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[SP-F5] 1st Day of Material Gathering

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Hikoru sighed and put on his gear. He had recieved an order of 50 Mats from an old friend of his, and he sighed as he decided to get started today. He left his shop and closed it up, then whistled and watched as his familiar scuttled out of his coat and appeared on his shoulder. He smiled and scratched the small ferret Familiar's chin and sighed as he continued out into the fields of his home floor and decided to go material gathering. He would probably fight a mob or two, but mostly he would just be searching around for materials lying around. He yawned and decided to get a move on. Who knows, he may even find a sub-dungeon in his adventures. He sighed and continued into the fields until he was surrounded by nothing but Desert sands, and started to search

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Hikoru sighed as he started to look around. He needed to find some materials for this order, and he hoped that he could start out strong with at least finding 9 or 10 materials before he was done today. He breathed and continued to search around, picking apart grass patches and looking for Materials. Luckily, he found one beneath a large clump and smiled as he did so. Off to a good start, and a few more and he could call it good for the day. He picked up the material and put it into his inventory, continuing to move one to see if anything else in the surrounding area could be found

ID: 53595

LD: 15+1= 16 LOOT FOUND

Acquired Materials: 1

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  • 2 months later...

Hikoru sighed and continued forward, not wasting anymore time than what he had in looking for materials. He had to get this order in, but it would take a bit before they did. He breathed and continued to search around in the sand dunes, but finding nothing but sand sand and more sand. He just sighed and got up, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead and sighing. He wasn't having the best of luck nowadays, and it was likely that he wouldn't find much on this adventure. He sighed and continued forward, continuing to work in the sands and search to find materials as best he could

ID: 61715

LD: 1+1=2

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  • 5 months later...

Hikoru continued to search through the sands, searching for materials but coming up short in this area. He grit his teeth and kept moving forward. If he was going to do this more often, he would have to get some Luck-based equipment so he could find things like this much easier, maybe get a few more ranks into Search and Detect. But for now, he would just have to work with what he had. He breathed and stood, brushing off the few pixels that were on his clothes and moving more into the sands, but still keeping the town within his eyesight so he could make his way back easily. He searched around the immediate area but couldn't see anything jutting out of the endless plains of yellow-orange sand. He just took his glasses off, wiped them clean, wiped the corner of his eyes, and put them back on, feeling much better at looking around for materials now that the sand wasn't in the way of his eyesight.

ID: 71453

LD: 12+1=13 No Loot

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