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[PP - F9] The Climb, Pt. 9

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ID: 55228
BD: 3 + 3(ACC)
LD: 18 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)
(+8 Materials , +4920 Col)

Takao: 213/213 (25/52) [Sword Art: «Lightning Fall» 1*7*22=154 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Satanic Skink 9 0/123 (Mit. 30) [154-30=124 DMG]
Satanic Skink 10 0/123 (Mit. 30) [154-30=124 DMG]
Satanic Skink 11 0/123 (Mit. 30) [154-30=124 DMG]
Satanic Skink 12 0/123 (Mit. 30) [154-30=124 DMG]

3/15 Remaining

"Dude," Takao began, addressing Mack despite his attention being set on the four monsters that charged at him. "I know you're just like, jokin' around, but that would be a bomb ass movie. Can you imagine Stallone putting a Civil War General in a headlock? Or like, JCVD roundhouse kicking a cannonball right out of the air? I would watch that movie so hard." He said, laughing outwardly at the thought as he engaged the next four salamander-esque monsters. A simple kick, flip, and subsequent wave of electricity wiped out their ranks, leaving only a field of quickly disappearing pixels behind.

Total Rewards:
41 Materials
18480 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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"You do know that there was a movie with both Stallone and Van Damme in it, right," Mack asked, quirking an eyebrow at Takao as his traveling companion talked about how great a Civil War movie starring the two well past their prime action stars would be. "I'm not saying it wouldn't be a fun movie, but Stallone did three Expendables films and they had everyone in them. Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwartzenegger... and Van Damme was in the second one, I think. He was the villain," the blacksmith continued, expanding on the idea even as Takao dispatched another batch of monsters as the dynamic duo continued on their way through the dungeons in search of more monsters and more loot.

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ID: 55690
BD: 5 + 3(ACC)
LD: 13 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)
(+8 Materials , +2120 Col)

Takao: 213/213 (1/52) [Sword Art: «Sharp Nail» 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Satanic Skink 13 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-26=106 DMG]
Satanic Skink 14 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-26=106 DMG]
Satanic Skink 15 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-26=106 DMG]
Satanic Skink 16 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-26=106 DMG]

0/15 Remaining

"Yeah, but did it have JCVD roundhouse kicking a cannonball and Stallone puttin' Stonewall Jackson in a full nelson? I think not. That's what's important here, really." Takao said, exhibiting some very opinionated stances on his desired action movies. As they approached the wooden door that looked suspiciously like all the other dungeon boss entrances they'd encountered thus far, Takao engaged the remaining four monsters lurking in front. Opting to a less energy consuming sword art due to his depleted stamina, Takao wiped out the remaining monsters in one fell swoop. He swung the Inundator up onto his shoulder and slid it down into its scabbard, then turned and leaned against the door wall. "Alright Champ, y'er up."

Total Rewards:
49 Materials
20600 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 55771
BD: 6
MD: 3

[H:2] Mack: 157/157 (26/38) - Dynamic Violence 4x3x16=192
Takao: 213/213 (1/52)
Minotaur King: 438/630 (99 DMG) [-192 DMG]

"That's a fair point, but I'm not sure it's physically possible to kick a cannonball out of the air," Mack replied in a musing tone as Takao continued on towards the door that led into the boss room and to the boss beyond it. "I think that'd knock Van Damme's leg clean off. Now, catching a cannonball with your bare hands... sure, that's possible. I could do that, couldn't even be hard," the gigantic axe man continued with a straight face as Takao indicated that it was time for Mack to finally do something. Before the red head could offer a witty retort, they were interrupted by a loud thump and the appearance of two ivory horns poking through the heavy oaken door's planking.

"Now, what do ya suppose is on the other side of this door here," Mack asked, as the sounds of an angry bull filtered through the door. Latching his hand around a heavy iron ring, the blacksmith tugged the door open the proper way, for the first time all day, to reveal an enormous minotaur that was stuck by his horns in the door. "Well, this shouldn't be too hard," Mack grunted, readying Invictus. "Let's see if I can get a tune out of this fiddle." The soldier charged all of five feet and delivered a blistered twelve round barrage into the beast's back. "Look out Bard, you're in the splash zone!"

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"Naw man, you're missin' the point here. See, the beauty of the action movie is that it gets to be totally over the top for comedic effect. Haven't you ever seen Bollywood stuff? It's gold!" Takao said in response. His comments were brought to a brief pause as two large horns slammed into the door, likely alerted to the duo's presence due to their rather audible conversation. Rubbing his chin in thought, Takao snapped once and pointed a finger-gun at Mack. "Walrus. Mad one, at least eight meters. Probably wearing a helmet-- spartan style. I'm callin' it." He answered, perhaps being a little too overzealous in his attempt at guessing what laid behind door number one. As Mack engaged the beast, a frown set on Takao's face. "Well, I mean... I was kinda close."

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ID: 56181
BD: 4
MD: 6
CD: 6 (+54 Regen)

[H:3] Mack: 157/157 (25/38) [99-74=25 DMG] [+54 Regen]
Takao: 213/213 (1/52)
Minotaur King: 438/630 (99 DMG)

"Well, the horns do kinda look like tusks," Mack allowed, sheathing his weapon and wrapping both hands around the Minotaur's horn and spinning so that the creature was closer to Takao. "See? Maybe. Close enough. Also, this is what we call taking the bull by the horns," the axe man continued with a chuckle, completely unbothered by the fact that he was quite close to a dungeon boss that could actually cause him harm, unlike so many of the creatures in the world of Aincrad. Suddenly, the creature snorted, pawed the ground and charged. This wouldn't have been so bad had Mack not still hand his hands wrapped around the creature's horns.

"This is bullsh..." he yelled out, the rest of what he was saying lost in the sound of the bull man charging back into the boss chamber with the blacksmith clinging to his horns. Right up to the point where the pair of them slammed into the far wall knocking about a sixth of Mack's hit points off of his health meter. Of course, no sooner had the meter started to drop then the regenerative properties of his armor kicked in and immediately set about healing the damage.

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ID: 56306
LD: 16 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)
(+1 Material)

A sharp whistle of sympathy left Takao's lungs as he watched Mack get slammed into the wall. "That almost looked like it might've hurt." Takao said, bending down to collect a piece of the broken door. He huffed out an entertained breath and stowed the small piece of material away in his inventory, which would likely come in useful at some point along the way. "Y'should stop messin' around, otherwise we're gonna be here all day... and I really don't like this floor." He called out to Mack, whom had been thrown into the wall. His energy was still laughably low, but the system would be replenishing it in force before long.

Total Rewards:
50 Materials
20600 Col
4 Teleport Crystals

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ID: 56308
BD: 3
MD: 5
CD: 12 (+54 Regen)

[H:4] Mack: 157/157 (24/38) [+54 Regen]
Takao: 213/213 (1/52) 
Minotaur King: 438/630 (99 DMG)

"That," Mack grunted as the minotaur slammed him into the wall again. "Makes." Another slam forced the air from the red headed man's lungs. "Two," Mack wheezed as he was forced back into the wall a third time. "Of us!" Dropping Invictus, the gigantic soldier wrapped his hands around the minotaur's horns and gave a savage downward twisting jerk. The bullman flipped in the air and was slammed down onto the ground. If only the blacksmith had invested a few skill points into the Martial Arts skill, then the attack might actually have done some damage.

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ID: 56357
LD: 12 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas)
(+1 Material)

Takao's wincing expression changed ever so slightly with each time Mack was slammed into the wall. It wasn't difficult to watch, which Takao attributed to some inherent sadism that came with being human. It was funny to see others get hurt, at least when they weren't actually feeling pain and their life wasn't in danger. He could feel his energy return in force, as if an invisible meter representing his stamina had suddenly been filled up all at once. Takao reached over his shoulder and drew out his Inundator once more, ready to leap in. "You uh... Y'need some help over there or something?"

Total Rewards:
51 Materials
20600 Col
4 Teleport Crystal

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ID: 56371
BD: 7
MD: 10
CD: 3

[H:6] Mack: 130/157 (13/38) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x13=152 DMG] {101-74=27}
Takao: 213/213 (1/52) 
Minotaur King: 386/630 (99 DMG) [-152 DMG]

"I think I got him right where I want him," Mack called back to Takao, raising Invictus high over his head. With a shout, the soldier activated his Dynamic Violence sword art. For the next few seconds, the bearded axe rose and fell with a rather pleasing and methodical rhythm. One strike, four strikes, nine strikes, and finally an even dozen all delivered to the Minotaur's bare torso as Mack kept one foot planted firmly on the beast's throat. "See, it's not so hard," he called back to Takao. Just before the creature slammed the flat of its weapon into the side of Mack's ginger haired head. The axe man was thrown the side, momentarily stumbling. In a flash, the Minotaur was on its feet and with a power roundhouse swing of its weapon it launched the blacksmith through the air. "Perhaps the noble Bard will deign to help his humble, simple-minded, axe-wielding companion," Mack called out, flying backwards through the air to land on his back in the middle of the chamber.

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ID: 56383
BD: 7

[H:6] Mack: 130/157 (13/38)
[H:1] Takao: 221/221 (43/54) [Sword Art: «Sharp Nail» 11*1*23=253 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic + 1 Ferocity)
Minotaur King: 133/630 (99 DMG) [-253 HP]

"Man," Takao shook his head and stepped further into the chamber. Despite his presence, the King of Minotaurs' attention was solely set on Mack, providing the brunet with an excellent opportunity to attack from behind. "At some point you're gonna have to learn how to actually pay attention to what you're fighting, else its gonna come back to bite you in the ass." He said just before launching into his own sword art. His blade cleaved through the monster's back in swift, practiced motions. Each cut tore a new glowing red wound in its hide, and sliced away the health gauge in chunks. "Also, you're really gonna need t'stop callin' me Bard."

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D: 56428
BD: 6 (5+1 Concentration)
MD: 6
CD: 8 (+54 Regen)
LD: 13

[H:8] Mack: 157/157 (2/38) [Dynamic Violence: 4x3x13=152 DMG] {99-74=25} (+54 Regen)
[H:1] Takao: 213/213 (1/52) 
Minotaur King: -19/630 (99 DMG) [-152 DMG]

"I'm more concerned, at the moment, with it running me over from the front," Mack grumbled, picking himself up off of the ground as Takao dashed through the door and delivered an attack that, in a single series of blows, dealt more damage than Mack was capable of dealing in any one attack. Surely the teen was using some kind of boost item. "If you don't like Bard, I'm open to suggestions," Mack called out as he flashed past Takao. The burly axe man shoulder checked the minotaur and then delivered enough blows from his axe to reduce the creature to pixels. "What about Dragon Tamer?"

Thread Rewards

51 Materials 
20600 Col (Monsters) 
4 Teleport Crystals 
400 Col 

Dungeon Rewards

2200 Col = 13(LD) + 9(Floor#) * 100
6 Materials


57 Materials - Takao
22800 Col - Takao
4 Teleport Crystals - Takao

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