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[PP - F8] The Climb, Pt.6 (Mack)

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ID: 54341
BD: 10 + 3(ACC)
LD: 16 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+8 Materials , +4240 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (15/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*24=144 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)
Mack: 157/157

Cave Troll 9 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Cave Troll 10 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Cave Troll 11 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Cave Troll 12  0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

"I mean, probably not," Takao admitted as another four three meter tall trolls came wandering in. "But if you really think about it, a cute little blonde falling on me seems a lot more pleasant than a seven hundred pound mammoth in armour. I put heavy emphasis on little there, if it went over your head." He said a mere instant before leaping from the ground and engaging the four monsters in a very short bout of swords and clubs. The four beasts were promptly vanquished, as the eight before them had been, and Takao returned to the ground. 

Total Rewards:
56 Materials
18160 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

Edited by Takao
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OOC: Part 5 locked.

"Nothing goes over my head," Mack said most knowledgeably, pushing a pretend pair of glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose. "You see," he said, adopting a nasally tone and trying to sound like what he thought a college professor sounded like, which was difficult given that the hulking blacksmith had never attended even a single day of college classes. "I'm a seven hundred pound mammoth in armour." Mack nodded his head vigorously as Takao leaped back into the fray to dispatch another batch of trolls. "That means you need a saddle and bridle to ride me... that came out way dirtier than I intended."

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ID: 54401
BD: 10 + 3(ACC)
LD: 4 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+4 Materials , +2700 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (2/49) [Sword Art: Lightning Fall 1*7*24=168 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 2 Critical)
Mack: 157/157

Cave Troll 13 0/135 (Mit. 33) [168-33=135 DMG]
Cave Troll 14 0/135 (Mit. 33) [168-33=135 DMG]
Cave Troll 15 0/135 (Mit. 33) [168-33=135 DMG]
Cave Troll 16 0/135 (Mit. 33) [168-33=135 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"I can assure you, with one hundred percent certainty, that I have no intention of doing that." Takao said over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised in Mack's direction. He wasn't given much more time than that to comment before the last four monsters sauntered in, clubs at the ready and prepared to strike. Takao slid into another pre-motion stance and activated a sword art, resulting in the length of his sword adopting a vibrant blue tinge. He leapt forward and preformed a flashy, unnecessary flip in the air, as per the system's guidance, and slammed the tip of the Inundator into the ground. Lightning rang out and washed over the four monsters, obliterating them in an instant. Takao took a few steps forward and took up his usual position next to the boss room door. "There we are. Enjoy."

Total Rewards:
60 Materials
20860 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 54403
MD: 4
LD: 16 (+1 Mat)

Mack: 157/157 (38/38)
Takao: 201/201 

Troll Berserker: 560/560 (DMG: 88)

"And I can promise you with complete honesty that I would never permit that. Dress up like Robin so you can be Batman, sure. It'd probably be the only time that anyone ever took the Boy Wonder seriously enough to not say anything about green spandex," Mack said seriously, stepping up to the door that led into the Boss Room. "But, I draw the line at anything that requires a saddle," he continued, examining the door. He pushed on the heavy wood and iron door. Nothing, it wouldn't budge. "Open Sesame?" Nothing happened and the axe man angrily drew his weapon. "I said Open Sesame," he snarled and slammed the axe into the door with everything he had.

Naturally, this time the game engine would decide to grant him a crafting material.

"Add that to our loot," Mack called to Takao, swinging his axe again to deflect the troll's version of a throwing knife, which looked to be a full-size broadsword. "I got this, LEEEEEEEEROOOOYYYY JENKINS!"

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ID: 54409
LD: 18 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

"Right, got it." Takao said as he tossed the material into the metaphorical bag of loot that was his inventory. He glanced over their spoils so far and counted what hadn't been on the list beforehand. Four teleportation crystals, which would find more use in Mack's hands than his own. Something to the effect of twenty thousand col, again better suited for the Knights of Blood than himself... and sixty two materials. Not a bad haul so far, and they weren't done just yet either. Takao leaned over to glance past the shattered threshold and observe the battle for a minute before returning his resting position.

Total Rewards:
62 Materials
20860 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 54548
BD: 6
MD: 5

Mack: 157/157 (26/38) [Dynamic Violence - 4x3x16=192]
Takao: 201/201 

Troll Berserker: 368/560 (DMG: 88) [-192 DMG]

Having uttered his mighty battle cry, even as Takao was gathering in the crafting material that he had tossed to him on his way through the door, Mack charged through the now open door as the Troll Berserker matched the ginger man's battle cry with a ferocious roar of his own. As the axe man came into range of the troll, which certainly had superior reach, the enormous brutish creature lashed out with first one sword, which Mack neatly ducked, and then the other which was knocked wide by Invictus as Mack started his own attack. The butt cap of Invictus rocked forward to slam into the Troll's groin as Mack slid his hands along the weapon's haft to protect his right with the bearded portion of the axe head before slamming the weapon into the Troll's ribs. That was followed by a powerful kick to the side of the troll's left knee that dropped the creature to a kneeling position even as the bearded axe whipped around and bit into the side of its head.


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ID: 54560
LD: 14 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

Takao winced as he watched Mack's advance cut through the defenses of the Troll Berserker and begin the assault on the dual wielding creature. Sympathetic exhales of breath matched each of the hits, as well as slight gestures and movements to mimic protection of the areas the monster was struck. Legs crossed at the groin hit, elbow pressed flush against his side at the rib hit, and his head dropped into his shoulders as the Troll's head was struck. In truth, it had been so long since Takao experienced the sensation of pain, and too much had happened to him that desensitized him to his own imagination filling in the blanks. It was merely a way to pass the time as Mack went berserk.

Total Rewards:
63 Materials
20860 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 54548
BD: 3
MD: 4

Mack: 157/157 (25/38)
Takao: 201/201 

Troll Berserker: 368/560 (DMG: 88)

Having moved well within the guard of the Troll Berserker, Mack suddenly realized that there was a flaw in his brilliant plan to rush in Leeroy Jenkins style on this particular mini dungeon boss. Namely, that this close in it was fairly difficult to actually work with Invictus. For all its power, the carbon steel headed bearded axe still required a little bit of space to be able to swing and wield effectively and, at his current range, Mack was really much too close to the monster. So close that the stench the beast was throwing off was truly something stomach wrenching. The only advantage was that there was no way the troll could really hit him either. "Takao wouldn't be having this problem if he was in close... he doesn't smell as foul either."


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ID: 54579
LD: 5 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

"Gettin' close with the Troll over 'ere, Mack?" Takao called out from the threshold, his tone adopting an amused cadence as he leaned against the shattered remains of what had once been the door. In his current state, there wasn't much help he could offer to Mack, and instead opted to simply observe from a distance until his energy returned. He kept his grip on his sword firm, ready to act at the first signs of his energy replenishing, but could only tap his foot anxiously and impatiently as he watched. 

Total Rewards:
63 Materials
20860 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 54634
BD: 9
MD: 1

Mack: 157/157 (14/38) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x14=168]
Takao: 201/201 

Troll Berserker: 200/560 (DMG: 88)

"Getting closer all the time," the gigantic axe man called out in response to Takao's shouted question about how much longer this was going to take. No doubt the swordsman would have all of his energy back and be jumping back into the fray any minute now. Just in time to finish off the hulking brute of a Troll Berserker. Really, all things considered, Mack didn't think he was doing too badly when it came to dispatching the the boss. At least he hadn't fumbled on consecutive attacks or anything. Dropping back a little bit, but still staying within the creature's guard, Mack unleashed another blistering series of strikes to various unprotected body parts on the troll.

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ID: 54658
BD: 10
LD: 12 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Mack: 157/157 (14/38)
Takao: 201/201 [Sword Art: «Shadow Explosion» 1*9*24=216 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 2 Critical)

Troll Berserker: 0/560 (DMG: 88)

"Maybe a little too close for your own good," Takao said as he swung his sword up and shouldered the flat. He could feel his energy return in force, which meant that he was ready and able to swoop in and kill the boss so that they could continue on their dungeon hunting spree. They still had plenty more to clear, and with Takao's desire to sleep growing quickly he hadn't any desire to linger. He approached the boss as Mack assaulted it with a flurry of blows, and waited for a moment of opportunity. When he saw an opening, Takao leapt forward and struck with his own combination of nine strikes, and decimated the monster's health. "Alright, that's six down. Let's keep goin'."

Thread Rewards

63 Materials
20860 Col (Monsters)
400 Col

Dungeon Rewards

1960 Col = 20(LD) + 8(Floor#) * 70)
6 Materials


69 Materials (Mack)
23020 Col (Mack)
200 Col (Takao)
4SP (Mack/Takao)

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