventually and since he was going to route of light armor it’d beneficial to befriend a tailor early on. He was about to say something when she questioned the state of his gear and the comment about not wanting a newbie like him dying on her caused his eyebrows to raise. “Really,” he said as he smiled despite himself. He opened his menu and flicked it around for her to see. “I won’t be dealing the same damage as you with those thorns but I can hold my own when its necessary.”

  • Fate's Hand: Dagger[Perfect], +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy
  • Merlin's Shroud: Armor[Perfect] +9 Mitigation, +2 Evasion [3 Mit from Light Armor skill]

She laughed and placed her hand on his shoulder which drew his gaze to her hand. He wasn’t quite accustomed to someone being quite so touchy but he simply smiled as he was still amused over her statement earlier. “Then perhaps we can reach some sort of deal? I’m aiming to be a merchant so I could appraise your gear for you and help you gather materials. All I would need is for you to craft gear for me when I need it. What do you say?” She seemed to have somewhat of a carefree demeanor but he knew often that some people simply acted that way rather than revealing their true emotions. Then again perhaps she was just a perky person. He had no way of knowing.

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"Yep, a tailor I am. I recently became rank 4 as well" excitement once again tinging her voice. Her hand falling from his shoulder. She loved the profession of tailor, it may not be as arduous as blacksmithing, or as versatile, but it had its points. She was yet to get a customer, however that was not surprising, and was likely due to her not actually selling anything yet, as she had one craft left before she would properly open. Hearing the proposal, Allania began to mull it over. "Hmmm...". It would be mutually beneficial, though she still had one crafted she wanted to complete before taking on any requests. After weighing the pros and cons, it seemed the pros far outweighed the cons. "Sure, that sounds good to me. Though you've got to let me get one more perfect craft, there's one more item that I want to make before I start taking requests.", she said as she extended a hand towards him, gleeful at the proposition.

"It seems like your gear is up to scratch also, that evasion will probably come in great use. So why don't we go and find some creatures to hunt then, get a little adrenaline pumping?". She was still stood there, waiting to hear the response to both her questions, hand still outstretched. It would be wonderful if he were to agree to both, he had suggested the former himself so that one should be welcomed.

Edited by Allania
rank 4 tailor not rank 5
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"Rank four," he echoed as he was clearly impressed with that accomplishment. Kranzer would certainly frequent Allania's shop knowing that for any gear he might need. When she expressed that she wanted to make one more piece of gear before she accepted any custom orders he simply smiled and reached out to grasp her hand firmly when she extended it. He shook her hand as he said, "Take all the time you need. It will be a little while before I need any more gear, but if you're willing I'd like to make you my exclusive tailor." It would be easier than trying to find anyone else and it couldn't have just been a coincidence that he sat on the same bench as someone who could make the type of armor he was skilled in using. Allania made the suggestion that they should go outside of the city and hunt some creatures in order to get some adrenaline pumping. That's what he usually did during a typical day here on the first floor. Well that and seeking out the various types of material he could find in the wilderness. Kranzer nodded slightly as he considered it. "You know what? Why not. Let's go hunt some beasts," he said with as light shrug. Once he let go of her hand he opened his menu so he could send her a party request. "It'll be easier if we group up and it'll be much safer. Awesome gear or not."

With that done he would walk with her towards the city gate. "How often do you go out hunting? I actually go out daily to hunt boar and gather materials. Usually by myself but occasionally I have company."

Edited by Kranzer
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"Ooohhh, sounds like a deal" she said with enthusiasm, vigorously returning the handshake. Exclusive tailor? She liked it. Being honest with herself, Allania had never expected much when she took on the profession of tailor. She had expected just to be sat in a dark and dusky store, labouring away at her job, crafting and crafting, never once seeing a customer. Crafting just for herself, everything else going to waste. But exclusive tailor? Once again repeating it in her head. It had a nice ring, one that she hoped she would get to hear again.

Her HUD then popped open, a request to join a party. It was not just her HUD that popped, she herself was popped back to reality. Hurriedly pressing the accept button, registering then what the player had said. Nodding her head in agreement. It was far safer to travel these lands in a group, though she oft defected from this idea, spending the vast majority of her time alone.

Hearing his next question, Allania felt slightly anxious. ' How often do you go out hunting?'. She did not want to seem like a brute. A savage. Killing just for fun. Respite came quickly to Allania, much to her obvious relief. He too went hunting daily, so she was not alone. "Daily is it? It seems we have quite the hunter here," she said, her face falling into a neutral but serious look, nodding slowly in approval. It was not before long that the edges of her mouth began to turn up, her smile once again trying to infect her face. She could just not play the serious type. Breaking out laughing, her smile once again shining deep within her eyes, "sorry, I just couldn't help myself. I just can't pull of =f the serious face. And I too try to go hunting daily, it's great fun, but I mostly go alone on such events. Much like you".

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Kranzer was rather surprised without vigorously the young woman shook his hand. She had a lot of zeal which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. For a moment there it looked like she zoned out but she quickly returned to her senses though he may have just misread her expression. When she considered his question Allania seemed to adopt a serious expression. Had he made a mistake in asking that question? Kranzer was running over the conversation in his mind when she talked but he was suddenly distracted when he saw the hint of a smile tug at the corners of her lips. Then she smiled and burst out into a fit of laughter. Kranzer felt soem relief as she revealed that was simply a ruse. The fact that she just couldn't maintain a serous expression said a lot about her and it was a little refreshing to be around someone who seemed so animated. Kranzer offered her an awkward smile in return but seemed to focus more on the fact that she also traveled outside of the town to hunt on a daily basis. Like Kranzer she favored no company other than her own most of the time. It was reasonable after all. With the threat of death at the end of every weapon a player wielded it was difficult to know who could be trusted.

When he realized he'd remained silent for a moment he quickly nodded. “Aye I have always fancied myself something of a lone wolf." Kranzer turned and started to walk. "There are times when even the solitary wolf needs company out in the wilds. Whether it is to take down a strong beast or make the best use of the time we have.” The young man offered her a quick shrug before he continued his trek towards the south where the gates were. Did he relate to her comment on the hunts being fun? A brief expression that hinted at the conflicting emotions that warred within him flashed across his face. Did he have fun hunting the beasts? Certainly not. Kranzer quickly smiled to mask his true thoughts and pushed them aside. There certainly wasn't anything wrong with having fun. Nothing wrong with it at all. In truth he did have fun and would often be smiling as he fought but it wasn't something he was actually conscious of.

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Watching the confusion spread across his face, wondering where he had blundered in the conversation just amused Allania more. Causing nothing but her serious facade to fall quicker. The awkward smile he offered in reconciliation just made her day. She was not one to frequently amuse herself by such means, but whenever she did, it always brought her no endless mirth. Recovering from her short laughing fit, taking a few deep breath to help in the process.

"I seem to be a lone wolf more by circumstance than by design. I do enjoy the company of other, it energizes me even, but I have found myself a rather solitary existence in this world" I say with a sigh, looking down at the ground while a sad smile plagues her face. It was sorrowful but true. Compared to the 'real' world, she was a loner here. Yet there she had constant companion, never a moment alone. She and her family had been simply that close, working together to survive in the deathgame that was life. Amusing herself at the contrast between them. Here was simply a virtual world, constructed by software, tricking our brains into perceiving the world like this. Yet the 'real' world was little different, it was another world were our brains, once again being tricked, but this time by the stimuli that our eyes gave us. The sight that they provided. The sounds of the bustling world, potentially just a trick produced by the ears. It was a depressing thought, yet a very viable one. Who knows if what we once called the real world was just that. Real. It could have just as easily been a simulation as this one was.

Looking up once again, her sad smile still there, she just caught the conflicting emotions play across his face. It seemed that neither of them were so sure of themselves. At least not all the time. But that was good, it meant they were both human, both flawed in their ways, but both able to continue on. To strive for the next day.

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Her bright demanor seemed to dim ever so slightly after she revealed that she was more of a lone wolf due to circumstance than any personal choice. The smile that adorned her face looked sad as her gaze lowered. Kranzer's brow furrowed as he tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind. He could have tried to console her but he didn't know what she was sad about. Was it due to her circumstances that kept her a solo player? If that was the case he could at least do something there. "Well you don't have to go it alone. I could always use help on some of my hunts. Never hurts to have someone watching my back while I fight. Add me to your friends list and message me if you ever feel the need to have someone watch your back too," he said with a quick shrug. 

The sad smile lingered on her face and for an instant be thought he was something of himself reflected back at him from her expression. It reminded him that he wasn't the only one who has doubts or problems in this world. While the world was a virtual one the people here were real despite their virtual bodies. Each one had dreams, fears, and doubts. "Ready," he asked as he prepared to leave and start today's grand adventure.

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