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[PP - F2] The Unpopular Queen Bee <<Long live the Queen>> (Allania)

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With her protective armour fixed on her chest and trailing down to the skirt of her gown, Hunie felt well protected. To ensure that no one tried to disarm her by attacking her delicate wrists, she had taken some extra precautions by donning on a pair of shiny steel gauntlets. Now I'm fully equipped to take on some real mobs. She thought to herself. The time had come to swoop into battle, finish some quests till she had levelled up enough to face her true enemy. I'm ready. The weather favoured her will to start her mission today, it was a crisp day, the sky was blue, the leaves on the trees fresh and green. Dappled sunlight fell on her as she strolled through the sparse population of trees, awaiting the spawn of a mob that she could kill. As she walked, dry leaves crackled under her feet and the cool breeze renewed her determination with every step. The girl had strolled around on the plateau for quite a while and still hadn't run into anything. If it had not been for the splendid view of the settlements in the distance and the wonderfully perfect state  in terms of the weather, Hunie would probably be doused in impatience and losing her will at a rapid rate. Thankfully, for now the game wasn't being unkind. 

Somewhere behind here, she heard a twig crack. So far aside from the light chirping of birds and the whoosh of the breeze, no other sound had followed her. Stalker? She thought her hand reaching for the hilt of her really long sword... But when she whipped around she noticed a streak of blonde through the trees behind her. Another blonde? Hunie thought, still ready to jump and attack if need be. Feeling more like a warrior today, she had left behind her usual gentle mannerisms and plunged into her plethora of gaming experience. "Who is there? Reveal yourself." She asked in a rather practical voice. 


ID# 53409 results: Battle: 1 :: Craft: 4 :: Loot: 8 :: MOB: 4


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Wandering through the smattering of trees, eyes above her. Lost in thought. This place is as beautiful as ever, she thought, making no effort to hide her presence. Her gaze was not just aimlessly skywards, no, she was fixated, watching the dance of the leaves, how they fluttered and flowed within the breeze of the day. How the fingers of sunlight breaking through the foliage rapidly change. It as dazzling. Allania had been wandering as thus for a while now, every so often taking a short break, nuzzling herself within hollows of trees, the moss laden floor her carpet.

Breaking from her trance, Allania heard a woman's voice call out " Who is there? Reveal yourself. " it spoke. Unsure as to whom the call was intended, Allania remained silent and headed in the direction of the disembodied voice. It was a calm practical voice, but one that did not seem to be calling out in a warning.

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Upon getting no response, Hunie shuffled towards the sound she had heard. Hunie was soon face to face with a girl with similar features and hair, though the colour of the other's eyes was like wood. The cold hilt left the grasps of her fingers as she noticed the other player had not taken any defensive or offensive stance. "Hi there, Sorry if I caused any alarm, I heard something and I tend to get a bit paranoid sometimes, I'm Hunie." Her sea blue eyes roved over the girl's equipment, Hunie could guess she was dealing with someone of a slightly higher level. I hope there is no reason for hostility. "I'm here to do a quest, I heard a rumor that there is a beehive or something here and we need to kill the Queen in order to complete the quest, I've heard its very rewarding."

Hunie added with a smile. Though the girl was sure she could deal with the mobs alone with little struggle, having a companion would ease the burden and she'd probably have some fun. Her face turned a little dark upon noticing that she had once again run into someone who resembled her, which meant Hunie was duty bound to warn her about the stalker... She decided to wait it out and if the girl joined her, maybe she would slip it into the conversation. While she waited for a response, she knelt to pick a pebble of the ground and extract it for trinket worthy goods. Hunie was lucky, she managed to find a small sapphire like gem. 


ID# 53452 results: Battle: 5 :: Craft: 2 :: Loot: 20 :: MOB: 6
+ 1 Mat


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"Ahh, it was you who called out" Allania stated, "was it I who you were referring to earlier, as I was not sure. Thus my curiosity took over and I wanted to make sure everything was okay", a smile o her face and a warm glow in her eyes. Wracking her brain, Allania was sure she had met this girl before, somewhere. But where? Shrugging her shoulders, Allania decided to continue regardless at the notion nibbling at the back of her mind. "I'm Allania by the way" she said, with a small tip of the head, responding to the girls proclamation of her name "It is a pleasure to meet you". "A quest you say? Would you mind at all if I tagged along with you? As I don't believe I have completed what you described yet."

Noticing the darkening of the armoured girls expression, Allania couldn't help but get curious, "Is something troubling you?" she asks in a soft welcoming tone, tilting her head to one side in inquiry.

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"Aye, I think I heard you step on a twig or something." Hunie responded when she asked if the green eyed girl had called out to her. She introduced herself and as per habit Hunie repeated the name softly to let it sink into her memory, she bowed her head in response as a formal way of acknowledging Allania. "That's a pretty name, Allania." Hunie complimented. "And of course you can tag along. It'll be great to have some company, I think I've seen you somewhere..." Hunie said trying hard to recall why this face seemed familiar. "What level are you if you don't mind me asking?" Hunie said in order to continue the conversation while she tried to figure out why Allania seemed familiar.

The anxiety on Hunie's face must have increased because Allania asked her if something was up... "Oh no, never mind me, I tend to get worried easily." Before she could finish, a buzzing sound gave her another reason to worry. While turning, Hunie's sword had already slid out of its sheath. The blonde hacked at the Wasp that was racing towards her. The creature was much larger than what Hunie had anticipated. Upon hit, it through Hunie back a fair bit, but all the armour protected her from any real damage. Gorehowl, as Dom had promised sliced through her opponent, finishing it in one shot. "Phew!" Hunie said and sheathed her rather scary looking sword quickly. 


1 Bee spawned 
HP: 8
Dmg: 6 
Mit: 2

ID# 53464 results: Battle: 10 :: Craft: 8 :: Loot: 3 :: MOB: 10

Bee: Dmg = 6+2 (crit) = 8 
Hunie Mit = 30
Hunie HP = 24/24 

Hunie: Dmg = 3 base damage + 2 Crit + 8 Bleed = 13
Bee Mit = 2
Bee HP = 8 - (13-2) = -3 Dead. 

+ 1 Mat


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Hearing the inqury to her level she responds rather absently with "I'm level 9, and you?" her focus elsewhere. Her attention quickly shifts to the wasp that appeared from out of nowhere, she had never seen a bug so large. Before Allania could even unsheath her dagger it was all over, the swordswoman besides her had leapt forward slicing through the creature in one fluid motion with a vicious looking blade. It was quite the feat. When she had sheathed her sword, Allania asked "Where did you get that blade from? It looks monstrous" worried slightly as to whether it held any implications for the wielder of such a blade.

Remembering the rest of the questions now, having forgotten them for a moment in the blitz that was the battle she had just observed. "Thank you, I like the name as well, it was the name of a character I used to play as a lot in the previous world" she stated, a bright smile on her face once again "And thank you for letting me accompany you, I would have just continued to wander here aimlessly until night fell otherwise".

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Hunie was a little embarrassed of the large blade she now wielded. "It is actually a second hand blade, a..." Hunie didn't know what exactly she should call Dom, a forced guardian, an aquaintaince? She settled for the most boring title. "... friend gave it to me. It doesn't quite suit my, lets say delicate sensibilities, but it works like a charm!" Hunie said brightly, gesturing to the spot where the large bug had just spontaneously combusted into blue fragments of pixels, to indicate the work of her sword. "Wow, you're level nine... I'm just six... I don't like grinding much." The lower level blonde stated. "So you say you've played other games too?" Hunie asked inquisitively. "I am a big fan of all video games, though personally I liked games with a good lore, a story to follow and crafting opportunities, just hacking and slashing, not my style... But here... one has to do what the have to do." She said finishing with a weak smile. "Don't mention it. More the merrier." Hunie replied to her formal thank you. "What other worlds have you been in?" She asked, keeping her eyes peeled for other mobs. 


ID# 53472 results: Battle: 2 :: Craft: 12 :: Loot: 4 :: MOB: 4


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There seemed to be a slight pause while she found the word for who gave it to her. Allania will remember that. But for now she put it to the back of her mind, "Level 6? Well done, I've been out in the wild alone a lot, gathering as many materials I can to help keep my store afloat" she said. It was the simple truth, quite a lot of her adventures Allania had spent alone, fighting off hordes of Boar by herself, just her, a dagger and her armour. It had been a lonely existence, so it was wonderful now that she was networking, going out and meeting many more and new people. "And as you said" she spoke, looking at the red pixel shards that still hung in the air "it certainly does work like a charm".

"And yeah, Allania was less of a video game character in all honesty, though she has been used at least one on a computer. No, no, she was a pen and paper person, sitting around a table and rolling the dice to see how they survived in a world created much like this one, by the Game master. Maybe that's why I was attracted to this world." Allania said her train of thought running away from what she had planned to say, musing over the last thing that she had said, when you compared the two they indeed had their similarities. Again putting the thought to the back of her mind, it was something to explore at a later date.


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The girl with the sword was glad that there was no detectable condescension in the other blonde's voice. Allania seemed to genuinely mean that it wasn't bad that Hunie was level six, although Hunie was a little ashamed when she realised that Allania had managed the feat of reaching level 9 solo, from what Hunie could gather from her words. "You're level nine, and you're a solo player, that's very impressive." Hunie said hiding the fact that she was crestfallen about her own meagre attempts at this game. In response to Hunie's questions about other games Allania had played she mentioned that the character she named herself after was an 'on paper' muse. Hunie was surprised.

"So you write, that's great! When we get out of here, I'd love to read something you've written..." Hunie responded, in attempts to be positive.  "With everyone looking for Kayaba's head on a platter, I'd be careful where I say that." the green eyed girl said giggling when Allania compared herself to the game master. The blonde had walked on a little further than her new found partner. The buzzing was so sudden and loud Hunie had to fight the urge to clamp her hands over her head. She managed to hack one into pieces, but three other bees surrounded her and attacked simultaneously. As promised by the forgers she had obtained her armour from, the moment the wasps hit, the armour pieces sprouted shiny spikes that shredded the mobs. Hunie's HP fell a little, but it wasn't anything too scary. Unabashed, she looked at her partner apologetically. "Seems like bees like their honey?" she said making a sad pun at her own id. 



Spawning 4 Bee
HP: 8 
Mit: 2 
Damage: 6

ID# 53631 results: Battle: 9 :: Craft: 12 :: Loot: 7 :: MOB: 7

<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}

Hunie HP = 24 - 4 = 20 HP 

+ 4 Mat


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"Thank you" Allania said in response to the compliment to her level. However the armour-clad woman seemed somewhat disheartened when she heard of Allania's level, though it was nothing Allania was particularly proud of it, it didn't mean much to her to be a higher level than others. What mattered to Allania was how well she could survive, not the deathgame itself but the creatures present. As if she couldn't survive against the mobs then there would be no way that she'd ever be able to explore the world that Kayaba had so lovingly crafted for them all to explore. "I've only reached this level from my desire to explore, my desire to see more of this world".

Allania couldn't help but laugh along with the girl when she commented about Kayaba, "Yeah, it may not be too fun to be hunted down as a potential Kayaba. But I have to admit, I must thank him for this world. The opportunity to explore it and discover every little kink and easter egg he built into this world of his. It is truly wonderful", Allania said, sighing a distant expression crossing her face.

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Hunie had missed what Allania said about her level owing to the buzzing of the bees. However once she heard what Allania said next she was shocked. Hunie frowned when Allania seemed lost in thought about the intentions and actions of Kayaba and mentioned that she was grateful to his creation. "How can you want to thank him, I mean yes the game is genius and everything and I marvel over it too... But we're stuck here." Hunie said sternly, putting her sword back in her sheath, since she didn't want the girl to take conflict arising words, as a threat of any kind. Hunie had no intentions of starting anything hostile, definitely not in a game of death like this. In addition, if they did start something like that, Hunie would be at a grave disadvantage thanks to the level difference and if by some miracle she got to a point where she was about to win, she'd never take the death shot... The wasps were all history now, Hunie felt a little confident with her new pieces of armour and her second hand Gorehowl. "We have family out there, I have a brother I haven't seen in what seems like eons..." The blonde said tears welling up in her eyes, which she quickly blinked away. 

And once again Hunie heard the buzzing, this time she was ready for the quadra attack from the four bees. Especially with the heavy armour she had donned. They hit and she decimated one with her sword once again, it was almost like deja vu, except for the reduction in her health points... "Ok. I don't think I'll be able to handle that again..." She said grinning, briefly forgetting about the argument she had started. 



ID# 53680 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 6 Loot: 15 MOB: 8

<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14 + 3(base damage) + 1(crit) + 8 bleed damage)}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
<<Bee>> Hit! HP: 0/8 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 2 (Dead) {Thorn damage 14}
Hunie HP: 16/24 
+ 4 mat
+ 160 Col


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"Just as we were stuck in that world" Allania said, looking Hunie straight in the eye. "You were not the only one with family out there you know. I have my mother and father out there, most likely fretting day and night over my unconscious body. But we are in this world now. For now, this is OUR real world, and as it is our real world I plan to enjoy it in every way I would enjoy the one I may or may not get back to" Allania said to the girl, placing great emphasis on 'our'. "But yeah" she said, letting out a sigh, "I can understand how you feel" she said, walking over to the girl and placing a hand on her armoured shoulder,  "I am sorry if I offended you with what I said."

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Hunie sighed when Allania explained, rather passionately. The girl couldn't deny the truth in what her partner had said. "I know what you mean too... But it's just, I can't actually be grateful for Kayaba for having made this game, it would have been so much more beautiful if he didn't hold us hostage here." Hunie responded softly, all the argumentativeness had vanished with the gentle touch on her shoulder. "Believe me, there is probably no one who wanted full dive technology more than me, the simple powers it grants me... It allows me to be someone, I feel like nothin- nevermind" Hunie finished, not wanting to weigh the girl down with emotional talk, plus there was no chance that she was going to reveal Sophie's weaknesses to someone she had just met. "But despite all that, I can't thank that terrorist of a man..." Hunie said holding her ground. A brief silence ensued, or maybe that's what it felt like after the buzzing in Hunie's ears stopped ringing. "I think I've killed quite of a few of the queen bee's minions to attract her attention now... I think we should keep an eye out for the monster." Hunie warned and smiled weakly. 


ID# 53695 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 8 Loot: 2 MOB: 3
+ 1 HP 
Hunie: 17/24


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OOC: have just leveled up to level 10, so am doing that now before combat.

"mmm, that's a fair point. I just don't see it as being made a hostage. I see it has him creating something beautiful and as unique as a whole world and wanting to share it with us. Who knows, he may even be in here with us. And if he is I want to meet him one day and thanking him for giving me this opportunity. Though it would have been nice if we'd got a choice in the matter, but then there would not be nearly as many of the great people here" Allania said, the last part more to herself than anyone else. "nothing?" Allania asked, her curiosity being piqued when the girl had cut herself off. Realising that it would most likely be something deeply personal, Allania looked at the armoured girl with understanding eyes, "don't answer that if you want. If you want to talk about it some time then I shall be more than happy to listen and do what I can", a sad smile crossing her face. 

Hearing the thunderous buzzing of what Allania could only assume was the Queen, she took out her dagger, holding it up in front of her face, readying herself to attack at anything that came close.

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"Sharing has to be something consensual and what about every players who've lost their lives already? Collateral damage? Just so we can have our own little happy world?" Hunie responded, feeling the passionate vehemence with which she hated the fact that they were caught in here, return. "And of course people would have populated the game, I would have returned, you would have returned, but now I feel like swearing off games like these..." Hunie said in one long gasp of breath, pausing now to refill her lungs, ready to start another rant. "Besides, it just isn't right to force someone to play just because they wanted to try it. There are so many people here who probably were all excited about this new kind of game and now are stuck here, with no one to help and no gaming experience to guide them."

This time when she inhaled again she closed her eyes and exhaled in one long sigh, after she heard Allania prompt her to complete the sentence she had left unfinished. Taking her hint, the other blonde didn't push matters. Not to mention they were sitting very close to the bee hive. "I will tell you sometime, maybe then you'll understand how much fun this game is for me and yet, I hope Kayaba is caught soon, just because I don't want my family to suffer any more and more than that, I don't want anymore useless deaths. There are other problems with the game too like giving stupid people the power to kill others... player killing is unfortunately rampant already..." Hunie added, recalling Dom's orange crystal and the sad story that went with it. "I'm sorry... each to their own, but it's just surprising there are people who are ok with this injustice of it all..." Hunie said, shrugging a little apologetically for getting so carried away. 

"Shh... Do you hear that?" Hunie walked towards the buzzing, unsheathing Gorehowl again. And there it was The Queen Bee. She nodded to Allania to start the attack since she was of higher level and all. 



ID# 53730 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 6 Loot: 7 MOB: 4

Spawning Quest boss 
HP: 50
Damage per Attack: 12

Hunie Miss! HP = 17/24
<<Q.B>> Miss! = 50/50


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Hearing the thunderous buzzing approaching, Allania spotted it. The Queen. It was huge, the creatures they, well, Hunie, had fought thus far were minnows in comparison. Though it was the Queen afterall. Though this was what their quest was, to slay this pest. Pulling her dagger from her side, Allani brought it up to her face, ready to strike. Turning her head to the girl besides her, "We'll have to continue this conversation at some point", Allania said, a smile on her face. She then dashed forward, heading straight for the Queen.

Covering the distance between her and the Queen in a few short bounds, Allania crouched down on her last step and kicked off, launching herself into the air. Twisting her body in mid-air, Allania dagger flicked out, scraping a deep gash into the Queen's back, it glowing red. Landing on the other side of the Queen, Allania pivoted on her feet, her foot lashing out, hitting the Queen with force, knocking it to the side. Before it could recover Allania brought her other leg round in a second kick, shunting the Queen the other way. 

Landing on the ground on her hands and knees, Allania pushed herself back, putting a bit of distance between her and the enraged Queen. Looking over to Hunie, Allania called out "Over to you now", pointing with both hands to the Queen.

 ID# 53835 results:

 Battle: 6 (hit)


Sword Art: Shadow Stitch (3*2)

DMG: 6*6 = 36DMG to Queen

Queen 14/50 HP | 12 DMG


Allania 40/40 HP | 4/10 Energy | 6 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR | [Hate 1]

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In all the heat of the big battle that had ensued, Hunie had forgotten all about the conversation they were having. This time, her partner jumped into battle, whittling down the big bee's health to almost nothing. Having already had great luck with Gorehowl, Hunie grew overconfident, charging behind Allania as though she was wielding a dagger too. Of course, as it had been pointed out to her, the Gorehowl was a large and heavy blade, her strengths stats probably weren't equipped to guarantee a good swing. While the bee was attempting to dodge Allania's attacks in vain, it missed the blade of Hunie's longsword entirely. Since Hunie had already charged between the girl and the bee, she decided she'd be brave and take any damage the Queen Bee decided to unleash at the duo as revenge. "Sorry, like I said, still a new blade... But I've got this. If you hit it like that again, it'll be over sooner than I thought." Hunie said, with a slightly apologetic look as the Bee's sting crashed into her armour. Unfortunately her trust spikes too had abandoned her, the bee's damage was probably stopped their activation. But the armour itself, did wonders, despite the force behind the attack... Hunie lost a very small fraction of her health points. "Go on! Finish it." Hunie added with gritted teeth as the Bee pressed on, probably annoyed at the low damage it did. 


#53860 Battle: 3 :: Craft:12 :: Loot:17 :: Mob: 9 

<<Q.B>>: Crit Hit! 13 Dmg
Hunie: Mit: 30
Hunie: 16/24 HP 

Hunie: Miss!
<<Q.B>>: 14/50 HP 


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Allania looked as the armour clad woman got between her and the Queen, missing with her blade, but taking the brunt of the Queen's blow. Allania glanced at her energy gauge, seems like I should have enough, she thought, leaning forward and once again running for the creature. "I shall try" Allania spoke into the girls ear as she ran past, aiming for the buzzing queen that hovered above them.

Nearing the Queen once again, Allania sent her dagger flying ahead of her, trying to finish it in her second blow. The Queen however was prepared for this attack, buzzing backwards out of the range of Allania's dagger. Backing away, her dagger out in front of her, Allania came to stand next to the swordswoman once again, "Sorry I couldn't end it" worry tinging her voice at the thought of the girl getting struck once again by the Queen.


ID# 53835 results:

 Battle: 5 (miss)

Queen 14/50 HP | 12 DMG


Allania 40/40 HP | 3/10 Energy | 6 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR | [Hate 1]

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Hunie noticed an opening as the bee backed away from Allania. She was glad that it didn't try attack the girl again. The blonde noticed the dagger miss the bee. The green eyed girl still armed with her large sword tried attacking again. This time she did succeed. The distance had slowed her down though and the bee was too far for Hunie's blade to have shredded through. Just the tip of the large blade nicked the giant bug. Initially a small thin red line across the striped belly of the bee, was soon a much larger gash, but it wasn't enough to kill the resilient creature. Still at a rather low level, Hunie's damage output wasn't too great. "I think you'll get her this time." Hunie said encouragingly, noticing that the two of them had successfully got the creature to be on the defensive. "Go go go!" She added encouragingly. 


ID# 53939 results: Battle: 7 :: Craft: 1 :: Loot: 19 :: MOB: 1

<<Bee>> Miss!  HP: 11/50
Hunie Hit! HP: 16/24



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Allania was impressed, the cut may not have shredded the creature with the wicked edge of her blade but she had certainly drawn pixels. Walking forward, Allania let her dagger arc out towards the creature once again. It was a simple movement and thus was easily dodged by the Queen. What am I doing? Allania thought when she had done the cut, realising how pitiful of an attack it was. Looking back at Hunie, Allania saw that she had taken a decent amount of damage. Resolving herself for protecting what she hoped to call a friend, Allania called out to Hunie, "I'll hold it back for a moment, you just take care of yourself". Allania positioned herself between the Queen and Hunie, hoping to give the girl a moments respite.


ID# 53967 results:

 Battle: 2 (miss)

Queen 11/50 HP | 12 DMG


Allania 40/40 HP | 2/10 Energy | 6 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR | [Hate 1]

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