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[PP-F1] Smiling Friends in Low Places

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The starting town was actually a lot bigger than that of the game the silver haired man had played prior to this one. As the man continued to wander around the town, following the main road's and streets, moving in between and around the bystanders and non-playable characters, he began to lament the things that he used to love of his old game. The number one and most important was the fountain that he could usually be found around. This game seemingly replaced that with a massive landmark in the form of a clock tower and the only thing that resembled his former hangout spot was more of a pond or lake further south. The water was something he enjoyed the most and because of that, he opted to begin hanging around the lower regions of the town. 

Once he arrived at the spot, he found that the pond was almost completely surrounded by small tree's to make it seem even more impressive. If he would note one thing about this game, it would be the detail and design that was put into it. Breathtaking seemed to be a cliche' description but the way that the sun hit the waters surface to make it sparkle as it did made the word the only one to come to mind. "Maybe this isn't so bad."

Edited by Lee_Song-Fang
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Hydra had been daydreaming with his back against a tree, when he caught sight of a player he hadn't met before approaching the pond. The other player seemed to be in a zone of his own, saying something to himself although the spearman could not make out what. The Brunette watched from afar still half awake as he usually was, before turning back towards the pond.

Slowly standing up he casually put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the bank. From past experience this usually didn't end well, of course this was no different. Hydra who thought he would look cool strolling around the pond, tripped up on himself and went tumbling in head first. *Splash!* As he raised his head above the surface he bought up a frog with him that rested on the top of him *Ribbit*. The spearman sighed to himself and slowly waded back towards the bank to pull himself out "I hope no one saw that" he whispered in a hushed tone, his back towards the other player.

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The player was still mesmerized by the water's surface when something else had caught his attention. Another player became the focus of his attention as they would move closer to the waters edge. This was all well and good had everything gone just a bit smoother but that wasn't the case. The other player took a swan dive into the pond which would cause Lee to take a step forward in concern as he wasn't sure if drowning was a thing in this game and if it was, was this player in any danger in a safe zone? His would-be fears would be put to rest as the player would rise from the water with a small companion in the form of a frog that, with a single croak which would cause Lee to raise a hand to quickly cover his mouth and hold in the laughter that would have surely erupted otherwise.

When the other player came out of the water, Lee would be waiting "That was quite the dive. A solid seven point nine. The addition of a frog friend gives you style points to boot!"

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Hydra heard the voice of the player call behind him, "Looks like he did see after all." Hydra sighed lightly to himself then turned around with a smile on his face. "Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment." He chuckled to himself lightly and bowed jokingly. "Seems like a nice guy." The brunette spoke to himself in a soft tone and decided to approach the player. The frog on top of Hydra's head darted off, but Twilight flew out of the spearman's pocket and quickly gobbled it up. "Twilight, try to be a bit more inconspicuous." His familiar hissed at him whilst hovering about in midair. Hydra yawned and turned back around to face the new player, he gestured with his hand towards his familiar "This is Twilight my pet snake dragon. As you can see she is a two headed snake who can fly. To be more specific the right head I call Dawn and the left head I call Dusk... I name the whole thing Twilight to make things easier." Hydra paused briefly "Oh and my name is Hydra" he said happily. Normally he would offer the player a hand shake but he was still wet.

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The silver haired player would watch as the player would make his way toward him after a light bow. The thing that caught his attention and rightfully so was the frog that leap off the brown haired man's head but was caught midair by a small dragon with two heads or was it a snake with two heads? Lee would raise his hands so that they would slide out of his sleeves and let his slender fingers clap over one another in a minor bit of applause at the feat "Ten." The player would introduce his pet as a snake dragon to which he would commit to memory, as well as the names given to it. He would laugh genuinely at the compromise of the two names into one.

As the player would introduce themselves as Hydra, Lee would offer a hand out to the player "Lee Song-Fang, a pleasure to meet you." He would turn his attentions to Twilight "And you as well."

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Twilight hovered close to the players face and examined him. "Ahah sorry she is sometimes a bit to observant." Once Twilight was satisfied, Hydra knew Lee Song-Fang could be trusted. She flew back to Hydra and rested on his head. Hydra nodded "Yes, nice to meet you." The spearman gave his usual innocent smile and tilted his head. The spearman was often cautious when meeting new players by themselves. There was always a risk they could be Pker's despite being in a safe zone, Lee Song-Fang seemed nice though. "That's an awesome name by the way, mind if I call you Lee in short?"

Edited by Hydra
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Lee would remain motionless as the snake-like dragon would begin to look him over to which he would reply to Hydra's apology "No worries, I actually like snakes." Once Twilight was content with whatever it was that it was looking for, it would return to its owner's head to rest. Lee was pleased that everything was going as smooth as it was and bowed his head in return of the greeting he had received. He was actually flattered at the comment of his name to which he would raise his hand up and scratch the back of his head bashfully

"Thank's. Lee is fine. It would run someone's mouth off to say the entire name every time and I'm sure I'd drive everyone, myself included, insane to hear it that many times." He would give off a light chuckle afterwards. "What made you go with Hydra?"

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Allania spotted Hydra falling into the water and decided to investigate. It was a safe zone so he should be fine, but if he was unconscious she'd help him out of the water. Her worries were quickly quenched when she saw the Spearman rise out  of the water, his weird familiar flying about his head as it oft did. Noting the player she had not yet met before, Allania walked over to him, calling out "Hey there!", waving towards him as she walked. Coming up beside him to look at Hydra, "are you okay there Hydra?" she asked, not all that much worry in her voice as accidents like this seemed to be almost signature of him.

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Hydra laughed and scratched the back of his head "Haha, hmm... Well I always loved making up characters in my head and the anime version of myself I always imagined to be the world's most powerful Aquamancer named Hydra!" The spearman raised his hand into the air and clenched his fist. "Ever since I went with that name." He said grinning at Lee. Hearing a familiar voice he turned around and caught sight of Allania "Oh hey Allania im good! How are you?" Remembering Lee next to him he quickly stepped to one side and introduced the two players. "Allania this is Lee, and Lee this is Allania."

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Lee would cross his arms over his chest as Hydra would begin to speak of how he came up with the name. He actually became a bit hyped the more Hydra went on. It was far more interesting and exciting than what he had originally thought. This was a more than welcome surprise and Lee would begin to give a light applause to Hydra as he would clench his fist "Bravo! I've never had a real good knack for creating things from scratch like that but that would be something I'd watch!"

He would let the applause die down as they would be joined by another that Hydra seemed to know. The blonde haired woman would soon be introduced by Hydra as Allania to which Lee would bow ever so slightly and hold a hand out "A pleasure to meet you Allania."

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Shaking the hand of the silver haired player beside her, "it is a pleasure to meet you" she said, with a small bow of her head to him. It was not everyday that you met someone new, so it was nice to meet this one. Turning towards Hydra "I did not know that about your name, its a good story," spoke Allania. "And I'm doing well thank you, good to see that you're well after that journey in the desert", she said, noting his clear good health. That too was nice to see. A friend in this place still going strong.

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Ratatosk sat on his normal bench staring at the bulletin board to see how many good quests there were. "Looks like Zero, what a pity." The blonde laid himself down on the bench and looked up at the sky, even though there were no stars it was still beautiful. "The small palm of an arrogant human. Hah! Makes me laugh when I see arrogance, quite funny when people don't know their own limits." He did not budge as he thought of all the arrogant people he knew, half of them didn't even have the wits to get stronger mentally.

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"And you too" Hydra said smiling at Allania. "There is a good forest trek in this part, with some good scenery to look at." He turned his attention to an opening between two tree's and pointed in that direction. "I often go there, although it is outside the safe zone I've never had any trouble." The brunette yawned and patted his mouth a few times, before returning back to the conversation. "I'm headed that way now, don't worry though. If your not interested I don't mind." He shook himself awake a bit and waited for the pair to respond.

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Sinful was enjoying his nature walk when he encountered a few players. "Hey, what's up?" He had his charming smile on and his hand extended to shake the others. "I'm Sinful, nice to meet you." The mastermind took note of Allania and Hydra, they both owned shops and he would later order from some of them. "Oh, Hydra, Allania. Doing well with the shops? Not doing so great on mine, still need to finish all my orders." Sinful put his hand behind his head and laughed, "Sorry if this sounds like I'm whining."

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It was nice to meet another individual and it would seem that Hydra and Allania had went on a quest of some sort through a desert. All things considered, that sounded like it would be more than pleasing with the right company. Hydra would then bring up that there was a pretty scenic route they could go take a gander at if they wished it. He would continue to say that it was outside the safe zone and, all things willing, wasn't a problem yet. "I'm ready and willing~"

Another person would come into the vicinity that seemed to also know both Allania and Hydra and introduce themselves as Sinful which was quite the name but it was still just a name so he would not think much of it. He would speak about the shops that they owned and it peeked his curiousness and he would be sure to ask about it later.

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Hydra noticed Sinful approach the group, a player he had not seen in a while, and a customer to his store. "My shop's pulling through." Hydra said smiling at the player and exchanging greetings. "And don't worry it does not sound like whining. I don't believe I have encountered your store yet." Hydra's manner was well spoken and innocent, the brunette was generally curious about what the player did for a living. Turning his body back towards Lee, the spearman nodded and got ready to set off. "Allania are you tagging along as well." He spoke gently whilst walking away.

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A new player seemed to have approached the group. Turning to Hydra Allania smiled, "Sure, why not? We should be safe so long as we stick together. As for my shop I haven't really had much in way of orders, I just do my crafts a day. My stock seems to be building up quite a bit but oh well". Allania stretched herself wide, waiting for someone else to take the initiative. Waiting for another to take the lead and wander off, she was not normally the one to start such things and now was no different. "How long of a trek is this thing?" she asked Hydra curiously, not wanting to be out there for too long yet. Especially if it got late and dark.

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Hydra turned to Allania, "Errr.... I forget" He chuckled lightly to himself. He began to walk towards the path "Don't worry it shouldn't be too long." The spearman knew they could encounter the odd boar but otherwise it was safe. His mind began to wander off as his feet did, so much that he started mumbling to himself about many random things. "Hmm I wonder...." From the corner of his eye the player spotted something in the forest, a figure moving it suddenly woke him up. "Hey... did you guys see that?" He said spinning around back towards the others.

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Lee would let himself follow in the same direction that Hydra had began to set forth toward and he would assume that Allania would follow. This would remind him as he would open his menu and flick through just a few others, making it to his personal favorite. He would sent a friend invite to both players, Hydra and Allania and as he closed the menu, he would raise his head to heard Hydra speak of seeing something. Lee would pause and look in the direction Hydra was speaking of and reply "To be completely honest, I wasn't paying enough attention but if you think you saw something, I assume something must be there then."

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